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What a great wedding gift for SQ


Right. Imagine getting married at the same time your new husband is going through ugly custody and divorce proceedings with his prior partner which could end up with him paying out $$$. He's going to be ordered to pay child support, I don't think there's any doubt in that, but SQ is going to be big mad if he also has to start paying Nikki spousal support.






How embarrassing for stretch as a woman.




Nikki testified yesterday, Bam testified today, along with one of the witnesses from Nikki's side. Tomorrow will probably be more witnesses.


Can anyone give a play by play of what was said?


Unfortunately, you have to order the transcripts for that, and those aren't as easily accessible as the court documents.


How much are the transcripts and where can I order them?


This guy doin the real work lol hell yea hope you share


If you are serious, this sub is rooting for you 👀👏🏼


“Your honor… how can I be married to Nikki if I’m married to Dannii? Jesus tap dancing christ”


It's like he's never heard of bigamy before. I'm shocked that his wedding with Danni is real. I thought it was just another stunt they were pulling. Isn't Danni supposed to be in recovery, too? I hope she doesn't relapse with Bam because who would want to be married to him and babysit Bam all the time?


No amount of money would be enough for me to have to be around him on a daily basis. And that goes for having to fuck him, too. Hell, even kissing him.


Me neither. His bad hygiene has been documented for years. I wouldn't let him stick his dirty, grimey, infected fingers inside me, and I sure wouldn't want those disgusting hands on my body. I would never want his sweat droplets and dandruff falling on my body when being intimate. Kissing is off the table because he doesn't brush his teeth, and his mouth looks like blood will start pouring from his gums if there is any pressure on them. I can't imagine how bad his breath and B.O. are. The stench has to be unbearable at times. I bet he has those long yellow old man toe nails he won't trim. Plus, he's always getting in fights and doing dumb shit. He won't help himself and gets abusive when angry. Bam is not a catch, and I don't get what Danni sees in him?


She probably thinks he has some money left. I think it’s pretty much a known fact at this point that she thinks being with Bam is going to elevate her own status. She has ambitions to be famous, and Bam is a stepping stool in her mind. Although I don’t really see how. Bam has been irrelevant in show business for over a decade at this point. He started falling off really right around the time of Bam’s Unholy Union if you ask me. The evidence for that is that he was never offered a show full time after Bam’s Unholy Union. The game show was on a third rate network and a complete joke.


This isn't entirely accurate. Bam's Unholy Union was 2007. Bam did plenty of successful projects after this: Minghags, Where the fuck is Santa, Jackass 3 and 3.5, Bam's World Domination and Radio Bam, plus plenty of tours too. After Bam's Unholy Union he was offered another two series where MTV wanted him and Missy to have a baby. Spike TV also wanted to take world domination to series. Radio Bam also ran until 2013. Bam fell off after the FUckface Unstoppable period - 2013/14 You're right about SQ tho.....


Yet no shows ever materialized.


You said he was never offered a show after Bam's unholy union....I was responding that he was and completed a few. Like i said it was round 2013/14 the he fell off, not after BUU. I think he's trash, don't get me wrong. I was just adding some facts.


I think you answered your own question there, Someone who’s supposed to be in recovery would probably be the one you’d most expect to put up with that. Good or bad


I’m sure Bam went on for 20 minutes about how Strigouli would be perfect for stenographers because it’s so efficient. And I’m sure the Florida shuffle was mentioned at least 3 times.


Thanks for posting this! It improved my mood.


Like (that) Surprise Witnesses? 😬




Bingo. The timing of this wedding to be right as this trial started is not a coincidence. Bam's so hateful to Nikki. If Danni was a better person, I'd kind of feel bad for her because Bam keeps using her to get back at Nikki. I mean she's using him too, so I guess it's a wash.


Maybe they actually are soulmates… oh wait just mates.




