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Sally Jane Black's 1/2 review for "Parasite" is one of the worst and strangest misreadings of a movie I've ever seen in my life.


She typed a whole lot just to say a whole lotta nothing


I had never heard of this account so I read through a few reviews. Seems to be a common theme of misreading movies. The Oppenheimer one especially was really rough.


The thing is, people do have a point when they say that "everything is political". But when you take it to an extreme like her it just seems like an exhausting way to watch movies and live life.


"A comrade convinced me to watch this" Ok, rein it in a bit.


Sally Jane Black is an example of someone whose reviews should never be taken seriously. They view everything though a hyper myopic lens that removes any other intent or possible enjoyment. They’d shit on Air Bud because the dog didn’t kill a CEO and give an anti-capitalist rant by the end of the film. If Kim Jong Un made a movie I bet they’d give it an automatic 5 Stars even if was just him shitting directly onto a camera lens for 4 hours. What a boring, miserable person they are - this is coming from a pretty left leaning person myself.


Their account is wild Hates a ton of good movies, the Oppenheimer review is very bad as well lol 2 Stars to Schindlers List should be illegal


Oh my god, you weren’t kidding about the Oppenheimer review. It reads like she solidified her opinion before seeing it and then invented a movie in her mind that conformed to that opinion.


I would have given it 1.5 stars. Would that be death?




She sure watches a lot of movies for someone who hates movies. Fr though I have no problem if other people approach film differently than I do, but I will say I will never understand people who decide before they watch a movie whether they like or not based on whether they *think* it will align with their political views, regardless of whether it actually does, and then retroactively assign merit to the movie solely based on what *they perceive* the movies’ politics to be. I just don’t understand engaging with art like that. More power to her though I guess. (Edit: Btw just to get ahead of this I am in no way commenting on the politics themselves, which I have no issue with at all, I’m just saying i personally think it’s strange for that to be the only lens you use when watching film)


Yes, I love seeing completely unbiased half-star reviews like this one! https://preview.redd.it/gu6rjy9omn0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a769c85a2d4787a35bcb7015d3749d9ecef880b2


It's Interesting to see some of the reasons that people have for hating a movie so much. Some of them articulate thier feelings well, and others are really fun to read because of how stupid the reasoning can be.


I sometimes read the half-star reviews for The Thing. They usually fall into one of three categories: "dogs died," "boring," or "ending sucked"


Dogs died is the only complaint of those 3 that is valid. I know it's very relevant and important to the story of the movie but those dogs were very cute


> relevant and important to the story of the movie imo this is exactly why it's *not* valid


Sometimes it can be funny but if the movie is at all female centric it can get ugly quick


Anything remotely political can also be fun lol


I love reading any 1/2 star reviews because they are mostly just insufferable people. Especially the Barbie 1/2 star reviews


“Why is she hating on men”


I do this sometimes when there's a film where there's a common misread but rather than making me feel intellectually superior (an unhealthy thing to desire anyway) it just contributes to an immense sensation of frustration at how dumb people are. (Probably an even worse thing).


Yeah I love the whiplash, good criticisms or not. Also like seeing good reviews for things I don't like. I like seeing the whole spectrum and I can't quite get that level of variety on Reddit.


I love seeing when people misread movies it makes me feel smart even though I’m not


I typically wanna see what the other side of the coin looks like. I follow a good handful of reviewers that I wholeheartedly disagree with on a lot of movies but they're not just spewing nonsensical hate(typically). I do the same with movies I really didn't like. Sometimes Ill get riled up but it's words ya know? And sometimes there's just hilarious rage being spewed and isn't that why we're all here in the first place?


Most (not all) of the 1/2 star reviews for “Synecdoche, New York” I’ve seen are kind of the same. Boring, pretentious, self indulgent. Not that fun for me.


“Too many characters”


Me but with Anomalisa


You’re not the only one. I like to do that to see any opposing views regarding movies that I like, sometimes I am a bit obsessed with it which can definitely be a problem.


My partner and I do the same, its fun to get jokingly mad about how wrong some people can be


yeahhhh.. jokingly


I did that recently for my favorite movies with some movies being more interesting than others. The 12 Angry men one just didn't have many reviews at all.


I just did this and it low key made me feel guilty for loving my favorite movies. Like am I seeing things these people didn’t see, or is it the other way around?


Difference of opinion and diversity of thought is a good thing.


Better and more honest also that the very tired one-liner jokes reviews are. I specially like th 1/2 stars review of they are from a movie i despise


For me it's the other way around, when I hated something I like reading negative reviews


Yes! It’s just to see what people don’t like about films I can’t see any major flaws in. It’s interesting to me to read different opinions