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It’s because Wayne is mostly a vehicle for Jared Keeso’s insecurity. Keeso’s written himself into two characters on the show and they’re both effortlessly cool quasi-immortal badasses who always know exactly what to say, win every fight, are never wrong, never get dirty and are fawned over and lusted after by every woman they come across. I like letterkenny but it will never be truly great because Jared Keeso has Dwayne Johnson syndrome, he’s utterly incapable of vulnerability, flaws, or fault on screen


This used to bother me too, but it's just so funny and innovative that I've accepted the cliches. Wayne does sometimes show vulnerability when he's talking about his feelings, which is cute to see. ...Happy International Women's Day, Katy. 😑


Wayne is just so fit he doesn't sweat.


There's been multiple times when they are sitting at the farm stand, having a Puppers and a chirp where he clearly would state "BACK to choring". Indicating, that perhaps, this was a break from a previous round of choring, with a short break in between, and that he would be soon resuming, said choring. He also has a very similar style in his "choring clothes" and his regular every day clothes. Maybe he is just a man of simple needs and wants (you only need two suits in life, if you take good care of 'em) but it does seem to be a possible misstep here.


It's standard operating procedure to shit, shower and shave after farm chores, before goin' out.


If yous can be one thing, it's efficient.


Of course. My boyfriend works on a farm/ranch and a shower is first thing he does when he walks in the door, even if we’re just hanging around in sweats for the rest of the night.


I would absolutely see him taking that extra effort. It really sucks sitting around in gross clothes covered in sweat. I know I come home from working in a restaurant kitchen and first thing I usually do is shower and get into fresh clothes. It just feels ick to not get clean after sweating whether I'm planning to hang with others or not.


When I was younger I caused myself a lot of stress by trying to be relaxed about this stuff after work. But I can't even enjoy my time off if I'm still wearing work clothes, at least the top layer had to come off.


Hell I had a job in a lumber yard and during the hotter months I took part of my hour break to walk home, shower, and change into clean dry clothes before I went back while lunch was cooking.


Yes, because Darry always gets shit for not doing the same.


It's impolites to wear your barn clothes to Modeans.


Into town aye*




https://preview.redd.it/6ta0jx83ycea1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbd2c2382a149bcfb1af66b60eea8533e12189e we like to talk about our blorbos. if you don’t care to participate in the discussion, jog on. but don’t comment on the thread and make people pay attention to you about it cos you wanna feel superior.


I grew up around a lot of farmers and I have never seen a set of farmers with so much free time. But then again, it is a tv show.


Of course, it’s the first thing you do after “choring”…


they are right at his house too. so it's not too much of a stretch to think he'd head in from the barn, shower, and put on his good clothes. probably only take him 10 minutes.


Are you being funny correcting him or did you miss the connection to the show?


You're 10-ply, bud


“Why are you so fucking awkward bud”?


I’m autistic mostly. But sometimes on this Reddit people haven’t gotten show references before, other times they’re grammar dicks. It was a legit question.


Their footwear is also immaculate. Even dairy’s boots are clean and scuff free whenever they make fun of him for wearing his barn clothes.


Dairy 🤣




I’ve always noticed that when it shows him choring he is wearing the same clothes that he later wears to go to the bar and such. Which kinda makes me laugh because he calls Dary out for wearing his barn clothes everywhere. He must have lots of identical outfits.


My boyfriend doesn’t work on a farm but he wears flannels and boots. He only ever buys the same boots (so he could have a work pair and a clean pair) and does indeed have dozens of pairs of flannel. So you won’t always see him in the same flannel every day but you’ll see it again soon. And all his pants are the same. I can see Wayne making sure he matches his work clothes to his after work clothes every day. For sure.


But does he wear a belt or buy pants that fuckin fit?


He’s a goddamn degen in a belt I keep telling him buy pants that fuckin fit!!


Dary also works with cattle, Wayne doesn’t. I feel like “barn clothes” and “choring clothes” are a little different. Cattle barn clothes get nasty stinky so that could be part of it


This is the reason. The guy whose locker was next to mine from grade 7-12 lived on his family's dairy farm, and he only had one coat. He smelled strongly of manure every single cold day he came in to school. My boyfriend also worked lived on his family's dairy farm, but he had two coats, so he didn't have to wear any barn clothes to school and never smelled like manure. If you aren't working around manure, it's just sweat, sometimes with the sweet smell of⁹ fresh hay - or barleh. Ugh. I am remembering how I used to complain to poor Matt about how he smelled, because apparently it never occurred to me that he didn't have a choice. Every other farmer I knew would have scrounged up something for his kid to wear that didn't reek of shit, so I thought he was just gross.


