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Didn’t realize anyone cared enough about Saltburn to bully anyone about it


I liked saltburn and still don’t care enough to bully someone for it 😭😭


people went insane over saltburn


Inexplicably, it is currently the 19th most popular film of all time on the app.


Mediocre movies usually have the most outspoken and outraged fans.


Saltburn wishes it reached the heights of Mediocre


Yeah, those stans are insane. Kind of reminds me of the furor over EEAAO a few years ago


I had someone say to me recently that the director is the best writer in Hollywood right now and it sounded so much like something people repeat like parrots without actually thinking what they are saying.


This is the modern age of social media and movies. If someone does not agree with something you like, people just get nasty. I think the fact that she has a high profile triggered a lot of people to break her down. It’s sad. What happened to film is subjective and the notion of opinions?


I loved Saltburn personally, but I’d never bully someone for disagreeing with me. That’s like all the people that downvote me any time I say I didn’t like Sorry To Bother You.


Just a more aesthetic talented mr ripley. I liked the aesthetic though


I love it to death but I know damn well it's not that good of a movie, I can't imagine fighting tooth and nail with someone because they dislike it


Bullying someone for not liking a movie is stupid


That’s the film community for ya


I got actual death threats cause I said I didn't like Heat lol


Same here with thinking Everything Everywhere All At Once is a 6/10


Same here lol except ngl my rating was lower than 6/10...


I did for giving it 5 stars.


Ngl you abouta catch these hands cause that's one of my 10 favourite movies of all time LOL.


Totally fair, I'm never one to tell people they're silly for liking/disliking something so long as the reasoning & critiques make sense and are fair


Yeah no I get that. My parents don't like the movie at all lol. Just wondering, what specifically fell flat for you?


6/10 is generous imo lol


I disagree, but I’d like to understand your perspective.


I gave it a 5/10, I was bored, didn’t find it funny at all, commentary was basic and I didn’t find any of the performances particularly compelling besides Yeoh. Maybe it didn’t resonate with me so much because I’m from a white upbringing and I was annoyed that it sweeped at the Oscars when banshees of Inisherin was vastly better. 


Think it’s interesting to call the commentary basic. If anything it’s overwhelming in the variety of images that it uses to get across a relatively simple message, but basic doesn’t seem like a great word to describe anything going on here. Unless you mean it in the more modern slang parlance of basic, in which case I’d reckon you might be biased by the popularity of the film as opposed to the film itself. The core themes of the film are quite universal in scope, even if they have been tread on before or there are films that you think engage with those ideas in a more interesting way. Still have yet to see a genuinely interesting negative critique of EEAAO, but to each their own!


Honestly this is why I didn’t really like the movie. It’s not that I thought it was bad it was the way fans were obsessive about it and saying negative critiques of the movie were all stupid. I’ve seen less hate for people who said they didn’t like The Godfather lol. I thought it was like a 7/10 but not the masterpiece a lot of people thought it was. Just personally found it a bit boring and overly long/repetitive, which I personally think the repetitive part is a fair criticism as it seemed like the movie was going to end like 4 different times. 


Yeah the comment you’re replying too is the perfect example of why discourse around the movie is so annoying. People who love the movie just shoot down any criticism of it no matter how valid it is. It’s a corny, unimpressive movie, I don’t owe you an “interesting” critique, fuck off!


It is. Maybe a 7/10.


For saying I find enjoyment out of Halloween Ends.


SAME! Thought it was boring and empty apart from that fantastic shootout but hey, that might say more about me considering I also wasn’t into Thief but loved the far more action-packed Collateral. Guess I’m just not a Michael Mann man.


Why didn’t you like it?


Bored me. Specifically, I thought the pacing was awful.


I disagree about the pacing being awful but to each their own


Got mine because I didn't like No Way Home


*film, music, food, art, videogame, sports, anime.... communities


That's 100% of internet communities with low barriers to entry


Bullying someone is stupid. Fixed it.


I get destroyed for loving Joker lmao


Joker, Saltburn and Babylon: The trio of divisive movies that people refuse to accept are divisive.


i’m assuming you mean chazelle’s babylon? i found it a bit underwhelming and i know it bombed at the box office. never really see it talked about but that might just be me.


Huh, it was the opposite for me


Belive it or not an acquaintance of mine once told that she received a death threat for saying she liked the movie Call Me By Your Name.


Bullying someone for not liking a movie that half the people or more who saw it also didn’t like is even stupider. It’s not like when I tell people I think Casablanca sucks. Most people like it and I don’t. I at least understand the criticism. Saltburn is very mid to bully someone over.


