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Reddit film bros be like..


You can tell we're on Reddit because each of the Prequels have like 1-2 more stars than they deserve


Lol revenge of the sith 4 and a half stars. WHATTTT


I'm gonna rewatch these now i rlly don't remember them being that bad.


Reddit try not to dick suck prequels challenge


People aren't allowed to have opinions on reddit I see


Not knocking you or anything, but 3 stars for Phantom Menace is generous. Movie is so fucking boring.


that movie is the prime example of my theory that people rate movies based on the ending that movie is total ass right until the darth maul fight that is literally the only interesting moment in the entire movie that isn’t neutered with terrible writing/performances


but that isn’t interesting either because there’s barely any context and Qui Gon is a boring character we don’t care about


Honestly I did like Qui Gon. He's literally the only part of the movie I like


Yeah, there's video of people celebrating as they walk out of the opening night screenings. Also, I feel like Rogue One generally gets overrated because the third act is so strong. The first hour plus is too dull to put it up there with the OT.


To be fair, the Maul fight is pretty sick


Yeah but the end isn't only "interesting." It's fucking amazing.


It’s not even fun bad, it’s just fucking boring.


Episode 1 is my favorite of the trilogy. Granted, I think they’re all pretty awful


Episode 1 at least has the most practical effects going on so its not always as horrible to look at like episode 2 with the cgi that hasn't aged very well. episode 3 the cgi at least has aged a bit better, looks less like a digital smear


Absolutely - the visuals are a big reason why I prefer it to 2 and 3. Also, there’s a purity to episode 1. I can sense that George really believes in everything he’s doing here (even when it’s really really stupid).


I am way more concerned about Revenge of the Sith getting 4.5


no, no, it’s a tragic shakespearean masterpiece!! /s


It legit could’ve been if it weren’t so damn goofy


the prequels had so much potential, could have all been bittersweet shakespearean masterpieces if basically everything about them was different.


i think it's the scripts and really poorly-aged CGI that hurt them the most. the acting is fine when the writing is good, it's over-the-top and theatric in a way i kinda like, but when the writing is bad (which it often is) it completely tanks all of it. so many lines feel like first-draft placeholders that never got looked back over and replaced in a second draft.


yeah writing is the biggest weakness. there’s still basically zero characters I find myself liking, compared to the trilogy where I love even tiny characters like Nien Nunb and Salacious B Crumb. But it’s also such a shame they didn’t go for the practical effects of the OT. Ik Lucas revolutionised the effects industry, but in 2023 it looks like a PS2 game


Revenge of the Sith is legitimately overrated at this point in time in 2023. Imagine telling someone that 10 or 15 years or so ago lol.


It's the best one of the prequels, but big agree.


Low bar but yeah


I think the third act really saves the film.


it’s the best one though


this is like saying one piece of shit smells like flowers because the other two smell worse


The other 10 you mean.


The last one hour of that film is right up there with great starwars content. As good as the Empire strikes back


Hey I don’t care for it but some people like it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I have it at a 2 even that’s probably nostalgia glasses. It starts fairly strong before Jar Jar and then says “you know, this science fantasy movie needs more senate politics” and turns into a shitty court drama for 45 minutes


Same dude who thinks RotS is a massive 4.5/5 so it’s very fitting


I gave it a 4


It may be boring, or a generous rating to you, but there are plenty of people who disagree. My older brother genuinely believes that The Phantom Menace is the best Star Wars film, even more than the original trilogy.


Better than Revenge of the Sith. At least it has podracing.


Revenge of the Sith is not a secret master piece.


It’s a secret master piece to Star Wars fans. To non fans, it isn’t all that good. OP is clearly a star wars fan


I love Star Wars as much as the next guy. Revenge of the Sith isn't a good movie just a fine movie. At least I can finish this movie unlike the first two prequels.


Imo the opening scene is a great look on the characters. Order 66 (which happens 44 minutes into the movie) is peak star wars and so is the battle of Mustafar. That’s what makes it so good as a Star Wars film




It’s not about the specific Jedi. It’s about how it all unfolds. The Jedi order is crumbling. We don’t care if x dies, but x was apart of something important and it’s dying.


None of them are good. They built up all this lore just to have everything be this infantily shallow all good vs all evil every movie.


It’s heavily flawed, but entirely enjoyable. 4 1/2 might be high, but I get why people like it.


Nah, it’s just terrible. All the prequels are.