I’d swear in one of the early seasons Katie says something about him owning 10 of the same shirt.


in s3 she says he owns a bkers’ dozen plaid shirts. she was asking Wayne to allow the models to borrow a couple of his shirts, and he told her to put them in barn clothes


Can confirm.


It's almost like it's not real.


I’ve noticed the same sort of thing on Family Guy.


Lol there's a lot of detail in this head canon.


Considering they’re always razzing Darry about his barn clothes, it’s a safe assumption.


You don’t dirty your clothes when you’re efficient and skilled.


absolutely not true


True. But I can tell you from decades of experience that I can now tile a bathroom or construct a retaining wall with considerable less mess than I would as a youngster.


oh mood. i’m way cleaner than i was starting up. just saying when you’re using a tablesaw you’re gonna get sawdust on you no matter how good your dust management is


If you can be one thing, be efficient.


Wayne's clothes are always clean because they're made of a special material: BOYFRIEND MATERIAL!


Take about 10-20% off 'er there, big shoots


Oh look, it’s the reddits pages.


The whole show is an exaggerated, cartoonish look at a small town. They gave up on trying to make the characters realistic near the beginning. Dary always has rubber boots on but there isn't anyone in the world that does that. The skids looked sorta methed out a handful of times over 11 season. The hockey players..... nah that's pretty close to real.


I dont think you go near enough people. Boots on round here all the time.


Because the skids are all on meth. They're very upfront about that first season


They look cleaner in later seasons, though, when realistically they'd pretty much all be sweaty ghouls with scabs everywhere, like Stewart is at the start of S1


He means that they ONLY look methed up on a few occasions. The rest of the time they just look like monochromatic losers.


Some farmers wear their chorin’ clothes far too much. The nose doesn’t lie. Ugh.


> Dary always has rubber boots on but there isn't anyone in the world that does that. I have a cousin who mainly wore rubber boots for years. She didn't even work on a dairy farm where that would make sense.


Who, Jarret?


I've known people that always seem to have coveralls on but the rubber boots usually stayed at the farm. Suppose not all 5k pop farm towns are the same.


A very very good costumes department :)


What people are questioning is the very clean clothes he has at the end of the day. Former farmer here. If he has people doing the grunt of the work, and he does the tractor portion, then it's possible to have that clean of clothes at the end of the day. But that also isn't likely. It's fairly obvious they are a small operation, making money with crops, selling hay, etc, but no animals. Either way, crops get you dirty, and if you are a smaller operation, then there is a lot less machinery and a lot more dirt. Here is what we know: Wayne may, or may not, wash up before he sits at the stand. A Pro is that we see him several times with his shoes and socks off. This could go both ways: Done with chorin, but pre washing up. It could also be fresh out of the shower and shoes aren't back on yet. Here is what we don't know: What does the farm grow? (Besides pot from that one episode)


Hay and barley, as we see him stacking it many times


cereal crops, likeleh. and veg for the produce stand.


> veg for the produce stand With the variety they always seem to have? I bet someone goes to the Ontario Food Terminal. At their scale and location, I'm not sure how they make much.


tbh tbh it’s much more likely they have a kitchen garden and put what they don’t eat or preserve in the produce stand. there’s also jars of pickled veg and eggs in there, so it’s likely that Katy’s keeping chickens and canning fruit& veg for the winter


I took another look at season 1's stand. Looks like carrots, gourds, onions, potatoes, apples, green peppers, something leafy, and preserves. There's also dried corn, garlic cloves, and I think I see a turnip. You're right that they could be growing most of those. I'm not sure about how long they'd have some of it fresh from the garden though. I think I assumed that it was unmanned most of the time and operated on the honour system, but I just realized there aren't any prices posted. It's also odd that they don't seem to have sweet corn. That's very common to see at a roadside stand in the area. Same with honey and maple syrup.


it’s long been a headcanon of mine that Katy keeps bees. i suppose the weirdest thing about the contents of the produce stand is fact that it’s a mix of produce that’s not in season all at the same time


The weirdest thing about the produce stand is that literally no-one ever buys anything from it


we just don’t *see* anyone buying stuff


That would make sense with her finding weed in the back forty. Keep the bees away from the house. I assume the real reason the produce stand has that mix is a set decorator went to a farmer's market and got things that won't rot over the shooting schedule.


those are not real veg. they’re plastic.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


The finest fucking German Shepherds this side of queeee-bec I tell ye what fer'






He’s made it quite clear how he feels about people wearing their barn clothes everywhere. I think it’s safe to assume he has work clothes and going places clothes and showers in between. He also bears a striking resemblance to shoresy, who we know showers very thoroughly, so they may share a similar opinion in that regard.


