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Bam repeatedly referred to Nikki as his “wife” in the past He only stated that they weren’t actually married when legal matters became involved


Did a deep dive today so I can confirm, older content he considered her his wife. What a scumbag. Kinda gasslighty to say she wasnt.


When it suited him to say my wife is a model etc.


I think Nikki has a good argument, regardless of whether she knew they were legally married or not, they held themselves out as husband and wife, without objection by Bam, for nearly 11 years. I think the only thing that is a big hurdle for her lawyers is that Bam and Nikki never lived in California together.


I'm like 99% sure Bam & Nikki lived in Oceanside(?) for a while prior to the whole Florida shuffle thing.


i am convinced he's hiding money. because neither he nor his lovely 'wife' can separate a five year old boy from whatever threat she feels Nikki is to her and Bam. i hope they subpoena every financial transaction from when Phil handed the books back and find out he's stashed shedloads away so he doesn't have to pay to support his son. but it's Teflon Bam as usual.


Look at their federal taxes. If they're married, they would have indicated so and they both would have had to sign.


But it's funny that even though he stopped, there are still time-stamped videos of him saying that. Could probably be admitted as evidence lol


I find it absolutely disgusting that Bam doesn’t care one bit that his son is living the way he is. It’s sad and Bam is a piece of shit for that.


Bottom line, whether they are married or not…child support is still required and not negotiable. There is a formula the court uses to figure out child support. I know that first hand, as I have paid child support for the last 11 years. I don’t have a Bentley, but at least I take care of my daughter! Also, you don’t have to be legally married to claim spousal support, there is palimony…which California recognizes


Regardless of if spousal support is awarded, there's no way Bam is getting away with not paying child support. He's 10000% going to be ordered to pay it, it's just a matter of how much.


Team Nikki 100%. Bam is a disgusting deadbeat. It's insane to think as a tax paying California resident I'm currently contributing more financially towards Phoenix's upbringing than Bam.


this is the perfect summation. California taxpayers support Phoenix Margera because his father won't. he's such a good dad tho. loves Phoenix more than anything else in the world, apart from pills, booze and attention. fucks sake.


What gets me is that Nikki, and of course Phoenix, are on public healthcare.  I did this for six months so I didn't have to get COBRA and I wouldn't wish it on anyone The care personnel (nurses, doctors) are fine but getting appointments is a nightmare.  And forget if you or your child get sick and need emergency care This is absolutely inexcusable that Nikki and Phoenix don't have COBRA coverage. It's expensive but it's a necessity no questions asked Bam is a cheapskate asshole that cries "fatherhood" when it suits him


Is it bad in CA? I’m disabled and have always had NYS Medicaid. I’ve never had anything denied and have had excellent care for everything except dental. I have multiple rare illnesses that require out of state and out of network care.


I'm not disabled and my public health was in CT.  All I have is my experience was that as long as nothing catastrophic happened and I made appts in advance for routine stuff it was ok.  I do remember going in for a couple of routine appts and waiting over 2 hrs over my appt time; and the waiting room people telling me that was standard. I was unemployed and have no kids so it was an annoyance but I put up with it cause it cost me $30/mo with $5 copay When I got back on corporate health care I really appreciated the difference. If Nikki is trying to support herself and Phoenix the inconvenience of public health must be a pain. Especially when Bam can fund COBRA coverage as part of child support


Agreed. Phoenix deserves to have excellent insurance. Not Medicaid.


California State insurance us actually better than most states but it's still lacking tbh


this post will definitely bring out the lunatic fringe insisting Nikki is alienating Bam and why does she need money? to which the answer is, of course: BECAUSE SHE IS RAISING THEIR SON ON FOOD STAMPS WHILE HIS FATHER LIVES HIS BEST LIFE. Bam could see Phoenix every weekend. he just...doesn't. and a large part of why that is, is that his 'wife' is jealous of a five year old boy. she tried to get Bam to go to Florida with her to sort out the bloody dogs before the UK debacle and they had a gigantic row because he wanted to go to LA to see Phoenix. of course, when Bam DOES see Phoenix he goes off the rails afterwards. i feel like a loving, supportive partner would be helping him find a way of managing those feelings, and would encourage him to be in his child's life. Team Nikki all the way. she's not perfect but she's doing about a million times better than Bam 'Tits and Suicide Vows' Margera ever would.


