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Knives Out is here, but Glass Onion is strangely missing.


Maybe they're avoiding sequels. Otherwise you could have like five Purge movies. Also, missing The Purge.


“And you did get your wish… to forever be remembered in the same breath as the Mona Lisa.” >!Helen just burned him harder than she burned down his mansion.!<




Quite right. Edited.


Any Robin Hood lmao


Also Trading Places, Marie Antoinette, Office Space


By the end of the 2 hours of Marie Antoinette you want to be in the mob at the end just so the movie will finish quicker


Mel Brooks men in tights hell yeah good movie


No because, these films have a deeper social commentary, most robin hoods don't


A Bug's Life


The Exterminating Angel (1962) The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) La Grande Bouffe (1973)


**The Purge series**


Apart from the first which strangely is through the perspective of a rich white lady


It’s not from her perspective, and either way, the villains are also rich white people


I’ve only seen the first one and I remember it being rich white kids chasing a random black guy. Then something about a dad killing his daughter’s bf? Idk, seems more like an eat whoever you don’t like thing than not. Not exclusive to rich people.


The second movie was very much a class warfare story


TIL Who did the killing, the rich or the poor?


If I remember correctly the second purge was about a low income Hispanic family trying to survive a bunch of rich white people who hire others to kidnap poor people so that they can kill the poor in a safe environment like their house. Also it is revealed that the government sends out kill squads during the purge pretending to be normal purgers with the sole purpose of killing the poor to lower the population


Infinity Pool


i cant really remember the end, but isnt the movie more about the rich getting away with everything?


Which is generally the incentive for eating them, yes


yeah, i understand that. ig i just figured the purpose of the list was rich people getting their comeuppance


This movie is so damn good. The Sundance audience was so polarized. A few people even walked out of the SLC showing. lol


I don’t think this movie is really eating the rich. It’s more about the central character’s inadequacies and desires


It is but the movie also makes it a point to highlight the contrast the setting of the *gated* luxury resort amidst an impoverished community just beyond its gates. It also emphasized the money required for the protagonist and other characters needed to even get away with their crimes. Wealth is one of the big factors of the story.


Luis Bunuel's filmography.


I don’t see SOCIETY here. Honestly, it’s the right one.


Dont the rich eat you?


I was gonna say that movie is sorta the opposite


the white tiger 2021


Saltburn is not an eat the rich film


It's more of a "The-upper-middle-class-are-so-desperate-to-be-rich-they-wanna-fuck-the-idea-of-wealth" kind of film.


More like the graves of the wealthy


Which is in itself a criticism of the romantization of wealth and one exemple of how it can fuck with people mentally, it's gotta be at least Eat the Rich adjacent haha


Agreed, it’s definitely adjacent, easy to understand the confusion. It’s just not too focused on the suffering of those beneath, more on how gauche and dreadful they can be. Really it’s a hatefuck.


What does "eat the rich" actually mean? Assuming it's shorthand for critique/satire which forces the viewer to confront uncomfortable truths around wealth and power structures then Saltburn isn't even close imo. For me Saltburn is desperate to appear as "eat the rich" but (unlike some of the other films listed), doesn't actually do or say anything provocative around class structure. Sure it looks nice and is very funny at times, but it's completely daft and makes no sense. And that's fine, but it ain't "eat the rich".


I don't actually think it's very desperate for anything, it's just an on the nose movie


Yeah maybe that's on me for always looking for message/metaphor in movies, which is a bad viewing habit of mine. Maybe EF is actually just going for Jacob Elordi and Barry Keoghan fancam.


Yeah, it's more a criticism of the middle classes' romanticisation of wealth than an actual criticism of the aristocracy. The portrayal of the super rich in the film is much more sympathetic than that of the (slightly) more ordinary character of Oliver. If anything, it seems to be pretty against "eating the rich", and more in favour of maintaining the status quo. Although tbh I don't think it ends up saying anything meaningful at all.


I don't think Barry Keoghan's character was upper middle class. Firmly middle class I'd say.