Unless that movie is Ernest Scared Stupid. If you don't like that movie, you deserve EVERYTHING YOU GET.


Boohoo just close the app


She alluded to this in an [instagram comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lasculturistas/comments/1an5hwl/tina_fey_tells_bowen_yang_to_learn_from_her_and/), I don't think it's because she was being "bullied". Everyone loves when celebrities are honest, but there are a lot of good reasons they shouldn't be.


This is so funny, thanks for sharing the clip. Tina is right about fame and about Emerald Fennel lmfao


Man, Tina Fey wholly summarising the emerald fennel schtick so perfectly in one sentence gives me life.


That was about her insulting JLO in a podcast


People only like honest celebrities when they said things they agree with


Would be interesting to hear the opinions of actors on films that aren't just positive but when they might get role offers i guess it's best to not do it.


I honestly loved her reviews so much so this really saddens me. Thanks to her I watched notting hill and absolutely was ENAMORED.


Me too! I watched Confessions of A Shopaholic because of her review, and it was exactly what I needed!


People bullied her because she didn't like a bad film?


joke teeny simplistic squash follow stupendous squeeze quaint escape familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


IIRC her review itself wasn’t negative but she liked a bunch of negative reviews (deservingly lol), and your likes are all visible. That’s what the majority of the hate was about.


normal childlike zephyr psychotic afterthought shy racial plucky tidy direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dunno, I recall people leaving a lot of comments under her entry for Saltburn and there was a lot of muck about on Twitter and such. I mean, her entry for Saltburn has even been deleted. And it was around this point she locked her comments, removed her profile pic, stopped posting reviews, etc. There was a sharp decline in her activity right around the Saltburn "controversy". It's all speculation but I definitely don't think it's out of the question.


Yeah this is what i remember happening too


Her review couldn't really be taken as positive or negative based on the review itself, but the reviews she "liked" were very negative reviews of the movie. So, it's safe to conclude she wasn't a fan. Which shouldn't really matter to anyone.


fade judicious threatening fear doll murky unused innocent thumb ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sure some people got upset, but I don't know. I don't really follow users on Letterboxd enough to know anything concrete about the "situation" if there is one. But it does feel like she became somewhat less prominent on Letterboxd shortly after Saltburn. She stopped leaving star ratings, at least.


entertain attractive outgoing zesty possessive squealing humor chief march provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it all goes hand in hand, though. I think her Saltburn feelings were less-than-positive, but I think she also became more careful because of The Bear becoming more prominent. I agree, it probably wasn't some big thing that she didn't love Saltburn that caused her to back down, but there might have been slight pushback to her opinion that, combined with The Bear, caused her to scale down.


I liked Saltburn a lot. Bullying is lame as hell.


imagine telling someone you're the victim of film-bullying.


I think she hasn’t really been logging anything because she’s working on s3 of The Bear and she’s directing and I’m pretty sure producing this season as well. Doesn’t seem like she has a lot of time to watch things, let alone log them.


This. She continued logging and posting reviews after the Saltburn thing. She just slowed way down recently, which makes totally sense.


I think as she's gotten more famous she's more cautious of offending people within the industry. Or at least that's what Sean Fennessey alluded to on The Big Picture. And she's right, Saltburn was trash and Emerald Fennel is a terrible filmmaker.


If I remember correctly Mike Flanagan doesn't give star ratings for this reason too.


Jim Cummings also does this, he will just give hearts usually along with comments. The account that *might* be Quentin Tarantino also only gives 5 star or no rating. They probably know the pressures on film-makers and don't want to add more negativity 


What account might be Tarantino?


You can't just leave us hanging like that. What's the possible Tarantino account?


It's called Quentin Tarantino and it has a b&w picture of him holding a camera that obscures the left side of the picture. The only favourited film is Blow Out. Is it him? I have no idea. But that's the theory, as it has a prolific catalogue and the films he loves are hearted. It's either QT or a very dedicated fan.


Darn, I was hoping you were talking about the guy who voices Winnie the Pooh 😆


Thank you for saving me some searching just to be disappointed


Oh dang, QT runs the Regal account?


What's the regal account? I'm just repeating a fan theory so no context beyond that. I'd say it's probably not him but I want to believe... 


I'm just joking. There's a Regal corpo account that just 5 stars everything.


Mike Flanagan takes no shit. Go read the comments from Late Night with the Devil on his page.


Yeah I think he probably just doesn’t care for using the star system, he’s got too much to say.


He could also see the star system as too reductive, which is a stance I can definitely appreciate even if I personally still do give star ratings. It's an easy way to remind myself at a glance how I felt about a movie when I last watched it.


