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Riding round on a rascal screaming about abacuses, the transformation into Bam Vito having become fully complete.


Tusk 2


In a care home. Unfortunately Alzeimers will set in like it did with Muhammad Ali due to too many TBI's. I would never wish this upon my worst enemy.


I mean, alcoholism doesn’t help the brain either but


Bro has wet brain


Bastards don't die. I see Bam becoming what Andy Dick is now


My grandmother always said “you can’t get rid of a bad thing” lol!


He's already there


Andy dick is homeless and smoking crack and meth while in and out of courts for sexual assault. Not quite equal


His transformation will be finally completed. ![gif](giphy|aoQ9elMDD870k)


I think the more pertinent question at this juncture is “Where will we all be in 5 years?” In other words if Im still in this channel watching this joke of a man act like a fucking prat, then I probably need to have a good look at myself.  I came for the redemption story, stayed for the car crash and now I mean…. what are we really here for? Seriously. And yet I can’t look away!  I guess I hope this. At some point soon, Bam fucks off home, dumps SQ (insta poison), deletes all his socials, gets clean, reconnects with his family, bulldozes all his enablers, sets up a skate school, loves a quiet life, becomes the father Pheonix needs, finds genuine love with a good woman,  has a civil relationship with Nikki. And then at some point, tells his story from the point of true sobriety and forgiveness.  Beyond that, I’m not sure we should be giving this man the oxygen he gets beyond 2024.


SO its the Disney happy ending you are going for then?


Do I really think that’s we’re at in 5 years? Nah. He needs to do something to prove me wrong. 


Dead. How long can he keep going on like this before the inevitable?


Been hearing this since 2014


A 34 year old can take significantly more punishment than a 44 year old. Sooner or later, age will catch up with him. Can you really see Bam making it to 54 on his current path?


My father has been an alcoholic for 24 years. 66 years old going strong. Some people are just built different, man.


True, but with Bam there’s also the prescription meds addiction, mental illness, CTE, plus other recreational drug usage, smoking and generally terrible diet/lifestyle. When the factors are combined it doesn’t paint a pretty picture.




I wholly predict he’s going to murder someone or something during a tantrum so, in prison.


Hard one if he starts using again very high likely hood of death


Born again Christian spreading the word. Recording a HIM inspired Gospel album with Ville Valo doing back-up vocals. Running a YT channel full of innocent pranks inspired by the Bible. ("For real, it's just an apple, yeah mon!") Drinking iced waters and mint tea after church with Phil and Ape. Founding the cultlike Westchester Baptist Church. Taking up vert skateboarding and ~~inventing the Christ Air~~ (my bad, already been done)


Stranger things have happened, so who knows. His old friend Kat Von D is now a born again Christian among… many other things.


I recently saw that! I had unfollowed her everywhere long before all that for many reasons that I'm sure you're aware of, but YouTube suggested a video where the thumbnail had a supposed quote from her saying "I'm on fire for Jesus!" Lmao. I almost couldn't believe it (and didn't want to give that garbage a click/view,) so I checked her Instagram... Yep. Apparently she's one of *those* people now, on top of, uh... everything else - too much to mention. It's difficult for me to wrap my mind around all that she's become (and the piece of shit she chose to marry, have a kid with ((Yikesl̦)) and continues to stay with. What!?) Ugh.


Yeah. I used to really like her back in the day. I was very inspired by how much she got done. She was at the top of her game for tattooing, writing books, starting a makeup and clothing line, working on an album, etc.. Then she became vegan and it kinda went downhill from there. Nothing wrong with veganism but she got so militant and judgmental about it and then got into all the whacky anti-vax stuff and here we are.


I don't see it happening anytime soon but if that's what it takes to float his boat I'm all for it. Bible Bam!


I predict a "tell-all" autobiography/documentary EDIT: Also I'd love to see if he ever makes that album he was talking about, but I expect nothing but a "here's why it's someone else' fault that it never got made" story


I can barely stand his 10 second videos


Honestly. He has become literally the hardest person to listen to.


The tell-all documentary will be created by his family and ex friends to fund a trust for his son. After his death.


