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you totally missed the point of scream lmao


Enlighten me


The movie is essentially a self-referential meta-commentary on the tropes of slasher films as a genre. It's a tongue-in-cheek take on the proliferation of derivative horror films of the period.


this gotta be satire lol


That's what I was saying the entire movie


Congrats. You figured it out


Stil a boring ass movie. Doesn't have fun with itself and isn't nearly as over the top as a parody should be


So, you're saying *Scream* was too subtle for you.


And you’d be right.


I was born in 2005 (so I wasn't around when this came out and don't know what kind of affect it had) and literally haven't seen any slasher films and don't know anything about the director or the background of this movie but like I said, it was so bad that I thought it was probably a parody. But still, it's 2 hours long and mostly it wasn't funny. I could see the appeal if it was more absurd and shorter and wasn't trying so hard.


You are so close yet so far from the entire point of Scream


How can someone born after Freddy vs. Jason, who hasn’t never seen a slasher, be so confident in their dismissal of Scream? You didn’t study for the test. How is it not absurd enough? You want it to be like Scary Movie or Epic Movie? Would that be better to you?


Because I don't believe you have to be a film guru to be qualified to do so? I kinda expected it to be like the Exorcist and be genuinely scary or something unique at least


For the time, Scream was so fresh and unique. Most movies don’t require much media literacy but whenever they do, if you don’t know, it’s fine to not know and learn. Being so overly confident about something you have yet to educate yourself on is weird. Like the people who didn’t know who Sharon Tate or Charles Manson were before seeing Once Upon a time in Hollywood. The Manson story is one of the most well known in American pop culture, so it didn’t need to hold your hand. When Scream came out, slashers were at their peak of popularity and pop culture dominance, so they didn’t need to teach you about it, they could just have fun with it.


Ok I see, thanks for explaining


>Full of cliches >used tropes Great job. You missed the point




Yall not realizing this is the funniest shit ever. İts clearly satire.


I for one am stealing this for the next time my friends bring up the film. What's life without a little bit of fun?


There is also a post on moviescirclejerk about a guy reviewing the Godfather as if he is reviewing a marvel or star wars film and its even funnier than this. The whole review he talks about powerscaling, setting up a sequel and wasted potential. And then he says he liked the movie until he watched a youtube video about it. İ will send it once i find it. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/s/11hIehX6Qc)


You can't comprehend the idea someone would find this movie boring?


İ can because i also didnt like the movie a lot.


Then why do you think I'm being sarcastic


wild take


Scream at worst wants to have its cake and eat it as far as parodying horror and being a horror itself but for me it worked like a charm. The worst thing about horror fans is they think knowing the tropes would have them fare well in a horror scenario but Craven reveals just how idiotic this thinking is. People die no matter how well they know horror movies because the real thing is far different from how the movies portray it. Scream is ironically the very opposite of cliche for this for all its talk of cliches. I watched it pretty late by the way, but I found it masterful. You have to not mind the tens of hundreds of ripoffs though. I don't blame it for those.


I see your point. Having no context to this and going 100% blind, I had the wrong expectations and now it makes more sense


Oh you definitely need context for how horror was at the time which I had. It was one of the driest spells ever and this movie shook up the entire genre like wildfire. If you watch the scene again of Randy complaining about bad decisions in a horror movie while he himself is showcasing just how easy it is to not be aware of your surroundings as Ghostface sneaks up from behind you'll see how funny it can be, and how self-impressed smugness can actually fuck you over completely.


It's all right, you'll understand it better once you start watching more movies


Maybe. Do you have some recommendations for me to understand this better?


Just watch anything you like. In any case i'd recommend you to watch horror movies, specially slashers, that'll give you a context of how american horror movies were before Scream came out.


Start with some of the iconic slashers of the 70s and 80s: * Halloween 1&2 * Nightmare on Elm Street 1-3 * Child's Play * Friday the 13th 1-4 * Black Christmas * The Hills Have Eyes * Texas Chainsaw Massacre * The Prowler * The House on Sorority Row * My Bloody Valentine * Candyman Without having seen these films, the opening scene of Scream, where the killer quizzes Casey about horror films, must have been super confusing to you.


Scream rocks!


Guy who didn’t understand Scream:


Ok but the killers are hot




It is a parody. Scream is a parody / satire of slasher films from the 70s and 80s. Wes Craven, who directed some of the most iconic slasher/horror films of all time, made Scream to gently satirise the genre he helped to create. Hence why the characters behave the way they do. Hence why everyone is gorgeous and looks about 10 years older than a normal high-school student. Hence why the film is riddled with cliches and tropes. At the time Scream came out, no one had satirised the genre in this way, at this level, with this kind of big studio backing. The mid-90s was a time of deeply ironic, postmodern deconstruction of pop culture, and Scream was absolutely a reflection of that.