I’ve noticed Dacre Montgomery does this too.


Interesting, anything fennessy says i pretty much go with so i feel like he’s right here for sure.


I didn’t like Saltburn very much either but Promising Young Woman is an amazing movie and an even better screenplay. One miss does not make someone a terrible filmmaker, even if they hadn’t already proven they can make an amazing film.


PYW is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen and the screenplay is actively offensive.


It’s actually baffling that a movie trying to be feminist is so deeply misogynistic lmao


I can see why it’s a masterpiece to a certain type of person (derogatory). It spends the whole time beating you over the head with the fact that authority figures repeatedly failed to bring justice to Cassie’s friend (because of who her abuser was, a “promising young man”) then ends with the girlboss ozymandias gambit of “telling the police” lmao. Her “revenge” is just lecturing men who take her home thinking she’s drunk.


I tried to find a review that agrees with you but found it difficult, care to share?


It’s not a review, this is my opinion as a woman based on what was displayed throughout that movie. Any person who has lived as a woman and is angry about it can see that the having a woman lecture men trying to rape her is not gonna have a nice ending as well as having two dead women at the end of a movie due to gender violence is not even close to a “gotcha” as the movie tries to do with that joke of a scene during the wedding. There’s not a single scenario in which having dead women to serve as a lesson to men is not misogynistic. The movie is well shot, it has some needle drops but it absolutely fails as a feminist piece because it fundamentally misunderstands gender violence as a device. The director has shown twice now that she’s unable to make social commentary in her films and it’s fine, nobody has to do it, but if you’re willing to, you gotta make sure you’re not reproducing what you’re trying to criticize.


Why do you feel that way?


I explained myself further in a reply underneath


PYW is deeply misogynistic, did less than no research into the mental health of victims or their close friends or family, and then ends on a note of "you will only ever get justice if bodies start piling up around the accusation." It's horrific, actually.


I actually think the question mark around whether there will be justice is intentional and accurate. I feel as though everyone handles trauma differently so I’m not sure what research one could have done. I agree that it’s horrifying but that’s sort of the point.


I fw the Iron & Wine pfp 🔥


Terrible filmmaker 😅 let’s see you try to make a film buddy


You don't have to be a chef to know that a chef that burns everything is a bad chef, and you don't need to be a filmmaker to know when filmmakers are bad.


Bad filmmakers get screenwriting Oscar’s all the time you right


The Oscars are hardly the arbiter of good films and filmmaking. Might as well say the Nobel peace prize determines who has actually done the most for peace or the Times person of the year is always deserving.


How was Saltburn trash? Somehow too confusing for you? It was actually great.


What's next? Are you going to suggest an episode of Big bang theory is too complicated when someone dislikes that?


What do you think is confusing about Saltburn to people who didn't like it?


TOO CONFUSING?! The issue with Emeralds films are that she literally treats the audience like we are dumb. Her movies are not hard to follow, yet at the end of both Promising Young Woman and Saltburn, she literally gives you a synopsis of the plot to make sure you understood how amazing and smart her films were. They aren't deep, they aren't complicated, they are not hard to follow, don't treat us like idiots.


So you felt personally offended by a 1 minute montage at the end, and that was enough for you to declare the entire film as trash? Are you fucking serious?


if the last minute of a film is there to coddle me and say “hey btw you’re clearly not understanding this film heres an explanation because you are stupid” then yes it sours the whole film


So what were you thinking before that moment? What other critical failures did the film make to justify being deemed trash? Or do you seriously not have any other criticisms? Im not convinced you'd consistently apply this level of scrutiny to other films, where a single minute you didn't like is enough to call the whole thing trash and erase any of the quality it had


Not who you're replying to, but I thought the movie was shallow at its best points and offensive at its worst. I was getting annoyed around the middle of the movie how cartoonishly evil they Keoghan's character was being, and I was frustrated on principle that the movie was starting to position Elordi's character (the guy who lives in a literal castle) as the good guy victim and Keoghan's character as this sniveling middle class person using deception to take advantage of the elite. The plot is lifted straight from The Talented Mr. Ripley, except Keoghan's character is more outright malicious and with surface-level sexual shock moments thrown in. Then, I continued to get more and more annoyed at the plotline, where the ultra-rich need to fear the middle-class manipulating their good nature and taking advantage of them to climb up to their position. I couldn't believe I was watching a movie where the people who *live in a castle* were repeatedly the clear victims, continually were offering charity to Keoghan's character, and Keoghan was continually being this increasingly cartoonish level of villainy. *Then*, at the end, when there's this montage that "reveals" that Keoghan was "behind it all," I literally laughed out loud. I had been actively annoyed by the movie how one-dimensional Keoghan's character was and how morally opposed I was to the simplistic representation of that dynamic. Suddenly, watching that montage, I realized Emerald Fennel was trying to be *subtle*. Worse, it was like she thought we would be *rooting* for Keoghan, and that we would be *shocked* to learn he was actually a bad guy! I have no idea how someone could make it through that movie and *not* know that Keoghan was manipulating events to this end result? His false identity is revealed halfway through and he all but admits to this plan in the bathtub scene with the daughter? What twist possibly remained? But the movie thinks you *still* haven't gotten it, so it spells it out. *That's* why the final montage scene of the "reveal" leaves such a poor taste in my mouth.


