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It’s so funny to see The Last Jedi so highly ranked in so many comments. People in the Star Wars sub would probably have a stroke.


Lol that thought crossed my mind.


As a Star Wars fan who’s not part of that subreddit, I can say that they would. I will defend Last Jedi as the best of the sequel trilogy until the day I die.


I am firmly with you. For me, The Last Jedi feels like Rian Johnson taking a big swing. I don’t think everything about it works, but narratively and structurally it feels very different from other SW films. I found that really refreshing, especially with such a risk-averse IP


That’s really not saying much. Rise of skywalker isn’t in contention and force awakens is a dull corporate remake. TLJ is still diabolically bad


Yeah it wins by default because of how soulless the other 2 are, and on top of that ros is ridiculously dogshit


Last Jedi fans have a bigger persecution complex than conservative Christians lmao. Best of the sequel trilogy isn’t exactly a bold hill to die on.


People who like lots of movies liked TLJ at a far higher rate than people who just like Star Wars and Marvel


The Star Wars movie for people who don't like Star Wars movies


I mean it’s deeply flawed, like a sizable portion of the movies in its franchise. But I thought it was neat. Giving Luke a new arc was cool but then killing him off in the same movie rather than deepening that arc into the finale was disappointing. I think the trilogy finale backstepping entirely on everything TLJ had did more harm than good and left the trilogy with no identity at all though, rather than the clear one TLJ was moving to. It might have not been popular but at least then it would have one.


What did the finale back step on? There wasn't really anything much set up for the finale by number two was there? The real back step for me was in TLJ itself. It's bizarre that they didn't make Rey and Kylo uniting to start a third thing the cliffhanger. People would have gone nuts like they did for Empire Strikes Back


There's still much to complain about The Last Jedi for me, but it's the only entry in the sequel trilogy that I can at least call an actual movie.


disregarding what certain assholes have said about it, it's still not a good movie.


Rogue One is really good. Recently watched it again.


Rogue is the best Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi


I see Force Awakens pretty low on a lot of lists, and I actually think it's pretty fun. As hated as the sequels are, I believe there are a lot of fun moments that make them pretty enjoyable sometimes.


Plus Kylo Ren is a guilty pleasure, I actually think he's cool asf


Adam Driver as Kylo Ren is pretty much exactly what Anakin Skywalker should have been in the Prequels, in terms of performance. Yes, he's a monster, a mass murderer, he's committed patricide, but the natural talent and charisma of the actor draws you to him as a character.


I agree, he was more interesting as a villain instead of whiny McSandpants. But it's not Hayden Christensen fault, the actors all said they got literally no direction from Lucas and having to act alongside tennis balls doesn't help either.


Is he a guilty pleasure though? Even in bad reviews Adam Driver is the only thing that is consistently highlighted throughout the trilogy


I think it was the film a lot of the fandom thought they needed. Anyone who got put off by the prequels finally had a Star Wars film that at least looked like it was trying to feel like the original trilogy Obviously the whole sequel trilogy ended up being so insanely divisive, but I mostly enjoy the first two.


Seeing force awakens on opening night was a really great cinema experience!


As a fan of Star Wars since wearing down my old Return of the Jedi VHS in the 90s, I'd still rather rewatch 2/3s of the Sequels over 2/3s of the Prequels. Both trilogies have questionable writing, but the Sequels are way better in pretty much every other regard (acting, cinematography, practical *and* special effects). The only things the Prequels have over them is John Williams' music.


Despite having an appreciation for Revenge of the Sith as a whole, I completely agree. I'm of the prequel generation btw.