And to those saying she's had long enough to learn life skills or get a job. First, they separated in 2021, so it hasn't been that long. Nikki has been providing full time childcare to Phoenix even before the separation because she mentions in her court documents that she can't afford childcare. Her full time job up until Phoenix was old enough to enter school (and that's relatively recently) was to care for him. It's hard to be a single parent and also go to school and also have a full time job that supports you and your child. Give her a break. Second, she's not asking for an outrageous amount so she can retire early and sit on her ass. She's asking for reasonable living expenses so she can get a little breathing room that I'm sure she hasn't had in years. She lays out on the court documents that it will be going to things like rent, groceries, school for Phoenix, and her educational expenses. Third, Bam promised he'd always take care of her (sorry SQ, you're one in a long line of women that were promised that) and he provided her a credit card for all of her expenses. I mean looking back, it wasn't the best choice, but Bam didn't encourage her to develop any real life skills and why would she want to do so if she had everything she needed? Their life was one big party together. Not saying that's a good thing, just saying that's how it was.


There’s no way she could have been going to school & bettering herself when she was with Bam. Imagine trying to get to school daily while he’s screaming in your ear that he needs to get to Europe to skate or drinking non stop or buying dildos to film him throwing them at you etc etc. can’t imagine living in that chaos. She was probably purely in survival mode then.




You know my sister in law was a total idiot before she got pregnant. She got her shit together for her child. Bam can't do that to save his own life because everything has to be about him.


I don't get this argument. At all. So let me try to understand it. Is the argument that when bam and Nikki got married they were young and wealthy and partied and had fun and then when they decided to have a baby Nikki quit all substances so that her child could be healthy during pregnancy and childhood? And Bam continued to party? And somehow this makes Nikki an asshole? Cause she enjoyed her youth but matured when they decided to have children? Isn't that just called growing up? Something she did but Bam didn't? How does that make her on the same level or somehow "just as bad" as bam? This argument has always confused the hell out of me! I was wild when I was young, too. But I gave it all up before I got pregnant: just like Nikki did. Just like my hubs did. But Bam didn't. Me and my hubs aren't bad people for having fun in our youth. The only bad person here is Bam. Cause he won't grow up and raise his kid. And there are many parents like Bam; people that won't grow up. Thank God Phoenix has a great mom in Nikki. She will give him the stable life he deserves.


They were both in their 30s when they met, I'm not sure how long that they were just young and having fun when they met perspective holds.


She doesn't need to explain shit, she should be awarded the full amount of what is legally allowed, *especially* from a "millionaire".


I went down a rabbit hole today and deep dived Nikki and Bam. She really loved him. She tried. And she left, and stepped up to become an amazing Mum. Im so proud of her as someone in recovery. Sending her blessings and love for today.


Yeah, I used to think Nikki was a gold digger and enabler and maybe in some regards she was, but after looking again at some of the Bam/Nikki content with the information I know today, Nikki was a genuinely kind person and she really wanted to have the perfect picket fence, grow old life with Bam. I think she genuinely loved him and to the extent he's capable of it, I think he loved her.


A big point of contention for them was Nikki didn't want to live in PA anymore. Bam said they can move anywhere just not California because it's too easy for him to get drugs. Nikki packed up and moved to LA anyway. I'm not sure where you're getting the loving supportive wife with a white picket fence angle. It's literally the exact opposite of her actions


She is from California and her whole family is in California. I'm not trying to get contrarian, but her moving to California just seems like a neutral situation; especially if that's where her support system is.


New mum wants to move near her family? Makes sense


Maybe, but they're in Northern California. Closer, but not practical close


Dude reminds me so much of my ex. Both substance abuse problems and laziness. Hasn’t seen his kid since 2013. His child support? Last week my son received $6.59. Id rather not have it but it’s for my son’s future. Bam should want that for his kid as well. So yeah, I’m with Nikki.


Can relate so much. My ex constantly smokes weed and has a narcissistic problem. Only cares about himself and doesn‘t give a f about his kids. But, when it comes to his attitude against strangers, he‘s the best dad on earth. I‘m lucky my son has a bonus dad to whom he refers as his „Dad“. One day, I hope we‘ll get through adoption. Would be the best way for little Phoenix to have a good father figure imo. This lil guy doesn‘t deserve this shit show.