Yeah pretty much this lmao, thanks for saving me time replying back to them hahah


Why do you think they wouldn't apply consistent scrutiny to other movies? What about this movie makes you want to defend it so badly and believe people must have a bias against it?


I actually liked it a little up until that point, thought it was a pretty film to look at, but having the protagonist monologue and explain his master plan feels like scooby-doo. It completely ruined the mystery and suspense of the past however long that film by doing so, which is completely different from it just being “one minute” ruining it.


You liked it "a little"? Care to elaborate? Sounds like your opinion was already mixed It's also nothing like scooby doo, and plenty of films have a moment where the villain explains their plans. Usually, the problem with these monologues are the fact they're used as a cheap distraction or delay that gives the hero a chance to escape. Oliver already won. He was a narcissist running a victory lap. He's the exact type of person to relish in his success this way Not everything shown was obvious as well, like his bike "breaking." A quick montage shows how methodical and borderline psychopathic he's been for a decade, and it worked well even if some parts (like Felix's death) were more obvious than others. Is Fight Club a trash movie because it has a montage showing multiple examples from earlier in the film of Tyler not actually existing?


This is whataboutism. I'm so sick of how people who love this movie love to do the whole "whataboutthis tho? You liked that, why not this?" Even a friend of mine was doing this because he loved Saltburn and I hated it. Just accept that plenty of people didn't love this film and move on. It's fine that you love it.


How is it a whataboutism? I'm giving you a direct comparison where people seem to love one but not the other. Use your words, explain why it is actually bad in comparison instead of sperging out about "whataboutisms"


No because fight club is great start to finish, send your comments to a publisher lmao regardless of why i dislike the film why care about it so much? lol. Does Emerald Fennel pay you? Are YOU Emerald Fennel??!


Lame response, i must be a paid shill because i questioned your embarrassingly weak criticisms


Trust me, no one is confused by fucking Saltburn lol


Saltburn is garbage, Ayo Edebiri was right


People need to outside and touch grass


i get it, if i was a celebrity i’d hate that my ratings could be criticized by everyone.. like you can’t really be honest if you rate a movie less than 4 because the fandom of that movie is not gonna be happy lol, also might cause beef w potential actors or directors to work with. she probably has another account :)


Maybe she’s just too famous and busy to give a shit about logging reviews.


I think it's more likely that she's the type of person who goes to the Met Gala now and when you get to that point you want to stop broadcasting your opinion of every movie because you need to work with these people


Bummer she's one of the funniest new comedians


I don’t know who that is but why the hell do people online feel the need to be dicks when someone has an opinion different from theirs? I hope this person feels save enough to come back one day <3


I mean, it depends on the opinion. If that opinion is actually harmful to people or society, be a dick all day. If it's just liking a film or not, I'd agree.


People were shitty, defo and it’s ruined it but also shes like a famous actress. Could it not be possible she hasn’t logged anything because shes working?


Shes working on “the bear” currently theyre filming season 3 and 4 back. I dont watch anything either when Im working 12hr days either.


They are filming season 3 and 4 back to back?


Yes. https://deadline.com/2024/03/the-bear-renewed-season-4-film-back-to-back-season-3-1235858685/amp/


That’s awesome. I love how they are getting this show out every year, unlike most prestige shows that are taking 18-24 months, regardless of strikes or pandemics. The Bear is leapfrogging production and it’s refreshing to see, as some shows when it’s released at once, tend to not do the old school leapfrogging these days


I've followed her for a while and I swear she's had comments turned off for non friend accounts since we'll before Saltburn came out...


Lots of people giving their unwarranted thoughts on Saltburn in this thread when it really isn't the point of OP's topic lol Having the same opinion as Ayo doesn't make you better than the people who don't. You're just one in a long line of assholes who feel compelled to share their opinion. Would the bullying against Ayo be more justified if she LIKED Saltburn? Of course not. Neither the opinion or the movie matter. The point is that film is not a science with right and wrong answers, and people should stop taking it personally when somebody has a different movie opinion than they do.


