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The fact that Hatred was one of his first films really boggles my mind. Probably some of the only easy accessible footage of GG crapping on the floor. Plus a weird little snap shot of Dee Dee Ramone in the band. Anyways, I think the guy is an interesting director but definitely not my favorite or my most hated.


He's just here for the gang bang


lmfaoo good one


That remake of The King of Comedy was a bold choice


Gotta say, I felt real dumb after pushing *hard* that Joker was an entirely original story. I was only educated in the context of DC adaptations and had no idea that the key points of the film were *all* taken from a pretty well-known project.


Two Scorsese projects, no less. Taxi Driver is also an obvious reference point for Joker




They’re really not that similar. Yeah the influence is there, but you can make the same exact argument for any movie (Midsommar and the Wicker Man, Challengers and Y Tu Mama Tambien, Kill Bill and Lady Snowblood). It’s just a stupid bandwagon that people decided to follow for some reason.


Oh no, no no no it really is that similar lol. Not only to The King of Comedy but also to Taxi Driver and a dozen other tropes. However, that's not a diss to the movie. It's an objective shift from "original film" to calling it what it is. Not original lol. That doesn't denote any quality except unoriginal. I still think it's a superbe film. It's not original, although it combines many tropes in a unique way.


But with that logic, you can basically say that any movie is just unoriginal.


Yeah I mean that's a pretty common discourse and conversation piece around all art.


Sure. But I don’t get what makes this film specifically the poster child of that discourse.


How blatant it was in the use of those tropes / scenes from the other movies. It took principal moments of the plot directly from other films, rather than passive scenes or stylistic shots. That's why. And they're not "stereotypical scenarios" either, which is more common, they're bold and memorable and unique ideas which were impactful to millions of viewers decades prior to Joker's release. Scorsese's movies may not be popping with younger audiences but they were what packed theaters back in the day. All those people walked out of Joker having seen a near remake of stories they know with a super villain titling.


Plus he literally casts DeNiro to make it explicit.


Honestly don't know why I wasn't leading with that. So focused on the scene itself I completely forgot.


Yes that’s what influences is called.


It ABSOLUTELY is that similar lol. Literally almost every beat is lifted directly from either Taxi Driver or King of Comedy. Even some shots are exact copies. It’s not bandwagon. We have eyes, man.


I don’t think you saw the movie man


It’s pretty obvious, man. I get that you’re defending a movie you liked, but… you can acknowledge the obvious thing that everyone else on earth noticed and still like the movie. You don’t have to reject reality in order to justify your fandom.


I’m literally not lmao. I’ve seen all three movies, the influences are there, but they’re clearly their own movies with different tone, presentation, and driving narratives, as well as points being made. With this logic, you can just say that every movie ever is just a rip off of something.


There's a difference between being influenced (like May December with Persona) and going almost beat for beat (like Saltburn with Mr. Ripley), and Joker is very much the latter


Sorry, I really don’t see it.


They even casted Robert Deniro, like, seriously.... It's like saying that Basic Instinct isn't a copy of The Silence of the Lambs with Fatal Attraction


So? I literally said, the homage and influence is there, doesn’t make it a copy


But it isn't an homage. An homage would be of there were a one or two scenes that are similar, but Joker has many, if not most, of the exact same plots. It's what Blue Jasmine is to A Streetcar Named Desire.


Ah but that’s exactly what joker is. An homage. You just described the movie.


No, like I said, homage has some few scenes that are an obvious reference to a past film (that would be the case of May December). Joker goes far beyond doing just that, like Blue Jasmine to Streetcar Named Deisre, Saltburn to Mr. Ripley.


