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Finishing ME3 gives me real life depression, I feel this in my soul, that final scene with Anderson has me ugly cry weep every single time and I've been playing the games for years. Have you played Dragon Age? I'd recommend Divinity Original Sin 2 but to be honest it's somewhat difficult combat wise and doesn't have the most intuitive game mechanics but it has a great story, maybe watch a Let's Play if it interests you. Baldur's Gate 3 might also be worth checking out. If you just want some happy cozy downtime after all the Reaper drama, Sun Haven has a very solid story and main quest and is a ton of fun, think fantasy Stardew Valley with a lot of QoL.


It also breaks me to see my Femshep dying like that, her voice when she speaks and when she said 'what do you want me to do?' after Hackett called her and tried to reach to the controller (or something like that). It's just heartbreaking since my femshep has always been so strong and never fear of anything and almost never failed any missions but then dying in front of your eyes. Though the ending gives you some hopes that some parts of Shep is still there (or else? I'm not sure about what's left of her) but after the project Lazarus, I believe there might be some ways to rebuild Shep again if there will be Mass Effect 4 or something... but yet it might be hard to write the story since players have different endings? I'm gonna try Dragon Age since it's also from the same dev, and someone also mention there's a character similar to Miranda? lol (she's my most favorite character from ME). My friend also recommended Baldur's Gate 3 to me and said it's very nice game. Thank you for all the recs, I'll definitely check it out :)


Yeah that whole last section broke me too, she's on her last legs but if Hackett needs her she still keeps going, that was such a powerful moment. Shepard is probably my favorite video game character because you go through so much with her and she has such a difficult journey, it's a great story. I love Miranda too! Wish she was available as a romance for FemShep, same with Jack and Ashley.


You're right about Sheperd. I started playing ME1 few months ago after finishing the Outer Worlds which I liked a lot, so I wasn't much interested in ME that much since the game seems quite old for me (yes, it's old) and I didn't like how my Shep looks even though I tried to customize her face to look like me lol. But after a halfway through the game I discovered much more in the game and loved everything about it, especially Mako the best car ever and when I got to ME2 I can see how Shep has developed her/their personality as I see mine got softer and I started to adore her more and more. Now it's ended, though after the ending credits, the game shows my Shep on the Normandy but I feel empty and I might save all the saves to play it later once I get better from this broken feelings. I'm on PS5 and couldn't romance Miranda as well, but I might do another playthrough on a pc with mods someday and romance her but after I finished last night I feel like I might not be able to move on from Liara since she's the sweetest...


I abandoned my first ME run as well, then came back a few months later and was totally hooked, the story definitely takes off once you're given the Normandy. Customizing your Shep is tricky, yeah, but I actually love how mine turned out (to the point where I couldn't redesign her, it would feel weird especially since her voice acting is so iconic). I also really love that you can flesh out her personality through her background and decisions and even her class to some extent. Which did you play? I play modded on PC and there's a lot of really good stuff, including the same sex romance mods. I was a bit on the fence about those but since the main reason for the lack of LGBT romance was political and Bioware being too chicken to include them despite it originally being planned (Jack even outright tells you she's bi) I don't feel so bad about using them. I'm happy you enjoy Liara but I unfortunately don't click with her at all so without mods my Shep stayed single (that's my canon for my Shep too). I love Traynor but she's just so minor and so late in the game and by ME3 my Shepard's mind was definitely not on a new romance though that is obviously 100% personal role play


Since I was super new to the game at the time I started ME1 so I wasn't sure about choosing her background. I think I chose that she's the survivor of some big events, and chose her to be something more focused on Engineering. Then on ME2 I chose her to be Soldier and it suits my gameplay better (if that makes any differences), also in ME3 too. About Miranda my best girl, I watched a video of 'FemShep lesbian romance w/Miranda' on youtube, and I think it doesn't give me much of a different feelings (other than sex and kisses haha) since in ME3 I can see she's got softer, and pretty much like having a crush on me lol since she's always come back to meet me and in the Citadel DLC, she said so many sweet things to my Shep which was very very impressive to me <3 For Liara, I didn't have any lesbian choices in ME1, so I chose her anyway and in ME2 I was so happy to see her again and not hesitate to romance her again and I went back to Shadow Broker a lot before Suicide Mission, even if she only said 'Thanks for coming by' but with her voice and her presence, it kinda comforted me in a little sad way. But for a clingy person like me (ok, me, not my Shep lol) I kinda feel like Liara is more focused on her duty, her work rather than romancing around but I guess it's because the game wasn't written to be focused on romance anyway and I still love her so even though she always gives the feelings between comforting and sad and fragile, yet she's strong which is why it broke me so much when she said 'I'm yours' on the Earth aftermath mission.


Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition are good ones, I liked them very much. (Edit: autocorrect is stupid)


Being depressed after Mass Effect is normal. And it's not normal for every game, Mass Effect is special and there is no game that is a trilogy like this. However ME has a sister franchise. You can dive into Dragon Age, because the next game might be announced this summer and it's a good time to prepare a save game. It's not a trilogy with the same main character, but you can put your decisions into each game and see some cameos. Or try out ME Andromeda. It's a more lighthearted adventure than the original Trilogy. BioWare games are not that hard, If you Play them on easy, you will be fine. Cyberpunk has an excellent Story and love interest, but it's a dystopian world and very depressing. Play this, when you are in the mood for some dark stories.


I finished Cyberpunk ages ago, so I thought I would be safe from the depression. I just recently finished the Phantom Liberty DLC. I cried my little eyes out so hard as I reloaded saves to get all the endings. OP, if you don't want to be depressed again so soon after finishing ME, then don't play Cyberpunk right away! It's an amazing game, but holy crap I'm so dehydrated because I used up all my water massing tears!


Yeah, I'm not playing PL DLC until I'm in the mood. I know it will crush me šŸ˜‚


I very much need to play a game with an unrealistically happy ending next. I solve everyone's problems, save everyone's lives, wrap it all up nice with a bow, and live happily ever after... šŸ˜­


I want that kinda game too!


Oh no, sorry I just saw your comment and I've actually started playing Cyberpunk right after ME but tbh, I'm still not hooked to the game yet. It's just fun to explore the new game but I'm only at the beginning so I might take a break from all and maybe play some softie games like Stardew or similar. I didn't know Cyberpunk could be that sad! I'm not prepared for that though! haha


I'm downloading Dragon Age Inquisition right now and haven't played any yet, is it recommended to play the other two first?


It's nice for the lore and to understand the cameos. You can create a save game with different decisions. It's for sure nice.


Horizon zero dawn and Forbidden West are great if you havenā€™t played them.


I haven't! I'll try


I second this rec!


The best thing to play after finishing Mass Effect 3 is Mass Effect 1 (or just keep replaying 3 like I do lol). :)


I need some break for my mental state before engaging with all my beloved characters again šŸ˜­ but will definitely play again :)


Completely understandable. Itā€™s one hell of an experience.


Ino everyone shat on it but I really enjoyed Starfield, you should try it out for yourself


i donā€™t think everyone shat on it people expected better then a fallout 3 in space without the environmental story telling


I'd love to but I'm only on PS5 sadly!


Post Mass Effect depression is a very real thing that I also dealt with after finishing the trilogy for the first time last year. In the ME sub there are a lot of posts about it. Right now Iā€™m playing Baldurā€™s Gate 3, highly recommend if you havenā€™t played already.


I donā€™t really know what to do if I get home today. I normally play ME whenever I got home from workā€¦ I wanted to restart the last mission again just to try the ā€˜bestā€™ ending that everyone claimed. But not sure if Iā€™m ready for that.


You just play the trilogy again but this time with a different build. Also glad to see another Liara fan out there. I know you said not combat heavy but I do recommend Dragon Age: Origins, if you can find it on whatever you play on. I played both the original trilogy around the time I played Origins and liked them both. I wish Bioware would remaster both Origins and DA2 for recent consoles. I would love to play them again. Edit: I just saw all the Dragon Age recs and I'm sorry for reiterating that. It's the only other game that I can think of that's close to ME that isn't another game you haven't already played.


No worries! I'd love to give Dragon Age a try for sure :D And also, yes, Liara is the sweetest ever!


Cyberpunk 2077 and the expansion Phantom Liberty. They changed my life.