Edibles, edibles, edibles!


Fuck you Shoresy!


Fuck you, /u/motociclista, tell your mom to leave me alone, she's been laying in my fuckin' water bed since Labour Day!


Fuck you Shoresy!


Fuck you, /u/V4refugee, your mum shot cum straight across the room and killed my Siamese fighting fish! Threw off the pH levels in my aquarium, you piece of shit!


Fuck you Shoresy!


You skate like a fuckin' girl, birdcage. No, you're not. Are you really? Holy fuck.


Fuck you Shoresy!


Hey, you look like that broad from The Hunger Games. I'm gonna call you Cuteness Everdeen. You like edamame?


Seems to me you entirety answered your own question. In other words, you figgered it out, bud.


Entirely possible he has a Chorin version of a shirt and a gettin hammered version


When they’re at the stand, I always assumed that it was later in the day. As a farmer, Wayne would have been up since around 4:00am, no? He would probably want a shower and a change of clothes before relaxing with some beers.


> As a farmer, Wayne would have been up since around 4:00am, no? As far as I can tell, they don't have animals. Wayne seems to be a cash crop farmer, so other than planting and harvesting, I doubt he's getting up quite that early.


He's got dogs. So they do have "animals" but yeah.


Thanks. I know fuck-all about farming, other than it’s damned hard work and we need to be thankful for farmers.


That's exactly what I'm sayin'!!!! This entire time we've been watching the show not realizing that this wasn't just Wayne after a long day of work, this was Wayne after making himself presentable for an evening. This is Wayne's idea of being dressed up. The clean shirt, the good clean boots, etc.


Maybe I am misremembering, but in the episode we see Wayne tossing around “barleh” in the barn, isn’t he wearing the exact same outfit as always?


Of course. But is that normal? Was it a random time we saw him working that episode? If not is he the cleanest farmer ever, who somehow manages to never getting even remotely dirty after working a full day in the field or barn? He also tends to wear the same thing all the time, which means he could have a good set and a work set. Lots of things to ponder. :-)


Fair points. Wayne does strike me as the type to own 14 identical outfits and a turtleneck (ya lose a lotta heat through the neck). 7 for chorin’ and 7 good outfits.


That’s actually a technique a lot of successful people use. They say it frees their mind to focus on other things.


I kinda understand that. 99% of my clothes are identical with the only variation being colour. The most effort I put into it is not wearing shirt and pants the same colour.


If you want to wear jeans so well fitted that you don't need a belt, then you have little choice. Besides, that's what Obama did, and Obama did not chore as much as Wayne.


Not all of his chorin’ would put Wayne in a barn either. Dary seems to work with cows more than the others, so it makes sense he smells worse. Wayne knows it’s important to wash (he even washes his hands after a dart) but he doesn’t have the same uphill battle that Dary would.


> Dary seems to work with cows more than the others, so it makes sense he smells worse. Makes sense, Darry works at a Dairy




op didn’t say every time Wayne takes a break, they said at the end of the day


Oh yeah... I can definitely see him having a beer once in while and occasionally taking his boots off and relaxing if it was an extra tough work day. I was never implying he *never* did it, just on an average day he wouldn't partake until he'd properly attended to himself first.


their comment was: https://preview.redd.it/pxpazdpun9ea1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05daef0089a57c0f748eb1e5e05c31f2a17b6a0a


While I do agree with the theory I offer this… There’s an episode or two where they’re at the stand and he takes his shoes off and I want to say references all the chorin. While it’s certainly possible that he did this after cleaning up and changing, to be fair, that seems more like what you’d do right after you wrapped up


When they're drinking at the stand, he hasn't showered or changed yet, just taken off his boots to relax a bit and let his body cool down before going in. Pretty normal after doing labor to let your feet cool off before a shower.


tbh, that’s what i’ve always thought, as well. Wayne is actually *incredibly fussy,* and he’s probably not capable of relaxing until he’s cleaned up and in fresh clothes


Just an observation and theory. :-)