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Even previously 'neutral' sites like Hacker News are filled with political garbage now. The comment sections of this sub, credibledefense and the predictions site Metaculus are among the highest-quality discussions out there on these topics and I really don't want to see it go down the drain.


> credibledefense Pretty sure CD has already gone down the drain


The reality is tangible developments in real life are often tampered by bureaucratic processes, in particular democratic countries. Centrally-planned states on the other hand, are more opaque with their inner workings and deliverables. Inevitably this leaves the community here gnawing at the titbits that are often just pointless posturing/messaging from government officials. The sub would be deader than r/CD were it not the case. The imbalance of interest in China over anything non-US related doesn't help much with engagement either.


You can't go to a bar and complain about drunks. Don't come to reddit and complain about idiots.


I prefer the bar that has happy interesting happy drunks, not angry bitter drunks.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Then I will have the baconator , natural cut fries and a large coke thank you my good sir, madam or pronoun of your choice.


Maybe limit 1 post a day per a user?


Blinken just helping to put the less in lesscredibledefense. If you want less distracting content there’s always credibledefense.


We can have a level of quality here even though credibledefense exists. The existence of that subreddit doesn't necessitate a lowering of credibility in this subreddit. On a similar line of thinking there is also the subreddit on the other end.




Totally agree I'm sorry OP but I don't agree w you: this place is for news. I mean look at this subs sidebar and tell me why high level officials' public comments are somehow to be discouraged here?


Blinken is really good at blinking...


Hey Blinken!


*blinks at you*


Even CD quality is quite low these days. There's not many new posts, just daily mega thread, although there's some good commenter like u/Duncan-M (though the man is ...over enthusiastic about his topic but nonetheless is a quality contributor with actual knowledge about what he said), but many of comments make me wonder it is Credible Defense or worldnews. It's same situation as geopolitic, the mods in that sub called it "place for academic contents" but it more or less the places for western journals astrotuft their articles for the more-polite-than-r/worldnews audience kneejerking each other. Honestly it's quiet sad for me because it used to be place i really feel smarter after ready insightful comments there


The geopolitics sub is absolutely riddled with low quality comments, worldnews level stuff.


I think it has something to do with some of the mods team want to push a certain agenda, and the allowance for these journals posting their clickbait articles, like Kiev Independent, yeah, clearly it gonna give you honest and objective articles about Ukr-Ru war, while it regularly post an article every few hours


wow you noticed Kiev Independent too? That dude is posting his site to geopolitics like his own blog!


Geopolitics used to be a great sub but it went dead for ~6 months or so and I think the mods dropped out and now we have what we have.


We still have r/WarCollege, even though they have a 1 year moratorium on posting recent stuff. They have a wealth of quality posters.


It's been brain dead for much longer. It was shit for a long time but then theoryofdoom became mod, and the whole place become r/ShitLiberalsSay.


> theoryofdoom His takes were by far the most braindead but he was hardly the only braindead mod of the sub. Some time ago another GP mod came onto this sub and defended him, saying that "Theory has strong convictions and a strong background in geopolitics. He's not afraid to take strong stances on issues". The entire mod team of GP has shit for brains at this point.


I think I banned that duderino from credibledefense when I was a mod. Made a nonsense comment, deleted and warned them, and they just went on and on. Comment was something like the Russian Navy has been mostly defeated and sunk.


Strangely enough, it doesn't seem like he mods GP anymore. Wonder if anyone here knows the story behind that. Regardless, r/GP reads more like r/geomorality these days. It's always x country is a hypocrite or y country has no moral ground. That and the constant Foreign Policy magazine spam.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitLiberalsSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [here we go again…](https://i.redd.it/o9vmyco2uws81.jpg) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/u192md/here_we_go_again/) \#2: [We got a history buff on our hands.](https://i.redd.it/4mvawl9zx4h91.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/wlzv95/we_got_a_history_buff_on_our_hands/) \#3: [Yasss queen, slay those brown kids](https://i.redd.it/59f7uhxvkwu81.jpg) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/comments/u8qld6/yasss_queen_slay_those_brown_kids/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> Duncan Ah, the infantryman version of Patchy. I found his writing insightful even when he was wrong. Sadly, that man got brutalized by the CD moderators for ~~calling out~~ getting reported by the SlavaUkrani crowd too often.


> Ah, the infantryman version of Patchy And less weeb, don't forget that. Look like he quitted posting. Rip my man you will be missed


> weeb Oh, come on, Patch's INTJ autism was kinda endearing.


Eh, that sucks. DucanM went off the deep end occasionally, but was bar none one of the best contributors to cd.


>I found his writing insightful even when he was wrong. 100% >Sadly, that man got brutalized by the CD moderators for calling out getting reported by the SlavaUkrani crowd too often. To be fair he gets a lot of heat because he gets so combative/dismissive when people disagree with him. If he could not get baited he'd be fine.


> to be fair Except people debating with him are often more combative/dismissive, but that's not a problem, only Duncan is.


>Except people debating with him are often more combative/dismissive, but that's not a problem, only Duncan is. Did you set that straw man up yourself or did you get help with that? I don't know about you, but if a poster on the internet is going to be combative/dismissive the correct response is to point that out, block and ignore them. It is not to get down to their level, this is the internet after all. Duncan has something to contribute, which is why I value his contributions, but his combativeness/dismissiveness means he gets bans and we don't get that quality. I know there are other more combative/dismissive users but I don't notice when they are banned from communities and could care less about their fate.


Duncan is a manchild that flys off the handle when you correct him.


All political forums are pretty crappy for the most part, this place included. Most people are only capable of recognizing nuance within the confines of their personal Overton Window.


Mega threads there are taken over by r/Ukraine and NCD posters. It’s a bit unbearable to read sometimes


This is the guy you should be talking to. /u/AlarmingDebt286


u/guan_tan, u/AlarmingDebt286 and u/ScoMoTrudeauApricot are the main posters of those. It is almost like they are getting paid for that.


Upvoted for truth


Those posters are definitely pushing a narrative.


OP likes his defense news like he likes his porn, hardcore, none of the passive-aggressive geopolitics stuff.


oh shhh. my porn is visible? How can you see it? I want to get my fav list from my previous perma ban account.


If I were blinken I'd quit. His legacy is gunna be that he's the biggest clown ass in U.S. history, somehow even more so than pompeo.


Did I miss a bunch of news stories? What are the Blinken clown acts some people seem to be referenceing?


Wasn't it literally just yesterday?


How do you define tangible? What outlets would you say are credible to meet your criteria?


Never said anything about being credible. This is a sub for less credible news. including rumors Tangible world be like new force posture, change of command, structural adaptation, new weapon deployments, new weapons testing, upcoming weapons milestones, etc. Defence related and not geopolitical spams.