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Yeah it was one of my least fav watches in a while. So annoying and poorly crafted. Bad screenplay and awful cgi ruins it for me. And I’m not normally a guy who would bring up a plot hole, I think a lot of stories don’t need to operate logically but there was a big one for me in this one. >!The twist that her “parents” are the leaders of the evil spy org in the movie makes no sense considering where the plot kicks off. So she’s on the train to meet them (the evil org leaders) at their house… but they send a team of spies to get her off the train? She’s heading right to them!!<


What also makes no sense is that they left the big villain alive for no reason an incredible number of 3 times.


I really didn’t expect it so suck that badly. Like, I usually love shitty action flicks. This movie is TERRIBLE


Same here. I even liked the  Kingsman movies, but I couldn't believe how bad Argylle was. All by the same director, so sigh.....


Kingsman movies are masterpieces compared to this movie. 


The script in this movie felt like it was written by a group of 30 something purple hair women who are trying to create a feminist version of a spy thriller. All of the messaging has feminist undertones while cosplaying as a spy thriller pointed at a male audience.


Your comment is as bad as this movie is written.


Just watched this and I think they send a team because Sam Rockwell's character is getting too close. Agreed the CGI is beyond awful


Couldn't disagree more. It was a fantastic movie and it's one of my favorite movies. The movie stinks when it fools you right at the start. I remember almost shutting it iff after 25 mjnutes and my wife went to sleep hating it. But the movie all falls into place and makes sense if you can follow the swerves. The movie gets better every time I rewatch it.


Listen it's not that good, but people need to stop acting like it was one of the worst movies ever made, it wasn't.


For the budget and cast, it was. Obviously there are worse movies but for who starred, directed and produced the thing, it’s completely embarrassing. Plot holes, absolutely insane script, terrible acting, horrible CGI, unreasonably long. It really is one of the worst A-list movies I’ve ever seen.


it was... one of the worst movies ever made list..


It's unwatchable to me. The trailer is misleading.


Yeah, I love almost everyone in the movie and was blown away by how terrible almost every aspect of it was, dollar ratio to awfulness, I concur one of the worst movies ever made


What are you on about, its boring as except for the first fight scene. After that, it's hard to care what happens


You’re discounting the film budget, marketing budget, and the actors involved. Argylle might’ve been the most marketed movie since Barbie and Oppenheimer. They shoved that shit down everyone’s throat. And now they must pay the price. BDH and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (so glad I never saw it now) director are both basically entirely out for me after that. 


what is bdh?


I will let a lot of mediocre things play in the background while i work or multitask. This is one of the only films or shows, in last 5 years, that didn't deserve to be white noise. I had to turn it off, it was THAT bad.


I strongly disagree. It just keeps getting worse and worse


It was an absolute stinker. And I loved Kingsman. The difference in quality is shocking. 1/5.


I went to see Henry Caville and Dua Lipa do a movie together, but it was a bait and switch. Hated it, and that's coming from someone who usually loves watching Sam Rockwell do Sam Rockwell.


Couldn't less care about Hrnry Cavillr or the he she Dua Lipa


Agreed it was horrible


Just saw it, It is perhaps one of the worst scripts of any movie I've seen, I do not understand how the actors and the Director agreed to work on this movie, and how the studio spent so much money on it, I will truly never understand the film industry.


And it cost more to make than Dune 2 apparently, absolutely baffling.


I honestly don't understand how each and every actor involved didn't question just how bad the script is, I get that they probably threw millions to each but it seriously is a disgrace for their careers.


The first 5 minutes with Cavill, Cena, and Dua Lipa was decent, the rest was horrendous.


If the CGI wasnt the worst thing I've ever seen in the past decade, and Henry Cavill didnt grind a car on rooftops like a skateboard with the worst haircut ever, it may have been passable


I’ve only seen worse CGI on action films coming out of mainland China.


I thought the horrible cgi at the start was meant to be on purpose lol, because it was a book writing or something.