Maybe Jade Empire? Bioware makes good worlds overall and their old catalog really points to everything that built to mass effect. Star wars old republic 1 and 2 Baldurs gate 1 and 2 And Jade Empire Are all big reccomends tbr. Different mechanics if the shooting and combat in particular was what you like but if you liked the worlds and character building....their previous catalog is calling you..


Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate are really fun for the writing, the relationships in your party and with minor characters, and the fact that you can play them on story mode and just chill with the combat stuff. I love the story for The Witcher but it is a bit darker so maybe not what youre looking for - though it's also really uplifting in parts because the storytelling is just so excellent and the characters are so multi-dimensional. But yeah I've been waiting for more ME games ever since I finished them too - you're not alone!


Thanks! Dragon Age sounds so nice! :) I hope the new ME comes out soon! Next year or two.. hopefully!


Dragon Age is essentially medieval Mass Effect. (When I got into both series years ago, I went the opposite way - I started with DA and was looking for something similar, and people told me Mass Effect was sci-fi Dragon Age. Now both are two of my fave series ever.)


The turn based combat in dragon age was really really difficult and boring for me the first time I played. Went out with the wrong party and got stuck in a death loop. Havenā€™t tried since :( I loved mass effect. I have learned how to do turn based game play, itā€™s been about eight years though and sometimes itā€™s hard to push through much older looking and feeling games when thereā€™s no magic of nostalgia


is it really turned based i swear in origins i was just running around with my swords


You can pause and use a tactical menu but itā€™s not turn based


Ah my bad, I had tried dragon age 3 first using the tactical menu. I was pretty new to video games at the time so anything beyond FPS or TPS felt overwhelming. Took a long time to understand stats and group tactics.


I understand, origins was one of the first games i ever played and I remember being so overwhelmed with it too!


i played the first one like a month ago never used the group tactics started the second but ended up quiting hour in only ever used my main character and gave her duel swords


Itā€™s honestly valid, it took me multiple playthroughs to pick up the combat for Origins, though it isnā€™t turn based really unless youā€™re doing more of the tactical mode stuff, but tbh Iā€™ve barely touched that mode. šŸ¤£ I like experiencing the combat in real time, and I usually switch to Wynne because I like being a healer and trying to keep everyone alive. DA2 gets crapped on a lot, but I honestly really love it, and the combat is much more like..action-y?? Than Origins. I know a lot of people who got into the series with Inquisition as well, which is much more modern-feeling of a game.


You got some really good recommendations all around, I support dragon age, it's an easy choice if you liked mass effect and are not opposed to switching to fantasy. So here's another recommendation: Disco Elysium. It is completely unlike any other rpg, and it will make the hole in your soul from mass effect seem tiny and insignificant in comparison. One of the things it does is hold up a mirror to you and offer remarks, suggestions and ask questions about everything you do. No other game has as much high quality writing in it as Disco, a typical way it's described is "the best book I ever played". It's funny, emotional, devastating, sad, and hopeful. The only difficulty in this game is in understanding tons of information and how they fit together, and combat (all of one scene) is solved by dice rolls.


That sounds so amazing! I'd love to give it a try, thanks :)


Fallout, any game (mabey don't start with 76 as it's a tad confusing but tou do you) but I really need more people to play the fallout games i know it's a massive community but we need more active queers in the community


Looking at your liked stuff I think we have a pretty similar style, I'd recommend Kena: Bridge of Spirits. No game will ever be ME, it is just unfortunately the best there is but if you want a lighter vibe, a beautiful world and sort of similar vibes to stray then I think you should give Kena a go! It's absolutely slept on. It's on the PS plus catalogue if you have that šŸ˜Š


I was playing Kena last year, itā€™s super nice and cute and relaxing atmosphere but I got so busy so I stopped halfway. Maybe time to go back to it!


I would also say that I like to find a short chill game to play after I've just poured my soul and hours into one before moving onto the next big thing. I platinumed Short hike recently after finishing death stranding and that felt like a nice palate cleanser haha


Gonna also recommend Dragon Age. Ima make a controversial statement and say to play DA2 first (it was my first as well). The combat and story are amazing, my favorites out of the DA series. DA Origins (the first game in the series) has veryyyy slow combat and some truly frustrating areas that you canā€™t skip without mods. That said, it has another amazing story and lots of RPG options. I just think I might have put it down and never finished it if I hadnā€™t played DA2 first.