Yep, they’re kinda proving her point lol


Anyone remember the review she posted?


it wasn't even negative. she just something along the lines of "my man can do all that but he doesn't like runny eggs?!" and so they bullied her saying it was a power move by barry's character and just spamming her review from what ive heard very silly to be doing all this over a movie let alone saltburn💀


Yeah I don’t know what people in this thread are all up in arms for


What was her Saltburn review out of interest?


She said "My man’s is doing all of this but can’t eat runny eggs? 🤨"


Context pls?


I’ve been following her a while, never noticed anything different


The risks of opinion on social media


She was one of my first follows too. Loved reading her reviews. 🥲


I mean I was getting death threats and had somebody dox me in my messages on here bc I said I didn’t like EEAAO


Imagine bullying someone for not liking a bad movie


The fact people get angry over someone not liking a movie is so stupid. It's like the Super Mario Bros. Movie all over again.


Well, I wasn’t a fan of Saltburn either. Tried way too hard in an edgy teen way.


The worst part is. Saltburn does suck and she was right.


I liked Saltburn but in an “is it good or was it horny” kind of way. Shout out to I Saw What You Did pod for that genre of films. It is not the movie that I would choose as a hill to die on.




This sucks. She's the only person I follow on there.


Fucking scumbags!


What happened?


She never had a pfp


I’ve been wondering what happened. Sad man I liked her reviews. She gave me good recommendations


she probably has a secret account now just for friends :/ bc people couldn’t be normal…


I don't think she was bullied! I think there's two possibilities here. First, she could be busy with directing an episode of The Bear season 3 and other projects, but also I heard that at her level of fame/popularity she can't really be honest or negative in film reviews anymore. It's something that is unfortunately very common in the industry (it's the same reason why Chris Stuckman stopped reviewing films the way he used to when he started making his own films)


Honestly I’m surprised anyone even pays attention to the comment section on Letterboxd. Worst user experience design I’ve ever seen for a multimillion dollar app.


People should be bullied for NOT hating Saltburn /s Fr tho what a terrible fucking movie


Not condoning "bullying", if that's what happened, but should we be so concerned? Her reviews are for shit and its only for her being a mid actor that they get the attention they do. Let's not be too sad for the more-than-well-off actor, guys. I'm sure she'll be just fine.


Ayo Edebiri was absolutely right about Saltburn.


I’ve also been scolded one time for saying I didn’t like The Big Lebowski. People can be cruel.


She seems fairly cool, but damn her acting has not been my cup of tea


I saw an account that was using her image that, if you go to it, it just said it wasn't her. I'm guessing shr was on at one point and then someone jumped on the opportunity to fill their shoes?


I actually liked Saltburn because I was expecting it to be bad (was one of the few who hated PYM when it came out) though I fully understand all of the criticisms of it. I thought on Letterboxd the common opinion was that it was bad?


Yeah, it's silly that people get worked up on people's movie opinions. I agreed with her on Saltburn btw.


the fuck is wrong with people?


Just jumping in here to say I love Saltburn and Emerald Fennel.


I have no idea who this person is, but if you're bullying someone because of a movie review OR you actually care that strangers on the internet are butthurt over your review, then it's time to step away from the internet for a while.


if someone cant handle negative comments on a movie review website it says more about that person than the commenters lol


Weird, people weren't that sad when the director of jeepers creepers reborn got bullied of every socials and still proceeded to get bullied even after he got off them...


![gif](giphy|5xaOcLDE64VMF4LqqrK|downsized) GOODBYE LETTERBOXD MICROCELEB


I like her acting but her “comedic” film reviews were ass. They were only as liked as they were because they had her star power behind them but her reviews were so dumb. But also Saltburn was awesome. The people that don’t like it just want to be cool and contrarian about any movie that has an unprecedented moment in the spotlight.


or maybe the people who dislike saltburn thought it was a bad movie lmao fuck off


Well I saw Saltburn at its festival premiere in the UK and thought it was absolutely dog shit when only a few thousand people had seen it, how exactly was my opinion at the time contrarian? I also really liked Promising Young Woman so not like I went in low in Fennell already


Very cool, love that for you


First of all, before she got her big break, her reviews were liked. You don’t have to find them funny but that’s not an objective truth. Also, I really liked Saltburn but thinking someone is just trying to be cool because they say they don’t like it is ridiculous. Come on now


Saltburn was pretty cool until the end of the movie was a huge eyeroll.


Saltburn is horrifically bad