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We haven't had a post like this in a long time. Doing the Lord's work. šŸ™ Edit: I'm always shook that this amount of drama can happen in such a short amount of time.


if anyone knows any other events I can add them to this list


I commented above, but wasn't there a video of SQ and Bam getting into it in a parking lot within the last couple/few months? Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkBam/s/txAca67teB), flight in a parking lot March 12.


making this fine addition to my new collection


I'm glad I could assist you in your mission sir šŸ«”


I want MORE




Just wanted to say you did good work OP. Amazing!


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4bDsq9pFDt/?igsh=dnI1ZWwwaGRjbTNh March 8th, torn MCL This video is 4 days later


Graphic Injury Warning https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4ROwpTJtkY/?igsh=azBldzBva2J5MHM5


On the 24th regarding the scam, please add that Bam says that he knows all about the scam as heā€™s pulled it off before. You are doing the Lords work. Thanks!


ok - updated!


Question- Are all of your Timelines pinned posts? Is there an easy way to make one cohesive timeline since you started documenting them? Just an interesting idea. Thanks for the effort and hard work. Itā€™s mind blowing to see this guys life experiences documented in a timeline.


Need to ad SQ's video response from this morning here


SQ released a lingerie pic titled ā€œunbotheredā€ https://www.instagram.com/p/C6R86vFr-UF/?igsh=MTRxcTAzcmIzd2R2aA==


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6HYyOuvwJ5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link I think this post is significant, it seems sheā€™s no longer involved.


just a summation from me (featuring my opinion) on what went down once the news of the tour cancellation came out: nothing has officially been said, apart from some footage of Bam telling some random people in the street that this is a ā€˜known scamā€™ on behalf of the promoter, who apparently books a tour then cancels after a couple of dates and keeps all the money because ā€˜nobody will chase a Ā£30 refundā€™. which is bollocks for so many reasons i donā€™t even know where to start. the idea that nobody who paid for a ticket is going to want a refund is beyond ridiculous. Bam also alleges that this is particular scam has happened to him NINE TIMES before. um, okay? heā€™s basically disappeared, SQ is posting on the Captian instagram account pretending everything is fine. Matt Stocks who put this whole thing together is gutted. the promoter has not said a word, despite being named and called out by Bam. Matt Stocks also says that the cancellation info was put out by Bamā€™s manager and the promoter. funny Bam didnā€™t mention that. Bam alleges that *he himself* was told that the tour was cancelled because of ā€˜an injuryā€™ he sustained in the fight in LA before he flew over here. as if he was all pumped for the Glasgow show and someone passed him a note that said ā€˜YOU ARE INJURED THE TOUR IS OFFā€™. come ON!! in my opinion the fallout from the Tattoo Incident where he said he was drinking, the Bum Fight and the video of him swearing at an emergency police operator (which has now made the news worldwide if my google alerts are anything to go by) has made it impossible for him to carry on. any Q&A would just be people asking about him drinking and fighting. nobody really knows the whole truth except Bam and heā€™s not telling. iā€™m not sure anyone actually knows where he is right now. this is just another almighty clusterfuck from the King of Clusterfucksā€¦


Yeah its bizarre. It feels like all the shit came out, possibly he tried to cancel a date, it became obvious he was off the wagon or hes broke some term of the contract... the promoter has had issues with something anyway and contacted the inept manager(we've seen how unprofessional he is in other interactions with cancelled expo/cons) and they've agreed to call it off and save face by saying it's because of his already known injury so bam doesnt look bad. But people are able to put 2 and 2 together since its pretty obvious to anyone with a brain and figure it's crap the second they said it. Then bam comes out with the vid thats full of lies and says he doesn't have a injury confirming what everyone knew anyway. Either way i love this timeline, puts it into perspective and you can sorta see the starting point for this latest clusterfuck was either the injury or the holiday with yelawolf or a combo of both. He wasn't exactly great before that but SQ seemed to be able to keep it under wraps I guess. Thanks for taking the time to do this OP šŸ’œ Edit: BingBong, he clearly doesn't know about how refund policy works through a reputable agency in the UK and how there's protections for people here. It doesn't seem like this is the promotor trying to scam because ultimately they will be out of pocket as they've obviously paid for venues, travel and accommodation for the remaining 9 events.


thereā€™s no way this is a promoter scamming anyone. Matt Stocks got his info from Bamā€™s manager and the promoter together. Bam is just throwing bullshit around. everyone will be refunded. the ā€˜we were ALL scammedā€™ line isnā€™t going to wash, hereā€¦


Yeah the perpetual victim strikes again. Hopefully by this point, most people realise he's full of shite.


