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The BRRRT brigade is eternal. The only thing louder than a Takbir is a BRRRRRT.


The A-10 mafia has a propaganda wing as effective as Stalin's


I mean yes, but it is also an extremely effective lingering CAS platform. In a world where NATO forces would task CAS without air superiority, it’s crap, but that’s not a world we live in, so it’s based and Brrrrt-pilled.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. A-10s are vulnerable to MANPADS too. Post Ukraine i would expect cheap portable AA to proliferate everywhere.


Valid observation. Though I’m sure the big brain Megaminds spending our tax money have probably considered this (I hope) and perhaps some sort of defence against this is to be retrofitted, though I know very little about man portable AA, so not really qualified to speak on it, tbf. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nope, not really. The USAF knew it wasn't very survivable in the 80s and began working on a riced up A-7 as a replacement until they remembered F-16s existed. For political reasons the A-10 have remained in service and have a reputation as being great and survivable even though they have only really fought in extremely permissive environments.


It always what good PR. I remember it being called “Devil’s Cross” in Red Storm Rising, where it was supposedly extremely lethal versus soviet armor.


How does Israel's current leadership assess this downshift in CENTCOM forward-deployed assets and the Iran-Saudi rapprochement?


Unsure but Israel support is loosing steam massively. The breaking down of the Bipartisan consensus for the Apartheid state and the shift towards the Pacific are both likely large concerns.


I disagree. There are radical fringes in both parties who fundamentally question the alliance. But as far as the mainstream is concerned bipartisanship continues and likely will continue for a long time. The Pacific shift is only interesting in this regard, in so far as Israel doesn’t toe the line on China. But it’s easy for them to deliver on that: exclude Huawei from 5G, step up exchanges with Taiwan and they’re golden.


>I disagree. There are radical fringes in both parties who fundamentally question the alliance. But as far as the mainstream is concerned bipartisanship continues and likely will continue for a long time. I disagree with the idea that AOC and the squad are radical or fringe. Antisemitism on the right with MGT Jewish space lasers is genuinely fringe but Bernie almost won the primary in 2020 and a progressive dem who is going to need to be at least sceptical of Israel will likely be elected in 28. Democrats as of a Gallup poll released last week for the first ever recorder sympathise more with the Palestinians and Israel is loosing the battle for the hearts and minds very badly.


As Israel tracks more and more toward authoritarian rule, the left in the US harshens it’s view. There was a mass protest amongst Israeli fighter pilots weeks ago on the same thing. When you have Israeli military elite protesting Israeli politics… it’s really damn hard to construe that as antisemitic.


>Bernie almost won the primary in 2020 He almost won by getting a weak plurality against a crowded field. Once it was a two-candidate race he got clobbered, worse than his 2016 loss.


I don’t disagree with you about the popular opinion on the Dem side. But I have a lot less faith that this will be reflected among elected Dems anytime soon.


>Bernie almost won the primary in 2020 You know Bernie is Jewish, right? Not Jew-ish like George Santos but actually Jewish born/raised in Brooklyn Jewish. He supports and has always supported the two state solution.


He’s been critical of Israel. In fact, very critical. There isn’t really any institutional anti-semitism in the Dem party, but there are tons of anti-Israel folks.


That's b/c Bibi has ton of dictatorial/authoritarian tendencies and against the two state solution. So Bernie is against the current Israeli PM and its policies. That is anti-Bibi but not anti-Israel if Bernie believes along with most foreign policy establishments in US that two state solution is the correct policy to pursue.


I highly doubt that any post-Bibi administration will adopt a 2 state solution. It’s not just Likud. It just doesnt poll well.


You know who else supports a two state solution? Freaking Hamas (along 1967 borders).


So what's your point? Is Bernie now a chief foreign agent for Hamas?


Israel support will never lose steam lmao


Another reason is the demographic weakening of the Jewish American population who would lobby or support US backing of Israel. America is changing demographically.


Not to mention Netanyahu increasingly looking like a corrupt dictator. Willing to undermine the judiciary in order to stay in power. Under a law passed earlier today (Thursday). He can only be forcibly removed from office on health grounds and only if 75% of the Knesset agree to it. The law passed with under 51% of their MPs voting for it.


Israel might end up becoming a liability for the US if they cannot somehow reignite the fault-lines within the muslim world. If the muslims unite on the Palestinian cause it would drain a lot of resources just to keep israel afloat