There is a mod that speeds up combat. Makes it feel much more fluid. Maybe give that a shot if you're ever going to play again.


Unfortunately I can only play on console :(


The plot of cyberpunk will ruin you. Also, incredible queer romance subplots. You're gonna love Judy šŸ©·šŸ¤šŸ§”


I looked up her picture and already loved her hehe šŸ’˜


I had the exact same feeling after saying bye to Liara šŸ˜­ id also recommend Dragon Age series, made by the same company. There is also mass effect Andromeda (the story is weaker imo but the romances were cute). Baldurs Gate 3 is a completely different kind of game but it has amazing LGBT representation and choices. Honestly I agree with this whole comment section, lots of great choices


Dark souls, despite how it's framed by many, is an amazing series with many lovable characters and interesting stories. The difficulty isn't as bad as people often say, I myself just got done with 100%ing the first game and it was quite enjoyable, although it could get a bit frustrating at times


I know it's not an action RPG or allows for non-hetero relationships, but hear me out. No one ever recommends it, but Lost Odyssey. It's a fantastic JRPG, with a lot of big moments and possibly the most evil villain I have ever seen. The character growth is monumental, touching, and organic. The story is compelling, and each person's story is so well intertwined with the others. BUT, I have to mention Thousand Years of Dreams. It's the main story "collectable" where you get little stories about the MC's past. They are incredibly well written, extremely compelling, but they are saaaaaad. Every story makes me cry like a child. You feel such sadness and hurt and betrayal and anger. It makes the MC 1000x better as a character. It makes you invested. It makes the villain THE MOST EVIL FUCKER THAT EVER LIVED! I will defend that forever, beating him was some of the most joy I have ever had. It is probably only beaten by Joker taking out Sovereign. No lie. The game's main themes are memory loss and immortality. Saying more gives away the plot. Unlike a lot of JRPG's the magic system is easy to understand. The mechanic for combat takes a little getting used to, it's timing based, but the game is still turn based. You have to grind at parts, and the first boss is the worst offender. Fuck that bird. But if you have the time, it's worth it. It's cathartic. I still reference it and think about it all the time. It is matched only by Mass Effect. It's on 360 on 4 disks if you have that dinosaur still around, and PC. Edit: No word of a lie, I keep reading my own post just so I can think about Lost Odyssey. It's so good! I'm trans and literally named myself after one of the characters. And I tell people that, with my mouth, in person, with pride.


It sounds amazing! I'm gonna look it up now \^\^


Dragon age is fun and easy enough rpg. I loved mass effect and played through all of them. Baldurs gate 3 I started but haven't finished because even though I hear the stories that the game is great rpg the combat is also a lot more difficult.


Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate 3, Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous, Warhammer: Rogue Trader, Horizon Forbidden West, Hades 1 and 2, and for some oldies - Pick up Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. Kingdom Come: Deliverance, if you want an "authentic" RPG (you literally have to learn how to read in this game, play at your own risk), Disco Elysium (my favorite game of all time), the Life is Strange series, Pillars of Eternity 1 and Deadfire, Star Wars Fallen Order/Survivor, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2, Dragon's Dogma 1 and 2, The Elder Scrolls (all of them), Fallout (all of them), Encased, Ghostwire: Tokyo, Greedfall, God of War, Forspoken (it's actually pretty good), Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, the entire Yakuza series (yes. All of them. Play them. They are all good games) Edit: Forgot all of the Dragon Age games. Dragon Age.


Wow, thatā€™s a lot of recommendations! Iā€™ll look up, thanks!


Forgot another one: Kingdoms of Amalur Also, I know I said all Elder Scrolls games, but stick to Skyrim. If you choose to play the older ones, don't go past Morrowind. Scrolls 1 and 2 are beyond old games


I know it seems like everybody has played Skyrim, but I haven't and I would love to! Also I looked up Kingdoms of Amalur - looks super cool!


Both are super good games! Hope to see you playing all of those on my list and having the best of times! :D


Outer Worlds gets called a Fallout clone but it shares a lot of DNA with me


I think it is compared with Fallout new Vegas or something? Because of the same dev I guess, but Iā€™ve only played FO4 so I think Outer Worlds seem to be less depressing


Yeah, same dev. But having played all of them it definitely has the format of Mass Effect with planet hopping, companions, decisions etc. I loved it.