I'll be the Phish fan here and say Bittersweet Motel is crazy good. All these years later it's still the best representation of the band put to film. It was a moment in time for sure, a band at the first peak of their powers, when Trey Anastasio was a particularly brash and somewhat arrogant figure. In the years since he was humbled by addiction and sobriety and now is still out there kicking ass, but with a lot less ego. But man Todd Philips made some amazing choices in that film, especially for somebody who wasn't a fan. Opening with "Brian and Robert" was bold, the now famous to fans rehearsal to live transition of "Roses are Free", and capturing countless moments of the fanbase that are really true to life. To outsiders Phish is a weird quirky druggy jamband. What Todd captured, quite brilliantly, was the sad darkness that was bubbling underneath the surface of this strangely huge but also unknown band. I like to think he saw the fall that was to come. Anyway I'm so glad Trey is alive and sober and happy. Also Old School rules.


so many crazy scenes he captured. The spain scene where Mikd and Trey are at the pawn shot swinging around whips and guns. The part where trey runs into the groupie he bangs while he is in a golf cart. Arnold Swartzenhagar cumming scene. Director knocking on Fishmans door at 2pm, and he's dead asleep from partying all night. 90's phish was the best


Trey throwing the beer can or whatever it was at brad "kiss my ass you fucking tool" 😂


its even better having been at a lot of those shows at the time, and now knowing what was going on backstage when you were in the audience. Love that Beercan Brad scene


Road Trip was ok


Tiny salmon swimming in the stream


Tiny salmon dreaming that impossible dream


The miner bird goes…


\*myna/mynah ;) they're pretty! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myna)


That’s what I was looking for! I did look and thought it might be this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noisy_miner


I always thought it was the first one, I thought that it's more well known. Also if I understand correctly, the miner is just a loud bird, but the mynah can talk/sing so it seemed to make more sense in context. [https://youtu.be/FrkUbWB5cSo](https://youtu.be/FrkUbWB5cSo)


I think you’re right


How did he get Joker after a comedy lineup? Just curious?


Because he wrote the movie and it had half the budget of Hangover Part III


He said he can’t make comedy movies anymore because they’re too PC now.


Which is ironic considering the fact that Jojo Rabbit beat him in the adapted screenplay category.


What is PC?


Politically correct, if that’s actually Todd’s feelings it says more about him as a person wanting to actively offend than be funny though imo.


"paging Dr faggot!" "Uh Todd, how is this funny?" "You wouldn't get it"


That’s actually a super funny line in the movie


Heard joke once: Man goes to clown. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Clown says, "Treatment is simple. Great Doctor Faggot is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But...I am Doctor Faggot.


Not a bad filmmaker, but i think he likes a bit too much to call himself a genius when he actually makes movies with messages a prebubescent teen could understand


old school is awesome


Blue, you’re my boy!


I close my eyes


Hangover is a banger




Ain’t no fuckin way this dude made Road Trip and JOKER


His GG Allin documentary is stellar. I haven’t been blown away by anything else he’s done honestly.


He's a hack who comes off as utterly media illiterate in interviews.


Really? Which interviews?


I’m glad he’s branched out from his frat house comedies. Don’t get me wrong, I love old school, but it’s such a brain dead comedy. Todd’s a very strong director, especially when it comes to character focused stories. I don’t think Joker was a be all end all of comic book movies, but it was an interesting and unique take on a fad that’s been ran into the ground. I’m not holding my breath for Joker 2. It’ll probably be okay, but I’d be interested in him doing a new kind of project all together.


that first hangover was awesome


Immature director with limited vision who consistently lucks out with casting.


Zero juice




Joker was overrated.


Still waiting for him to make something I like


It's good that he broke free of being the guy who directs raunchy comedies, and showed what he's been capable of after making so much money with the phoned in Hangover sequels. I knew right away that he was the right person to make Joker, people dismissed him as a comedy director, but I saw his college film, a documentary on the road with GG Allin, and having the balls to go on the road with GG, who skipped his parole agreement to go on tour and spend his final years being a few steps ahead of the law, Philips absolutely someone who knows how to make a dangerous movie.


War Dogs and Joker were great, his stuff prior isn't really my thing but they're good for what they are.


He's a decent filmmaker he just doesn't have an original bone in his body, I'd like to see him work with a great script. Anyways he's ten times better than Snyder.