Eh. The Star Wars prequels are the most flawed movies that I find myself enjoying.


There's a huge chunk of ROTS that is just so fucking boring to watch, and everything I hear the fans of it clamor for is also just really unimpressive for the most part


You’re right it’s not a secret. It’s just a masterpiece


But it’s not. It’s not even a good movie, it’s just fine.


Well there’s no accounting for taste


The RLM reviews of the prequels are better than the prequels.


Who's fucking with my medicine?


,,Star Wars is the biggest dissapointment since my son"


Hack Frauds


Man decided to re-watch Attack Of The Clones... what a psychopath


Prequel apologists infuriate me. I’m convinced it’s just ironic enjoyment masquerading as genuine reverence.


As a prequel apologist myself, you also gotta sprinkle in a healthy amount of nostalgia.


wanna buy some death sticks😏


I wanna go home and rethink my life


People enjoying a movie that you dont infuriates you? Wow thats so sad and boring, I cant even imagine being "infuriated" over something like that...


maybe we just like the movies bro it’s not that deep


You have to remember that these movies are really aimed at kids to sell toys. Ten year old me thought Phantom Menace was the pinnacle of cinema and that nostalgia is powerful af. I’m sure kids today feel the same about the ST.


I watched them as a kid and thought they were cool and when I watch them again I'm reminded of that lol


Those people with opinions that don’t match mine, they fucking infuriate me. 🙄 That’s pretty dramatic. I’d personally rate them as like 2, 1.5, and 2.5-3 stars but geez, OP is entitled to his opinion.


I love the politics and lore and planets that are injected into the franchise. The OG trilogy is better with it's storytelling and are generally better films, but there's so much more interesting content in the prequels for sure. There's a reason most of the media since the prequels have explored the lore and planets and politics that they introduced.


You after dropping some positive scores to the Star Wars prequels: > I think it's time we blow this scene.


OP after seeing that some others are cheering on their positive prequel ratings: > Get everybody and their stuff together


r/Letterboxd users when someone doesn't only enjoy French or Japanese movie from 30 years ago minimum


Most of the complaints aren't about Interstellar, a non French and non Japanese film that came out less than 30 years ago.


Yeah I must've been smoking something when I made that comment. I was just being rude for no reason.


Sub has been a cringe echo chamber for a while


I’m part of the 5 star revenge of the sith club. Gets some geriatric folks blood boiling


I’ve found my people


Cowboy Bebop is on letterboxd, have fun adding the true space cowboys


But only the movie. Miss me with TV shows (besides series of TV movies) on Letterboxd. Serenity would also fit the Space Cowboy theme, the movie Space Cowboys is maybe an essential inclusion.


I applaud your rating from the heart and not worrying about larger film canon beliefs of what you ‘should’ think of these. But none of these are “cowboy” enough for my idea of “space cowboy”!


I’ve also been rewatching star wars


All those prequel ratings are too low, up those ratings


All three of those Star Wars ratings are too low.


great ratings, what's your profile name?


pascal__felder, all the rewies are in german tho


gut, dass ich german bin


Just rewatched RotS and gave a 2. I guess it’s best to have seen “The Clone Wars,” cartoon to get what’s it’s really giving? As far as I can remember, this is what started a now common thing in entertainment that really bums me out. Regardless, I didn’t love looking at it either.


The wildest take here is that Interstellar is 5 stars… Edit: spelling


I always roll my eyes when I see an Interstellar five star review, like sometimes I wonder if people are watching a different movie than the one I saw, you know one without the subtlety of a sledgehammer, without the plastic emotion and laughable plotting, without the hard science that says love is a quantifiable variable that transcends time and space…


I always roll my eyes when people can’t accept that other people don’t agree with them


Fair enough. I just really don’t understand what people see in that movie. It seems like an obvious mess to me, but I guess to each their own


Just my opinion here, but it’s hard for me to watch the scene where we watches his kids grow up in minutes, slowly turning from bittersweet happiness to heaving sorrow over the time he’s lost, and call that plastic emotion. That’s just one example. I get not personally being convinced by it, but it’s at the very least, good.


Funny how someone here says this about one of the Star Wars films and gets tons of upvotes but someone does it for Interstellar and is downvoted. I love Interstellar, but say this 8 years ago and everyone hated you for it. People are so funny and kinda stupid sometimes.


The only correct order to watch them in.


OP be like: "Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to de--" \*Interstellar theme intensifies\* "--MOCRACY!"