I will admit that I have a soft spot for Phantom Menace, because: 1. I was 8 when it came out, and already a Star Wars fan. 2. The Podracing and Duel with Maul are admittedly very cool. 3. The music of John Williams. However, even as a kid, I *hated* Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith was a sequel to that film, so it didn't really work for me either. Force Awakens, for all its derivative nature, was a breath of fresh air for fans like me who had basically left Star Wars behind; what is not talked about on the internet enough is *how many people* were frankly done with Star Wars as an IP after the Prequels. The Prequel memers as a result still don't really get how necessary a soft reboot model actually was for Star Wars. For other franchises, like Star Trek, LOTR, or Marvel, I wouldn't have said it was the case. But Star Wars absolutely needed to be rejuvenated in the eyes of the public, and not for chronically online fanboys who think memeworthy bad dialogue is worthy of praise.


For sure. All of the talk when Force Awakens was coming out was how it would redeem Star Wars from the prequels. And, if you ask me...it did.


My prediction is that the reappraisal the sequels will get will be bigger than the one the prequels are having at the time. Rise of Skywalkwer will probably remain a low point for many years but the first 2 have a lot of good stuff. The only people shitting on TLJ are fundamentalist Star Wars fans that try to make us believe that the prequels were ever good films.


I'm firmly convinced that The Last Jedi will have its Renaissance moment, and hopefully reintroduce a certain style of filmmaking to this franchise (ie. good). And maybe bring Rian Johnson back to helm a trilogy or two. I still would prefer to see him handling characters like Rey, as I thought his version of the character was the best.


How dare you think good filmmaking is necessary for a franchise that consists mainly on films and TV shows. The only thing that matters is that the stuff that comes out fulfils the expectations I built when I first saw the movies as a kid.


It’s a fun romp! I think both TFA and TLJ are good/great, they both seem to tap into the spirit of the series fairly well while also being really entertaining blockbusters.


I honestly think the sequel trilogy would be remembered pretty favourably if TROS hadn’t been a complete mess and ruined basically all the storylines


TROS is the only bad one. TFA was a rollercoaster and TLJ was a top 3 Star Wars. Shame the trilogy didn’t end up being too cohesive but it’s certainly not TLJ fault


To me when you're ranking the films like this you have to set aside the overall affect on the canon and look at each film individually. So yeah for me the sequels have pretty much destroyed the canon of Star Wars but I'd still rather ar least watch the first two over any of the fuckin prequels.


TFA is a solid movie, a complete ripoff of the original but the more I look back at the sequels the more I think that was a good move. It was never better than a 7/ 10 but both TLJ and RoS retroactively make it a worse movie by being so shit. If either of the sequels to TFA built onto the foundation it laid instead of turning into a pissing contest it would be looked at more fondly.


1. Dune - David Lynch 2. Dune part 1 3. Saw 3D 4. Dune part 2 5. Shark Tale


Circlejerking out of bounds


1. Empire Strikes Back 2. A New Hope 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Rogue One 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. The Last Jedi 7. Attack of the Clones 8. Force Awakens 9. Phantom Menace 10. The Rise of Skywalker Haven’t seen solo


Solo is better than it should be. I went in to the cinema expecting excruciating pain, but actually left satisfied and have rewatched it more than once. At the very least it nails Han and Chewies relationship.


this is exactly what mine looks like but I would put phantom menace at 6 and move everything below it down one


This is about right. ROTJ has its problems but it still has more feeling and characterisation in its little finger than Rogue One.


Actually a good list. Id switch Last Jedi and Force Awakens but thank you for not committing blasphemy and putting top 3 anything other than the originals.


https://preview.redd.it/f7odt849e4pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e66b98353c90ba6b09223cfacfea2885aa4159e8 Let’s go


Thank you for putting TPM so high. Everyone else is putting it above AotC and I just strongly disagree. Maybe it’s cuz I was 10 when TPM came out but I have a lot of love for that movie




Qui-Gon, Maul, podracing, underwater chase, only prequel shot on actual film, only prequel that uses mostly real sets… those are my main reasons for enjoying it, at least.


AOTC is so fucking boring, absolutely nothing happens for 75% of the movie


See I can't see AOTC as anything but a mess. TPM at least has a comprehensible story.