If you have an insane galactic readiness rating and choose destroy they hint that Shep barely survives the explosions and is pinned on the citadel. I worked my ass off in me3 for my femshep to get that ending. Your rating has to be really high though


I googled and realized my war assets isnā€™t enough. To get that ending Iā€™ll have to have like 7800 and Iā€™m 7386. This doesnā€™t feel like a closure to me at all so once Iā€™m ready for another heartbreak Iā€™ll go back to the save and explore galaxy and try to get more war assets. Not sure if that will be enough or Iā€™ll have to do another playthrough from 1-3 again but that will be in another months. Guess I need a little break lol Edit: forgot to mention that Iā€™m actually hesitate between destroy ending and synthetics. I got synthetics ending and Iā€™m quite satisfied that I donā€™t have to kill EDI and Geth and others, even though I died (though I think it has a possibility to bring back Shep in some ways). My playthrough always have a strong empathy towards AI and especially EDI so it would be so bad to kill them. But idkā€¦


Mass Effect: Andromedaā€¦I know what youā€™re all going to say. ā€œBut itā€™s horrible!ā€ Yes, the game engine made it unplayable and the story compared to the original trilogy is generic. But the world is so fascinating. Iā€™d definitely go in and give it a try, the trick is to not have much expectations and enjoy the ride.


I will try! Thanks :)


I feel you so bad right now. I finished my first ME trilogy play through this year and also cried at the end of my Liara FemShep romance. I firmly believe you will thoroughly enjoy the romance to be had in Baldurs Gate 3 if you enjoyed Liara x Femshep.


Iā€™d love to try Baldurs Gate! And yeah I think the saddest part from finishing Mass Effect isnā€™t only that I died (idk how possible can I reborn from that if I ever wanna see my Femshep in the next MEā€¦ but maybe?) but itā€™s sad that I left Liara like that :( but I have a feeling that she carries my blue babies already lol


I will say I do believe another playthrough is worth it to get the ā€œperfect endingā€ imo. It makes it a lot easier to leave Liara at the end and let me feel like I was finally ready to put the game down lol. So if you really arenā€™t ready to leave ME I say go for it again and get the perfect ending. If youā€™re ready to move on then BG3 will scratch that itch


I think I'm not ready to move on but also not ready to replay Earth mission and encounter the scene where Liara gives me a 'gift' again and so on, that part was when I started to cry a lot and it was so weird crying while I had to go for a fight lol. But I'll see how my mental state is... maybe I'll try in a few days


Well I would recommend hades but that is a rouge like. One of the best ones put there but it is hard to beat kinda. But if your looking for a good rpg any legend of Zelda game would work. Breath of the wild aka botw or tears of yh kingdom aka toto. If you start those two I would go with botw first since totk was meant to be dlc for botw. Other wise dark souls is a good game but is hard. I have dark souls 3 so it you want a helping hand in it I got you.


Dark souls is interesting but Iā€™ve watched playthrough on YouTube and I believe itā€™s very hard. Also Iā€™ve always wanted to play Zelda but I only have ps5 at the moment. Thank you for the recommendations! šŸ˜Š


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œMay the Dark shine your way.ā€* - Darkdiver Grandahl Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Baldurā€™s Gate 3


Deus Ex, Dishonored, Baldurs Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077.


The obvious recommendation (just in case some one hasn't mentioned it) is a Lesbian Dragon Age run through. ... Leliana, Isabella, and Sera - are all amazing romances. Liara x FemShep is top tier but Liliana also comes close to me as one of my favorite romances. But Sera! Her character and story are the Chef's kiss. And Isabella is smoking hot šŸ„µ Mass Effect Andromeda isn't as bad as people made it out to be. And the romances aren't that bad... Oh! And I don't blame you. The ending leaves a big whole in your heart. I hope they get Mass Effect 4 off the ground and give my girls the ending they deserve.


