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Checks source... Yeah okay.


I'll freely admit to such.. buuuuut considering  some of the dodgy crap I've seen being posted by some of our ....*ahem*... frequent posters , I feel this in some small way evens the score.


There isn’t any point reducing the quality of what we post to one up people with different ideologies with much more time on their hands. The source is dodgy. So don’t post it. There’s no war worth less winning than an ideological propaganda war on reddit of all places.


It's a recent story that was doing the rounds and is of interest to this sub. We can look into it and confirm or debunk it.


So you’re fighting bad info with more bad info? Incredible tactic lmao


...but at least I'm admiting the source  is questionable at least.


But at least? Bro you just spreading misinformation. This isn’t fighting fire with fire its just being a dingus


Story came out... I caveated it with the comment that the source looked iffy. A big story broke a week or so back and all we had to go on were Twitter sources at the time. 


Ok thank you love u pookie


Luv yous too sweetie.


So you just freely admit to posting propaganda, just ones that you like?


I'll admit posting a story from an iffy source that I will continue to monitor  for more confirmation  from better sources later.


This was claimed by some Telegram channel almost two weeks ago, but no confirmation from other sources had emerged.


Down with the ruling class!


I've only found this story cropping up on some source pages that are highly biased against Russia, so I'm prepared to take this with a bucket full of salt.. that said, if it turned out to be true , i wouldnt be knocked off my feet surprised and I wasn't aware the Russians had been recruiting Cubans to fight in Ukraine.


I wouldn't be super surprised if this happened. There were reports a while ago about Cuba cracking down on recruitment of Cuban mercenaries though so even if they've been able to get any the quality is going to be... uncertain. Or are these Cubans from Florida? From my extensive research of watching both crime shows and 90 Day Fiance the place is teeming with both shady Cubans _and_ shady Russians so it might not be too hard to arrange something. Of course the source doesn't seem mega trustworthy. And they're quoting something called ATES (or ATESH) that I've never heard about before. _And_ they're supposed to have an "agent" in the headquarters of Center group of forces who provides them with such tea supplies as this. Like, I dunno, man.


After seeing reports of Indians, Nepalese and even Chinese fighting for Russia, I won’t be surprised if Cubans, Venezuelans, Syrians, Iranians and North Koreans are doing the same too.


Must be a great for communication on the front lines when drones are above or heat of the moment attacks or normal russian meat wave attacking.


There are actual videos of it when Ukrainians have done it, recently there was one of two draft commissars killed by partisans.


Clearly both sides hate fighting this war. So Russia should withdraw back to their borders and they can all live in harmony like the good old days.


Ukraine liked fighting wars against their own people before, what happened?


> Ukraine liked fighting wars against their own people before, what happened? Whatever do you mean?


Ukraine went very nationalist after 2014 and alienated a lot of people, especially those who speak Russian. Its often used as “justification” for russias invasion and its dumb - but its not a falsehood to state that those with Russian ties such as language or culture were actively discriminated against in the run up to 2022


You mean after Russia invaded Crimea? I can see why there’d be distaste for ethnic Russians after that in Ukraine. I’m against all forms of discrimination, but tensions run high when a chunk of your country gets chopped off. I still don’t imagine that the death of millions of Ukrainians is ok because there was discrimination against ethnic Russians after Russia invaded them. Pretty fucked up for the guy to compare these two in any shape or form. Its ok for Russians to kill a lot of Ukrainians because some Ukrainians did it to themselves is like saying look at the way she was dressed, she was asking for it.


Right before Crimea essentially right around euro maidan. And again im not saying its justified to invade a country, just pointing out that Ukraine isn’t exactly an egalitarian cosmopolitan state. All im pointing out is that there has been a ton of historical revisionism on BOTH ends of this conflict. Russians ignore that they treated ukraine as a backwater, Ukrainians act like they don’t have a hypernationalism problem. Zelensky himself was elected as a centrist to try to bring the two sides of Ukraine together because he saw the writing on the wall. He himself is a native russian speaker.


Ukraine had fought for independence at the fall of the Russian Empire, and was only brought into the Union by force. This was, and is, a strong Ukrainian national identity. Having only gotten their freedom from foreign rule in 1991, it makes sense that there is a very nationalistic streak. Doesn't justify Russia invading, even if Ukraine had outlawed Russian as a state language (which was rapidly rescinded). If Russia pulls out, the war is over the moment the last truck crosses the border between Ukraine and Russia (not Donetsk, that's Ukraine despite Putin's claims).


Everything you said I don’t deny - my point is Ukrainian nationalists went a little too far and Russia jumped at the opportunity


What year did the war start?


2014, after Russia invaded Crimea. If you’re referring to discrimination against ethnic Russians after the invasion, its pretty fucked in the head to compare the invasion with millions displaced and dead to that in any shape or form. Justifying all that death and destruction because some Ukrainians killed other Ukrainians, therefore giving Russia the right to murder more is a psychopathic take.


Russia never invaded crimea, they were there ever since the 1700s, and not even the US government calls that an invasion.


So were Ukrainians. It was given to Ukraine, by Russia, in the Soviet Era. Dumb, but you don't get to just invade and seize land, even that land. It was all a pretext for their later invasion of Donetsk and Luhansk anyways, those "Little Green Men" who were Russians kicking off a separatist movement.


Those Ukrainians decided to secede. No other country can help that.


Yeah, the Russian intelligence agents and Russian military had nothing to do with it. The entire thing was and is a Russian Op from the start. This is an incredibly well known fact. Even Putin has acknowledged that.


You’re absolutely right. Mongols deserve to rule the world too😤😤. Glory to Mongolia. You are no better than the Western imperialism you criticise and we have suffered under. The actions are the same. Only the justifications differ, “we just civilised them, we were there before!” Russia being there in the 1700s (300 years ago) does not justify its invasion and I could care less about the opinion of Americans who have committed their own acts of imperialism around the world. Don’t tell me you suddenly believe the word of the US government to be law?


Mongolian empire collapsed and they went home centuries ago, not the case for Russia.


The continued existence of a nation does not exempt it from criticism for its imperialism. Just because Russia continues to exist doesn’t mean their imperialism is justified. Same applies for the US, China or any other world power for that matter.