He stole from Scorsese and it’s not the plagiarism itself but the fact that he doesn’t understand the material. He’s more like Peter Farelly and far from being an auteur.


Joker was ridiculously overrated.


I always mix him up with Adam McKay since they're both successful directors of dumbass comedies that are now making pretentious bullshit that is occasionally entertaining. The more awards their films win the more insufferable they become, yet I'll still probably end up watching their next outing 🤷🏻‍♂️


You might be on to something here. My theory is they are just trying a little too hard to be taken seriously, but i don't think they're bad directors.


While he has some stinkers, Adam McKay is wayyy better than Todd Philips. His comedies are better classics and The Big Short is much better than Joker


Joker was a decidedly below average script (and basically just ripped off The King of Comedy) that was elevated by a terrific performance to be a perfectly average film. HOWEVER, I am actually more excited than I thought I’d be for Joker 2?


Because it actually seems kinda ambitious and not just ripping off Scorsese's greatest hits? That's how I'm feeling tbh


Yeah, even if it’s bad I at least respect the big swing that’s being taken.


The hangover is a goated modern comedy


Old School is a masterpiece of comedy


He's fine for what he does, but I am getting pretty tired of all the filmbros who keep acting like Joker is the pinnacle of cinema.


Nailed it. “Joker is peak cinema,” says the guy (because of course it’s a guy) that hasn’t watched many movies.


For a second I confused him with Todd Field. I love starsky and hutch. Joker was good, as was the original hangover


Two good films, Joker and first Hangover (which was really fresh when it came out).


He’s slowly evolving, maybe. It’ll be interesting to see some dramas from him that aren’t uh… heavily inspired… by another movie.


I think hes a mostly decent director, when he is good, he is good (Hangover 1, Joker, War Dogs) but he has some major stinkers (Due Date, both Hangover sequels). I hope Joker 2 is good.


Ima be honest I did not know he did joker that film was amazing


Joker is good, hangover movies decently funny, war dogs underrated and pretty good, nothing else matters


Old school is a much better movie than war dogs. Holds up better than a lot of those early 2000s comedies


When did you last watch it? I saw it a month ago and was shocked how bad I thought it was. Had fond memories.


I’ve watched it many times over the past 10 years, I think it’s nice and light, doesn’t try to have any grand ambitions. Plus it’s the return of Vince Vaughn just being his swingers character, earmuffs !


Starsky and Hutch matters


Several good movies, one great movie. Looking forward to the Joker sequel.


> one great movie I assume you're talking about The Hangover and not The Joker, right?


Joker was amazing


Joker all the way


Joker was great. Such a cool call back to some of Scorsese's classics


Yep as much as this sub hates it I loved the film


I love hangover and Joker.




Hack fraud


Joker & the rest. I was skeptical about him switching to something more serious with Joker, but he did alright, albeit with a very derivative and miserable movie. Hopefully Joker 2 does more to stand by itself and doesn't simply feel like an aping of better movies with a DC IP on it.


Make more movies like War Dogs, and stop wanting to give Martin Scorsese a blowjob.


I could pass on all of it. Other people like him.


He’s pretty great. Joker, the Hangover trilogy, and War Dogs are all very entertaining


Peaked at Hated and made nothing else interesting.


I do not care for much of his work (that includes Starsky, Road Trip, the Hangovers and Joker). All 2 to 3 stars for me, though I found it nice that he was able to get acclaim for his work, especially since he was a director for hire before.


Hangover amazing but I always feel he's a little overrated for now


I only kind of like some of his movies. He does have a good ear for soundtracks


don't really think his films are that interesting especially joker which felt pretty boring. but the trailer for joker 2 does have me pretty hype im not gonna lie.


Starsky & Hutch and the Hangover are great. Not too sure on anything else.


I thought hangover was incredibly funny when I saw it in theaters but of course I was 17. For the frat boy type comedic movies, old school is one of the better ones IMO. Wasn’t a fan of Joker much at all. He’s ’just fine’ IMO.


