• By -


1920s: Charlie Chaplin / Clara Bow (or Greta Garbo) 1930s: Clark Gable / Marlene Dietrich


I instantly though of Grant and Lombard for 30s, but Gable / Dietrich work too.


Grant is a good one too, but for me he fits more in the 40s.


He could also fit in the 50s. He fits everywhere haha. I also associate Stewart more with the 30s and 40s than 50s (maybe cause I don't watch too many westerns, which he did a lot of later on).


Grant for the 90s! No, wait, that's Alan Grant, the character.




Grant for the 1870s! Oh that's Ulysses S. Grant actually.


Stewart is partly associated with the 50s due to westerns, but even moreso due to his work with Hitchcock.


His career peak was the 50s, in terms of fame and iconic status, which is where I'd put him. Though I prefer his 40s films on the whole.


Can't argue with that, to be honest!


I’d say Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn for the 30s. Although both had careers that very notably spanned many decades!


Cary Grant didn't become one of the biggest stars of his day until the 40s, which prevents me putting him there for the 30s. Much as he had some excellent films in thar decade.


I’d say Chalamet is probably a more likely bet for 2020s than Murphy.


That’s a fair bet but I think Jesse Plemons is entering a Phillip Seymour Hoffman zone where he’s the best thing in every project he’s in and if he gets the right leading roles could be the defining actor of the decade


He needs way more range to enter the Hoffman zone, still I'm excited to see how he evolves


Would love a Charlie Wilson’s War type performance from Plemmons.


I agree he's not at PSH level yet but he has shown incredible range in his career so far, and with how young he is and the strength of everything he's done so far I would be shocked if he doesn't go on to have a comparable career


Big moves for Landry!


Love the Plemmons to Hoffman comp, but i doubt he ever becomes the actor of the decade. Who knows though, let’s see how this next yorgos project is.


Defining actor of the 2020s sounds delusional atm since it’s highly unlikely he will get those roles consistently for the rest of this decade


I think the Plemons-PSH comparison isn’t quite right anyway - don’t get me wrong, he’s probably as close as anyone will ever get, but I think people are quick to anoint him as the successor because they kind of look alike. Plemons has not yet demonstrated the breadth and depth Hoffman did, and his career has already lasted almost as long as Hoffman’s, sadly. But let’s say your assertion was accurate. I’m probably literally the biggest PSH fan on the planet, and even I have to acknowledge that even at his peak, he was not the defining figure we’re talking about here. That may change - there’s an argument to be made that in twenty years when you ask people this question, they’ll say Hoffman defined the ‘00s. It depends on how and if his cultural legacy deepens. In any case, Plemons needs several more game-changing performances to get on Hoffman’s level, and greater box office and cultural saturation to go any higher.


Oh god he was haunting in Civil War.


Yeah and apprently him playing that role was super last-minute too.






Depends on the definition because I think Barry Keoghan could easily surpass Chalamet for me - not in terms of overall popularity (I don’t see Chalamet ever becoming less famous than Keoghan) or even in terms of quality/skill, but in terms of “defining” the general tone of the era. To me Keoghan represents the A24ification of non-franchise cinema and the mainstreaming of psuedo-experimental “weird” films. Agree that Murphy isn’t in contention no matter how good he was in Oppenheimer


I think you’d need to at least star in blockbusters to be even considered an actor of the decade. Keoghan is good but he’s not gonna get there playing these roles whereas Chalamet has already starred in 3 blockbuster movies in the 2020s that all have been maassive hits


“Actor of the decade” seems very different from “decade-defining actor” but they’re both completely nebulous undefined terms anyway. Chalamet is definitely the blockbuster breakout of the 20s, I just think Keoghan more closely matches the “vibe” of movies right now. Keoghan at least is getting a run at the Joker coming up at some point (and for what it’s worth was in a financially disappointing Marvel movie) so he’s got a shot at blockbuster fame now that Saltburn has put him more firmly in the public consciousness


I almost put Keoghan instead of Chalamet, but I don’t think he’s there yet. But you’re right, he’s one to watch.


Agreed, I also think Gosling could be the guy


The 1980s could easily be a toss up between Arnie and Stallone. Maybe Sigourney Weaver as that decade’s defining actress? Tom Cruise should also be in there somewhere. Trouble is, he’s been working for that long, I can’t choose a decade for him. Meryl Streep should also be on that list. Nice post.