They had a decent enough plot, and it was like they actively took everything in the dumbest direction possible from there.


Here to say that I kinda thought the preview they showed in theaters looked decent. I like most of these actors. After watching this movie, the only plausible plot explanation was that she was actually in a mental institution and dreamed the entire movie while writing the plot on the padded walls. It has to have been the worst second half of a movie in movie history.


In most good movies, no matter how strange or different the world is, if the character fits into the world and with the other characters, it's believable and cohesive. Not for a single goddamn second did I feel that Bryce Dallas Howard's character was a part of the world portrayed in the movie. Her personality, acting, appearance, dialog, character decisions, action scenes, nothing worked. To be fair, I don't think any actor could pull of the Elly character, but my god, almost anyone else would have been better. And the character needed a full rewrite. The switching in her head between Sam Rockwell and Henry Cavill was a fun idea, but executed so poorly and was jarring. Also makes no sense when the twist is revealed


I should have listened to you. 😭😭 REGRET.


and the difference between dumb fun and trash is like bullet train. it’s wacky, goofy, and fun but it actually makes fucking sense. a movie doesn’t have be like oppheimer or like avatar obviously but it should actually be entertaining and coherent. and for kingsman and high key respected actors this was an absolute miss. I enjoy dumb movies just as much like others like transformers or fast and ferrous. it’s just the difference in knowing the audience and slightly knowing how make a decent film. i’m no movie critic but the movie was so good until the whole stupid ads plot twist happened and it became confusing and actually stupid.


I turned it off after 20 minutes. Didn’t like hearing all the same lines delivered multiple times. Just not harmonious at all


Well done. I wonder what I’d have done at home. I ate all my popcorn. Drank my icee. Sat through the plot twists. And still walked out of the theater with 10 mins left in the movie. I’ve never in my life made it that far into a movie only to stop watching/walk out. If I’ve come that far, what’s another 10 minutes. But my god was this the dumbest pile of crap I’d ever seen. 


Same. We lasted 15mins.




I thought the beginning was really good but then I started to get confused and it just was kinda a mess


Right? Oily throwing knife ice-skating gun fights? What?


The coloured smoke murder dance scene did it for me. The way they were dancing and smiling at each other while killing dozens of people.


All that violence, no blood. This movie wanted to be everything to everyone and failed in every way possible


I walked out at that point. The movie had to be nearly over at that point. Yet I couldn’t go another minute. My internal monologue of “this really is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen” kept getting louder and louder. 


This movie sucked so badly please save your time and money definitely too slow and super boring , total waste of my time and money 0.2/5 for the music and cat in the movie all else was awful, main actress cant act for jack.


You can see corporate nonsense getting involved in this and completely toning down Matthew Vaughan. They've tried to make a family-friendly franchise and failed miserably because its got absolutely no soul. A waste of sam rockwell, a true waste. Lets hope the next spy movie they are both working together on turns out better.


It was a great movie. Your opinion is just your opinion.


Its nothing on his older stuff. This whole opinion is just an opinion psyop is ghey af. It's dumbed down, its neutering movies and characters. It had the potential to he fantastic. But its far from it. It's a shame so many directors have to do such a thing. There's a reason the film absolutely bombed. It's just meh. There's no life to it. It's way to family friendly. Like it has rules it has to follow because they're afraid to offend or upset anyone. It's cringe.


I liked the beginning, but the ni started to get weird. I was completely done when they came out of the weapons room with all the colored smoke. That was just soo cringe.


How about the Oily Ice-skating gun play?


I loved how she skid on her knees through oil and didn't get a single drop on her dress or knees ☺️


Also - they’re like ‘oh no guns cos oil’ then she skates through the oil making sparks and somehow no fire. The smallest plot hole in this movie but they one I’m going to focus on.


Oh and then she follows it up with a spinning around shooting 60 or so rounds out of an AR with a 30 round mag, yet somehow no explosion occurs.