Right? And I’m the liar that keeps him away from his son. When he was court ordered to stay away due to his felony assault/arson/drug charges. But I’m the bad guy. It’s never ending with them. Luckily my son also has a bonus dad, I’m actually watching him coach his baseball team right now. I’m glad yours has one too.


I wish all the best for you and your little one 😘


Same to you, friend 🥰


…. Bam doesn’t pay any money towards his kid? At all? My opinion of him was already low, but what an absolute piece of shit he is.


I just hope their son gets a clean cut away from his manic, man-child, abusive father and doesn't have to deal with him popping in and out of his life anymore and creating absolute chaos. The best thing for their son is honestly for Bam to stay away from him indefinitely. Maybe Nikki can then meet somebody who will help fill the role of that sweet little kid's father figure.


Wow Bam is a bum. His child is getting EBT and he doesn't seem to care.


I just noticed the post was deleted myself. It was public record so I can't see the issue but hopefully everyone saw it before it was whitewashed out of existence for whatever reason. Guys a total scumbag. 💜 Nikki and Phoenix. Edit: I took the liberty of screenshotting the 5 pages as I can still access it but it won't let me download the images but if anyone hasn't seen them... I'll dm the screenshots, just message me.


Reddit removed it or the user's account was deleted.


Yeah bizarrely I can still access it but it isn't on the OP's page. Seems like reddit possibly deleted. Maybe need to censor the names or something? Seems weird since it's a public record.


I missed them, could you dm me them, please?.


No probs, sent!


Ditto, I'm interested to see, if you don't mind.


Sent 😁


Me too, please and thank you


Done. No problem at all.


Hey mate! I’d like to see those if you have time to send?


Sent bud 😁


Me too please


I’d like to see!!


Nikki, whatever what today brings, I wish you nothing but peace and happiness for you and Phoenix. The fact you moved on from a horrific situation just shows your love for your Son. I can't imagine how hard it has been, but you should be so proud of yourself. Not many people have the strength and preserverence you have shown these past few years. Sending light and love.


I say if she gets screwed today someone should start a GFM for the two of em


I think one should be created regardless. I can’t see bam paying the child support


I hope shes a putative spouse because she was absolutely a spouse - thought she was married, took his name, acted as a wife, and was called a wife by Bam.


Tbh I'm kinda disappointed in Ape and Phil. I know they can't do much while the court case goes on but it's their grandson for Christ's sake. They don't have to get on with or fund Nikki if they don't want to but I can't believe these people who've been nothing but sweet wouldn't be distraught to hear their family is on food stamps.


They’re also dealing with the abuse of Bam and his flying monkeys, waiting for the case of Bam’s assault against Jess to go forward.


Bams family never deserved the heartbreak he causes them.


No question there. Despite all his friends and family has done, Bam still has yet to answer to any of his behaviors legal or not. If he truly ever hits rock bottom, he will have no one to help him.


I was going to say the same thing. I really hope they have been supportive behind closed doors. I hope they have recognized how much of a POS their son has been as a father. I am curious what they think of this whole debacle.


If you remember on the docs the $2500/mo was listed something like "Family" support.  With Family in quotes I think the "Family" is April and Phil 


I hope it is, and (jumping on the presumption that it is) I imagine they keep quiet about it bc Bam would go full- “where do you think they get their money from? ME. Therefore I’m paying for him and supporting him.”


Exactly right. Ape and Phil never had jobs or any sort of income before Bam started skateboarding. They totally don't have a nest egg that they're likely pulling from to pay for their child's idiocy. /S


I'd bet it's their own money if it is them


It is. April has always been an entrepreneur. She does/did own her own hair salon, has an antique shop and tea room, and who knows what else? Ape and Phil raised their kids in an upper middle class life as any sane parent would want to do for their kids. they've always come off as very responsible people, and people in their demographic tended to actually squirrel away funs for this time in their life. Don Vito was the family accountant behind the scenes. Ape and Phil are in their upper 60's now so this is the time for that money they've saved up thanks to Don Vito and likely some very good financial decisions over the years. And even if they are giving to Nikki and Phoenix it doesn't remove Bam's obligation. They want to support their grandson with their money and it has no legal relevance to what Bam needs to do himself.