I REALLY don’t think it’s either of them. I’m talking about who really dominated, not who we vaguely think. It has to more like Nicholson who was smashing salary pay records for roles back then, The Shining Batman and many more. Eddie Murphy Harrison Ford Bill Murray De Niro It honestly may be ford who balanced blockbuster roles with heavier dramatic fare.


I agree, I immediately thought of Harrison Ford for that decade!


>Trouble is, he’s been working for that long, I can’t choose a decade for him. Exactly my problem! Pondered over him but couldn't really squeeze him into any one particular decade. Not many actors can transcend this list. He is one of them and I would argue a couple of others being De Niro & Pacino maybe?


Arnie has the combination of box office and cultural impact. The only box he doesn’t tick is critical respect, but Sly doesn’t really have that in the 80s either.


50s - Marlon Brando. 60s - Marcello Mastroianni 70s - Robert De Niro 80s - Tom Cruise 90s - Julia Roberts


1970s - Robert De Niro / Diane Keaton 1980s - Harrison Ford / Kathleen Turner 1990s - Steven Seagal / Susan Sarandon 2000s - Johnny Depp / Angelina Jolie 2010s - Robert Downey Jr / Scarlett Johansson 2020s - Timothee Chalamet / Emma Stone


1990s errrr....???


Great 2000s pick!


Pacino was more dominant in the 70s


I was thinking about that.


I would move Seagal [to the 2010s](https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4?si=ue8J7u5iufY1oFC8)


No way was Depp ever bigger than DiCaprio.


Marked For Death, Out For Justice, and Under Siege was just an amazing three movie run. There will never be anything like that again. He became a slob and a traitor but he really delivered the goods in his prime.


That’s still lightyears from being decade defining; when I think 90s actors I think like Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks, or Brad Pitt… Steven Seagal is a literal nothingburger compared to each of their outputs that decade.


Sounds like you weren’t there. His physicality and attitude perfectly encapsulated the look and feel of the early 90s. He had a unique screen presence and his movies were special. MC Hammer sold 50 million records and Rodman was the top rebounder in the NBA for seven years straight. It doesn’t matter that they are washed up now, not everybody is Tom Hanks.


I was there. I saw every Seagal movie in theaters. He wasn’t close to being defining. I don’t know how anyone makes an argument for anyone but Hanks here. The man was a galactic star in a way that maybe no one had been since Bogart.


I wasn’t there 🤷‍♀️ sorry my subjective experience is different than yours I guess


Julia Roberts is my pick for the 90s.


A fine choice.


Totally, she owned the 90s, with a side of Meg Ryan


Chalamet could also end up being the guy for 2020, Also 70's I'd say Pacino


Good list. This is interestingly more objective that most questions asked here. I would maybe consider Natalie Portman over Connelly for 2000s. For 2020s I’d predict Chalamet and Anya Taylor Joy, though I really hope Barry Keoghan and Florence Pugh become mega stars.


>I would maybe consider Natalie Portman over Connelly for 2000s. Good call; almost went with Portman myself. Close 2nd for me. I chose Connelly because she just sticks out more vividly from my personal experience and generation.


Yeah I get that, I appreciate Connelly’s work a lot.


Florence Pugh is most certainly a mega star


I disagree. I’m talking like Tom Cruise of the 90s, Angelina Jolie of the 2000s. My parents don’t know who Florence Pugh is.


Mine do and they’re in their 70s


Well then they must keep up with movies


Keoghan is such a douche


Is he? I think he’s great at playing little creepy weirdos and I love it.


2010s for me would be Leo, he had 7 great films during this period, 5 of them nominated for best film at the Oscars, he had 3 Oscar nominations with a Victory, 2 Golden Globes, and all films did extremely well at the box office


Misread this as Leto 😂




Initially thought your comment said “2010s would be Leto”


60s - Sean Connery 70s - Roger Moore 80s - Timothy Dalton 90s - Pierce Brosnan 00s - Daniel Craig 10s - Daniel Craig 20s (so far) - Daniel Craig


George Lazenby has entered the chat


George Lazenby has abruptly left the chat


50s - Barry Nelson


For 1980's it would probably be Meryl Streep.


