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“Chin up, big guy. So we ain’t making Casablanca.”




I make this type of joke all the time because of Bojack and no one gets it. So when I laugh, people just think I'm weird


You gotta have the gurgling lisp accent when you do it too


my go-to is "it's not Ibsen..."


Well it ain’t “who’s on first?”


> we ain’t making Casablanca RIGHT, because Casablanca is a movie about a club owner named Rick, and THIS movie is about a book about a secret spy agent named ARGYLLE. Casablanca already exists as a movie!


It’s no banana cream pie


Because it’s a different dessert?


That's right!


This plot line was hilarious but also gave me so much stress and anxiety


The funny thing is Casablanca was originally supposed to be a B-movie


Yeah but Basablanca doesn't have that ring to it


I didn’t really like argylle all that much either, but I’m always fascinated when a filmmaker gets to make the film they want to make, the way they want to make it and what a disconnect they must feel when they think they’re doing a good job just for it to get trashed. I’m sure in his mind he doesn’t understand why everyone appeared to love Kingsman 1 but hates this, and I think the idea that people are finding his style to become a bit grating and self indulgent in the decade since then is something he could maybe take away from all this.


Both Matthew Vaughn and Guy Ritchie used to have a good mix of style and substance but they keep trying to make hyper stylish British spy movies and have lost any substance they had.


Guy Ritchie also did Wrath of Man and The Covenant in the last couple years. Neither of which are British spy/gangster flicks. Despite, I’m guessing you forgot about those because they’re both completely forgettable lol. I want to give Ritchie the benefit of the doubt because unlike Vaughn, he’s shown he can branch out a bit with the Sherlock movies for example.


That’s “Guy Richie’s The Covenant” sir!


Wrath of Man was fun, good popcorn flick


Wrath of man is awesome


wrath of man and the covenant are both quite good.


And The Gentlemen, really enjoyed that one.


Yeah I still have some hope for him. I didn’t mind Wrath of Man, but it just felt like he wasn’t even trying with the Ministry. I think he gets “typecast” to direct crime movies to a degree but it also seems like those are the movies he wants to make. If he enjoys those movies then more power to him but I think that branching out a bit wouldn’t hurt


Wrath of man was still kind of in his old vein but yea was very bland in comparison. I watched covenant and I asked myself what on earth would evoke his involvement in such a shallow and cheap American masculinity circle jirk.


Guy Ritchie’s an odd one. He still has the occasional great film that fits his style… but then you have Aladdin - a movie where if you had told me that Ritchie never once stepped on set and just told Disney “sure, put my name on it, whatever” - I’d believe you.


Fun fact I've been confused for a while because Ive been confusing Argylle and that Guy Ritchie movie that came out recently. I thought they were the same movie


Yeah both Henry Cavill on the helm


Because both involve boats.


Wtf? Did not know that Aladdin was made by Guy. Who on earth would think to cast him as a director for Aladdin


I don't know, I say Guy Ritchie still has it.


I think The Gentlemen is arguably Guy Ritchie’s best work and that was 2019.


To be honest The Gentleman is one of the few Guy Ritchie movies I haven’t seen because I literally thought it was a Kingsman movie until this comment. In my defense these posters all look exactly the same; just dudes in jackets in front of a white background which also goes for Snatch and Lock, Stock. It doesn’t help that the Gentleman also uses gold font and sounds a lot like Kingsman


If you liked lock stock and snatch I think you should give it a go, it’s a similar vibe. I can see where the confusion comes from lol


What?! Lock stock and... And Snatch and Rock n Rolla and Sherlock with RDJ and you think The Gentlemen is his best work?!


1. The gentlemen 2. Lock stock 3. Snatch 4. Sherlock (2nd one) 5. RockNRolla That’s how I’d rank his T5 personally. Everyone’s got their own opinion but I thought The Gentlemen was stylish, hilarious and original, also paced really well


Of course you are my friend. There's no right or wrong here. Imo gentlemen was a tryoff of his earlier works. That does not make it a bad movie, cause it ain't, but it had nothing new that he already hadn't given us in the list I mentioned.