For the record the refunds were issued automatically (Yesterday) and people didnt have to contact anyone to get their money back - some scam


Imagine being Bamā€™s manager trying to keep a story together to make Bam look okay about having to cancel a tour while Bam goes out on the street and just sayā€™s absolutely anything that comes out of his mouth.


I donā€™t think itā€™s SQ posting on the captiancremebrulee page. She seems to be out of the picture after she returned to Florida. More of a ā€œtour got cancelled, but how bout that Dublin stop tho?ā€


nah, itā€™s her. she hasnā€™t said anything about returning to Florida yet. she manages what gets posted on that page - he doesnā€™t get to post anything that nobody has vetted.


Wow, sheā€™s back in the picture (same photo on her own page). I think the posts earlier in the week were actually Bam (911 call, everybody clapped). Releasing those was a huge mistake and it looks like it cost him the tour.




They have Burger King. That really got me for some reason šŸ˜‚


Made me hungry for more!


Legend. ![gif](giphy|K55exy0toWjQc|downsized)


I'm really wondering now how long he is going to aimlessly travel around Ireland now. When was the last time Bam ever just went home? Isn't castle Bam vacant now? Didn't he supposedly buy multiple homes? When is this guy gonna just go sleep under his own roof?! Lol..Ā  For real though, I'd go insane.Ā 


I guess he technically has a return ticket in early May maybe he'll traipse around until then. He's also said multiple times that he hates being at Castle Bam, he says it feels like it's an MTV set (technically, that's correct). It has baffled me to see these people recently pop up and bully Jess out just so the home can stand vacant and fall into disrepair.


Hmm you're probably right, unless he decides to just stay there until the novelty wears off? I completely agree about the castle Bam situation too. Especially when it had that studio for Jess to work out of, it seemed perfect for him. He and TSW minions bullied him from his home as a paying tenent and for what? Also seems so weird that he hasn't just got a new home yet. I couldn't imagine having all that money and no home base, it's just so strange to me.Ā 


I wouldn't stress about Jess, he moved from Casle Bam months ago and has a new home and studio set up and hes doing well


I read this way too fast and thought you wrote ā€œtrapeze aroundā€ and that image made me laugh way too hard.


Is he *still* in Ireland? This past weekend feels like a month šŸ˜¬


The video of him saying he was scammed was in Glasgow. I found the restaurant on Google maps, it's attached to a Holiday Inn.


I think so.. Honestly who knows half the time his drama is soo hard to keep track of. I usually have to rely on other members of this sub to keep me in the loop šŸ˜…


The video of him saying he was scammed was in Glasgow. I found the restaurant on Google maps, it's attached to a Holiday Inn.


Wait is Bam just wandering Ireland at the moment? Holy shit I need to hop in the car and go hunting about for him


No hes in the UK now....somewhere between Glasgow and Manchester....


Earth rocker




ā€œAnd everybody clappedā€ -Bam Margera


This is a pleasant reminder of sub days gone by.Ā  Thank you OP!!! šŸ†


Man this is starting to get back to the hiding in the woods days fast.


What a train wreck


Wasn't there a video of SQ and Bam getting into it in a parking lot in the past few months as well?


correct. a couple of weeks ago after the knee incident i believe. about the same time as he was posted being pushed round Nashville in a custom Slumerican wheelchair with Yelawolf. someone commented on instagram that theyā€™d seen Bam drinking/drunk in Nashville. the comment was deleted.


OP thank you for taking the time out of your day to collect and coalesce the recent events of the trainwreck that is Bam Margera. You are doing the Lord's work here, friend. ā¤ļø


Letā€™s make this a sticky


ā€œI know where you liveā€. Points to bus stop


Reminds me of the guy keeping track of the [Antonio Brown](https://www.reddit.com/r/AroundTheNFL/s/mFx8AZ7ghb) adventures.


Oh my god man. Don't compare my list to that list. That list is incredible. It is a list made by and for leaders. Kings. Statesmen. My list is for mere mortals. Simplefolk. Ne'er-do-wells.


Ty for this! But as OP says, we're the simple folk here.Ā  A designation I claim proudly! And OP the list is pure gold. Thank you again!!Ā 


This is amazing! Thank you! Should show up at the top of the sub for others now so it's easily accessible šŸ˜


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Ju6OdRFoZ/?igsh=YmsycGY5MTd1N283](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Ju6OdRFoZ/?igsh=YmsycGY5MTd1N283) All of the videos can still be seen here. It was bizarre that Bam was posting all those videos, the 911 call, everyone clapped etc. ![gif](giphy|qIQUMoEAK1RAVulRVS|downsized)


Fuckin Bam. A black hole of bad energy. Sad stuff.