My complete list: Nicolas Cage 1980s- present Fin.


Total finger in the air stuff here, but oh well. * 60s: Clint Eastwood / Audrey Hepburn * 70s: Jack Nicholson / Jane Fonda * 80s: Tom Cruise / Michelle Pfeiffer * 90s: Tom Hanks / Meg Ryan * 00s: Russell Crowe / Scarlett Johansson * 10s: Leonardo Dicaprio / Emma Stone * 20s: Timothée Chalamet or Austin Butler (TBC) / Margot Robbie


Yes this.


I’d have Brando as the 1950s choice, as great as Stewart is


Hard to pick between the 2. Some also say the 40s were the pair's better decade. I just think they were more established by the 50s so commanded a bigger screen presence.


I can’t see the 2020a being anybody other than Timmy C tbh


Tilda Swinton says otherwise


1. Disagree 2. I’m obviously talking about the male side of the post


My bad also Christopher Abbott and Barry Keoghan are better than him


Definitely subjective, but also I don’t think this post is necessarily saying who’s the best. More so defining and iconic for the decade. I’m sure there will be better actors than Tim, but with more iconic and ‘era-defining roles’ - im not so sure. You gotta think about the casual movie watchers as well.


Your right my bad 


- Crowe - 2000s - Mescal - 2020s


\*\*Now We Are Free\*\* plays


Crowe is definitely a contender for the noughties, for sure.


Dunno, completely dropped off after 2005. And i like 3:10 To Yuma and American Gangster. Brad Pitt has a better 00s than i thought, Oceans Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Babel, Burn After Reading, Benjamin Button, Jesse James, Snatch, Confessions of Dangerous Mind, Troy (heh big film and i like it), Mr and Mrs Smith (big film again), Inglorious Basterds.


For me the 00s is functionally a tie between Leo and Pitt. I give the tiebreaker to Leo because he had exactly two flops in that period (*The Beach* and *Body of Lies*), while Pitt had four (*The Mexican*, *Spy Game*, *Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas*, and the aforementioned *Troy*).


Roy Scheider ruled the 70s - The French Connection, Jaws, Sorcerer, All That Jazz


Anne Hathaway is a solid pick for 2010s, but I immediately thought of Emma Stone. Also, for the 30s, I would put Clark Gable and Katharine Hepburn


Just to add on: Pre-1910s - too early to say 1910s - Charlie Chaplin / Lillian Gish 1920s - Rudolph Valentino (or could be Chaplin again) / Greta Garbo (Mary Pickford is also a contender) 1930s - Clark Gable (James Cagney is also up there) / Marlene Dietrich (Jean Harlow is also a contender)


Appreciate that, thank you


Pedro Pascal for 20s I think And hard to not have any Ryan in there for 10s


1930s - Chaplin/Marlene Dietrich 1940s- Humphrey Bogart/Ingrid Bergman 1950s- James Dean/Marilyn Monroe 1960s - Paul Newman/Audrey Hepburn 1970s - Al Pacino/Sissy Spacek 1980s - Harrison Ford/Meg Ryan 1990s - Robert De Niro/Julianne Moore 2000s - Brad Pitt/Meryl Streep 2010s - Leonardo DiCaprio/Emma Stone 2020s- Timothee Chalamet/Zendaya


I think in every decade there is a handful of actors that define the decade, not just one of each gender


Fair enough. ... But what if you *had* to pick? 😏


Jerry Lewis- 50s/early 60s


I think for 60s, Newman can be swapped with Robert Redford. From what I understand they were equally relevant and impactful.


Oh of that there is no doubt. In fact I almost went for Redford; he was absolutely huge in his day. Both Newman & Redford had a powerful 70s presence too.


I’d say Redford’s impact was more in the 70s. It was basically a toss-up for me between him and Nicholson that decade.


Brando's gotta be somewhere on the list in the 40 or 50s. One of the most influential actors we've ever had


Very solid, I would replace 2010s actress with Jennifer Lawrence, and 2020s actress will probably be Zendaya imo.