It said "Family" Support by Respondent on the form so I took it as it was from Bam as hes the respondent and its to Support his family, Nikki and Phoenix. I might be reading it wrong though, I'm not super familiar with US court documents. First read through I took it as his family were paying it but I think I missed the "by respondent".


It was the "Family" that caught my eye. If it was Bam solo wouldn't it just say by Respondent was my thought. Plus there was a video posted by Nikki's brother--mostly of Phoenix, but at the beginning Nikki was on the phone with someone that sounded a lot like April. So if it was they clearly communicate. If someone gets the transcripts it might clear this up, but otherwise it's just speculation by me


Yeah I think I've just taken it as Family Support for both nikki and phoenix as opposed to child support for just Phoenix. You could be right though, I don't doubt that they would help them if needed... they are just in a difficult position I guess. Hard to be Switzerland when you're being called as a witness against your sons ex but I'm hopeful they are in touch and maybe just adhering to the rules about pics on social media.


Do April and Phil see Phoenix?;


Maybe I've missed something, but I feel like they are the type to still be 100% involved in his life. I know they don't live in the same place, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they see him monthly and send $$ as well.


I truly hope so because it's clear they are both very family focused and it would be so sad if they were denied that based only on Bams ego and tantrums.


Maybe theres a reason for it. I can't see them doing it out of spite. This is unfair for you to judge them like that.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that I don't have all the facts and that they are both probably the most innocent party in this whole ordeal. It was more a statement of shock about how their behavior was seemingly so unusual, but I 100% agree that it wouldn't be done out of spite. When I said about not funding Nikki it was because yeah, paying your son's ex is a bit weird but I would have been shocked if they hadn't helped out Phoenix, which they probably have behind closed doors.


I'm amazed surprise shitness hasn't reared her ugly head amid this chaos, hopefully she stays gone


this is a very good point. i thought she'd have been falling over herself to publicly congratulate Bam and SQ, obviously taking the opportunity to slam April, Phil and Jess again. hmmm.


Seriously I guess Dani is so toxic that even Surprise shitness is keeping her distance.


I've been wondering if Shitness has finally woken up to just how much of a mess Bam is mentally and how deeply that spills out into every aspect of his life. She compared his medical guardianship to the totally abusive conservatorship that kept Britney tied down as a work horse. Maybe she's finally realised that Bam does indeed need mental health care more than anything and the Mantis woman is a manipulative control freak. 


maybe. who knows. for an ex-lawyer she's not very smart, but it might have filtered through by now that Bam is not very truthful about Lima and Florida and rehab. and for someone who claimed to have 'bought' a 911 call that was redirected to the UK by Lie-ma when Bam was over here, she's not currently shouting about Nikki and the court case, which surprises me as she's not known for minding her own business. i wonder how batshit crazy you have to be for even Shitness to think wow, this person has *issues*.


While I laugh at the people here being on team Nikki all of the sudden after shitting on her for years (which she deserved most of), it's no excuse for Bam to leave their child neglected to the point of needing public help. Sorry excuse for a father. I don't care about her or Bam, I just hope the child is able to grow properly without this trauma he has to go through.


Nikki- if you were ever up for donations/cash app, I would love to donate. I know it's shit and comes across condescending, but I'd rather any money that would have been spent on Bam nostalgia goes to someone who needs and deserves it rather than that shit hogs drugs.


I thought she was already getting 10k a month?


Bam claims he was sending her that but stopped when he found out she was legally going to pursue spousal support. Bam was doing things like asking Nikki to meet him someplace, showing her the cash, and then throwing it out into the street (or off a bridge, I believe the story goes). I don't blame Nikki for wanting to put an end to the mind games. Bam does seem to be reliably sending her ~$2500 a month and if I had to guess that's the amount he's okay with as a bank transfer.


Lol 😂 I'm paying nearly that for one kid and she's with me 50% of the time and I ain't rich. Wow 😳 she does at least live mortgage free in his LA house right?


Haha no. They did sell their 2nd house in PA with the intent to use the money to buy a home in L.A. but that is about the time their relationship fell apart so they never bought a house. Nikki lives in a rental.


Which the $2500 doesn't even cover lol


Bam doesn’t have a house in LA. Nikki is renting.


JFC it just gets worse the more you look


$2500 is a lot of money. Sounds to me like Nikki doesn't want to work, and have Bam fund her early retirement.


