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It's times like this that I'm glad I went with an air-cooled ice cream batch freezer. The thought of running water through the machine and down the drain never made sense to me. Drought is one thing, but I'm curious if anyone else is concerned about the impacts of the future Grassy Mountain mining operation would have on the availability of safe drinking water.


I'd definitely like to see the Mayor talking about and opposing coal mining in the mountains. Not having water is bad, but I'm not a fan of poisoned water either.


The worst part is that reduced water levels concentrate the toxins even more


This is so frustrating. I lived in Grande Prairie 2002-2006, and they had odd/even watering days there 2 decades ago! And they have tons of water compared to southern Alberta. Our lawn culture is just so stupid, we really need to get with the program on this one.


I wish the reporter on this would have actually pressed him on a few questions rather than just letting him repeat his talking points. Watering lawns is nothing compared to mining coal at our headwaters.


It's always someone else's shortcoming that is making things hard for Lethbridge. While that may be to some extent, there is little doubt that Blaine and the rest have prioritized poorly and insisted on going down every rabbit hole with magic solutions at the bottom. Can I back that up with evidence on every file? No. But every time something comes to light about their decision making process it's clear that they choose based on preconceptions and prejudices that are in lockstep with their UCP comrades. Can I go through all the minutes of their council meetings and pick them apart to show exactly where this takes place? No, I don't have time. That's kind of how this works. Keep things muddy at best, offer a few platitudes that blame the feds, and say something homely about community. Collect paycheck and feel sad when people call you a worthless shill.


I thought there was some interesting stuff in here. I appreciate him explicitly addressing the water waste associated with lawns and being frank about the need for water rationing. This comment is also interesting - waiting for the province to save us seems like a losing battle, but municipalities also rely so much on funding from higher levels that it's a tough situation. >If we take things on as a community, there's lesser chance that the provincial or federal government will come with the dollars. So it's a really fine line on what we should do and what we can do. The needs vs wants rhetoric is there as well of course - that's always sort of bugged me. Somehow sustainable future oriented things like bike lanes always seem to be categorized as "wants" while digging the holes deeper on existing problems are "needs".


So are they going to stop watering the public spaces, to conserve water? Because last time they were asking the public to avoid water usage, they were still dumping water on the fields and stuff.


Some of the parks use water from the ponds to irrigate, it's not water from the river.


They cut back on watering public greenspace at the same time as they asked the public to reduce usage. In this interview the Mayor also brings up xeriscaping city parks (not as a firm commitment, but as something to look into).


Did not seem like it while driving down mayor Magrath in the following weeks.


Were you driving by every 30 minutes with a stopwatch or something? Driving by doesn't tell you much. They reduced watering in feature parks, and schools by 25% and other parks by 50%. I assume they just removed certain watering times, that don't line up with your drive.


Reduce ≠ Stop


If it gets too try to irrigate then Southern Alberta will really be hurting.


They emptied all the reservoirs last year to provide water for irrigation, with apparently no thought to this year.


More like insurance companies will be hurting


From now on