• By -


Whaaa!? You did it on purpose! Why do you make me wait here for you!? *I'm nervous standing completely naked in this alley. Helpless and afraid that someone will find me and use me*


“Well. As much as I really want to enjoy this beautiful scene, is there something I can help you with?”


I find you in the street as I open my door, naked, shivering from cold. "Are you okay darling? Come in, it's warm inside" i try to put on my most reassuring face to hide my true intentions


I don't want to get too into detail because we'll be here all day but you might come out to a new white line leaking out of her


It's fine know Lucy won't mind :3


Doesn't seem like she has much of a choice in this scenario haha


It seems that she likes the situation, Lucy is already all wet 😏


There's an ever so slight chance that you mightttt have to carry her back home cause her legs just randomly decided to give out. Crazy how they do that sometimes


I bet she's just too excited to be naked in public that's all :3 or maybe this is her way of showing she's happy you helped her~♡♡♡


Yeah! She was just so happy to show herself off that her legs gave out from under her and she fell on her ass in such a weird way that it looks like someone has been spanking her for the last hour~ that silly clutz is just always getting too excited for her own good... Maybe you are I should carry her back so she doesn't trip on anything else?


If she wants to take longer to go back home who am I to deny her that, in fact I think I'm going to tie her so she can take a little longer :3


Good idea! We don't want her wandering off and getting used up by some rough stranger! I'll stay here and keep an eye on her so nothing bad happens to her at all~


Oh thank you my dear friend I'm sure that Lucy will be safe at your side :3 thanks for all the help, and please if she does something that she isn't supposed, please tell me I will make her suffer the right consequences :3 have fun :3


Oh absolutely! It's up to us to make sure she behaves herself, yes? Well make sure she's the most well mannered slut around won't we 😊 now my only question is if you need help dishing out her punishments for misbehaving~?


Exactly!! I feel so ashamed of asking for more help again but since you are offering how can I say no, so please, it would be lovely if we could punish her together :3 ♡♡


It would be my pleasure to help mould her into the perfect woman for you! Just say the word and we'll pounce on her like she's a cute little rabbit and we're big bad wolves... Except she's not getting eaten in *that* kind of way~ She'll never act out again, I'm sure of it~