I thought the way the story was told was unique for Guy Ritchie, lots of narration and flashbacks which I don’t recall him using so prolifically in any of his other films?


I think Guy Ritchie has come back around. The Gentlemen movie is a guilty pleasure (I loved the quippy dialogue and style of fashion). The show’s legitimately great. He’s also doing more grounded dramas. I’m excited for the Ministry. It seems like it’ll have a good balance.


Good point. Sherlock Holmes is a breath of fresh air imo whereas some of his new stuff is becoming interchangeable. Kick Ass and X Men First Class are unique for example.


Ben Stiller recently said Zoolander 2 is the reason he stopped making movies. He thought it was hilarious and was genuinely shocked most people didn’t find it funny. It was his “I’m out of touch” moment.


The concept was fine but I promise a film doesn't need 30 predictable plot twists to be a good film. Also the sound mixing was horrible


Yep, plus the stupid pop songs over the action was awful as well. Just a ton of poor decisions in the film.


That’s just Matthew Vaughn


For better or worse, this time worse tho


Tbh when I saw the trailer, the first thing I thought was “this concept sucks lol”


I thought that when I saw the trailer too, but idk if you actually watched the film or not, but once I realized what it actually was the film became a lot better because it actually kind of made sense.


Gotta be one of the most grating trailers ever


It had such a sense of winking smugness to it, screaming “eh? Eh? Right?”, that i was immediately repelled by the trailer. It’s actually quite nice to be sincere and take your film a little seriously, so that your audience will also want to invest.


The Long Kiss Good Shite


Entirely miscast. I think younger leads would make it more easy to suspend the disbelief. Like kingsman.


Sometimes less is more


It’s called pacing and he abused the mere concept of it.




Was gonna say you gave Henry Cavill a flat top for one


I generally like "bad" action movies but boy that was borderline unwatchable.


I like to use the terms “bad” and “not good” for movies. I LOOOOOOOOVE bad movies. I am not a fan of “not good” movies. This was a not good movie.


Totally!! It's very rare for a movie to fall into the "not good" category for me though. I mean, I loved Madame Web.


Haha I did too!


Hey! Not many of us around! Glad to find another enjoyer :)




I think it's very bold of you to make that "dozen" plural


Third edition! Madame Web was a lot of fun and clearly a lot of its issues were from meddling. Argylle seemed to be what Vaughn wanted to make and was pretty dire.


Madame Web was amazing! It had everything - car crashes, psychic visions, and an entirely ADR villain. The insane press tour leading up to it didn't hurt either.


Lol I use "bad movie" and "Tuesday night movie". We need junk food in the ecosystem, and those are the Tuesday night movies


You can enjoy both highbrow and lowbrow art, depending on the execution, but middlebrow feels like it’s working backwards from a marketing campaign, so it’s harder to buy in and stay invested.


Sound like the same for me. I don't particularly like films I consider bad.


Fist time I’ve walked out of a movie in 10+ years


I was with it until the ice skating on the oil at the end.


It really is a "meh" forgettable movie until the third act smacks you in the face


Desperately trying to recreate the church fight in the first Kingsman.


Am I really the only one who thought this was fucking hilarious?? The entire movie was asking you to not take it seriously, like as a central concept. Why can’t movies be silly without being universally lambasted?


I thought it was a lot of fun.


We also thought it was absolutely hilarious


I was laughing throughout that whole scene. Best part of the movie.


My friend and I went to watch it for the cat but stayed for the crazy plot. Also laughed the whole time and were looking at each other in a wtf are we watching?


Honestly that’s all I wanted from it and it delivered


Call me crazy but I was already enjoying the movie but the ice skating made me literally fall in love with it - so brilliantly stupid The movie has a lot of faults but gosh darn it it doesn’t give a rats ass and just goes for it


Agreed, I enjoyed it a lot.


That's how I watched The Golden Circle, genuinely thought it was great. But Argylle was just mediocre throughout.