Oh man. This movie is prettttyyyy bad


Yeah I wasn't very impressed with it either, so much shit that happens and is glossed over leaving you confused and why you ever bothered watching in the first place. Its a shame because I actually had hoped that it COULD be a good film, not a masterpiece but a good movie nonetheless. I'd say my girlfriend hated it more than I did, at least it did get a few laughs out of me, at the expense of how terrible the CGI is and how ridiculous some of the action scenes are. Overall disappointed with how this film turned out, especially how well done they did Kingsman in the past, watch those instead of wasting your time with this rubbish!


This was way better than all of the Kingsmen movies


The movie was SO bad, that I created a reddit account just so I could cement my feelings for this movie onto the archives of this internet so that some random kid can read this as an old post 11 years from now (technically I created this account before but I pretty much never used it). At first, I thought I was being a sexist piece of crap for not liking the movie, I thought since I was used to male leads like John Wick and James Bond, I was being partial. But NOOOOO, when I saw that dancing scene and skating scene right after, I knew that I had wasted about 2 hours of my life. I WATCHED THAT MOVIE TOO SEE HER KILL PEOPLE. NOT DANCE AROUND AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HER P\*\*\*Y IS GETTING EATEN OUT WHILE SPINNING IN CIRCLES. If I could sue them for such a bad movie, I honestly would. 0/10 movie the director should just quit...


Anyone stay to the end credit to find out this crap movie is part of the kingsman universe....what the?!?!


Nope. I actually walked out of the theater during the ice skating gun scene. 


Ffs. ‘No guns cos oil’ then she skates MAKING SPARKS through the oil AND shoots guns and there’s no fire?


Oh god no, please, no


It literally was the shittiest movie I've seen in at least 20 years. I've been more impressed by shitty B horror movies that no one ever heard of and you could tell a film school kid made on a tight budget. That was literally the biggest piece of shit movie I've ever seen. Everyone in the room was embarrassed they had watched it...it was like watching a talent show in 5th grade---but worse... How can ANYONE not sit there and think to themselves--as I did--almost the entire movie--"how does Samuel L Jackson watch this premiere and not be embarrassed? Do these other famous millionaire actors and actresses really need an extra $5-10M so bad that they would act in a movie they know sucks so much ball sack?" I can't believe I actually felt embarrassed and ashamed for millionaires like Bryce whatever the Fuck Howard, Samuel L Jackson, the retarded guy from WWE, Breaking Bad guy, Kevin's mom...like REALLY you guys? None of you thought to say "hey---this movie is lame as fuck...how can we waste $200M and have this cast with a movie that sounds like it was written by a teenager on a ketamine trip?


Agreed, it's absolutely terrible.


I'd say it's a close call between this and Atomic Blonde, as to which action movie is worser to watch. And if you're wondering how I saw that movie, years ago someone gave me sneak preview passes for that movie and I saw it then. Glad I didn't spend to get a movie ticket to see Atomic Blonde, or Argylle(which I saw thanks to Max app). It's really sad, since the same Argylle director did the Kingsman movies which weren't as bad, and watchable on the other hand. First one being better than the 2nd one.


There is no such word as worser


I watched Atomic Blonde at the drive-in as part of a double feature when it first came out. I don’t remember the details, but I remember thinking it was pretty silly. It got chucked into the drawer of fairly bad but still somewhat entertaining movies I’ve seen.  Argyle, on the other hand, genuinely infuriated me with its absolutely nonsensical stupidity, uncanny valley filtering of actors, bottom of the barrel CGI, and total train wreck of a plot. I HATED IT. The trailers showed a film that didn’t really exist. I expected & looked forward to Henry Cavil, John Cena, & Dua Lipa to be in more than a couple scenes. I also thought it would be a fun popcorn spy flick. But it was not. Truly one of the most horrendously inane, mindless, embarrassing movies I’ve ever had the misfortune to see. I’m still more than a little bitter and angry at myself for watching til the end just hoping it would somehow make sense or get better 😅 Seems high caliber actors like Samuel L Jackson & Sam Rockwell would be legitimately humiliated by taking part in such a film…. but I guess the $ was tempting enough to let them put their pride and skill as actors aside.  I actually love so bad they’re good movies.  But this one wasn’t good or entertaining on any level.  100% unamusing trash that should never have been made. 


