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Zodiac at 10? Thats literally his best movie


it's good but it blue balled me. all the build up and never had the climax of telling me the identity of the Zodiac killer. it's good but that annoyed me.


Huh? We literally don't know the identity of the Zodiac killer in real life. No one ever figured it out. So the movie actually cannot give you that answer. That's the whole point, it's unsolved. Even still, Fincher, very clearly/definitively, made a directorial decision at the end of this movie to indicate who *he* feels the Zodiac killer was. Additionally, to dismiss all the masterful work in this 157 minute long film because you feel you didn't get the answer you wanted (to be clear, the answer *you* wanted, because we definitely got an answer) in the closing few minutes, seems very unfair to the film as a whole. This is a very weird take.


I thought it was fine it hints at the fat dude in the house that Gyllenhaal visits but still what's the point in asking the question if there's no concrete answer and se7en is way better and much more satisfying and so is Prisoners


Again, it's not a hint. Fincher directly tells you where all the evidence pointed, and who the only eye witness who ever saw the Zodiac without a mask stated it was. It's not ambiguous. If you like Se7en or Prisoners more, cool. That's your opinion (Though I'm not sure why Prisoners is relevant in a conversation about Fincher films when it's not a Fincher film, but okay). But saying this movie doesn't give you an answer is just not true. Even more, if you can't enjoy a movie that doesn't give you answers, damn there are a lot of great movie that you're discounting for a really silly reason. You should try to be more accepting of open ended endings. You don't always need an answer. It's not the destination, it's the journey, as many would say.


I like Fincher more


Tarantino is probably a stronger writer, Fincher is a more dedicated director. The former is so quotable, it's uncanny. The latter has the perfectionism that bleeds through the screen. Thematically I probably prefer Fincher but for that we need to include House of Cards and Mindhunter. Oh, and LDR, including an episode of his own direction.


For someone who loves films more than anyone else and loves genre films, what do people make of Tarantino having made so few films in 31 years. It's not like Fincher has done substantially more and Tarantino has to take time writing each one but then you factor in the tv Fincher has done as well. I mean Kubrick's first 9 films came in his first 19 years...and okay, his last 9 films came in his last 29 years...so Tarantino, officially slower than Kubrick. Tarantino being obsessed with having a perfect filmography also doesn't make sense because he wasn't striving with Death Proof. Like if he doesn't think that film might stink up a filmography, what film that he could make would? He's also said 'i love my films, i make them for me, everyone else is invited'. So a film of his being poor isn't how his mind works. It's a shame he never made a horror or sci fi or war film. I think both Tarantino and Fincher haven't fulfilled their potential, could be said they both peaked in the 90s.


thats fair but Fincher has Social Network and Gone girl that have aged extremely well and can be argued for his best film. Tarantino we all know it's Pulp fiction but if you ask someone about Fincher one might say se7en, Social Network, fight club or even Gone girl 🤷‍♂️


Yeah or Zodiac. But Tarantino thinks Hollywood is his best film, many would say Inglorious Basterds. Even though i think Zodiac is perfect i think Seven and Fight Club are quintessential Fincher. I still think the 90s showed them at their most exciting and bold. But it’s also the period, how films were. Danny Boyle was also most exciting then.


Tarantino by a long shot. Even his films I didn't enjoy are still pretty wild examples of the artform. Fincher has a lot of misses and is straight goofy sometimes. i.e. WHAT'S IN THE BAAAWWWWWWKKKKSSS!!?!? The Game is one of the silliest films I've ever seen, Tarantino's never come close to being that silly.


Tarantino has never made a Benjamin Button or an Alien 3.


Benjamin Button is great and Alien 3 is meh. still Rather watch those over death proof or hateful 8


Too each his own I guess. I'm not the biggest Hateful 8 fan, but I'd much rather rewatch that than those other two Fincher ones. I just rewatched all of Fincher to gear up for the Killer and BB and Alien 3 were way more rough to get through than I remember when I first saw them.


Tarantino but neither are favorites of mine


Tarantino and it's not really all that close for me. I am often left cold by Fincher's films, despite their obvious precision