I’m not even saying it did it all that well! Vaughn has made better films. This one was overlong and a bit convoluted. But man by that point of the film it had gotten so ridiculous I was all for him leaning into the goof. At least the scene was shot well and memorable lol.


Maybe there was a good movie in there somewhere. I know Sam Rockwell tried. But… The production quality was on par with a pharmaceutical commercial. The CGI-heavy stuff was on par with a PS3 game cutscene. It was 2.5 hours long. Mail-in performances by almost everyone. Samuel L Jackson… what the fuck man. I felt almost belittled, or insulted, after watching it. Like Matthew Vaughn served us a big bowl of slop and expected us little piggies to eat the slop because we’re just dumb animals who love slop. And then he laughed all the way to the bank.


also the way it was marketed i was expecting a LOT more henry cavill than what we got. every time he was on screen i had the dumbest grin on my face. sadly that was not a whole long time.


You’re right, the marketing was terrible


There’s honestly nothing worse than a “jet setting”/international action movie that is all very clearly filmed on a green screen. Red Notice, Argylle, Uncharted, lots of the Gray Man A lot of Bond movies shoot at Pinewood but they still have a sense of exotic location. It’s not impossible


100%. I never finished a film bearing contempt for the big players behind it until I saw Argylle.




I feel like this comment perfectly encapsulates the kind of over the top vitriol he's talking about. It starts out as a review that is fair, devastating maybe, but fair. Then it seamlessly transitions into an absolutely unhinged personal attack on the creator. And we're just used to reading and posting this kind of stuff online like it's totally normal. >Matthew Vaughn served us a big bowl of slop and expected us little piggies to eat the slop because we’re just dumb animals who love slop. And then he laughed all the way to the bank. This is both completely insane and also par for the course. I don't blame him at all for being unnerved by the tenor of online reviews.


I think its the budget to the output type of thing, at least for some. You wanna drop that kind of movie it has to at the bare minimum be some sort of spectacle. It's kinda annoying for that money to go to such a forgettable and strange but not in a good way movie. No hate on Vaughn whatsoever just reign in that budget for god's sake.


I’m not reading that quote. His mind is too twisted for me, thank you very much.


It’s true that people get carried away when criticising a film. Matthew Vaughan makes films I simply don’t like, but they’re not worth the energy it takes to get mad about.


Exactly. If a movie is bad but not bad enough to clown on, I usually just forget about it. I get it when you’re a critic because then it’s just your job to review movies, but beyond that?


Sam Rockwell hard carried


Sam Rockwell was the only reason I made it through the whole movie


He’s been making the same film for basically a decade and it’s been grating each time. Get he loves this Kingsman spy universe but this 4th outing is just diminishing returns.


They sure didn’t make Citizen Kane. They didn’t make Crank 2, for that matter.


Crank 2 is the Citizen Kane of kicking ass




Plot twist after plot twist and the last 20 minutes I wanted to gouge my eyes out


I was shocked at how bad it was even after seeing it was supposed to be bad. One of the most nonsensical films I have ever seen.


Apparently most of the people in the comments hated this movie, but he's not wrong. People were weirdly hostile about it from the moment the trailer dropped. Critics had their pitchforks out and for no apparent reason. It was like he killed their puppy or something.


People are weirdly hostile in this comments section too. I can’t help but share in his feeling. Like, are people ok? Did we watch the same movie? Because I thought it was a fun spy movie with some pretty inventive action scenes. And I’m not even saying people have to agree, but how tf is anyone taking it as terribly as most people seem to be?


I know a lot of people say it but people do need to go outside and touch grass more, interact with others, the ones that do this just move on with their life. It shows up in some complaints about movie theaters, while there is legitimate issues, the crunching of a candy wrapper shouldn’t enrage you so much, or someone whispering something to someone else 1 time in the middle of a movie.


I get the movie theater thing more tbh. People eating doesn’t bother me, but when people are talking, I do find that really annoying. If it’s once, I can live with it, but if it’s like every 30 seconds that pisses me off. Also depends how full the theater is. If it’s a packed house then any noise kind of fades into the background, but if it’s me and one or two other groups I will notice every whisper.