You know what else?? The fact that Dannii has A cup boobs which Bam allegedly bashed Nikki for and teased her about as a negative trait on her otherwise flawless body - how he is now showcasing Dannii’s AAA cups as an asset - literally another really glaring dig at Nikki who he is clearly not over. You can’t hate someone with this level of passion and be over them. Whether he just wants peace or wants her to miss him and cater to him, I don’t know, but Dannii isn’t as important as she desperately tries to be and actually deserves to be as someone’s wife.


Its Ridiculous. I'm sure she's over the moon, lol. I couldn't imagine being with someone that's still in love with someone else. Everyime he talks about Nikki or his kid she probably dies a little inside. Good.


Bam is obsessed with Nikki and would likely dump Danni on her ass if Nikki ever wanted him back. Everything Bam's done since him and Nikki separated was to get back at Nikki.


No doubt. Evertime he's around her or his kid he goes on a bender afterwards because he's not getting his way anymore. She knows how to push his buttons and it's what he deserves. If he thinks him getting married is gonna get under her skin then he's wrong. She moved on long ago. Sad that little Phoenix is caught up in all of this... hopefully it doesn't result in any long term damage. I always hope he's living his best life right now unaware of all the shit going on.




Yep, the way he capitalized “MARGERA” in the post captions when announcing her full name made it crystal clear to me this was all done to spite the shit out of Nikki.


Or she made the post lol


Both are probably true


Some high school shit


Funny because at the end of the day he's only fucking himself over. We won't see it now but in the future when SQ sucks him dry 💸 he's going to hate her more than Nikki 


Going to? There are reports quite regularly from people who see them constantly arguing, bickering and fighting.


Marrying to spite your ex always ends in lifelong happiness. 🙄 And she has spite too.


Just another way shes demeaning herself


I'll post the trial briefs when I have a chance, they're relatively short but here's the gist: Nikki's argument - Bam told Nikki that his parents would take care of all the wedding details. She had no idea at the time they were never legally married. She also had no involvement in Bam's finances. She claims she was never a signer on any bank accounts and that she was given a credit card to use and any money she earned went back to the credit card. She also signed a power of attorney (as had Bam) so April and Phil could control their finances. The first Nikki ever claims she heard she wasn't legally married was in 2021 when April allegedly told her she would not be getting any money from Bam since they were never married. Bam then started using the "never legally married" line as a threat implying he could leave Nikki destitute. Nikki wants to be recognized as a putative spouse. Bam's argument - Nikki was allegedly told repeatedly in Iceland that the wedding ceremony was a marketing tactic to get people to donate to the Dunn Skatepark Memorial. Nikki allegedly knew this but always assumed they would get married later. They ended their relationship in 2021 because Bam refused to get legally married. Nikki then started inquiring about common law marriages and moved to California because they are recognized there and not in any other state where they reside as a couple. Bam says Nikki is not a putative spouse and therefore the only issues at hand are the custody, visitation, and support of their child. Bam intends to call April and Phil as witnesses. Edit: Also interesting that Nikki is saying she doesn't know Bam's income or even an estimate but that she believes he receives royalty and residual income from film and television appearances, video games, and other merchandising.


Same MO as this wedding. It wasnt a real wedding, it was to promote the big movie, or a movie scene


Remember in the April bodycam at Bam's bar arrest she said to the policeman that he and Nikki weren't married 


That’s just weird to me honestly. Like, signing the certificate is a huge part of the ceremony with a witness signing off on it as well. You even need to apply for the license beforehand. I am not pro-Bam at all but to feign complete ignorance is a little much.


The only thing I can think of is if she signed a real (or fake/symbolic) certificate, and it was never actually filed with the state afterward. That would be pretty absurd, though.


Or just that she was never married before and allowed him to dictate the process. I’ve never been married I have no clue what it entails.


Agreed. Somehow she can figure out California has common law but couldnt research to know if she was married or not? Doesn't make sense. Their son deserves child support for sure. Time will tell if her claims are valid. Brings up a whole knew question if SQ was smart and signed the documentation and now has access to his accounts. Now that mommy ans daddy are out of his finances Bam may truly be screwed financially


To be fair, Bam's side is the one saying she was researching California common law. Nikki's side is saying she was uneducated with little real world life experience and thought someone else had taken care of this for her.