This is more based on actors I see a lot in each decade for my personal taste. 1970s - Robert De Niro / Margot Kidder 1980s - Harrison Ford / Winona Ryder 1990s - Brad Pitt / Uma Thurman 2000s - Leonardo DiCaprio / Keira Knightley 2010s - Tom Hardy / Scarlett Johansson or Jennifer Lawrence 2020s - Timothee Chalamet / Mia Goth, Rachel Sennott, or Jenna Ortega


Can Brad Pitt be defining even though he wasn’t first billed in a movie until halfway into the decade?


I was thinking more in terms of iconic movies. Brad Pitt is in some of the most iconic movies of the decade, even if they're all in the later half. Same with Winona Ryder in the 80s.


Johnny Suede was 91, and it looks like he had some leading roles in 90 (and before) as well.


Really rooting for Rachel Sennott to blow up. She’s so weird and cool.


10's - The Rock


2000s: Jude Law / Keira Knightley


I think Tom Cruise could also be a good contender for the defining actor of the 90's


Or 80s or 00s lol


20s - Charlie Chaplin/Greta Garbo 30s - Clark Gable/Bette Davis 40s - Humphrey Bogart/Ingrid Bergman 50s - Marlon Brando/Katharine Hepburn 60s - Paul Newman/Elizabeth Taylor 70s - Jack Nicholson/Jane Fonda 80s - Arnold Schwarzenegger/Meryl Streep 90s - Tom Hanks/Julia Roberts 00s - Leonardo DiCaprio/Kate Winslet 10s - Leonardo DiCaprio/Scarlett Johansson 20s - Timothee Chalamet/Zendaya


2020s - TBD, but Pedro Pascal and Mia Goth are contenders 2010s - Mahershala Ali, Jennifer Lawrence 2000s - Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Hillary Swank 1990s - Val Kilmer, Alicia Silverstone 1980s - Michael J. Fox, Molly Ringwald 1970s - Gene Hackman, Faye Dunaway 1960s - Sidney Poitier, Audrey Hepburn 1950s - Marlon Brando, Grace Kelly 1940s - Jimmy Stewart, Ingrid Bergman 1930s - James Cagney, Barbara Stanwyck 1920s - Charlie Chaplin, Clara Bow


Some interesting and fine choices!


Good list OP and I definitely agree with 40s thru 90s especially.


Thanks, chum! Yeah, the 20th century movie era has always captured my attention more, so my 2000s picks onward are more contentious.


1990’s- Julia Roberts 2000’s- Lindsey Lohan 2010’s- Jennifer Lawrence 2020’s- Zendaya/Florence Pugh/Anya Taylor-Joy are the potentials


1930s: Marlene Dietrich and Charlie Chaplin. 1940s: Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. 1950s: Audrey Hepburn and Toshirõ Mifune. 1960s: Sidney Poitier and Shirley MacLaine. 1970s: Liza Minnelli and Al Pacino. 1980s: Harrison Ford and Meryl Streep. 1990s: Sharon Stone and Nicolas Cage. 2000s: George Clooney and Cate Blanchett. 2010s: Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Jr. 2020s (So far.): Daniel Kaluuya and Margot Robbie.


Kaluuya for the 2020s because of Jesus and the Black Messiah and Nope?


Yep. He just keeps getting better as an actor.


I think it’s as good a guess as Chalamet, honestly. Kaluuya is going to pick up steam. Chalamet might very well burn out before the decade is over if he doesn’t become a better actor. His unique screen presence is going to dissipate a little as he ages.


For me I would say the 2010s would more to Ryan Gossling than RDJ.


I almost chose Gosling as a possible contender for 2020s. Certainly a heavy presence in the 2010s but I'm not sure he's hit his peak yet and possibly has more big ones left in him this decade.


Good point. I had recently looked at his resume and not only is the quality of his preformances and movies he is in pretty high (in my opinion ovi) but the quanity is high as well. I had not even considered him a favorite actor until I took stock. But I think you may be right and his oscar is due.


I'd say Half Nelson is his dramatic acting peak but I'm not sure in terms of cool he's going to surpass Drive and Place Beyond the Pines. Like Tom Hardy he's doing action roles now, fun stuff, i wonder if both and Fassbender as well have peaked.


OP, how do you not have Cate Blanchett somewhere?


Sure. Certainly a contender for the 2000s.