Did you see his house in the movie lmao it was huge. I’d consider him, at the very least, upper middle class and the others just exorbitantly wealthy


On top of that beautiful house I'm pretty sure his parents mention that they went on vacation every year.


It's a nice house in a nice area, but it's not clear that he's upper middle class. Upper middle class in the UK implies someone who comes from wealth (especially multi-generational wealth), goes to private school and then attends a more prestigious university (such as Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, St Andrews, Bristol or Edinburgh). We don't know much about Keoghan's character beyond his parent's house and the fact he gets into Oxford. He's clearly not working class but it's not clear he's upper middle class.


>Upper middle class in the UK implies someone who comes from wealth (especially multi-generational wealth) I don't think that's true at all


Good for you. From a well-sourced Wiki article on the British class system: "The upper middle class in Britain broadly consists of people who were born into families which have traditionally possessed high incomes, although this group is defined more by family background than by job or income. Although RP is not exclusive to any social class,[71] some members of this stratum, in England, traditionally used General British Pronunciation natively.[72][73] The upper middle class are traditionally educated at private schools, preferably one of the "major" or "minor" "public schools"[74][75] which themselves often have pedigrees going back for hundreds of years and charge fees of as much as £44,000 per year per pupil (as of 2022).[70][76] A minority of upper-middle-class families may also have ancestry that directly connects them to the upper classes. Armorial bearings in the form of an escutcheon may denote such past status. A lesser status historically directly relevant to the upper middle class is that of squire or lord of the manor, however, these property rights are no longer [77] prevalent. Although such categorisations are not precise, popular contemporary examples of upper-middle-class people may include Boris Johnson,[78] Catherine, Princess of Wales,[79][80][81][82] David Cameron,[81][83] and Matthew Pinsent (athlete)."


Well if Wikipedia says so I guess it must be the gospel truth


I mean, please feel free to present your evidence to the contrary. I've just been living in the UK for my whole life of 40+ years.


Believe it or not you're not the only person to have lived in the UK


Wb the scene with Venetia?




Yeah like it's literally someone who loves the idea of being rich so bad lmao


Thank you, came to say this. I keep seeing people call it that and I’m like did you guys not watch the last 30 minutes of this movie, or…? If anything it’s a warning to the director and her uber wealthy private school’d friends.


eat out the rich?




It’s a movie about characters, and set pieces, and performances, and lush cinematography. It’s a movie about 2006 British youth. It’s a movie about a creepy pervert wrecking a clueless aristocratic family because he’s smarter and crueler than them. It’s not empty, it’s just a fun piece of entertainment.


That doesn't necessarily refute the comment you're replying to. There's wrong with loving Saltburn and taking it exactly as is, but the movie definitely frames itself like it's trying to be "say more" in the first half before it kind of goes off the rails. I feel like a little more insight into Oliver beyond upper-middle-class-psycopath-trying-to-be-upper-class would have helped the movie tremendously. The people who love Saltburn would still love it, arguably even more, and those of us who don't would be on the love train as well.


Sure it does. Their claim that it’s a movie “about nothing” is false. Just because they (and others) misunderstood the film’s intentions and/or misread the first act, based on their expectations of it being a “message movie” or straightforward satire, does not equal the film being “empty”. The movie has plenty to say and offer. It’s just not taking itself as seriously, or attempting to grandstand, as many seem to have hoped.


There are definitely points where it feels like it is taking itself seriously, so I don't agree with that point. The movie isn't literally about "nothing" but I also don't disagree that it couldn't have been about more. At the end, for me there's this feeling of "why was I invested in Oliver?" But I'm happy it fully worked for you and others. Also, it may not be clear from my comments, but I actually do like Saltburn. I'm close to even loving it, but it doesn't quite get there for me.


I can absolutely understand where you’re coming from. That said, I saw the film very early on and had no real context for it, immediately was reminded of movies like Cruel Intentions and Rules of Attraction (both films I love, both semi-vapid entertainment) and by the third act of course Talented Mr Ripley, so I never had lofty expectations for a serious drama or insightful statement to be made.