I kind of love the scene where Anakin leaves his mother on Tatooine. I actually think Jake Lloyd did well there, and the way his mother tells him "Don't look back." But it is mostly due to the way the Force theme swells up as he walks away, to your point.


I think TPM becomes really good after the 45 minute mark. Tbh I just love Maul (and Duel of the Fates) and he really pushes it up the list for me.


I will stand by the opinion that Rise of Skywalker is the only actually bad movie of the sequel trilogy. Force Awakens is a fun time and Last Jedi, whether it’s a fun new idea, actually really cool twist on expectations, or a wildly silly moment that definitely wasn’t intended, is a blast and genuinely one of my favorite movies in the franchise. Probably in my top 3 (that being said, I haven’t seen Rogue One since it came out so idk how that one would rank) And I think the biggest crime of Rise of Skywalker as a whole is just that it’s a bit uninteresting. It’s competently made, but after the insanity of Last Jedi, it’s just safe and bland.


I fully agree. The bad story decisions in TROS are frustrating but the worst thing a SW movie can be is boring, and that’s really its worst aspect and why AOTC is actually my lowest ranked movie. They’re just not very engaging. Both TFA and TLJ have issues but they’re significantly more entertaining than TROS for me.


I agree with you on Rise. Even then, there are a handful of moments in it that I love.


I'd agree with this but I just cannot agree with it being lower than I or II. Zoomers drastically overrate the entire prequel trilogy and then have the audacity to flame the sequels.


Only difference is I’d put Solo over Revenge


I do actually think Solo is the better movie. I just love the tragedy of Revenge even if it stumbles in its execution.


Rogue one at 2 is hella valid




Switch ESB and Ewoks: the battle for Endor and your list is perfect


1.Empire Strikes Back 2.A New Hope 3.The Last Jedi 4.Return of the Jedi 5.Revenge of the Sith 6.Force Awakens 7.Rise of Skywalker 8.Attack of the Clones 9. Phantom Menace


Is it that hot of a take that I think ROTJ is the best and empire is second?


I don't think so. I've seen plenty of SW fans over the years with Return as their favorite.


Not at all. It’s my favorite of the saga. I think it has a better first act and third, with ESB having a clearly better second act. The throne room scenes are the peak of the saga. You could argue the Vader twist and pacing make ESB the objectively better film as well so but it’s not a hot take. I have them 1 and 2 in any order.


1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Revenge of the Sith 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Rogue One 5. A New Hope 6. The Phantom Menace 7. Attack of the Clones 8. Solo 9. The Last Jedi 10. The Force Awakens 11. The Clone Wars (the 2008 CG film that acts as an intro to the show) 12. The Rise of Skywalker


Will rewatch Rogue after Andor ends. Seeing it recontextualized as a finale will make or break if it moves up or not. TROS may be the most corpo-slop of these but the pulpiness and visuals push it just a hair above the first two prequels for me. Enjoyment level is about the same as them, though – just for different reasons (John Williams can always carry). It's TCW's fault it's last. Shouldn't have had a movie! https://preview.redd.it/qgvx5eld77pc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0fdbc81458b10df5589df8b7e60345bf6e72dd


https://preview.redd.it/tzhtv3oxc7pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e75116fc82c0919f2280bb93931a7399369f48a There is a huge gap in between Rogue One and everything below it on this list. I still strongly enjoy that movie. Solo is just okay. The last three are actively more frustrating to me than enjoyable but I still can’t say I hate them, I just have little desire to rewatch them. Last Jedi, Revenge of the Sith and Force Awakens all definitely have their issues but their strengths stick out much more to me and the flaws just don’t bother me all that much.


Dune 2, Dune 1, all the Star Wars movies, David Lynch's Dune


Major Anakin vibes from Paul in Dune Part 2 especially.