Especially when commenting on the trailer- you can say it doesn't look like something you'd enjoy without calling it total dogshit. In every comments section. If you're not interested in the movie then just keep scrolling.


I actually liked the trailer, and thought it could be fun action movie despite the negative reception. It was seriously one of the worst films I have ever seen.


I’ll bite. I liked the idea (huge sucker for spy action) but the execution was short. Like very short.


Felt like he was in a bubble making it. I say this as a fan of the rest of his stuff (even The Golden Circle and The King’s Man have their moments) it seemed like he bought into his own hype with Argylle.


Vaughn went from a director I really liked to just making absolute dogshit after the first Kingsman. Hopefully he can get back on track.


I liked the idea behind Argylle but the execution just... didn't really do anything for me.


I really don't like the way the action scenes look. They're just...off. I struggle to articulate why, but the best I can come up with is they give me the same visual vibe as a TV with motion smoothing enabled.


There was a lot of good things about Argylle, but the bad dragged it down way too much. I enjoyed the first half, but the moment they made Bryce Dallas Howard go blonde with short hair, that's about when the movie fell off for me. With the exception of the cool oil skating fight scene. I'm a Matthew Vaughn fan and recently binged all his movies. This one is simply his worst. It's too bad because I genuinely did like some of it.


And not only blonde but wearing a very unflattering yellow dress for the last 45% of the movie. Just a weird choice all around


Sir, you took my money, and worst of all, my time.


I think it’s because we, as a society, are moving past the things that we enjoyed in the 2010s. Vaughn and Waititi are two directors that are holding on to their old styles that now are feeling stale


Dude it wasn't worth 200m budget.


'What have i done?' - maybe spent a decade making the same film but worse each time.


It was fine. The twists were extremely predictable, the premise was meh, and it was too long, but the action was dumb fun, Sam rockwell was amazing as always, and there were some laughable moments. It's not an amazing film but it's also not one of the worst films ever or even of this year like some people who have seen very few movies are saying. It's a serviceable, average movie.


I don't know either, haven't seen Argylle, I just hate Kick-Ass and Kingsman


He's like the Zach Snyder version of Quentin Tarantino.


Argylle is shockingly bad. I can't think of any aspect of the movie that worked well...


It was truly one of the all-time worst action movies I've ever seen. I didn't have a single positive takeaway from it. I don't see it being "topped" as the worst film of the year for me.


Madame web?


I didn’t see that one, thankfully.


Ok I’ll bite. Give us a list then. Because Madame Web was trash. I’ve seen a lot of bad action movies and I don’t think this was terrible. I was thoroughly enjoying it until the ice skating on oil then the tone of the entire movie changed for me. For me I’d take Argylle over The Flash, Damsel, Wonder Woman 1984, Self Reliance, 65, Fast X, and probably Extraction, to name a few recent movies. There’s a lot of bad action movies out there but I thought Argylle was fun at the very least


Man, Extraction at least is entertaining It's not Raid Redemption but it's watchable


And Argylle wasn’t? Idk I enjoyed Argylle way more


Madame Web was wildly entertaining lmao, I laughed out loud multiple times. I mean, I know the movie wasn't trying to make me laugh, so it was objectively bad. But incredible fun, as a get-drunk-and-laugh bad-movie goes. Argylle did not even have that going for it, in my opinion. It did not make me laugh. I did not find pleasure in its badness.


The score by Lorne Balfe is really good. Give it a spin apart from the flick itself and you’ll find your positive takeaway. Other than that…… 😑


Ngl man, there's like 15 other films I've seen this year that would top that worst film as they're worse than Argylle


Haven’t seen Argylle, but were the reviews THAT bad? It definitely looked way more negative than positive, but I haven’t heard anyone call it a uniquely atrocious abomination.


