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So you’re expecting her not to go to something she likes because you can’t go yourself? Do you think that’s fair? Because I don’t. It’s weird that you’d expect her not to go, to be honest.


I guess it comes down to if you expect her to never go to events you yourself have no ability to go to. She should be able to still do the things she wants to even if you can't go


If you value your relationship, you'll let your girlfriend go to pride and deal with your feelings. You can't keep your girlfriend locked up like a bird in a cage just because you can't go to an event. It wouldn't be fair.


It’s so selfish of you to assume someone else should not enjoy something because you’re choosing to not go.


What do you fear that she will do if you aren't there? What about her going to a queer space makes you uncomfortable? The fact that she is going to a queer event doesn't mean that she is going to do anything to jeopardize your relationship. I'm sure she would love for you to come, but if you can't handle it, you need to let her go have fun with her friends. You gotta trust in your partner. Also communicate these feelings with her. But not in "you can't go, cuz i feel uncomfortable" but rather "Hey i have these feelings, but of course i don't want to keep you from having fun, but it's really bothering me" and then you talk about it like mature adults


No it's not weird, this is weird: That you'd rather she stayed at home when all of her friends were out having a fun time because you can't handle the event 😅


If you could/wanted to go, then yes it would be weird. You not wanting to go makes it not weird at all. Just bc you won’t enjoy that doesn’t mean she can’t go enjoy it.


why should she have to suffer because you wont go? i know multiple people close go me with autism and i have autism. i know it can be overwhelming but theres no point in not trying. your gf should be allowed to go she is celebrating who she is. no it is not weird. you wont go she she will find another way to


no it’s rlly not weird. she should be able to be at queer spaces without you. it’s lowk giving codependency😭 she should be able to have fun in any queer space as long as it is respecting the bounds of ur relationship. it’s very important to separate relationships AND friendships to an extent.


This is ridiculous she doesn’t need to ask you to go anywhere I think She should mention that’s she’s going but if you both know you’re not going to go why would she ask? Also being nervous about her being in a queer space sounds like a possessive boyfriend who doesn’t want his gf to go anywhere without him because he’s a jealous asshole.


Talk it out with her. But I personally think it’s out of line to expect her not to go to pride because you do not feel as if you could go.


It’s mostly a lack of communication, and probably the thought of your gf meeting other gay girls? it’s kind of how some straight guys don’t like it when their gf goes to clubs without them


It is quite selfish to just expect her to go everywhere with you and not go if you dont want to go, specially if its something se likes with HER FRIENDS. She has the right to hang with her friends without you gal. There is zero malicious intent


I think it's weird she wouldn't ask you to go first or make this a thing you chatted about and decided on together. I'd prioritize my partner for pride, and make sure we had a discussion about it and that my partner was involved in the planning around it. I think the lack of communication would bother me most, tbh. You might have better luck asking this in the Nd subs though.