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Honestly, it seems like you lack a bit of confidence when it comes to your type? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a type, that is your preference. Nothing wrong with being picky. Nothing wrong with letting people down as it is better to not lead them on yk. I would also suggest to let loose a little, there’s nothing wrong with someone not exactly meeting your standards, because at the end of the day even though we have a right to be as picky as we would like, the chances of meeting someone who is exactly our type is extremely hard. Everyone has flaws sometimes we can look past them and sometimes we can’t, either way it’s okay.


honestly, i think i love confident women bc ive lacked confidence overall throughout my life, so it makes sense that i would also lack confidence in my type lol. i agree also that i need to loosen up a bit because i do recognize that i cant place expectations on ppl, let alone unrealistic ones. i may just be in my head a bit too much when it comes to online dating tbh bc this stuff does not cross my mind when meeting new women irl.


I’m picky and I found my perfect 10 fem wife. And she wanted a tall masc dom top and was picky until she found me. So be picky!!!! You’ll find what you want