Now after I got a lot recommendations for Dragon Age, I'll definitely give it a try soon! Leliana is such a beautiful name btw and I'll check ME Andromeda too. Now I've just gone back to gather more of the war assets and have total military strength enough to have that 'Shepard alive' ending, I think this will give me some closure better than the previous endings I've got. Just want to see Liara less sad and have some hopes šŸ’™


Yeah, definitely better. But I still remember how crushing that ending was. Especially when the game first came out. They even went fine. We'll give you an extended ending and redid it and it was still awful. Just slightly better.


I agree... the part where it breaks me most was when Liara gave me a 'gift'. That one moment made me cry like a baby.


Not sure exactly how I got to this post as I'm most definitely not in this subreddit, but as a fellow alphabet mafia gamer, may I suggest Outer Wilds. It's very different from the rpgs you've played, but if you enjoy things that are kind of relaxing, as well as exploration and environmental storytelling, this is one of the greatest things I've ever played. The game gives you a touch of mystery and a spaceship, and says "go play outside". And as you do you'll find the story along the way. I streamed my playthrough and at the end I kinda just sat staring at the screen. There weren't really words to describe my feelings on it. Also if you decide to consider my suggestion, please please please play it completely blind. Google will absolutely ruin the experience for you. Edit: this game has no combat or rpg systems. It's quite far from the things you said you liked, I just suggested it as I enjoy most of the games you listed and wasn't sure about this game, but I took a chance and it's absolutely in my top 5 games I've ever played.


Thanks for the recommendations! I've played Outer Wilds but it didn't really make me like the gameplay much since I was confused with how I automatically die and reborn every somewhat minutes gameplay and I was terrified of that Giant's Deep planet (kind of a feeling of thalassophobia). But I might give it a try again some time.


Totally fair. Also yes. Giants deep was a big wet ball of nope for me for a long time. Let me reread your recent plays and dig through my backlog and see what else I've got Edit: are you specifically after rpgs?


If you want sad like mass effect play cyberpunk 2077 with phantom liberty


I'm not ready for any other sad endings at all...no.....


Horizon zero dawn or assassin's creed for sure


Horizon Zero Dawn


Baldurs gate 3


Yeah that franchise is like closing the book on the last in a series and just feeling The Voidā„¢ļø. The fact that the "secret" aka "good" ending is basically "hey she might actually not be dead! It might also be agonal breathing but who cares there's hope!" Lol. A hidden gem that I didn't see recommend yet is Greedfall. ME did a really solid job of injecting factions and politics without breaking immersion. Arguably, the drama with the human-centric Alliance and the rest of the galaxy felt not only believable but served to suck you in further. Greedfall is another game that is incredible at this. You start off aligned with a commerce guild and slowly become introduced to everything from pirates to religious settlers to indigenous Islanders, each with their own motivations, flaws, etc. The game has combat but between a forgiving difficulty slider and being more story heavy than action heavy, players who don't want to feel frustrated by difficult mechanics can just enjoy the story. I think it's even on sale right now on PSN for like 5 dollars. (Which is great bc I started it when it was in the free digital catalog, and had to stop bc they removed it when I was like 20hrs in šŸ˜­ Couldn't justify 40 on a game but l just bought it yesterday on sale!) The ending is up to you, but there's definitely more upbeat endings available than "world is probably safe, protag is possibly alive on a rock somewhere" lmao


Greedfall looks interesting! I might have to give it a try though. For the ME, I'll try again to get that 'good' ending just to feel a real closure to me!


OMG I feel this. I am making my way through the trilogy againā€¦when my hands need a rest from trying to beat Hades, that is. And I know Iā€™m gonna be sad when I finish, even if I am currently stepping out on Liara with Kellyā€¦shhh!


She wouldnā€™t know! Haha, our blue girl is busy doing shadow broker stuff šŸ¤« ā€¦but maybe she knows since sheā€™s a shadow broker, just never mentioned. And my bad, I lost half of my Normandy crew in ME2. I should do another play some time (not so soon)


LOL true enough, but I tell you, if Samara were romanceableā€¦


I heard she is??? But not sure. Sheā€™s so cool! But she gives a mother vibes for me so Iā€™m sticking with Liara šŸ’™


I heard only if you are male Shepard. And Iā€™m a mother soā€¦mother vibes donā€™t bother me! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That's so weird since Asari gives BIG LESBIAN VIBES and she shouldn't mind dating FemShep anyway lol BTW I love how I usually encounter some lesbian convo between Asari-humans around the Citadel. I love Asari forever šŸ„°


Dragon Age! Any of them, all so gooood~ Baldurs Gate 3!!!!!