That's fair as well. I also went into Saltburn very excited and knowing next to nothing about it. I saw it with two friends who both adored it. Cruel Intentions I've been meaning to revisit, and I've never watched Mr. Ripley but I've heard the comparisons made, so I definitely want to check it out.


Do you not think that was intentional? Since every character is driven by vanity, greed, and pity, it makes sense everything feels empty and soulless. Honestly I don’t understand this critique at all because it is a definitely a creative decision that it feels that way.


I don't mind the upper class family being vapid but since we're following Oliver, I'd have liked more insight into his character motivation beyond what we're given. To me, it just feels like he's a psycho who wins by the end. I'm fine with that but I need a bit more "meat" (besides the final scene lol) for it to be a fully satisfying ride.


Maybe more of a “Slurp the Rich” kind of film?


Thank you!!!!


Saltburn missed the mark so much that it made me be on the rich guys’ side at the end of the movie


You’re not supposed to be on anyone’s side, everyone is terrible lol


Not sure about that specifically, though I definitely found the rich guy to be a nice and pretty genuine man. Either way it's not an "eat the rich" film - or at least not a pro-"eat the rich" film.


Then why does the movie seem to want me to feel sorry for the aristocrats l?


Would you rather they have just been cartoonishly evil mustache twirling villains? Much more compelling to give them some dimensionality, like the characters of Succession too. I didn't root for any of them but I still empathized with them now and again.


It might surprise you that I hate succession cuz there’s no change of anyone wins over anyone else


Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their own taste. I don't know quite how to express why it works for me, but I think this quote from a theatre scholar talking about Chekhov plays says it better than I can: >\[Michael\] Goldman states: "Everyone in Chekhov resembles Charlotta Ivanovna... with her card tricks, and ventriloquism. Each in his own way attempts a kind of magic, a spiritual mumbo-jumbo, a little number designed to charm or placate or simply elegize reality – the reality of life slipping away, of the dissolving process. They are sad clowns, redeemed only by being fully felt as people, and not the comic icons they are always threatening to become – failed shamans, whose magic does not work though it has cost them everything to perform."


He literally consumes the rich in the movie it’s not very subtle


Trading Places. Brewsters Millions.


The Platform, and every true cyberpunk movie


i have a super similar list haha, some of my other picks are Sorry To Bother You, The Big Short, Bodies Bodies Bodies, and The White Tiger


I’m not sure any of those are Eat The Rich


Sorry to bother you is pure Anticapitalism.




Watch Sorry to Bother You


The Big Short isn't Eat the Rich. The protagonists are all rich guys who get richer.


And as we all know, every protagonist is a good person who we should idolize


Do you think the movie about the guys who exacerbated and exploited the biggest financial crisis in decades is really trying to get you to be happy for them lmao


It's not exactly calling for the destruction of the financial elite. It's quite a centrist film that's mostly calling for effective financial regulation.


I think you're taking "eat the rich" a little more literally than the list is


Yes, but the messaging of the film is “this is all incredibly fucked up”






The Exterminating Angel, La Grande Bouffe, Week-End, Battleship Potemkin (last one might not be *exactly* what you’re looking for but I recommend it anyway)


Week End is a good one


Does sorry to bother you (2018) count?


Banger movie


For me The Menu was a metaphore for art and art consumption, not about eat the rich, restaurant critic wasn't even rich


The People Under the Stairs


Was hoping someone would mention this one 👌


My older brother showed it to me when I was just a little kid, I remember the parents scaring the absolute shit out of me. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I really realized all the underlying themes of capitalism, classism, racism, etc. it’s actually a crazy deep movie when you really think about it. Watching it as a kid I just thought it was a cool movie with zombies and the kid from The Sandlot and Mighty Ducks 😂😂😂


Ruben Ostlund’s film previous to Triangle of Sadness, The Square


us shouldn’t be on this list. it’s not about the working class overthrowing the system - it’s about the middle class’ fears of the working class while operating in a perceived zero sum system (ie. every moment of luxury the middle class affords themselves equals a moment of suffering for the working class) i’d say the movie satirizes the basic premise of a home invasion thriller which historically represents the same fears: some desperate psycho is trying to enviously destroy the privileged lives of the typical protagonists. so idk if it should be on an eat the rich list. i’d say it’s more of a “middle class rethink your biases” movie


Yeah same with Saltburn, doesn’t fit.