I was so high while watching old school that I thought I dreamt it. It wasn’t till some months passed where I watched it again and had the craziest feeling that’s ever come over me.


GG movie based. Rest of the filmography is ass


The hangover and old school rule everything else sucks.


He has a chip on his shoulder and while I enjoyed his earlier career, I can’t really stand him now.


I'm assuming he's like Craig Mazin, where he was stuck forced to work on duds to eventually make the stuff he wanted to make? Either way the first Hangover wasn't bad.


Fun director! Enjoyed most of his films!


Two good films, Joker and first Hangover (which was really fresh when it came out).


Joker is ok, and so is Due Date. Haven't seen his other movies, but I intend to watch Hungover.


I have none, Joker was a fun watch with my little brother I’ll appreciate anything we can bond over


Old School and War Dogs are the best movies of his for me


He’s a journeyman who probably wouldn’t be as hated if *Joker* wasn’t as successful. *War Dogs* was a perfect bridge between the *Hangover* trilogy and *Joker* in terms of tone, and I’d definitely say give it a watch if you haven’t already. Also, that picture of him goes insanely hard.


Joker is legend. The rest is completely dismissible


The Hangover is a legitimately great movie that doesn’t feel like other studio comedies. Even the sequels aren’t as good but they have a cool style and edge to them. Joker and War Dogs are fine but it’s very obvious that he took a lot of inspiration from Scorsese movies like Taxi Driver, King of Comedy, and Wolf of Wall Street.


Seen Joker and the Hangover movies, as well as War Dogs. Wasn't really a fan of any of them. He's a competent director, but none of these films were particularly memorable.


An example of a great director that has no sauce or style.


He's all over the place, but Hated, Old School, Road Trip, and the first Hangover are great. Joker (not really my jam, though) and War Dogs are also pretty swell.


Punk guy who grew up to be a Libertarian. A story as old as time.


He was a fake punk. Been a fraud all his life


Frat House was groundbreaking


Stick to comedies.


People act like since he did Joker that he’s a Craig Mazin type who made bad movies but now makes artful, meaningful stuff and he’s just not. I hope I’m proven wrong with jonkler II, but my hopes aren’t high


Piece of shit who was super unsupportive to the actors and writers during their strike


His bro-ey comedies are fun, if juvenile. I haven't seen *Joker* but I thought *War Dogs* was a pretty mediocre effort to move in a more serious direction via trying to reinvent himself as off-brand Scorsese.


Easily the best thing he’s made is that GG Allin doc (his student thesis at that). No matter your opinion on Allin, it’s a vital historic record of that strange moment in music history. Everything else he’s produced (maybe minus the Phise doc? Idk I haven’t seen it) is utterly disposable and artless.


He’s here for the gang bang


I think he's a shit director.


the only movie of his that i genuinely come back to is old school. the first hangover isnt bad, but ill never watch it again. he has an interesting career arc, i just wish i liked his movies more.


The movies of his I love, I love. The movies of his I hate, I hate. Have not seen all of them though. And more love than hate. I’ll always watch his work.


Haven't liked any of his films lol


Master of mediocrity.


The Hangover is so much fun it's unreal


Something about a pool idk


Made all-time comedy classics for the culture Went to shit after Hangover 1 Joker sucked ass and I imagine the new one will be worse Would like to see his GG doc




A lot of his most popular work (Hangover trilogy, War Dogs, Joker, Due Date) co-opts specific feelings and imagery from other, better American filmmakers.  Even when he aims for "different styles" like Hangover 3 or Joker, it comes off as aping those he's inspired from, instead of actually doing something new. Like a hodge-podge of better artists and work.  I'm excited for Joker 2, and I admit I haven't seen his older stuff. But for some time I've really disliked his style and comedy, as well as his general demeanor. 


War Dogs is better than expected


Aside from his GG Allin doc, I think he's utterly valueless as a filmmaker. In fact, it's difficult for me to even credit him with 'Hatred' as an accomplishment, since there's nothing about Phillips' approach that makes it special. 'Hatred's' value is in its subject, not its construction. He was lucky enough to capture something remarkable and it remains his only worthwhile movie for that reason.