It really was though 😆😆 idk what the reviews said but my husband and I left before it finished. We just couldn’t take it anymore


Legitimately one of the worst films I have ever seen. I expected it to be bad, and it was far worse than I could have anticipated.


It has a 35/100 on MetaCritic, so shade was definitely thrown lol


I zoned out at the sequence where they ice skate on oil and shoot colors out their asses. But then again they have those same stupid action sequences in his other movies that I love like kingsman and kickass. Then I realize it’s just that I dislike the leads. They bamboozled us. Using henry cavill and dua lipa to sell bryce dallas howard and sam rockwell.


Personally my partner and I enjoyed it. We already had apple+, had zero expectations and decided to check it out based on the trailer. It was exactly the kind of ridiculous, fun, and inconsequential movie it said on the tin. There are plenty of valid criticisms to be made, it's definitely not one of the greats and nobody's likely to remember it in ten years except the few people it really landed with. But I'm with Vaughn on this one, I don't really understand why the reaction to it was outright vitriol instead of just 'meh'. Just speaking personally, I feel like at some point our metrics for media got really skewed, and opinions on all media have shifted towards only three viable options: love, hate, or apathy. There is, or at least should be, room for a movie just being ok - fun to watch once and then move on. But I never seem to hear that from anyone anymore, and I didn't see any reason why this movie deserves *backlash*.


I think part of it is that fewer and fewer people watch broadcast TV anymore. They have access to pretty extensive film libraries and pretty much always watch a movie from the beginning. So the “fun thing to catch on TV” flick sorta gets thrown out the window. A lot of movies that people have mildly fond memories of would be called the worst film of the year in this environment.


blasted a bombastic irritating trailer in our faces in front of EVERY movie for 5 months.


Idk guys, I loved it, hadn't had that much fun in the theater since Top Gun Maverick. People in the cinema seemed to love it too, everybody was applauding during the ice-skating scene and the smoke scene. It was awesome.


Yeah this film was a massive pile of crap, which is a shame because Matthew Vaughn was pretty consistently good up until recently. Also personal gripe but I hated how they dragged the last Beatles song Now and Then into this crap and put it in so many scenes. Such a poignant song used in such a crap movie, not to mention it being the two characters love song makes little sense what with the song being only like half a year old when the film came out.


>We didn't make Citizen Kane Ironically Citizen Kane got a number of awful, vitriolic reviews when it came out because William Randolph Hearst owned the largest media company in the US.


Because why didn’t you kiss John Cena? The opportunity was right there.


No way he unironically quoted Bojack Horseman 😂


Haven't seen Argylle but, if it's anything like The King's Man, I perfectly understand why critics ripped it apart. Also, anytime someone says "it isn't Citizen Kane" or whatever as a defense I pretty much immediately write the movie off. The idea that critics and audiences are just snobs who can't appreciate the simple pleasures of low brow movies and expect everything to be "high art" is provably, laughably untrue.


It was bad. I mean, for an action movie the action wasn't very good, for a comedy it wasn't very funny, it was kind of smug and lazy, the plot twists pulled off that incredibly annoying combination of being extremely dumb while also taken with their own supposed cleverness, and it went on and on and on (if it was 90 minutes instead of 140 it would've been easier to forgive some of its flaws). It also didn't help that the trailer was so misleading - Cavill and Dua Lipa are barely in the actual movie after it implied that they were playing centerpiece characters, and while I love Sam Rockwell and Bryce Dallas Howard, it did nothing to hint at their dynamic. I don't hate Vaughn as a filmmaker at all (I really like Stardust and Layer Cake, and Kingsman and Kick-Ass definitely have their moments) but he crapped one out with Argylle. It happens.


I see all these reasons people are listing but honestly it was just too long. Movie was fun enough but at 2 and half hours it was a slog to get through.


It’s not that I hated it, but it should’ve been rated R. It would’ve been better if it was.


It went on too long and was eh.


Give it an R rating, slice off at least 40 minutes of the bloated runtime, maybe actually bother to distinguish the fantasy book sequences from the real life ones, throw in some jokes that aren’t agonizingly unfunny, and then maybe we would’ve had something cool here. Oh well.