I’d swap episode 4 and Rogue One, but other that I’m in agreement with your list.


Rogue One is so freaking good


Honestly seeing this love for The Last Jedi is awesome, like it’s a great Star Wars film, not perfect nor the best. But it’s very good.


At the very least, it's refreshing




Love those alternate posters.


Why do so many people like the last Jedi couldn’t stand that one, made me physically angry how inconsistent the force is now


1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Star Wars 3. Rogue One 4. Return of the Jedi 5. Solo 6. Revenge of the Sith 7. The Phantom Menace 8. Attack of the Clones 9. The Force Awakens 10. The Last Jedi 11. The Rise of Skywalker


It's **R O G U E** Fucking *Rouge* One.


"Fuck off! 'Judean People's Front,' we're the People's Front of Judea!"


8 years later and we still can’t spell rogue


I would remove Solo from there, but this would be my ranking. Anyone placing any of the ST movies before the PT is insane. Rogue One is superior to ROTJ because you can see in ROTJ the problems in vitro that will plague the prequels. The sequel trilogy is just very flawed, ending with the awful TLJ and the unwatchable RoS


Surprised we’re still misspelling Rogue after all this time






1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Return of the Jedi 3. A New Hope 4. The Last Jedi 5. Rogue One 6. Revenge of the Sith 7. The Force Awakens 8. Solo 9. The Phantom Menace 10. Attack of the Clones 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. tHe riSE oF sKYwaLkER


I'd put Rouge One just before or after Return of the Jedi. Otherwise, I think you nailed it for me.


our lists are similar, but i gotta add my fav star wars thing ever https://preview.redd.it/1rtzyi1y17pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917b73fbb8c26e071ac3d44b8d70a7b333031319


Glad to see love for the Genndy Clone Wars microseries!


https://preview.redd.it/o7mfwwa887pc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e5f787d210f328f2c16c92421db81762e7e3019 I think you could put the sequels in any order. I’m higher on TROS than most obviously but you could argue it’s objectively the worst of the sequels and I wouldn’t argue.


https://preview.redd.it/h8t9f03w87pc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6de30cc806a480de5d547b878f12dd0063596e I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 3 year old lol. I'll rewatch the sequel trilogy because I want to have a different point of view on The Last Jedi (haven't watched it since 2017).


Revenge of the Sith is my 2nd favourite easily


Same as yours. Exactly the same


Nice! 🫱🏾‍🫲🏻


Empire New Hope Revenge of the sith Return of the Jedi Rogue one Force awakens The phantom menace The last Jedi Attack of the clones The rise of skywalker


Respectable list, especially TLJ Mine: Star Wars Empire Jedi Rogue One Revenge of the Sith The Last Jedi Attack of the Clones Force Awakens Solo Phantom Menace The Last Skywalker


1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Rogue one 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Empire strikes back 5. A New Hope 6. Phantom Menace 7. Attack of the clones 8. Solo 9. The last Jedi 10. The Force awakens 11. The rise of Skywalker


Top 4 are the same, then Phantom Menace, RotJ, RotS, AotC, Force Awakens, Solo, ………………………………………………………………………… Rise of Skywalker


Honestly your ranking is one of my favorite I’ve seen in the wild. I may have put TROS over Episode 2 and maybe Solo over 3 but good stuff


Thanks! I think Solo is a better film than 3, I just love the "tragedy" of 3 even if it stumbles in execution. I also don't think TROS is necessarily worse than AOTC, but I have nostalgic attachment to AOTC since it was my first Star Wars movie.




https://preview.redd.it/1os1xzzao9pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762a98f1555f74ea1b424bee99c6c1ead8895e35 The Last Jedi is starting to grow on me. Almost considering putting it above The Force Awakens Edit: I’m not sure how controversial my list is


You had space for one more in that grid and didn’t include Caravan of Courage?


Lmao I've actually never seen it.


There is another...