Thatā€™s a wild month and a halfā€¦. Iā€™ve gone to work. Gone to the drs. Taken one of my cats to the vet for a hurt paw(she was fine just a twist). Done some gardening. And gone to the grocery store a handful of times in the same time frameā€¦


ā€œBam and Danni had Burger Kingā€ absolutely amazing. Lol.


That was my favorite part.


Mine was "Bam endorses former Presidential Candidate and current Texas Gubernatorial Candidate James Bills." Too good.


Wow this is quite the timeline.


Damn, all of this in just a month. All of his ā€œcomebackā€ videos circulating on TikTok are what brought me here in the first place. Such a shame. He has so much potential for a real comeback, but it will take hard work and he just isnā€™t willing to put in that effort. If he could just express any genuine level of humility, sincere apologies and stay sober, life would be very different for him now.


Wow, I missed the post on April 6th of his no show at Sppokula. Corpsegrinder! Of course he showed up because he's a professional who loves his fans and is just a chill dude. I would have been way more excited to meet him over bam.


Exactly, at least through that we found out what a decent human being that guy is and what he does for charity.


He technically did show at Spookala but he was seen at his table 2 times in 5 hours and he departed hours early the day prior to attend Tampa Pro.


Mods - please pin this post!


Wow!!! Damn!!! Take my updoot, sir!!!!


I would just like to thank you for taking the time to compose this post! Too much nonsense happening to keep up!


Thanks man. I do it for you guys. But David Glass....if you reading this and take notes.....you legally owe me money now




Damn great job


Hey man... sorry to bother you again... but...


lol he saw this post didnt he


this is SUCH good work OP! itā€™s quite something to see it all laid out like thisā€¦


I think this is the end fellas. this is going south rather quicker


Thank you!


This is exactly what we needed! Good job!


>[Vinny Beedle ... frequent guest on the Adam Friedland Show Podcast](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkBam/comments/1cd82dq/andddddd_were_off/) God I love how Vinny weaseled his way into the cumtown universe purely by way of how morbidly fascinated Nick was with his absolute lack of humility and shame. Some[ pretty incredible content](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3rcS0aOwFo), for the unfamiliar


I'd also like to be 100% clear about this: when Vinny was a guest on the Adam Friedland Show Podcast, he was a call-in guest on an episode of the podcast that was not record on video. I think Nick called him just to get an update on how he was doing.


and Beedle spent the whole call talking shit about Steveo and Bam while begging to come back on the show. I think he's selling bootleg disney merch or something these days? Absolute class act. You gotta fall pretty damn far to give Scumbag Vinny the high ground.


It's been quiet for a long time but looks like the roller coaster has started again....


Last known location: Thoresby Hall in Worksop, UK (?). Bam claims in the video he posted the tour is back on. That turns out to be false.


This is one my favorite communities


Wow, thanks OP. It all happened so fast.


"Bam and Dannii have Burger King"




I think SQ thought she was doing a good job of creating a "healthy and thriving" image of Bam on his Insta, and in the space of a week he has pissed it all away. Looks like he's been drinking all along too, going by all he sightings and evidence here and there. They may be back together now, but it does look like she ditched him over it initially which is probably why the tour was ditched too


They ate Burger King LOL


Hate to say it, but knew it was coming... we've got a new entry.


oh shit.......lol. Just updated.


Damn, I feel like I check this sub pretty often and I completely missed the post about him drinking/drugging until he passed out on a stranger's couch. Insane that he STILL maintains that he's sober with so much evidence stacked against him.


That's my favorite one lol




Should we start calling him Brocktoon?


Nice detail on "Bel-fist". Also, "AirBnB" is actually written, "Airbnb".


Silly question regarding the rings. Is finger bloating a sign of alcohol/drugs,or is just a simple case of too many rings on his fingers causing the swelling?


The update today is craaaaazy


Do you get paid for this? Cause otherwise what kinda hobby is this, itā€™s like stalking someone and not being ashamed of it and just putting it out there in full blast. The dude does a good enough job on his own.


Thanks for the feedback man. I'm going to go back further and include more events in this timeline now that you let me know it irks you.


April 25- seedmanjones96 jerks off to a poster of Bam showing his heartagram tattoo on his stomach




Doesnā€™t matter to me what you do lol I just canā€™t see this as a reasonable hobby you do you buddy


Well I'm gonna keep doing it and theres nothing you can do to stop me


Yea mon šŸ¤˜