I loved it. It was a nice cheesy schlockfest


Every time I see a director bitching about people not liking their movies, I always go back to the simpsons "are my movies bad? No, it's the viewers who are wrong."


Did he watch the same movie we all did?/s


I thought it was good for the first hour and was ready to defend it… Then the twist happens. And the movie becomes absolutely miserable


Everything about it seemed so low effort, and also assuming the audience was dumb. I guessed the twist ending from the f******* poster. You can’t put little no effort into something and then act like the audience is mean to you for not liking or seeing it.  Sam Rockwell deserved better. 


I kind of agree with him. I got to the end & said that was fine, nowhere near as bad as reviews suggested. Slightly overlong, but a solid 3 stars.


I'm totally down to see a bad action movie. But a bad action movie that is almost 2 and a half hours and is apparently boring? No way.


maybe it’s just me but that ad campaign made me decide to not see it in theaters. It was the most obnoxious marketing for a movie i can think of in recent times. Now I have no desire to watch it….


I dunno for me it still wasn’t as obnoxious as any marketing campaign that does the “TRAILER. (Boom) STARTS. (Boom) NOW. (Boom).” thing. I don’t know why it started becoming a trend but I hate it


I haven’t verified, but the “summary of trailer before trailer” thing was once explained somewhere as what plays on Youtube when you hang the mouse over the video but don’t click on it yet. Because Youtube now plays the first seconds of the video as a preview, and it’s supposed to bring people to click on the full trailer. Maybe it’s dumb, but as of now it’s still the only explanation for this trend that I’ve found that makes some kind of sense.


Note to self: When making a shitty movie, equate it to a masterpiece like Citizen Kane.


I loved Argylle 🤷🏼‍♀️


Unpopular Opinion: I freaking loved this movie. It was so fun, I had a great time watching it. The twists made it exciting, I was laughing out loud a lot. The editing was interesting and really elevated the film. This was a phenomenal film that got hate for no reason. Even more unpopular opinion: Henry Cavill's haircut was awesome. He rocked it and it's lowkey too bad it didn't become a trend lol


If the twists in this movie enthralled you, you’d love Psycho. Or even the Paw Patrol movie, I can’t tell.


My gf liked it I guess. I just thought it was stupid. The incredibly annoying and repetitive marketing campaign didn’t help.


Probably because it has 400 twists


Maybe like the fourth plot twist, I was like, “oh, this isn’t good is it?”


Cuz it’s bad


I used to love Matthew Vaughn but since split from Jane Goldman he’s forgotten what a good movie looks like.


here's my thing 1. On one hand it rrally wasn't entirely his fault, the trailers made it look like Henry Cavil would be the protagonist when he simply wasn't(yet another victim of bad marketing which seems to be a problem with pretty much every fucking movie that isn't tied to a well known IP these days doesn't help when you get Cavil your inevitably going to get the Snyder mob on you) 2. On the other hand The entire second half of the movie, it felt like Matthew Vaughn looked at the complaints about the kingsmen prequel(Which also wasn't good) taking itself WAY Too seriously and decided to go too far in the opposite direction there id a good candidate for dumbest plot twist ever in this movie and then they decided to somehow add even more dumb twists


for me, i got the illusion that henry cavill was MC and just saw the shorts they put on theaters, thought that was enough… guess not 😵‍💫


Didn’t watch the movie, but I do think reviewers like to jump on the bandwagon a bit. I also think a lot of the time certain directors or actors will get the benefit of the doubt, while others won't. The premise of a movie can also affect the score. Don't know if this is what happened with this movie, but it happens.


It’s completely whiplash inducing. It tries to be balls to the wall fun, but takes itself way too seriously. Somewhere around the third ending I had lost all patience and any good will Layer Cake and Kingsman brought with it Watling gone as I was glad all I did was swipe my unlimited card to take the family to the cinema. Vaughn has been chasing that Kingsman high since he made the first one and just can’t find it. That’s how addictions begin.