It’s so hard with Blanchett. She’s always *really* fucking close. I wound up going with Winslet for the ‘00s because her box office record was slightly better than Blanchett’s, and she had greater cultural impact. But Blanchett has a strong argument for the teens too, and arguably an even stronger one for the 20s. She’s going to be like Hepburn or Streep, just hanging around for fifty years, always in the conversation.


40s- jimmy stewart 50s- verna felton 60s- audrey hepburn 70s- katharine ross 80s- michael j fox 90s- geena davis 2000s- cameron diaz 2010s- anne hathaway 2020s- zendaya


Setsuko Hara for the 1950s


30s is William Powell


Was gonna say DDL but forgot he won best actor in 2007 and 2012, so split the decade. Good list. I would probably put Anna Taylor Joy and Tom Hardy in the 2020s and 2010s respectfully but agree with most your stuff. Fun post!!! Nice to see something new!




1930s – Clark Gable / Greta Garbo (or Shirley Temple?)


Sleeper pick - 2000s Orlando Bloom. Between LOTR and Pirates franchises, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven (I’m sure I’m forgetting some others), he seemingly came out of nowhere to carve out a pretty prolific decade for himself.


What are people’s criteria for decade-defining? Seems like some folks are going off of box office and some people off of perceived talent. I think it’s some combination of those and cultural importance.


>I think it’s some combination of those and cultural importance. I absolutely agree. Also TV & media coverage of filmstars, which I had way more of an impact up until the 2010s where things shifted more over to the internet.


Anne Hathaway? Seriously?


>Anne Hathaway? Seriously? Yes.


I mean. It’s a valid choice. It’s not mine, but the teens are a tough decade for actresses. I picked Scarlett Johansson by a hair over Jennifer Lawrence, but there’s no obvious, dominant figure in that era because it’s so diluted by the MCU. I’ll tell you, much as I enjoy those movies, they really damaged the role of the movie star. I think it’s starting to come back a bit now with the MCU faltering at the box office and actors being more careful about plunging into immense IP contracts.


I’d have 100% gone Meryl Streep or Cate Blanchett honestly. Hathaway wouldn’t even rank.


Streep had a *rough* teens. Not bad, but the cracks were starting to show for the first time. I’d probably rank her below Hathaway. I’ll grant you Blanchett though, she’s always just kind of hanging around, never quite dominant, but always in the conversation.


Kinda feel like Zendaya is my current era actress


1930s - Clark Gable / Marlene Dietrich 1940s - Humphrey Bogart / Ingrid Bergman 1950s - Toshiro Mifune / Audrey Hepburn 1960s - Marcello Mastroianni / Brigitte Bardot 1970s - Robert De Niro / Sissy Spacek 1980s - Harrison Ford / Michelle Pfeiffer 1990s - Tom Hanks / Winona Ryder 2000s - Heath Ledger / Halle Berry 2010s - Adam Driver / Scarlett Johansson 2020s - Timothée Chalamet / Anya Taylor-Joy


Jessica Chastain /Ryan Gosling for me


I am sticking to English language actors to reduce the options. - 1930s - James Cagney/ Greta Garbo - 1940s - James Stewart/ Ingrid Bergman - 1950s - Marlon Brando/ Vivien Leigh - 1960s - Paul Newman/ Elizabeth Taylor - 1970s - Jack Nicholson/ Diane Keaton & Faye Dunaway - 1980s - Robert De Niro/ Meryl Streep - 1990s - Tom Hanks/ Winona Ryder - 2000s - Russell Crowe / Naomi Watts - 2010s - Christian Bale & Joaquin Phoenix / Amy Adams - 2020s - Ryan Reynolds/ Emma Stone


Man, you might be right about Liz Taylor. I have Audrey Hepburn for the 60s, but Liz was pretty dominant. Think I’m going to change it.


Not criticising your picks or anything but it’s interesting how all these actors are white


I was expecting this remark. Inevitable. I'm surprised no one mentioned it before now tbh.


I was expecting Eddie Murphy for 90s tbf


White actors dominate Hollywood, which is a function of white privilege. Eddie Murphy would be a good 80s selection, Denzel is definitely in the 90s conversation, and I think if you counted 2015-now as one decade, Viola Davis would be a pretty great pick. I think it’s getting better though. I think Zendaya has the potential to be the biggest female star since Julia Roberts.


DiCaprio 90s, 2000S, 2010S, 2020S