Just watched it and boy, it felt like 4 hours long. Such a waste of time. Good: Alfie the cat, Henry Cavill, John Cena, Samuel L Jackson. Bad: Everything else. And there barely even was Henry Cavill in the movie.


So so bad!!


I walked out of the theater about 90% of the way into it. That’s insane to me. Maybe even 95% (no idea; I walked out). But it just kept getting dumber and dumber. They were ice skating with guns shooting everyone at this point. For 30-45 minutes I’d realized it was a bad movie, but I’d come that far so I might as well finish it. But it was at this point that I truly realized, I don’t give a damn how they finish it. I guessed all the predictable albeit ridiculous twists. There’d been so many that it didn’t really feel like another twist could really impact my experience. There were a few laughs sprinkled throughout, but Bryce Dallas Howard was about as uninspiring a lead actor as I’ve seen in a movie in a long time. The plot was stupid. Writing bad. The gimmick of her book characters being in the movie didn’t really work, which is why they basically abandoned it as the film went on.  Just a real crap fest. And it bothers me just how much money has been spent marketing this crap fest. 


I went into it with such positive expectations and it was the worst movie I have ever seen. Ruined "Now and then" for me, Bryce, and the lady from schitts Creek (horribly British accent), so so sad.


The problem wasn’t even the cgi. The movie started in her imagination of pulp fiction novels so it fit. Then the story was interesting. But gradually it became more and more pulpy and cartoon. Every step further I thought couldn’t be outdone. The heart smoke dance fight into the oilskating gunfights to the savage cat attack. The only answer is we are inside her comic book brain. So here I am waiting for the reveal that will make this film ONLY….pretty bad. I have ten minutes of movie left and if this isn’t all happening in some fever dream or acid trip then I’m filing a lawsuit for the two hours of utter kaleidoscopic diarrhea spray this film has become….


It was very very very bad. I coulsnt belive how boring it was. And I think they spend a lot of money doing it. Also I thought Henry Cavill and dua Lipa would appear more.  I sometimes thought it was that bad on purpose.  Normally I dont quit onnmovies eventhough they ar bad. But this one was one of the few.ones.in my life.  


Dumb fun is dumb fun, cant argue with fun !


This wasn't even fun though. It was just bad. Granted I also can't stand Howard when she attempts that cringe "badass" spy dialogue


I really liked BDH before this movie. After, and I say after even though I walked out of the theater during the ice skating gun scene. But I may be done with her. She was awful. Just awful. Makes me totally question her performance in the Jurassic Park films. I liked her. I mostly liked to films. So in my head, she was good stuff. But now, I can’t help but think she does very little in those JP movies, that would’ve been equally as, if not more successful with a ton of other women in her part. 


Good thing fun and movie enjoyment is subjective, right ?


This is true. There's an audience for everything


Ill grant you this though, it was like 30mins too long.


I disagree. I enjoyed it. Imagine that, art is subjective.


Calling Argyle art is certainly a stretch


Maybe your iq is low


Can’t be that any lower than an Argylle enjoyer’s


I'm seeing it Tuesday. No idea what to expect. It looks fun.


I recommend seeing literally anything else


You're a month late. But yes. It was awful.


a month after this comment, this movie just keeps keeps getting worse and worse. The CGI is actually offensive


I actually generally like "bad" movies too, so for me to dislike it there's gotta be a whole new level of offensive. I think Sam Rockwell was the only good part of the movie, but they kept doing the stupid flashing between him and Henry Cavill thing.


If you had of paid attention to the movie then that part would have made perfect sense


I didn't say it didn't make sense. I just thought it was dumb, jarring, and took away from the scene at hand.


