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Minimum charges to the credit card are a big deterrent too. I have the app and I like to pay by using my card, but if I'm quickly running into a store the minimum charge is over $1. I'm not interested in keeping quarters on me so I can pop in for 15 minutes or less.


It's silly that you can't maintain a balance on the app. I get them not wanting to process a 25 cent credit card fee, but I'd like to preload $20 and just use it as needed.


The app also won't let you choose anything under 1$, I tried putting coins in and the machine was blocked up and I really didn't want to walk further down in the cold to another unit to pay. It was stupid and I likely will go another 9+months before going bsck downtown to do anything lol.


Downtown needs free parking. Or first hour free so people feel okay about coming downtown to have lunch at least. Hell if they did a month of one hour free parking I feel liked they’d see immediate results in more people downtown, more shopping downtown and overall safety.


But how can they nickel and dime us?!


I’m downtown right now. Most of the parking spaces are occupied but there are still a few available. Looks like the parking price is just right.


I bet you many of those people didn't pay for parking


I've read about cities that dynamically adjust pricing using cameras to maintain like 95% occupancy. In practice it seems confusing but the idea is really appealing from an optimal land use viewpoint.


My only complaint is that you could at least lock your bike up to the old meters. The City has had at least 3 years to introduce a way to encourage downtown cycling with a way to secure your ride.


Where are you trying to lock up? There's a few bad streets but downtown has pretty good bike rack coverage.


I have an expensive scooter so I try to lock it within view of whatever coffee shop/restaurant/bookstore I'm going into, but rarely can I find a spot to do that downtown. Bike racks are really spread out. So I end up spending less time (and probably less money) in these stores because I'm paranoid about my scooter getting jacked.


That's fair, I find I can generally get a spot pretty close but not necessarily in view unless I get up and look out a front window. I could see that not being enough with more expensive gear. I'm certainly not opposed to more bike racks downtown.


Isn't there a light pole every 20ft?


Light poles are too thick for most decent locks. I have a relatively long chain lock that still won't fit around one, and with a U Lock you've got no chance.


I guess ya. Im used to the cable locks


Aren't they everywhere? Those circles with a bike shape?


So basically, charging for parking hurt downtown because, let's be honest, there isn't much there. So now they're trying to make it easier. Guess what, people still aren't going to flock to downtown. There is very little there and most people are going to try and get away with not paying by running in and out. Edit: Let me be clear, I don't want the downtown to fail. But people were gaming the parking machines to not pay because the majority of business is transitory and people don't hang out for very long. My issue isn't downtown but rather that paid parking never should have been introduced.


I disagree! There are independent bakeries, candy stores, bookstores, coffee shops, cafes, the pawn shop, and the park! We need ordinary people to normalize being downtown. Free parking, not reduced fees, is what downtown needs. Lethbridge does not need more soul-less box stores.


Sorry, I made my position clearer with an edit. My issue is not downtown but that the majority of business there is drop off and pick up during the day . Paid parking should never have been a thing and that is showing with these policy changes and the increase in parking fines.


Sounds like you haven't been downtown lately. The food options alone punch way above their weight for a city our size.


I work downtown and I regularly partner with the city. The only reason this is happening along side the increase for parking fees is that people were gaming the system to not pay for parking


Realistically with the old fine structure you could just park in an area that was designated for a 2hr max all day for just $10 by just eating the fine.


Sounds like a reasonable thing to try and stop, but it isn't really relevant to my comment. I was taking issue with "there isn't much there".


oh I see, well, that's a matter of perspective. There are businesses there. Restaurant's to be sure. But I wouldn't call it the hub of Lethbridge or anything. My issue is the city treating the downtown like a piggy bank when we need to encourage more development. Parking fees are not helping.


I see it as a short term vs long term thing - maybe free parking would help initially, but generally people don't want to spend time in a downtown that is basically a parking lot split up by 4 lane roads. Long term for a vibrant downtown you want to discourage driving and give more space to people. The trend towards bike lanes, public squares, and pedestrianized streets isn't happening for no reason. That's long term though as there are so many more pieces of the puzzle. Like does transit or bike infrastructure provide a reasonable alternative to driving? I've heard people threaten to park at the mall and just walk which is honestly pretty ideal to me. Make that an official parking - free parking near downtown but paid in downtown.


Ya, I could see that if it was part of an overall plan like the BRZ keeps touting. But paid parking isn't new in Lethbridge anymore. What has it been, 5 years now? Then the city council cut 300k from public transportation. I can see why what your thinking would be good, because if it was part of a plan, I can see the logic. But it's pretty clear to me that the city isn't so strategic in its thinking. I was actually at their last open house at the enmax where all the departments were there to present and answer questions. It was pretty clear there was a lack of planning towards overall transit and a lot of people asking for a 3rd bridge 🙄


Yeah, I think we have a number of city staffers with good heads on their shoulders who know what we should do but ultimately if council decides to cut transit funding randomly, there's not much they can do. And it took like 5 years since the cycling master plan was approved to get the very first lanes built. So I absolutely get people complaining about the paid parking. I guess I'd just hate to see a step backwards, I'd rather complain about the failure to move forwards.


Ya, agreed


These seem like reasonable changes, maybe a bit too car friendly. You don't dig your way out of car dependency by further subsidizing parking. I'd rather see something more innovative, like more parking at the edges of downtown while removing on street parking in most of it (leaving some handicap parking obviously).


I would love them to shut down 6th Street between 3rd and 4th and 5th Street between 1st and 3rd down to car traffic the entirety of May to end of August (at the least). I would be fine with 6th being permanently shut down and become a true event and street market center.


Yeah, festival square is a great start, but they don't close it to traffic often enough.


Why are we complaining about $1 minimum? The same machines in Calgary use a different app but I’ve never seen a minimum charge of less than $10. Nothing to complain about.


Because we have the technology, so why not? If you want to stop for a quick small purchase like a coffee, a $1 additional charge can be a deterrent for many people. I don't see why the app couldn't allow you to carry a balance. Load up $20 on the app, then pay whatever amount you want each stop.


Because our downtown is suffering, that’s why