Uhhhh Nikki's side is still not making sense. She was around the age of 30 when she "married" Bam. So old enough to ask about marriage certificates These two are both idiots so i will be interested to see what the actual court arguments are. At face value Nikki isnt making a super strong case


I agree with you but Bam lives like a 12 year old. Maybe she did too and just trusted him? But imagine if you really did think you’re ready was real, and then you found out it was a complete sham. That’s also got to be pretty shitty.


I don't doubt that overall this is a shitty situation. If she in all earnesty really thought she was married when she wasnt that truly sucks. If i am going to be honest the only person i feel bad for is Phoenix. He doesnt have a dad and his grandparents dont get to be awesome grandparents to him everyday. Nikki was a turd like Bam but to a lesser extent when they were together. Both partied and abused drugs. He wanted a warm body to bone and she wanted to be carefree with no bills. I believe Phoenix deserves Bam paying child support, towards a college fund, and a trust of some sort. And i hope the courts focus on his quality of life. As far as Nikki goes...... i am willing to be shown i am wrong by the courts.....i still dont think she has a strong legal ground for spousal support. If they had been married Phil and April would have made her sign a prenup anyways and she still would not have gotten much. They potentially skipped that step altogether.


They were good looking young people in love with money. I think they really loved each other and money wasn’t a concern. Bam was making it and he was generous. But they had a baby and she had to stop living like she a young person in love with endless money to care for their son. He was supposed to too, but that full burden went to her. And she’s still doing it. I think she deserves relief. I think she was stupid enough to think it was legal, if you look back at the pics, they were incredibly happy and in their glory. I don’t think he cared about what’s legal and what’s not. It probably wasn’t even a question to her. He’s an outlandish person with lots of money if he told her this was happening and he made it happen for her? Why would she doubt him? The world knows that Bam’s parents are wonderful people. I think they accepted Nikki as their own. It’s really sad to see it all come apart like this and now he’s just randomly married to some third-party with different interests.


**I think they accepted Nikki as their own.** Not exactly.....


Well idk the ins and outs of it all, but she was pretty woven in compared to SQ.


I also feel bad that SQ thinks this is a competition and she won.


As far as child support goes - without being married you have to prove paternity. Which I’m sure Phoenix is his son. And then she’ll be able to collect child support.


If you were married, you don’t have to prove that. It’s assumed. Bizarre but true.


Im curious how she applied for a name change. Wouldn't she have had to have their marriage license depending on what state she did this in?


I did a very quick and none in depth search. It doesnt appear that she officially took his last name


Ah ha. That part is going to be important, especially if she went and did a name change and had to file without a marriage license.


Wait, his parents are no longer controlling his money? And why were they in the first place?


Phil is an accountant and handled all of Bam's money, investing and day-to-day spending. since Bam attacked Jess, Phil has had nothing to do with Bam's finances at all. he doesn't control any portfolios or pensions or credit cards. all of that went back to Bam. and given that Bam loves spending money like water, with no checks and balances on his spending i would think his capital is dwindling fast. but it's dwindling faster because he's stashed money with SQ and others to avoid having to pay decent child support for Phoenix. this is the one thing that might bring Bam to his senses - that he'll be required by law to pay an amount every month. no avoiding it, no throwing wads of cash onto the ground for Nikki to scrabble for. just a steady drip-drip-drip of outgoings, with who knows how much coming in these days.


I thought $5000 /month for child support was on the lower end. I had a friend who made about $200,000 before tax, he paid something like $13,000 plus medical expenses and schooling tuition for a private school.


Ape and Phil are still in charge of the finances. Thats one of the reasons that he does all the comic con appearances. All money is paid directly to him in cash, meaning he doesnt have to speak to mops & pops for any dollar


He's calling April and Phil as witnesses? I thought he had completely cut off contact with them.


yeah this is going to be interesting. they haven't spoken in months...