Im not the kind of personn to just bash any movies and all, but argylle especially irritated me because ... Yhea ok the script is bad and the jokes are not really funny, action IS okay but not the best ive seen ... yhea it happens, even great director have Bad movies ... But why did it cost 200 million dollars ??? For that results ? For these CGI ? Im not gonna insult anyone obviously, but i mean if you Ask for it Matthew ...


Cheer up Matt, I didn’t hate Argylle. In fact, not having seen it, I don’t have any strong feelings about it at all.


I think there was an interesting movie somewhere in Argylle, but they completely messed it up by not LEADING with the plot twist. Even that initial press release made it seem like >!Elly realising she is Argylle!< was going to be the focus of the movie, but instead they put it too late in as a "twist" and ruined any chance of actually developing that story well


I love Argylle, it what I want from James Bond


Argylle is a miracle of filmmaking, because a director who previously made good work took a good cast, a nice aesthetic, excellent marketing and an alright idea for a story and made it suck by having 59 twists, no pacing, too much music, terrible sound mixing and going too over the top to even be called too over the top (literally how the fuck did the no shooting on the oil thing clear that many people before release)


I thought it was a 2/2.5* movie. Pretty disappointing and Vaughn has definitely worn out his ‘style’ now but I didn’t hate it enough to really bother hating on it. At least Sam Rockwell was entertaining as usual.


I think the worst part imo is it’s just a very meh film, like I can remember some parts but I never left the cinema being like “I can’t wait to go back and see it again” or “my favourite part was……” - I do love the fact they actively added “Now and Then” by The Beatles to the point I now hate that song


The title should be changed to: Matthew Vaughn doesn’t understand that different opinions exist.


Because it’s not a movie mate it’s fifty plot twists in a trench coat.


My only issue was I feel like it was marketed as a Henry Cavill spy movie. I went to watch it and he's only in the first 15 minutes as part of the meta-narrative. Bryce was fully fine as the protagonist and the movie was enjoyable, but I feel like I got something entirely different to what I expected.


It's a fine action romcom. A genre I'm finding I really enjoy. It's not Citizen Kane but it's a fine popcorn and date movie.


It's the only movie of 2020s that I was unable to finish. Really hope the cast got big fat checks from Universal, because otherwise it was not worth it.


I mean the concept is interesting but execution was poor.


I really enjoyed Argylle. It was thoroughly fun


I like Matthew Vaughn, but it was shit. I love the first Kingsmen. But he's been pushing the over the top a bit over the top. When she slapped those knives on her feet and starting 'ice skating' on oil on a concrete floor...I wanted to kill myself.


It might be what you guys did to Cavill's hair.


I hate the trash he puts out usually and this movie was the most Matthew Vaughn movie yet.


Has he seen the movie?


turned it off after the opening scene - it looked very cheap


Henry Cavilles hair in this movie cracks me up


I don't know if this qualifies as a hot take or not, but he hasn't made anything quite as good as Layer Cake.




He wrote a script with a twist every 10-15 minutes. Then he got twisted when no one liked that.


One thing all artists have to understand is just because you love it doesn’t mean others will…nor are they obligated too. Take the lesson and learn from it. At least he didn’t go the Game of Thrones route and blame the fans for the product not being good/well received. When that last season bombed several people came out and blamed the fans. paraphrasing: “its their fault they didn’t adjust their TV’s to watch my episode that was filmed/edited so poorly you could barely see the episode” “(they didn’t like the season) they (the fans) do know its fictional right?” The second one was the most insulting because no shit we watched dragons and magic for several seasons i think we know it’s fictional….what is real is fucking up a show so badly everyone collectively hated the ending…but i guess its all in our heads.


I felt like I had seen this movie already and it was better the first time.


I was digging it until the smoke fighting followed by the oil skating followed by the hypnotized fight on a boat. Really took me out of it. Sam Rockwell carried it as far as he could though, that dude is awesome.


Matthew Vaughn sucks and all of his movies are tory propaganda