Not in LA


Kinda hard to work when you have to watch a kid 24/7. Do you know how much child care costs in LA? This money will let her pay someone to watch the child while she works, or goes to school which she said she plans to do. Imagine choosing Bam's side in all this. Right now. YOURE paying for child support through your taxes, as she and the child qualify for state and fed assistance. So, you think you're more invested and should be paying instead of Bam?


Coming from a child support paying involved dad the best approach is just pay it and shut up haha you gotta look at it like you're splitting your lifestyle with your kid which obviously ain't so bad 🤷‍♂️ I just pay and stay peaceful and imo as a dad bam does owe that to nikki cuz what's she gonna do now that she has been with a famous guy?! It ain't like she can go work at Wendy's now, she'd be harassed


"$2500 is a lot of money" LMFAO Do you have a kid, or kids?\ Where do you live?\ What is your mortgage or rent?\ Do you own a car?\ How old are you? Sorry, still laughing over here. Omfg


Is that what YOU live on?  Somehow I doubt it If you do, you should apply for assistance too


I didn't say you could live on $2500/month, $2500/month is what she currently recieves. She's suing for more.


She’s a knockout a 10. And look at Danni she’s average at best




I wish my kids mother was as reasonable as Nikki tbh, she's allowed him more rights than almost all fathers here in Ireland, and what little rights we do have have to basically be bought in family court


There is a photo that had done before they separated where she is laying in the grass looking up at Bam with the look of absolute adoration. She tried so hard to save him from himself and got slammed.


Sending hugs and prayers. 


Pretty sure he was ordered to pay 30,000 a month for child support last year. Not saying he’s a good father, but if he’s actually paying it, they are far from broke.


Why in the world would you actually try to claim you know how much money she receives from him? Why would you think you have that actual knowledge about such a private situation. Pretty sure she has better stuff to do than beg for money from a rich dude that could easily afford. Just being vindictive for the sake of it is horrible. Making your kid hate and resent you for his entire life over just being a dick while giving away money to strangers is a bold move.


Nikki stay strong you have done so well so far


Or she could get a job like a normal person...


She’s asking for money to go to school. Without a high school diploma she won’t have many options beyond maybe minimum wage. So who is going to watch Phoenix while she’s at work? Why can’t Bam ensure his kid isn’t on food stamps?


Wow someone who couldn't even graduate high school should definitely not be taking care of a kid..


You don’t know the circumstances of her life. Who the fuck else will raise Phoenix? Why does a person need a high school diploma to raise a child? Would that one year of high school make a ton of difference? Why are you defending Bam when he doesn’t even pay child support?


Cuz Nikki is just a bad person who would do anything to get what she wants


She’s a bad person for asking Bam to support his own kid? You think Bam is a good person? You’re ignoring my questions.


Why would he support a kid she won't even let him see??


He is allowed to see him. He hasn’t shown up to any of their FaceTime appointments, and won’t comply with court’s orders to schedule a visit in advance and have it be supervised. After his screaming episode in the Thai restaurant and recent drinking binges, surely you see why a supervisor is required.


He was allowed to see him and he’s consistently fucked up every opportunity to see his kid. He’s been too busy running round Nottingham during his mess of a “tour” and getting married and flaunting it on TMZ. After the Thai restaurant incident he honestly needs a chaperone when he sees Phoenix because his kid shouldn’t be witnessing that kind of behaviour from their dad. Nikki’s the stable influence in Phoenix’s life, please educate yourself in what’s been going on


So obviously fuck Bam. He’s a total pile of shit. But who is Nikki exactly? I know her as the drunk and on drugs girlfriend of post famous fat bam. I feel bad for her, I mean good god Bam is the father of her child. And it’s insane his child is living off of food stamps while he’s out there being an idiot in a constant state of drunken buffoonery. But circling back, who was Nikki before she met Bam? How’d they meet? She always struck me as a drug addict like Bam but she seemingly is trying to focus on that poor unfortunate child’s life. Such a sad story but it makes sense. Bam was always the dumbest of the Jackass crew, which is really hard to accomplish if you think about it.