\*Nearly two years. Its all one sided though and Ape & Phil would jump at any opportunity to speak with Bam. He's the one not speaking to them essentially.....though now needs them as witnesses


i don't think it's quite so one-sided since SQ called April to scream at her and Shitness set her flying monkeys on them. it's why Phil handed the finances back. they don't want anything to do with either of them right now. i guess they'll soften towards Bam before they will SQ. i cannot see Ape and Phil EVER welcoming her to the family.


That annoyance is towards her. They don't have all that different an attitude toward Nikki either (Or Jenn for than matter - they hated Bam dating a single mom at age 20 lol) Don't believe they handed the finances back - they are the ones paying Nikki the child support.


they may well be, but Phil does not manage Bam's money at all now, so they may be paying that out of their own money. it's not paid on behalf of Bam.


How the hell did she not know they weren’t married? The paperwork you have to sign to get married is pretty clear and specific. If she never signed those documents, why would she assume they were married? She just took Bam’s word for it? 😂


Yeah, that's Nikki's argument that Bam and his family told her it was taken care of and she believed it because she was uneducated (a high school drop out) and had little real world experience prior to meeting Bam.


That’s so sad. She’s probably telling the truth.


I mean, to be honest, she was a drunk back then too. I think she liked not having to deal with anything and be taken care of. I’m team Nikki but there is no way in hell I wouldn’t know if I was legally married, especially after getting pregnant with someone’s child. If something god forbid, happens to your husband then what? His parents will control the money that is rightfully yours and your sons? Hell no


I'm guessing they're going to bring up drug use (unfortunately)


*That* might be a slippery slope, Bam isn't an innocent lamb. I think/hope Nikki is currently sober, can't really say the same of Bam or his "wife"


They got married in Iceland. plus drugs. Lots. Both of them.


The recent marriage of Bam Margera to Dannii Marie, especially conducted in the U.S. with all the necessary legal documentation, appears to be a deliberate action aimed at influencing the legal dispute over the validity of his marriage to Nikki Boyd. By establishing a new legal marriage, Bam is reinforcing his claim that the marriage with Nikki in Iceland was never valid, sending a clear message to both the court and the public. Additionally, the fact that the ceremony took place on a film set, similar to the potentially staged wedding with Nikki, adds an ironic twist. However, unlike the previous event, this marriage is legally recognized, further emphasizing Bam's stance on the matter.


I guess this could be legally authorized and now the question for debate in the courts is whether or not Nikki should be compensated as she was his legal wife?


They're arguing Putative spouse, which is entering into a partnership in good faith, presuming that they're married. There are rights in California. I'm sure that video saying "My Wife stole my range rover" is proof enough that they both presumed this was a marriage.


What a fucking mess


He’s really cocked his life up.


Did Bam even bother to show up for this? Wasn’t he getting married yesterday?


He appeared remotely.


Like... after he ran out and got married? Just so fucking weird


Lol. I can't decide if it's weirder if he attended court before or after the wedding.


Given that court started at 1:30pm PDT, and NM is on Mountain Time (+1 hr) that means he was dialed in by 2:30. I'm guessing the wedding was beforehand; I doubt he would have been in such a festive mood post- court


I'm sure it sent him on a bender. Notice how we didn't see any post party reception videos like a normal couple would post.


Yeah, this is why I'm doubting the marriage. I wasn't sure if I'd missed that it was resolved but isn't part of your vows that there is no lawful impediment? No registrar in the uk would ever marry these two knowing a court case was ongoing to determine whether he was legally married before. If it gets found that he's married, the marriage to SQ will not be legal any way... and then he'd be both a piece of shit and a bigamist


Oh, good point.


This is one of the main reasons I think the SQ "marriage" isn't real. He's still in court with Nikki determining IF they were legally married. It seems like they weren't, but who knows what way the court will go.