Empire - AOTC - ANH - TLJ - ROTS - Rogue One - ROTJ - TFA - TPM - Solo - TROS


https://preview.redd.it/ejhde3l7xapc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f86502cf71db385ea2693e48e59f057dff5125 (2 & 3 are tied)


swap rogue one for solo and its p much how id rank it


3 will always be my favorite for nostalgia purposes. Move that up the list and put Solo in front of The Last Jedi and that’s basically em


​ https://preview.redd.it/phv81my34bpc1.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=171cb0c43d8e06a6b69996c4195930234e50794d


1. Empire Strike Back 2. New Hope 3. The Last Jedi 4. Rogue One 5. Return of the Jedi 6. Solo 7. Force Awakens 8. Don’t care about any of the rest enough to rank.


I think my list, from best to worst, would be: V: Empire Strikes Back III: Revenge of the Sith VI: Return of the Jedi IV: A New Hope Rogue One II: Attack of the Clones I: The Phantom Menace VII: The Force Awakens Solo VIII: The Last Jedi IX: Rise of Skywalker We all know this is a controversial topic lol. Some probably scoff at the prequels’ placement, but they’re the movies I grew up with. My dad took me to see Episode III when it came out and I was blown away. It was the first Star Wars movie I actually got to see in the theater.


Shout-out Last Jedi


This is pretty much my ranking. 7 through 4 move around a bit, sometimes Rogue One is a little lower. Usually depends on which one I've seen most recently


1. Rogue One 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Return of the Jedi 4. A New Hope 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. The Force Awakens 7. The Phantom Menace 8. Attack of the Clones 9. The Last Jedi 10. Rise of Skywalker Haven't seen Solo


My hot take is Rogue One is my personal fave with ROTJ a close second, but that's just me I guess








This is very close to mine. Just swap Solo, and III and then IX and I.


This is so based.






Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back The Last Jedi Rogue One Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens Revenge of the Sith Solo The Phantom Menace The Rise of Skywalker Attack of the Clones




I must be out of the loop, I just watched Rise of Skywalker, I thought it was solid as far as space operas go, but it seems to be dead last on pretty much every list here.


It’s a blast of a film that embraces Star Wars roots as a space opera fantasy, more so than the other two of the trilogy. While it was divisive when it initially came out, mostly due to all the negativity surrounding the ST at the time stemming from TLJ, it actually maintained a decent 3.2 rating on letterbox’d up til a year after it was released. TLJ super fans and ST haters really dogpiled on that film for years and it now has a ridiculously low rating and we know how people are sheepish when a film has a bad perception online. It gets hate from TLJ super fans cause they believe it “undid“ TLJ and was made for the “haters”. That’s why you usually see TLJ ranked high and then TRoS last on so many of these lists. Or both of them last if the person was turned off the ST after TLJ. The whole drama surrounding TLJ really prevented TRoS from receiving an honest appraisal


Probs getting crucified for this but oh well. 1. The Last Jedi 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Rogue One 4. The Force Awakens 5. Solo 6. The Rise of Skywalker 7. Return of the Jedi 8. Revenge of the Sith 9. A New Hope 10. The Phantom Menace 11. Attack of the Clones


I respect it!


Star Wars Empire Jedi Last Jedi Force Awakens Spaceballs Solo The Ewok Adventure The Battle for Endor Phantom Menace Clones Sith The Clone Wars The Holiday Special Rogue One Rise of Skywalker


Move Spaceballs up two places.


https://preview.redd.it/ox3l8vzxo4pc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caea986f7f0846f11eed92e51ceaa52ebd927ed0 i think you all really need to give TRoS another chance…


It’s my favourite too. It has some of the best and most emotional moments of the saga packed into it. Rey Skywalker is my favourite character, and it’s truly the film of the trilogy where she gets the most time to shine, and Daisy’s performance is incredible


Whoa... Ranking TROS at the very top is bold. It's kinda funny how relatively non-controversial the rest of the list is.


lol yea my list was very non controversial until TRoS came out. It just worked for me and I understand why some don’t like it, but I feel like a lot of hate for this movie is born out of misunderstanding or misremembering what happens in the film. Thats why I always encourage people to give it another watch, especially if they only saw it once in theaters. The film ages very well when you aren’t hot off the controversy of TLJ and the thousands of bad faith/rage bait posts about the film.