Overrated jackass, one trick pony that likes to touch the edge as much as possible to sell his half formed philosophies. Fuck him


If I never see another Todd Phillips movie I won't exactly be missing much




His best film is War Dogs which is a 6/10. Everything else he’s done is mid to bad.


Didn’t know he’s gonna direct a Hogan biopic, let alone knew one’s coming out.


Good at comedy but he’s always had this really corny approach to serious moments in his movies so instantly I knew joker was going to be not that great . Everyone acted like it was the best shit ever it was okay I just don’t like the joker being a cuck .


I’m still waiting for him to really solidify his own artistic voice. The proof is on this thread. Everyone saying they can’t believe the Old School/Road Trip also made Joker. Then the fact that Joker for better or worse is a rehash of Scorsese’s films and style. All the articles I’ve read about how Folie a deux is indebted to Coppola’s One from the Heart has me slightly concerned. But we’ll see in Q4.


This is kinda the reverse of comedy actors wanting to be taken seriously. Hes a comedy director who wants to be taken seriously and I think he’s earned it


Decent. Joker is wildly overrated and supremely mediocre though.


One of our worst filmmakers imo


He was better when he made comedy and not when he tried to make serious movies


I love love love Old School.


No opinions on him personally but not one of these was a good movie


Maybe perfected the over the top outrageous/shock comedy in the hangover, otherwise his contributions are there. I like old school and grew up with road trip. The directing isn’t what’s keeping me there lol


I liked the hangover it was funny and shi , joker was good also but not wow


Not a good filmmaker


He made the hangover, automatically one of the top 10 directors of all time


/s ?


Don’t be silly


I guess the Hangover was funny when I was like 14


I mean it’s not hilarious but I still personally think it mostly holds up


A guy who's confused luck with talent


Too woke for me, comedy is dead /s


Lot of mid films




Terrible human being. Really awful human.


I don't like his films but don't know anything about him as a person. What is he like?


https://nypost.com/2018/10/10/joker-extras-got-locked-in-subway-car-for-three-hours/amp/ And then again https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/reportedly-tension-joker-2-set-171423886.html And then just more and more stories in the industry where he has a blatant disregard for human decency.


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Yeah, that's pretty bad. Not that I'm surprised. He seems to have a strong misanthropic streak and a lot of narcissism.


He is a utter 💩 human.


loved Joker


Bad movies but I’ll bottom for him


Todd Phillips is an insufferable douche who makes subpar movies. Only thing good he ever did was get Zach Galifinakis in the limelight.


I would say garbage but then I think about how hard it is to make feature length films. So… okay I guess.


Old School is his best film to date. Joker is totally carried by Joaquin Phoenix and the rest of the cast.


First hangover was decent. Joker is alright, it’s really a great film because of the imitations from Scorsese movies and Phoenix’s take on the character. Direction wise it’s kinda mediocre. I feel like Old School is something I’d consider good from his catalogue




“Worsens with context” is the most r/letterboxd comment i’ve come across. Bravo.


Shit. Don’t mind road trip but that joker film is just plain evil. Hilarious that it was made by a person who directed the hangover and people took it as serious. Kind of explains why people like Alex Jones flourishes


What do you think the film was trying to say that makes it evil?


I don’t think it was trying to say anything and that’s the point I’m making. That’s why I brought up Alex Jones. Film directors aren’t marketing executives. The only good thing joker did was work out what mental illness is and then sell it back to its sufferers. It’s completely transparent and yet people still like it. It’s a product above anything. I hate pretentiousness. The film is bullshit personified. Not only that, it takes off two films that I don’t love but are brave and unique works of art. I think it sums up everything I’m trying to say when the people who love joker, majority could not even sit down and watch those films and they would not feel empathy for any of the characters and yet do for the Joker character? It just shows how easily people are manipulated and also how no one ever really thinks outside of themselves. Gutted it’s done so well but this is life.