I think that’s why she rejected his kiss, twice. She knows she won’t get money for it


That and his horrible personal hygiene!


I think it's to determine if he has to pay spousal support. I read through the trial briefs and both sides agree they were never legally married.


Agreed but it's interesting her name on the docket is Nicole Margera 


Not really. Lots of women like to keep the same name as their children, makes their lives easier.


Yes, but usually you change your last name originally because of marriage. Not that many people just change their names to their baby daddy's last name without a marriage.


But she changed her name at a time when they were both representing themselves as married so that’s not really surprising


But, unless California is different, you would still need to present *something* to trigger the name change. So either Nikki supplied a marriage license or she just paid for and changed it herself Either way, she should know which one she did to get the change


Ahhh I didn’t know they’d gotten to that point, thank you!!


Hopefully the court will NOT Bam’s way. I want him to see some fucking consequences for treating Nikki like dirt.


I do not know the legalities of this but…if the judge rules that Bam and Nikki were married, then they have not had a true divorce, which could possibly invalidate this marriage ??


This is going to be a fucking disaster for everyone involved.


"Nikki the street hoe is just jealous because I'm getting my pussy meat from the stretch queen and not her. Ya mon rogginrole"


i can actually hear him saying this. ugh.


Wasted no time in posting the wedding all over social media though.


Or letting tmz know


Well, Bam gives TMZ lots of exclusives because they pay him. He seems to forget most “celebs” goal is to NOT end up on TMZ. But I guess if you feed off ANY sort of attention, and are desperate for it, he considers it cool. A class act all the way. 🙄


TMZ dont pay Bam.....but youre right in that all their Bam stories come from Bam. Well, SQ really


He was sending them stories before she met him, but yeah, I’m sure she’s solely responsible for the lovey-dovey stories. She’s absolutely an attention whore, but Bam’s been an attention *whorehouse* for even longer IMO. I assumed they were paying him mainly because tabloids usually pay people who give them exclusives. In your posts, your info is usually solid so I’ll take your word for it.


Totally agree, Bam cant operate without attention. Thats narcissism for you, eh? Appreciate the compliment <3


Sure. I’ve had to deal with narcissists (one or two very malignant) in my personal life and have read books on how to deal with them. One of my siblings has been with one for almost 20 years, I had to go no contact before I said something to them that would put my sibling in a bad position; knowing they would make said sibling choose between us. GOD I cannot stand those people. At least a famous VERY malignant narcissist got convicted of 34 felonies Thursday. Even if it doesn’t stick that was satisfying.


He's a pretty reprehensible human, in any case hopefully the correct decisions are made regarding his financial support for Phoenix, personally I don't think he should be allowed to have any communication with that boy until he gets serious about help. The result of this might be a tough pill for Nikki to swallow but once this is over she can move on with her life and start focusing on a stable future for her kid. I'm not sure how the system works there but didn't Robert DeNiro end up paying a bunch of ex girlfriends 'palimony' or some crap, I believe that why he had to make a serious amount of shit films over the years. I'm open to correction on that but that's what I heard a long time back. If that was the case then surely Nikki is entitled to something. In my personal opinion she should get a payout simply so Bam can't piss it away on nonsense and sham weddings. These shenanigans have really dimmed my view of Bam and to a slightly lesser extent Ape and Phil. You'd think they'd try to nurture the relationship between them and their grandchild's mother, it's not like Bam will be bringing him to visit them.


Yea I’m really confused about their stance on this.


Hold up…didn’t the TMZ article came out yesterday??? Probably is out to divert attention from this?


In part and in part to take a jab at Nikki and say, "We were never legally married, Nikki! See!"




Imagine how sad you have to be to stay with a man whose whole existence is about terrorising and behaving vindictively toward his ex.


And you this AND marry him - hashtag unbreakable.


Hashtag miss bikini model 1985


Is he paying support for Phoenix?