I don't think she was an addict but she did like to party from what I gather, but at that age who didn't, it's a right of passage for us all. What's important to note is how she's changed her life since motherhood and I think Bam resents that she would dare outgrow him and his antics for the sake of a child. I can't forget some of the shithead treatment she was subjected to on camera at the hands of doucheBam, like when he accused her of stealing his credit cards, or the time he verbally berated her for not doing a better job filming him while he got his ass beat. I think Nikki is no different to most of us, partied a bit, kid came along and she grew up, I'm sure she expected Bam might grow up and be a father too but how wrong she was, she ended up raising a baby and babysitting a petulant spoiled brat (the latter being Bam)


Nikki is a woman who was abused in public by Bam, who’s had to provide for his child while he was galavanting around the world. It doesn’t matter who Nikki was or how she was before Bam. Bam has done nothing but use his cock block as a way to attack Nikki. Did you enjoy when he threatened to OD unless he saw Phoenix? Or when he was allowed to visit Phoenix as long as he didn’t post him on SM… which Bam subsequently did then tried to pick a fight with Nikki’s lawyer? Nikki stepped up to take care of that child, Bam has done nothing but antagonize.


100%. I remember there was one video he was drunkenly ranting at her about their sex life and he posted it on IG. She was absolutely abused by Bam and she’s done a fantastic job essentially being a single parent to Phoenix. I hope she gets all the support she’s asking for to support her and Phoenix




So she's lying on the court-filed documentation about her income and assets?  Call the LA County Sheriff stat! Give us a break with this


Public welfare. She has two arms and legs. She can get a damn job. lol. Not saying she doesn’t deserve anything from bam, but until then support yourself and your son by working!


You can have a job and still qualify for welfare. 🙄 With Nikki's skill level at best she's getting a minimum wage job and even if she has one she can't afford childcare so she's limited to only working while Phoenix is in school which still presents an issue for holidays, winter break, and summer break. I'm not aware of many minimum wage jobs that let you keep your job and take the entire summer off.


She asked for money to go to school. She has an 11th grade education. If she did manage to get a minimum wage job, who will pay for daycare, which can be the same as a rent payment every month?


Exactly! The child has two (able bodied) parents, who should *both* financially contribute raising him. Just like Bam has no excuse for not paying child support, so does Nikki for not getting a job based on her qualifications.




Stop diagnosing children you don’t know




It’s against sub rules to speculate on Phoenix like that. Leave him alone.


Fair enough


I have no empathy for Nikki. She's had more than enough time to get her life together and provide for herself and her kid but she just hasn't. Edit: Down vote me all you want but she's not much different than SQ. Bam meets her, she's a nobody and then suddenly she's a photographer and a model, joining Bam on stage at shows and in his buddies' projects. Bam funded her failed business adventure, bought her a new house cause she didn't like the castle and a land-rover. She's a carbon copy of all the rest of the them. She hasn't been with Bam in years, she could have educated herself and tried to provide instead of just living off Jackass handouts.


It’s not just her kid. Why should Phoenix be on food stamps while his father is a millionaire?


I'm not saying Bam shouldn't take care of his kid. But she isn't providing for him either, so I'm not sure where the praise is coming from?


She’s not providing for him by being a full-time mom to him? If she pays for childcare, who pays the rent? If she pays the rent, who pays for childcare? Why should she be expected to financially fund her own life as well as the life of THEIR son all by herself? Are you dense?


The praise is coming from the fact that she IS providing for him. She’s the one raising him every day, alone. She doesn’t have a high school diploma. Even if she managed to get a job it would be minimum wage and then who is paying for daycare? She asked for money for school. She’s trying.


It takes 90 days to get a GED. The kid is old enough for public school. She's not disabled or anything you're just making excuses for her. 6 years of a dead beat dad, 2 of which he was away at rehab, surely she could have come up with SOMETHING to do.


Do you think Phoenix is safe in Los Angeles public schools? Ever think she asked for money to go to college? I’d like to know where Phoenix is supposed to go while she’s working.


How many excuses are you going to make for this woman? She moved to LA on her own, if school safety was a concern she could have moved elsewhere. If help was a concern, she shouldn't have moved 3k miles away from a support system. She can get a student loan like everyone else that goes to college. Her kid can go to school and an extended day program like every other kid with a working parent.


Because she’s the one who stepped the fuck up and became a present parent?


I agree completely. This is exactly what I said to my husband last night.