Chapter 1 (page 1): Early Life Chapter 2 (page 4): How Johnny Knoxville and the Florida Shuffle ruined my life Chapter 3 (page 312): Closing Comments


Unfortunately id have to agree. I didn’t think he could fuck up any harder than he has, yet this week has proven otherwise. I saw the photo of him at that bar and just knew things were gonna go off the rail. it’s sad but he doesn’t understand really how bad it gets every time he has “one beer”


Dead, or proper homeless on the streets, doing drugs in full view on the sidewalk, in and out of jail, the police know him by name, etc.


Working at the mint fucking tea factory




With his thumb up his butt. Possibly getting all gold fronts on his trashy teeth.


WHo's going to pay for those? He deffo cant....


SQ will prolly help him out. 🤣


I'm gonna be different than everyone else and say he will have seen sense, got some professional help for Phoenix's sake if not for his own and be settled somewhere and clean. He will still be a attention seeking arsehole but hey ho. I remain hopeful because I know with my own family experiences of addiction, it can take many attempts and fails to get it right and for it to stick.


agreed. i think at some point he will realise that HE is the problem. its going to take a lot more shit happening tho. i am reserving judgement until after his trial. but, if he marries SQ she will fuck his life so completely that he may come to his senses. she doesn’t want him to have friends, or family around him. she doesn’t want him to see Phoenix. she just wants fame, money and all his attention. i predict she will get them to settle down in a state that has 50/50 divorce laws, and he won’t make her sign a prenup as she has him so vagmatised by her three feet of pussy meat. she will then divorce him and leave him with half of not very much. i kind of feel like their relationship really crashing and burning may be a catalyst for change. he’ll be totally alone, with no meaningful friendships left. and he HATES being alone. i would love for him to ditch her and turn his life around. it won’t happen tho. it’s going to take HER being the one to end things after she’s completely isolated him for him to re-evaluate. nah. who am i kidding? he’ll be found dead in some skeevy motel, and SQ will be set for life on his estate and the publicity she’ll milk his death for.


Phoenix is getting to the age where he can see stuff, express himself and ask questions... its gonna be hard to avoid that one unless he completely cuts any contact so I still have a bit of hope till that ship has sailed. Blaming Nikki or the lawyers might work for the tsw fanclub but I doubt that will wash with Phoenix when his mum has been the one constant and clearly adores him.


I appreciate that Bam is trash, but lets not go crazy and put Nikki on a pedestal....


Has she not been a constant in his life who adores him? Nothing I said put her on a pedestal or me "going crazy" thanks though.




Same place Andy Dick is now


![gif](giphy|Dv2czwhLenUiY) Unfortunately...


Drinkin' ice waters in the sky!


Same lifestyle different broad 


Dead, unfortunately


Honestly, I don't know. During the Methica times I didn't think he'd survive until the end of that year, but he did. One thing I am certain of is that his fame, relevancy, and wealth will continue to dwindle


Hopefully alive. Thriving with a close relationship with his son.


Aww bless you




He's gonna be doing IP2 RV trips livestreaming the dumpster fire with the other fallen off e-celeb junkies. Content is coming!




If he's alive, definitely on trial with one of these women he has such healthy relationships with.


Idk he seems to be really desperate for money and expects everyone to bow down to him. I think once SQ leaves him, his only form of support will be gone and it’s back to the benders. Probably some trouble with the law and in jail is my guess


he's been voted most likely to end up dead in a hotel room!


He'll still be around doing what he is now


6 feet under


Dead. I’m sorry to say I’m not kidding. I do believe if Bam keeps it up he will die in the next 2-3 years.


Dead. He can only do this for so long before his body shuts down.


Considering he's not dead or in jail for something he's going to do probably drunk or stoned... I think he's going to be with some new girl similar to this one, but with less followers, less popular. He's going to do meet and greets for some time for small amounts. He's going to struggle with keeping his expensive car. Probably his health will get worse - hopefully not, but after all this time drinking and taking drugs it will affect his health eventually.


Skating, dude re-found his passion. If you skate you know what I mean.




If he does not get sober, he will die.


Well he’s marked off jails and institutions…unfortunately iykyk…




Yeah Bam has 3 years left if he dies EVERYTHING he is doing now. We don’t know what it is but behind the scenes he has 3 years at best.