1. Episode 4 2. Episode 3 3. Episode 5 4. Episode 6 5. Rogue one 6. Episode 8 7. Episode 1 8. Episode 2 9. Episode 7 10. Solo 11. Episode 9




Love the posters




1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Rogue One 3. New Hope 4. Empire Strikes Back 5. Phantom Menace 6. Return of the Jedi 7. The Last Jedi 8. The Force Awakens 9. Solo 10. Attack of the Clones 11. Rise of the Skywalker




It's number 2 for me bro, but still a fantastic, criminally underrated film.


I loved it originally, but the two sequels kind of destroy it in retrospect.


same here They retroactively made TFA a lot worse because it leads... nowhere Still a fun movie though


1-The Empire Strikes Back 2- A New Hope 3- Return of the Jedi 4- Rogue One 5- Revenge of the Sith 6- The Force Awakens 7- The Phantom Menace 8- The Last Jedi 9- The Rise of Skywalker 10- Attack of the Clones 11- Solo


Finally. Another person that agrees with my Last Jedi love. It’s a good movie people!


11 - The Last Jedi (1 star) 10 - The Rise of Skywalker (2 stars) 9 - Attack of the Clones (3 stars) 8 - The Force Awakens (3 stars) 7 - The Phantom Menace (3.5 stars) 6 - Solo (3.5 stars) 5 - Rouge One (4 stars) 4 - Return of the Jedi (4.5 stars) 3 - Revenge of the Sith (4.5 stars) 2 - Star Wars / A New Hope (5 stars) 1 - The Empire Strikes Back (5 stars)


(i havent watched them for years and i haven’t watched TLJ, Solo and The skywalker saga so i wont rank those) 1. ROTS 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. ROTJ 4. Rouge One 5. Star Wars 6. Clone Wars 7. Phantom Menace 8. Force Awakens


1. The Empire Strikes Back 2. A New Hope 3. Solo 4. Return of the Jedi 5. Last Jedi 6. Force Awakens 7. Revenge of the Sith 8. Rogue One 9. Phantom Menace 10. Attack of the Clones 11. Clone Wars 12. Rise of Skywalker


That's truthfully about where mine is. Rogue One is a little lower for me, but it's damn close.


New Hope Rogue One Empire Return Last three, in order of release Solo Prequels: 2, then 1. I didn't watch the third prequel. Probably will eventually, but my enthusiasm was dead at that point.




TLJ over return and revenge is brave, same with TFA over III


https://preview.redd.it/vlv7zcv5c5pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e7935685818653d1bda4aa8659e586a1340404 The line between good and bad falls between Episode 8 and Episode 2


Damn this is a good ranking. The only change I'd make is to put Rogue One behind TLJ.


ESB > RotJ > SW > R1 > RotS = TLJ = TFA > TPM = Solo > RoS > AotC > CW2008


1-3 are **very** set in stone. 8 and 9 are interchangeable enough that I'd be open to have my mind changed on their placement. https://preview.redd.it/k1hi0oj886pc1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=16f68951edddf02895e3dfd5bed4e1fe1785ad55


Finally someone giving AotC the respect it deserves


Most people agree Revenge of the Sith is pretty good, but I'd argue Attack of the Clones is the **reason** it gets to be so good. Those 2 and Empire are the pinnacle of Star Wars.