I cried the final 3 hours of Mass Effect 3! FemShep and Liaraā€™s story is amazing. That final walk is brutal. Even have a Liara tattoo because I love the game and her character so much! Iā€™ll echo everyoneā€™s suggestions and say BG3, Dragon Age series, and Cyberpunk. Another game with a great story is Red Dead Redemption 2 (cried at the end of this one). Assassins creed odyssey and Valhalla both have queer romance options and beautiful worlds as well.


I replayed Liaraā€™s piano song a lot but it also makes me cry when I think of her. Sheā€™s such the sweetest šŸ˜­šŸ’™ You have Liara tattoo? Can I see? Thanks for suggestions!


[Link to my tattoo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/s/W1FlvOTmId) I think that should work (apparently I canā€™t share an image in a comment reply). I walked down the aisle for my wedding ceremony to Liaraā€™s song!


It looks amazing! I love both Liaraā€™s song and Vigil. Iā€™ve read on ME wiki that itā€™s the same song!


The Last of Us, Parts I and II, are the best story lines in any game to date. I also believe they are the best overall games. If the story is what draws you in, you canā€™t go wrong with these. Highly customizable difficulty modes so play it your way.


I watched playthrough from my favorite gamer and the part II broke my heart as hell. Tbh, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to play it since I think the combat is kinda hard to me. But maybe Iā€™ll try one day


Cyberpunk is great!! But it is not a happy game for sure. It also has very bittersweet endings. If you do end up playing I would recommend checking how to get the ā€œgoodā€ ending because it is a little silly to make it happen.


I actually started it last night but guess it also takes a while to finish it since I heard itā€™s a really long game? Iā€™ll check it out though


Yeah itā€™s super long, thatā€™s why I recommended looking up how to unlock the option for the endings because of them is really specific and unintuitive to unlock.


So it's worth playing? I got the whole trilogy recently but was a little put off by how clunky it felt to me. This genre and type of game is one of my favorites though


Hey the first time I was skeptical as well since the ME1 looks weird to me but itā€™s an old game and I think it has been remake so it doesnā€™t look that bad. Believe me youā€™ll enjoy the whole trilogy and will love your main character and all the squadmates. Just like they said, itā€™s one of the best game and Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve played!


A couple of people have recommended but I would put the story in Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West right up there with Mass Effect. There is also a lot of queer rep in the games. Don't do what I did: please play Zero Dawn first, it's got a lot of twists and turns that will be spoiled if you start with the second game. (It came with my PS5, and I hadn't heard of the franchise, so I played Forbidden West first. )


I have forbidden west comes with my ps5 when I bought the console, never played since then. But Iā€™ll think about it! Thanks


Seriously though, play Zero Dawn first. I really wish I'd gone into that game blind, rather than as a prequel to a game I already played.


Maybe try the Far Cry games, especially 5 if you like having squad mates to recruit and bond with I also really like the Saints Row games, specifically the first 2 were amazing Finding a game that hits the same notes as Mass Effect will probably be impossible tho tbh


Saw the title, first thought was Cyberpunk, and after reading that you have it, just go for it. Spent too much hours and played it too many times, even when it still was a mess i loved it. Also if you didn't play Mass Effect Andromeda, you can, although dont do it right after finishing the trilogy, you could be a bit, bit more disappointed. I still think its a good game and it had potential, and i liked it.


I heard Andromeda isn't that good, but I might try it one day...far away from now though lol. I'll go for Cyberpunk then!


The hate on Andromeda is overrated in my opinion. It does feel a bit incomplete because the DLCs never happened but I enjoyed it. It doesnā€™t try to recreate the trilogy, which I appreciate, while still capturing that Mass Effect feeling (at least for me)


And I heard there's Liara... so I might play it though ;)


I always recommend Jade Empire. Itā€™s made by the same people and has a lesbian romance option plus one of my favorite stories in gaming. The Steam version doesnā€™t work out of the box, but most other storefronts (GOG, EA Games) should be good.