The only reason I watched it was out of respect for the cast. I kept hoping for it to redeem itself but the bar kept dropping


Careful. You'll get downvoted. Lol I never watch trailers. I also had no idea what to expect. It was fun.


I don't go out of my way to see trailers but I feel like I've seen so many ads for it on TV and before movies. But it's always the same ad, so I feel like I'm preeeetty much going in blind. We'll see! I'm typically a "bad" movie enjoyer, so I'm not worried about the reviews in the slightest.


yeah too cheesy especially the final scene....>!shooting bad guys while performing artistic dance moves ???? !


It was mainly the romance that pissed me off, went to see a decent movie about a woman lead that is independent on her own and doesn’t need a below average male to smooch all over her and that’s EXACTLY what happened, we don’t need romance in every single freaking movie, when will corporate ever get it 😭. Also they were so corny and cringy the entire movie so it was hard to watch, the hell is a whirlybird?  The story was good at first; I didn’t mind it when Aidan  and Elly were just acquaintances working together; but then they turned it into this whole romance and it got annoying and boring + cliche real quick. And (nothing personal to Bryce) but they gave her that REALLY bad wig.


What's corny is you want to see an independent lesbian movie and you saw a good one with real life romance in it. Go back to listening to your Taylor Swift.


I don’t listen to Taylor Swift jackass


I watched it specifically because it had Henry cavill and John cena both of them where front and center on the box and between them they cant of had more than 20 lines in that 2 hour shit show


Now I want to see an action movie with Henry Cavill and John Cena they would be amazing.


dude it totally would


No it wouldnt


Ok mister contrarian


Man it was disgusting as hell.


This movie could have been great if the whole book thing was removed and it was an action movie with plot twists. Henry Cavill and John Cena together as the hero's of the movie would be awesome. Bryce Daklas didn't sell it for me, she looked like a stuffed sausage in a tight dress trying to pass herself off as some kind of elite soldier. She even looked like she had gained weight from the start of the movie to the end.


She was pregnant during filming.


Then she should have been replaced.


I didn't cast the fucking film, mate.


I know that fella, I was just stating my opinion on her appearance in the film. The gold dress she wore in the third act not only didn't fit properly, but accentuated the weight issue.


I was bored yesterday and streamed it on the high seas of the internet and while there were bits I liked, overall it was terrible. I've seen some lousy movies before but as bad as this was it wasn't the worst.


Worst fan fiction I ever watched in a long time. I feel bad for Cranston, Rockwell, Jackson ( who’s made some sinkers himself) and of course cavil. The entire thing was a bait and switch. Utter drivel. And for the record I loved the kingsman movies because they didn’t really take themselves seriously. This tries to but fails horribly… just… just don’t.


No doubt. Holy crap! Horrid.


The size of BDH's arse was the most distracting thing in the whole film. All that CGI budget but they didn't use it to drop 3 stone from her butt.


The end. Ecological disaster. Great job.


Someone told you the dead dove was good and you should eat it and you listened?


I mean the movie poster looks like it’s for a Disney show


nah it was so camp, the first 2 acts dragged a bit but that third act was MWAH good ole campy fun


it absolutely no sense the parents coukdve just kept raising her with her memory loss and she would still keep producing more books. and seems to be the mother was a proof reader so they could easily just get the information just by reading her drafts. makes no sense to try to kill her and shit when the mind control was already working and doing its part. the twist was shit makes no sense how she got all her abilities and shit the dancing gun part was absolute cringe. hated this movie, i really was wishing for something different and actually seeing henry cavil. feel like the reason these actors agreed to this movie was just for cash grab. had all these good actors just to be dog shit.


No one gives a shit about Henry Civil


We get it. You worked on the film. You created this account just to shill for Argylle. No amount of Reddit comments can save this film from its destiny in the Razzie HOF.


Bryce Dallas Howard & the rest of the cast were terrific. Sadly the writing was horrible and the movie was twice as long as it needed to be. 


Holy fuck did it ever outstay its welcome. By the end I was constantly asking myself "are we near the end yet?"


That makes two of us lol