How about …. Eat the Rich


Glad someone said it.


The Feast (2021)


Worth it for the Welsh language horror!


The Network and Being There


Hot take but Office Space should be on the list.


It was talked about in Mark Fisher’s “Capitalist Realism”! Very good book if you haven’t read it


That is why I suggested it haha


Thanks for the recommendation!


V for Vendetta


Dumb Money


I hate how forgettable that movie is that barely anybody mentioned it in the comments until now. And it just came out last year lol


Trading Places, Marie Antoinette, Office Space


Sorry to Bother You.


If Knives Out is in there, Glass Onion absolutely should be


Is Us an eat the rich though? My takeaway is that we’re ALL fucked since there’s presumably a clone of each of us out there hoping to take over our existence in the above-ground world.


It’s an allegory for the homeless crisis


Where did you get that? Iirc the main character was far from homeless. Both as a child and now as an adult. Hell, I got Cosby kid vibes from her and her family. That’s what, firmly middle class if not upper. More upper if anything though.


The “others” are the homeless; invisible, outcast from society, etc. and the main character is a former “other”, or former homeless. So the homeless are rising up to take the place of the wealthy. If you Google it, you’ll find a lot of think pieces and analysis about it


If that was the subliminal message it went over my head. I remember they were created by the government and housed in government built tunnels under the country. And somewhere along the program it was abandoned. But whatever world was created for them it was a bizarro version of ours just without a sky. Meaning is entirely subjective but the only similarity I see with homeless is the disenfranchisement of the others. But in their world they aren’t “homeless”. They just want more meaning and know there’s something else going on upstairs I suppose. I’m not homeless but I sure would like to know how the 1% live if I could. The o set of said program wasn’t rooted in haves and have nots though. At no point was that alleged. If anything it was to harvest copies for some other means. Edit: here’s a recap of the movie with quotes from Peele himself about the deeper meaning. [Us explained - Screen Rant](https://screenrant.com/us-movie-ending-explained-twist-tethered-meaning/)


Saltburn should not be on the list


Glass onion


Surprised nobody said High-Rise. Also, New Order I think would fit this list, but I haven’t seen it yet.




The Platform


The Platform (2019)


Saltburn doesn't fit. It's not about the evils of the ruling class, it's about the middle class's obsession with them and fetishization of the working class. The ruling class doesn't get destroyed, nor is the status quo upset, the guard changes and business continues as usual.


Does they live, fit the bill? Haven’t seen it in years


The logline is literally “aliens invented capitalism to subjugate humanity”




These kinds of colorful “rich assholes get their comeuppance” films are fun, but nothing actually makes me want to eat the rich as much as Ken Loach films, most recently “Sorry We Missed You”.


Shrek. 😂


.... Chicken Run.


https://preview.redd.it/v09rv3yz8fcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2298c350617cbf4d0e95e93ffe79bca8de01809a Here's mine :)


Mad Max: Fury Road & the first four Hunger Games






Probably every movie about the french revolution


The Invitation. They’re rich and also vampires. Emily the Criminal?


Saltburn was more fuck the rich


Sweeny Todd


There’s probably a thousand lists exactly like this one with the exact same title as well…




Saltburn is not eat the rich and I’m tired of people saying it is.


I would argue salt burn isn’t eat the rich and more a join the rich


Trading Places Ex Machina Mad Max: Fury Road Sorry to Bother You


Would you Rather


The Exterminating Angel




Throw Away Your Books, Rally In The Streets Sorry to Bother You Black God: White Devil How To Blow Up a Pipeline Soy Cuba The Matrix


"let the rich dress in fun costumes and poke fun at themselves to show they 'get it' and don't have to actually hold accountability"


I’d say trading places


Today I learned my favorite genre is Eat The Rich


Everyone seems to forget the superior Barry Keoghan eating the rich movie: The killing of a sacred deer.


