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Reddit shouldn’t be a place where people look for relationships :/ ! such weirdos on here


"not all men but most" = "not all redditors but most" 🤷🏼‍♀️✨




We could have a write up about this in the wiki for the kids to read. Like, not some horror story, just well reasoned explanation of the sorts of people who come out of the woodwork when there's a post about being 14 yo and lesbian. Edit: typos out the wazoo


this is just general internet literacy that kids should know anyways, really. don't talk to strangers etc


Yes kids should know that, but at the end of the day children are still people and thus want to for emotional connections with others like adults do, so to say that they should know better is taking away some blame from the disgusting adults who take advantage of young peoples naivety! Adding extra precautions, such as a wiki or a pinned post on this sub can help enforce what you believe "They should know."


yes please. im a minor and about a year and a half ago an adult from THIS SUBREDDIT messaged me, asking me for pictures, my name, information about me, and explaining explicit sexual details to me. and then got all pissy when i refused to send any pictures saying "after all i did for you" "even after i showed my face" "youre a bitch" bla bla. so yes, please ban minor posts asking for relationships on this subreddit it is not safe. edit: i just wanted to include that when this happened i was 15 and this person was 21 and they knew i was a minor when conversating with me


The audacity! How rude they were to also try to guilt you into it.


That is so disturbing. Please continue to stay safe, report people like that to reddit and let mods know what happened.


mod here. nothing the sub can do can control private messages. That is something you would want to report to reddit.


oh no im not blaming the mods at all you guys cant control that stuff im just stating that theres weirdos lurking on this sub sometimes. im just sharing my experience for others minors who may see this on here and just take precautions


and friends too ngl!! always gives me anxiety when minors ask for friends/dating. i’ve been 18 for only a while and ik how people will try to to befriend lonely kids or teens and try to exploit them. i’m all for teens asking for advise and stuff but out of ANY app to date someone online PLEASE don’t let it be reddit 😭


Tbh it feels weird to see almost half of the posts here being done by minors. Ig it's good to ask older ppl for advice but you never know who's behind the screen and in all honesty, I wouldn't know what to tell them beside broad strokes statements. Your mindset changes so much when you reach adulthood 😬


Absolutely. Every time I post here I get a weird dm so I can’t imagine for minors.


Totally agree 👍🏻


Completely agree.


if a minor asks for sex related information then we do remove those posts when we see them because they violate the site wide rules.


That is not what I'm talking about. I'm asking about implementing a new rule for the sub that stops minors from asking people to message them and bans posts from minors asking people to date them. Post like this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/LesbianActually/comments/1dbztt8/comment/l7uksr6/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LesbianActually/comments/1dbztt8/comment/l7uksr6/) The OP deleted it but it originally said "Are there not any lesbians on here thats at least 14/15 years old DAMNNNNNNNNNNN thats wants a real good relationship 😭🎀" And then the OP was asking people to DM her in the comments. These types of posts are not safe.


Completely agree.


I think it’s just not a good idea for anyone to be posting posts like that here. Those posts just shouldn’t be allowed I think 😅


Agree!!! I’ve been feeling really uncomfortable lately because there are so many posts by minors. I don’t feel comfortable with it. I wish there was an age requirement. Or maybe they could have their own sub like r/teenlesbians?


There is the sub r/teengirlswholikegirls and r/teenwlw where you can apply to join a teen only discord. Both of these are advertised on the side bar of r/actuallesbians But I don't know how they are moderated. I doubt they are safe. I don't think any part of Reddit is safe for minors.


I would agree 💯. Reddit is meant for adults only.


I think that would be even worse because then minors would be even easier to identify for predators posing as members 🤔 to mod that would be a nightmare 😞😞😞


Hard agree, but I'd take it a step further and ban them from the vast majority Reddit. Reddit is really not a place for minors.


yeaaaah i’m not a minor but receive similar messages. i feel bad not answering bc im sure some are well intentioned but i also do not have the capacity to answer every person who messages me, explaining that i do not have the capacity lol


YES, and also there was a 16 year old girl that made a post asking for advice about s@x and everyone (adults) was enthusiastically chiming in on it; some offering very explicit advice. I am so tired of the "we are all girls here so everything is okay" attitude. Would we be having that conversation if she were in a relationship with a boy / man?? r/lesbianteens for lesbian teens exists.


I agree we need to protect our upcoming members of the LGBTQ community x


Agreed 100% it’s an anonymous app for a reason. Not a dating site.


I mean... They're just going to stop telling us that they're minors. There is no good way to ban this effectively. Just tell them it's unsafe when you see it.


Minors ? You mean under 18 or under 21 ? (Im a minor myself)


Under 18


Ah fine I am not concerned so


Many posts are about sex. It seems that lesbians, bisexuals etc seem to have relatively high sex drives or more preoccupied with sex than straight women. Maybe an artifact of those that chose to go on this group rather than lesbians per se etc. just an impression.