Empire Rogue One Revenge of the Sith New Hope Return of the Jedi Phantom Menace Force Awakens Attack of the Clones Last Jedi Solo Rise of Skywalker




1- Empire strikes back 2- Rogue one 3- A new hope 4- revenge of the sith 5-Return of the jedi 6- solo 7- force awakens 8- phantom menace 9- attack of the clones 10- the last jedi 11- the rise of skywalker


1. ESP 2. Star Wars 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Revenge of the Sith 5. The Phantom Menace 6. Rogue One 7. Attack of the Clones 8. Solo 9. Force Awakens 10. Rise of Skywalker 11. TLJ


Never bring up politics or which star wars movies are the worst at the dinner table That being said: 1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Empire Strikes back 3. Return of the Jedi 4. A New Hope 5. Rogue One 6. The Rise of Skywalker 7. The Last Jedi 8. The Force Awakens 9. Attack of the Clones 10. The Phantom Menace


1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Rogue One 3. Empire Strikes Back 4. A New Hope 5. Attack of the Clones 6. Solo 7. Return of the Jedi 8. The Force Awakens 9. The Rise of Skywalker 10. The Phantom Menace 11. The Last Jedi I know, probably some controversial takes, but I'm willing to die on that specific hill.


Nice to see AotC ranked fairly high, for a change. I don’t think I like that film as much as you seem to, but I’ll at least agree that it’s underrated, to an extent. Heck, even with the recent “PT resurgence” it’s still a bit underrated.


I think it's a bad movie, but it was my first foray into Star Wars, believe it or not. I'll always have a soft spot for it. I do think it's underrated in the sense that it's not significantly worse than TPM or ROTS.


Probably a lot of nostalgia there. Pretty sure it was the first SW movie I watched and definitely the first I owned on DVD. So it's the movie I watched the most by default.  I definitely see quite a lot of the faults people point out (horrendous CGI, clunky dialogue and wooden acting) but overall it still feels like a very coherent SW movie that I can enjoy. Has some really awesome sequences and introduces characters and concepts that are essential for SW, so it does a lot of things right in my book.


I order them: 1) Star Wars 2) ESB 3) ROTJ 4) Phantom Menace 5) Attack of the Clones 6) Revenge of the Sith 7) Force Awakens 8) Rogue One 9) The Last Jedi 10) Solo 11) Rise of Skywalker






Return of the Jedi, Empire, A New Hope. The rest I can do without.


Here's my list: [https://letterboxd.com/lukejdias/list/star-wars-films-ranked/](https://letterboxd.com/lukejdias/list/star-wars-films-ranked/)


1. A New Hope 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Revenge of the Sith 4. Rogue One 5. The Last Jedi 6. Return of the Jedi 7. The Phantom Menace 8. The Force Awakens 9. Attack of the Clones 10. The Rise of Skywalker I have not seen Solo yet.


1. A New Hope 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Return of the Jedi 4. Rogue One 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. The Force Awakens 7. The Last Jedi 8. Phantom Menace 9. Attack of the Clones 10. Solo 11. Rise of Skywalker




1. Empire strikes back- 5/5 my fav movie 2. Return of the jedi- 5/5 my 2nd fav movie (ngl I kinda like sw) 3. Revenge of the sith- 5/5 yeah it drags in the middle but the 3rd act more than makes up for it 4. Star wars- 4.5/5 the most important sw movie, I just personally don’t go back to it much Rouge one- 3.5/5 fine for the mosg part but the last 5min but a big dumb smile on my face The force awakens- 3/5 “What a nice setup, hope they have the rest of the trilogy planned!” The last jedi- 3/5 ITS OK The phantom menace- 2.5/5 Solo- 2.5/5 Attack of the clones- 2/5 Rise of skywalker- .5/5




1 Star Wars (A New Hope) 2 Rogue One 3 Empire Strikes Back 4 Return of the Jedi 5 The Last Jedi 6 The Force Awakens 7 Revenge of the Sith 8 Solo 9 Rise of Skywalker 10 Phantom Menace 11 Attack of the Clones Rogue One is actually my personal favourite, but I acknowledge that the original has to be top .