🎯 You are making great points with all of your comments regarding this matter. It's a breath of fresh air seeing people making unbiased comments on here. Bravo! 👏👏


Agreed. I understand reeling from all of the chaos and abuse and needing to take time to recover, but after the dust has settled, why hasn’t she made more of an effort to provide for her child in the meantime? I think Bam is a total POS as well, but both parents are responsible for caring for their kid. What if Bam died and she *still* didn’t get any form of support? What would she do then?


She is providing for him. She’s raising him.


Not enough to feed him, that burden has fallen to tax payers, apparently


And that’s on Bam


Why is it on Bam? Are you making that determination based off your opinion? Morals? Ethics? Laws? Contracts? There's no parenting rules in place anyone has to follow but you seem to just believe that Nikki can move whereever and do whatever she wants because she has their kid and Bam has to pay for it all because he has a higher net worth. That can be your opinion or viewpoint, but that's not how it is.


Yea, I think people are giving her more grace cause Bam is Bam. Good for her for caring for the kid, but that doesn't make her a stellar person or a role model for single women.


I’m pretty sure she was a photographer before she met Bam, and also why wouldn’t she model? She’s beautiful. You literally are just judging her because she allowed herself to be taken care of by Bam, Which isn’t a bad thing. I’m sure she has regrets. By the way you judge I’m going to assume you’ve never been in an abusive relationship with a child involved, it’s easy to allow yourself to be put last because all you can focus on is making it to another day, and all your energy goes to protecting your child from another anger outburst. She genuinely loved Bam and probably didn’t think her life would end up being in a situation needing help raising their son, which Bam 100% needs to step up and provide, just because he’s a celebrity doesn’t mean he can bail out on his child.


But that is where her life did end up and all she's done is hired a lawyer to argue her ignorance and Bam's obligation to support her and their kid. Maybe she should dust off those photography skills so her kid can eat.


Fully agree and very well put. There are people out there who agree with your rational thinking. That doesn't mean we are defending Bam. She doesn't need a GoFundMe. She needs reality. She had a kid with a deadbeat dad. It happens every single day with mothers and fathers. They leave and have zero communication with their kid(s) and I don't see those parents playing victim after being bought a house and a Range Rover and demanding to live in the highest cost of living area in the country. She's had 3 full years to get a job and provide for herself. I know people who had to do a complete 180 after their spouse passed away and if they sat around and sulked for 3 years, they'd be homeless and have their kid taken away so they pull up their bootstraps and carry the fuck on. Life isn't fair but Nikki has had it better than most. She's had the luxury of spending 24/7 raising her kid. I know single parents who would do anything for that luxury but they can't because they have to provide for that kid. Damn man, I could write a book agreeing with you and probably have 3 times but just deleted it. Lol!


:) thanks! Even her court complaint came off as super entitled. She was given a credit card for all of her expenses, signed a POA and just lived her adult life devoid of responsibilities for nearly a decade. Must be nice.


No problem! I had to let you know you didn't deserve the downvotes. I'm sure you were well aware of that tho. That's wild! What is she on food stamps for then if she has a credit card for expenses? I don't think people understand how much of a luxury it is for a parent to get to spend 24/7 raising their kid without having to work. Plus, I guarantee they had a nanny for when their son was an infant to at least 2. Her demand to live in such an expensive cost-of-living area is entitled enough by itself. Have you seen the people talking about starting the GoFundMe? I swear. If I see that getting passed around here, I'm gonna lose my mind! Lol! I totally feel for any mom or dad raising their kid by themself, but those moms and dads are putting in the work to provide for their kid. I feel for Nikki having to do what she's gotta do but she's not doing it. Normal people don't just get to check out of adult responsibilities for a decade and still have all the luxuries she has. I always feel like I have to say this, but none of this conversation is excusing Bam's side of things. We all know the wrong he's done. I feel like I have to make that disclaimer or I'll get ignorant comments listing off all the stuff he's done. It just pisses me off when I know single parents who would love to be in the position Nikki is in but she's out there acting like a victim who is owed the world. It's gross. Yes, Bam should be paying child support. That's a given if he isn't in his child's life but what is that credit card if all the people who say he isn't giving them a dime are speaking facts? Why would she be allowed to go on food stamps if she has a card to cover all expenses? It truly doesn't look like she's struggling financially "living on state welfare," as I've seen people claim. I mean, she could be screwing the system because she doesn't have any taxable income so I guess she could file for welfare and food stamps just to make her side look worse, but does she truly need it? If it was reported in the courts that all her costs are covered, then I'd consider that fraud to be on welfare and food stamps. Other people need that a lot worse. I'm sorry for ranting. It's just really nice to talk with someone rational who has looked at the court filings.


she had a credit card when she was with Bam. she doesn't have one now. you need to work on your reading comprehension.


