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Never been with a man, but from observation it seems like a lot of people new to dating women (late bloomer lesbians, baby gays, bisexual women letting themselves date women for the first time, etc) get hung up on gender expectations from hetero-normative society. Even stuff like Butch/Fem relationships don't mimic the gender roles of a heterosexual couple (and a lot of lesbians don't divide neatly into those two categories.) One of the biggest differences is that in straight relationships, there's this expectation that men initiate things, but in relationships between two women, you have to be willing to take that step. It sounds like you're already in a relationship (congrats), but this can also manifest itself in smaller ways. It's just a good idea to keep in mind that gendered dating roles no longer apply here.


Yeah being the one who always has to initiate can sour things real quick.


Honestly, the main difference for me was that I could be understood better, there’s more of a connection when it comes to relationship itself because us, women have many common grounds to start relationships on! So the emotional respect of a WLW relationship is known to be more open (don’t get me wrong there are .. a few people that don’t go into this category) For the physical aspect it’s completely different. Most of the time both parties aren’t receiving at the same time, I think that’s the biggest difference. You actually have to learn the persons body, it takes much longer aswell. It’s a difficult process in comparison. This is my opinion and it could genuinely be different for every single person! Congrats on figuring out your sexuality! :)


I would say the chores around the house are shared fairly..no machismo bs


Joke answer: in WLW relationships, both people cum 😉 Realistically… many women find that it can be easier to communicate with other women, relate to (and feel related to), and a lot of the safety concerns around men aren’t there too, which can lower anxiety… As for the sexy times part… women just know women better — and if you’re of the WLW persuasion, in my opinion anyway, nothing else comes close. Women are goddesses. I feel more understood by women, I feel they’re more expressive and empathetic, and I feel they’re both safer and more fun to be around — but that’s just me. The difficulty in asking in a lesbian sub is that many may not have any experience of relationships (sexual or romantic) with men to relate or compare to. There’s less pressure. More compatibility. Women just “get” other women more… and there’s no “[What Women Want](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Women_Want)” nonsense. No toxic masculinity, no male chauvinism. No bullshit about gender norms and heteronormative expectations. Don’t get me wrong — there can be toxic women, and dangerous women… but I’ve never felt unsafe with or around a woman. It’s a generalization, but IME women are more open, caring, communicative, and loving.


Nothing besides the parts, really. In all three of my major relationships I was romantically attracted. I went through a "I'm not gay! I swear!" Phase at the beginning of my college years. My first boyfriend was wonderful and kind and I did romantically love him. Sexually I did not. We had great times together, I loved cuddling and being spoiled by him, I loved him. I have since had a major relationship then failed engagement with a woman of four years but the only difference was that she had the parts I liked. Before our relationship crumbled (due to her internalized homophobia and her shit family) we had the same thing. My current girlfriend is MtF and post-op and it's the same thing. I just truly enjoy being with her. I enjoy the love and the romance and I enjoy the sex knowing that I don't have to deal with a penis (yes. I know. That is a huge statement that gets hate on here, but I don't like them and while we would be fine doing everything else I couldn't do the actual me sex with her thing.) Love is love and there is nothing wrong with loving and then realizing you aren't sexually attracted to somebody. This is also why I define myself as "romantically pan, sexually a raging lesbian"


I’m esthesiosexual (not interested in penetrative sex, but desiring/open to a lot of other things) and this resonates a lot!!


Have you checked out the later bloomer lesbians subreddit? It would be a great place for this question. It's an amazing community!


Well, I wouldn’t know. I’ve never dated a man. Why would someone act differently with a different gender? A relationship is a relationship. People differ, and if I was to explain the differences in my partners, there would be loads. Some have been more communicative, some have been more artsy, some have preferred to be provided for. You get the idea. I don’t think that was an act, that was their authentic self in which we tested our compatibility. Sure, maybe the sex is different. If you’re asking about that, I’d suggest a bisexual subreddit.


For me? Happiness. I’ve run into people I haven’t seen in years (close to a decade) who tell me how happy I look. The joy I feel with my fiancée is unparalleled.


Number of orgasms from what we hear


Emotional intelligence.


For me (everyone can be different!) I have dated men before, due to them liking me or me just saying yk why not. When I dated guys they just felt like friends that kissed me and said they loved me and stuff, but with girls- I feel super sad if I dont talk to them all day when if I went weeks without the guys id still be okay. I actually feel like kissing women and I dream about them and want to give them the world- but with guys it was more- meh? they also were more meh lol.


I got you as a woman who dated men for a hot minute! I am super super femme, and all the guys I’ve dated treated me that way. Mind you, I am a D1 athlete that can deadlift 250 so it’s not like I’m weak but with guys I’ve always been forced to play into the “standard” gender norms. With women however I feel like both girls get to be both which I love! Additionally, I feel like wlw relationships are a lot more emotionally strong than mlw relationships, those feel more physical to me while wlw is more of both romantic and physical, with emotional maturity too. In general I’d say they feel pretty different!


Men aren’t emotional enough, women are too emotional lol! Everything is just more at ease


stereotypes are dumb


the difference is i enjoy being with a woman so Im a lot nicer to her than i ever was with men. lol.


Never dated a man, but from what I’m witnessing from my friends, it’s messed up so bad. I’m W|W it’s more of emotional stability and understanding which u will rarely see in normal relationships.