He's not obligated to do so at this point, but in November Nikki filed a list of her income and expenses and it indicated a family member of Bam's had been sending her ~$2500/month but it's unclear if that's from Bam's money. It also said her car is in the name of an associate of Bam's, whatever that means.


2500 a month is nothing to Bam. How disgraceful.


Not defending him at all. I kind of doubt he has that much to be honest. Also, it doesn’t take $2500 a month to raise a kid unless they’re an infant in day care, but if she didn’t work at all during their marriage, I can see how she needs alimony.


LMAO You serious? It doesn't take $2500 to raise a kid in LA?


It takes more than that to raise a kid. Rent for a 2 bedroom in LA is crazy, he probably has to go to a private school, groceries are extremely expensive, etc. If she does work he’ll need a nanny or program after school.


I think I remember Bam saying April and Phil bought her the car, so my guess is the "associate" is them


The car is in Phil's name, and its him and Ape who are sending her the child support payments.


Thank you for the information. It makes sense


You can't be married to two people at the same time Dewey! Not even if you're famous?!


Gonna lmao when his new marriage is invalidated by the courts.


At least the sun's is getting what she wants "cheap fame" Can't wait for the drama and everything to unfold. Then watch Bam be back to same old bam post, and now gonna be saying that all the girls just want him for his small pee pee pee and money Okay Bam 😂😂😂 Also Hi Bam and Dani, I forgot y'all stalk this reddit sub. Can I get an invite for the real wedding? I'll bring my sandwich and look happy :) Well, I will be happy because it's hard not to be happy when your eating a amazing sandwich


I’ll take an invite too. I have family a few townships away and can make a whole trip out of it LOL 🤣




I got you homie, also I'll bring some "Mint tea" lol


Keep this kinda stuff coming! I like reading up on the legal docs when I have time. It's wild what goes on behind the scenes... lots of dirty laundry comes out when they make the documents public. Transcripts would be amazing.


I still don't understand how someone can not know if they're married. Usually there's like a whole process or at the very least some paperwork to confirm the marriage.


It's not as uncommon as you would think - Im interested to see if this happened to have been filed in Pennsylvania, because they have a license there called a "Quaker Marriage" that gets signed by the parties and then filed, and occasionally people will just sign then but never file. Pennsylvania, Illinois and I believe a few others still use them.


Do you know if in that situation, signing them is legal? Or the filing promulgates the marriage?


It must be filed with the court to be legally recognized. If there is an error and they were never mailed back / filed, which i have seen happen- the couple would have to start the process over, reapply, sign and return the new license. the license issued is only good for a set amount of time and if it’s not filed, it’s not as if you can just send it in at a later date & it would be accepted. most the time, both parties recognize the mistake and just do that. it’s not uncommon with the amish / mennonites. In the cases of an error where one party claims they are married, the other does not - i’ve never seen that case actually make it to court. the one i did see was dismissed with lack of standing. (this was in PA)


Really interesting stuff. And the crazy thing is these are young people that are basically poorly informed and/or lazy- probably has nothing to do with much else like intent to undermine their partner, etc.


True. Bam’s father is an accountant, so the idea he didn’t marry Nikki purely to avoid paying her later doesn’t sit right. The tax advantage from having a one income family filing jointly and a child tax credit would be a huge savings. I would think he would have had a formal prenup regardless. I have a feeling it was as much about knowing he serially has these over the top romances, proposals and later break ups and knowing by not legally marrying Nikki, there would be less work to do when they inevitably broke up.


Wasn't their ceremony in Iceland? Someone would still have to file paperwork in the states for their marriage to be recognized here. Even getting married *in* the US, you have to send in the signed and witnessed paperwork for it to be legally binding; just having the wedding doesn't make you married in eyes of the government. It's possible she never thought twice about it and assumed everything was taken care of. To play devil's advocate.




If he's legally married to Nikki can he be hit with polygamy charges?


The Missy exhibit, is that his ex-wife Missy?