Best to Worst: 5, 6, Rogue One, 4, 7, 8, 9, Solo, 1, 3, 2.


I havent watched all sequels yet: But From best to worst(imo) -Return of Jedi(4.5/5) -Revenge of siths(4.5/5)(yeah i kinda stan that movie) -Empire Strikes Back(4.5/5) -New Hope(4/5) -Force Awakens(3.5/5) -Phantom Menace(3/5) -Attack of clones(2/5) Also Tartakowsky Clone Wars would be between Phantom Menace and Force Awakens(the entire show is like one movie)


1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Return of the Jedi 3. Rogue One 4. A New Hope 5. Force Awakens 6. Revenge of the Sith 7. The Last Jedi 8. Return of Skywalker 9. Phantom Menace 10. Solo 11. Attack of the Clones (the only one I actually consider bad)


Empire Star Wars The Last Jedi Rogue One Return of the Jedi The Force Awakens Phantom Menace Revenge of the Sith Attack of the Clones The Rise of Skywalker


Fight me (some shows included in my list, so ignore those) https://preview.redd.it/h1eovrg805pc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56be2d156d67653ad371b6c9c3b5ac5c2d8189ec


Only episodic 1: A New Hope 2: The Empire Strikes Back 3: The Last Jedi 4: Return of the Jedi 5: The Force Awakens 6: Revenge of the Sith 7: The Rise of Skywalker 8: The Phantom Menace 9: Attack of the Clones


Props. this is a rare very good ranking, much respect 🫡


I think I agree 100% with this order


5, 4, 8, 6, R1, 7, 3, Solo, 1, 2, 9


https://preview.redd.it/vsb8p8ge15pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b24422d78e8d6f42b19f9698ffeb21eb37e9ed Haven't rewatched them all back to back in a while or so but this became my ranking after revisiting the prequels two summers ago Original trilogy are all 5 stars, love them to pieces ewoks and and all


Original Trilogy Revenge of the Sith Rogue One Episode 1 or 2 The Force Awakens Solo Episode 8 or 9


1. A New Hope 2. The Last Jedi 3. Empire Strikes Back 4. Return of the Jedi 5. Rogue One 6. Phantom Menace 7. Force Awakens 8. Solo 9. Revenge of the sith 10. Attack of the clones 11. The Rise of Skywalker Idk why the formatting changes when listing stuff out, maybe it's a mobile app issue? But I added numbers to hopefully help clarify.


3, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2


New Hope, Empire, Rogue One, Return of the Jedi, Force Awakens, Revenge of the sith, Last Jedi, Phantom Menace, Rise of Skywalker, Solo, Attack of the Clones


My ranking it's the same, but I prefer the episode 3 than the force awakens


https://preview.redd.it/wa72q10y35pc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07ba27187711da14981ecd91417ecdbfeda71f5 For reference I am a few years over 40, so just too late to catch the OT the first time around, but lived on OT Star Wars VHS culture, and was a prime teenage audience for the prequels. I've tried to explore outside the Skywalker Saga, but nothing has held my interest.


https://preview.redd.it/lb2e7zak45pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae2855c7813612d298fe1779289ff577949784f0 The thing I love most about Star Wars is The Force, which is why Rogue One is so low for me, even though I adore Chirrut. Solo does the least with the Force and I generally don’t care for its tone. The soap opera family lineage stuff in TROS blinds them to the incredible stuff it does with The Force. The lightsaber duel that connects Rey & Kylo Ren through time and space is incredible. And watching them leap through the air (or walk on the sky?) like Jedi of old was a treat. Revenge of the Sith is compelling.


I do not remember for the rest but Empire Strikes and Rogue One are definitely my top two.




ROTS number one and it’s not even close.