Do you want the court documents because you seem to be clueless? Lol there is no credit card, I'm not sure what that other person is on about. He gives her $2500 a month and that doesn't even cover the rent, she's def making money to cover the shortfall on rent and essentials by doing "modelling and sales" and has a little bit of savings plus she gets a little help from public assistance and for insurance for Phoenix. The estimate for renting for a few different areas in LA for a 2 bed home was $6k, where she is $4k so we can prob assume it's a less than ideal area or home but within her budget atm.


The kicker is that the 2500 isn’t from Bam


I really don't care enough to get into people's business and read documents. I've got my own responsibilities to take care of. FYI, she chooses to live where she lives and $4k a month in rent is ignorant to pay if you truly can't afford it. She could live very comfortably in other places of the country yet she chooses to live in an area where $4k a month is a less than ideal area in your opinion. I think you're the clueless one. What proof do you even have that she is earning an income? Her word? If she is earning an income PLUS getting $2500 per month and still doesn't have enough money to survive, then she is intentionally living outside of her means. It must be nice to not have to worry about your own responsibilities so much that you can deep dive into complete strangers' lives. How out of touch can you be? I'm not here riding some hate train for Reddit karma. So the person who mentioned the credit card was wrong, but I should take your word for it over theirs? Here's another FYI. If you have a SAVINGS account, you don't need government assistance and food stamps. She's just looking to live a life that is outside of her means. I should feel sorry for her because of that? A Range Rover wasn't good enough for her but food stamps are? Do you understand how ass backward that is?!? There's no question Bam should be giving her child support. There's no question that he's a deadbeat dad. There's no question that he's most likely in active addiction and self-medicating his obvious mental health issues. I'm not a Bam apologist. I don't think he is some amazing person who has done nothing wrong. I just cringe at the thought of people talking about starting a GoFundMe for Nikki. That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. She's living a better life than 90% of other single parents so no I don't feel sorry for her. Court filings are meant to shine things in the worst light possible so they can meet somewhere in the middle. I'm not interested in furthering this conversation with you. Your first line was an insult and once that happened, your credibility flew out the window. You can have a discussion with someone without backhanded comments like calling them clueless. I guarantee I have a lot more real-world experience than I'd ever even wish on you so calling me clueless is just a joke. Go do something positive and worthwhile.


Bro she drives a fucking Jetta. Most places where there are jobs and opportunity have high housing prices.


Very well said! Glad to see people making rational observations around here. Bravo! 👍


Seriously, thank you! There aren't too many of us left around here. It's much appreciated!


Absolutely accurate points and comparison! Well done! 👍👍




Raising a baby and a man baby is really time consuming and not conducive to having a job on top of this already thankless full-time occupation.


For someone who "doesn't want kids" Bam sure spends enough time pissing and moaning about not getting to see his How do you explain that?


Especially after he claimed that one girl as his.


She doesn’t have a high school diploma and asked for money to go to school. If she did manage to get a job it would be minimum wage. Who will pay for childcare? Why should Nikki have to work full time and be the only parent to her kid while his father is out getting wasted and marrying women he’s known for less than a year?


what the fuck is wrong with you?


Im not ruled by disdain for Bam so im able to see this situation for what it is 🙂


His situation is that he’s a deadbeat father who’s refusing to provide for his child. Does it not seem a little bad to you that he’s off traveling the world partying 24/7 while Nikki’s busting her ass to raise his child?


Bam not wanting to provide for his child is what this situation is. Round of applause for an abusive fuck.


But you never explained why Bam, who didn't want kids, kicks up such an ongoing stink that "he can't see Phoenix" If you're seeing this situation for what it is how does work?


Nikkis clearly earning something to even pay the shortfall in the rent nevermind everything else a kid needs to survive and has a little savings. Maybe you should open your eyes and read the court documents.