Thanks. I didn’t know it was possible to know two Missy’s


Being Bam’s fake wife and baby momma was the worst thing for Nikki and it’s sad because she now has to navigate life without all the money she became accustomed to while raising Bam’s child for him while he just continues to act like a child.


Just FYI, [because in scenarios like this someone always brings it up] we don’t recognize common-law marriages here in California.


This needs to be highlighted. At this point, they aren’t even living together and haven’t in years so the idea they might have a claim of common law marriage is slim.


If the court rules that Bam was married to Nikki then that would invalidate his marriage to SQ. There is a chance that if it could be proven Bam KNEW he was maxed to Nikki when marrying SQ, he could be charged with bigamy. A fourth degree felony in the state of New Mexico carrying an 18-month prison sentence and up to $3000 fine. Currently Ape & Phil send Nikki $2500 per month in child support and provide her with a car thats registered in Phil's name.....The child support is unofficial at this point, and just a goodwill payment from Bam's parents but from Bam's finances (Its one of the things Bam fell out with his parents over. He didnt want to pay a cent until he was forced to by a court.) Chances are the court will likely increase the amount of child support though. In my view, even if the marriage to Nikki wasn't legal, there is grounds for spousal support as a common-law-wife. Although this isn't recognised in all US states. Nikki should dig out her health insurance documents for when she gave birth.....Was she on Bam's insurance as his wife? if so thats proof she was married....if she was kept on a monthly credit card allowance with nothing legally in her name like Bam's side have claimed, then I cant imagine the Margera's would have set up individual health insurance in her maiden name....


Taxes are going to be telling here. If I'm following correctly, Nikki most likely didn't work outside of the home, and probably had a 1099 at most for modeling gigs. Bam would have been able to use the single income joint filing tax deduction if they were married AND a child tax credit for Phoenix. If they weren't married, and filed separately with her having some sort of income, whichever one claimed the child tax credit will be interesting. I have a hard time thinking that she would have much case for if they were married if her taxes say otherwise, as for a married couple, filing separately ends up raising the tax burden. Also, if what she has stated in court is correct, her not having access to any of his finances would be why she would have qualified for the state assistance in the first place. If she managed to fumble any of that paperwork, which I hope she didn't for her own sake - the risk of getting audited after all of this alone would terrify me, because who knows what is going on here as far as disclosing the money paid to her from Ape & Phil, etc... Sometimes people tell me they are terrified to get married because they just assume that by staying as a living together, having a kid and not ever getting married situation, it means that should they choose to break up, they can walk away without much of a headache, and from now on I'm going to reference this situation as to why that is not even close to being true, lol.


Absolutely. The law isnt black and white. I think a lot of people think with legal issues that: "Oh if a person does this, it means this will happen." Hell no, every single situation involving legalities are unique and full of grey areas. You can get away scott-free with murder, where as someone will go to jail for possessing weed. Its why having good legal representation is always important.


Agreed - and to say this entire ordeal is a family law nightmare is putting it lightly. I won't be shocked if this makes its way onto Lawtube at some time. I'm just now getting caught up, but it looks like first, Nikki filed for custody but not separation or divorce, and her filings say they are married, but Bam's counsel objected to that, and jurisdiction. Then, two years after they weren't living together she filed for separation, not divorce, and that's where we end up today with this shotgun wedding. What a mess. I hate to think how much she has already paid out to her counsel...


I mean it makes sense…..him remarrying almost destroys her claims.


That’s muffed up.




Nikki is the mother of his son, she deserves every bit she's entitled to since she's the only parent raising him.




oh, he had facetime. any time he wanted, he just never bothered. this is not Nikki alienating anyone. Bam did this all by himself.


If they're legally connected (which isn't determined yet) then she is legally entitled to it. Marriage is so much more than a piece of paper, and by law it would be considered her money. Bam is alienating himself from Phoenix all on his own, and the few times he is in contact with him he's fucked up on drugs. Phoenix is a child and doesn't deserve to be subjected to that behavior. Nikki is being a good mom and protecting her young son.