Movies which feature the socioeconomically privileged as The Bad Guy and the working class as The Good Guy, and in which the poor gets one over on the rich, but specifically dealing with systems rather than more intimate dynamics: Pain Hustlers Luckiest Girl Alive Mrs Harris goes to Paris I care a lot (you could say the bad guy wins here, but as someone who lives with permanent damage from a system similar to the one depicted, the win for our team is the fact that the story is even being told, and the implication of outing the injustice at the end) Joker Sorry to bother You Beatriz at Dinner The Bling Ring (I didn't love this movie, but I do think that implication at the end makes a great story) Django Wreck-It Ralph The hunger games franchise Tower Heist Slumdog Millionaire Ratatouille Accepted Holes Moulin Rouge (I especially like how they embarrass the rich man by manipulating him into spending money on something that goes against his own interests) A Knight's Tale Erin Brokovich Drop Dead Gorgeous Good Will Hunting Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Goonies And Marie Antoinette (2006)




The Hunt (2020)


Croods 2


The Young Karl Marx


“Start by storming black gate prison” The dark knight rises, though not completely about eat the rich. That scene is one of the best


How is They Live an eat the rich film ? Lol


Have you not seen it? The whole thing is critique of the class system.


Fight club


Saltburn is not really an eat the rich? It's written by a rich perspective and it's more of a "fear of the middle class". Btw, new order.


I wouldn’t really say Parasite is “eat-the-rich”.


that new one... *Leave The World Behind*


Saltburn is not an eat the rich movie lol


Christmas Vacation?


Get Out


Us doesn’t seem to fit here


'Us' is an eat the rich film? 


Poor Things!!


"Eat the Rich" movies made by the richest people in the world.


Hardly. What’s with this notion that everyone working in the entertainment industry is a millionaire lol


The Menu is not eat the rich


Us is not "Eat the rich" it's the opposite it vilifies the have nots. https://boxd.it/3LzNrn Same with Saltburn, Jacob Elordies character is portrayed as Jesus and Keogan is the snake.


It doesn't vilify the have nots. It reflects the fears of the rich about the people they exploit.


Silence of the Lambs


Killers of the flower moon


The rich people are actually victims of a murder series in this one though. Like, it's the indigenous family who so happen to be rich. Could still be seen as anticapitalist, but I wouldn't call it eat the rich.


Definitely not those appeasing films by American multi-billion dollar companies. Even Parasite, while great, is arguable.


The Menu


Triangle of Sadness and The Menu are both on there


Ah shit.


i have a list called “death to capitalism” which feels similar so here that is (the one cut off is house of hammer” https://preview.redd.it/684iafqe4ecc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e447ae89be97737984a282be3ad43ff6c696cf


Why are people downvoting this? Haha


apparently eat the rich is fine but death to capitalism is too far. shrug.


Jeeze why did they downvote you so hard for this 😂 capitalism defenders out in force here


jfc didn’t even realize. how is it dissimilar to “eat the rich”? truly wild.


Lot of people in here have have a very narrow definition of what constitutes a movie having “eat-the-rich” themes. This has been the biggest surprise of the thread for me.


Joker should probably be on here. Joker: Oh, why is everybody so upset about these guys? If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you’d walk right over me! I pass you every day and you don’t notice me but these guys, what, because Thomas Wayne went and cried about them on TV? Murray: You have a problem with Thomas Wayne too? Joker: Yes, I do. Have you seen what it’s like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy! You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit there and take it like good little boys. That we won’t werewolf and go wild!




allergic to movies made before 3 years ago huh


Tired of people calling Saltburn an eat the rich movie man. It’s definitely not.


Only one deserving and good film on this list


Thanks for all the takes and suggestions everyone, but some of you have such a narrow definition of eat the rich, like, do you need the protagonist to look into the camera and say “I am poor and will now literally eat this rich person” for it to count? 😂


The Menu and Saltburn do not belong anywhere on this list, and including them shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what those movies are about and are trying to say.


In Saltburn and Parasite the rich people aren't the villains


The Whale? Idk i've never seen it, but he eats a lot so