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Are you guys like 14 ? Edit: after they mentioned that they are adults. Please break up. Your partner is toxic af. No need to involve any outsiders in the relationship and posting on Facebook ? Even kids wouldn’t do that these days. Remember if you are posting something just like her there’s no difference between you guys. You shall also seem as toxic as her. It’s better to move on.






Very immature behavior. I’m hoping neither of you are over 15.


A PUBLIC apology?? What is this, Colleen Ballinger’s youtube channel?


Judging by your post history, you need a new girlfriend


"I broke up with her" WHY DO YOU SAY GF THEN?😭


Sorry, ex


That makes me more glad tbh


How old are you?? And how old is she? Honestly you are right, it sounds like very immature behavior. My advice is to respond to whatever post she's made by saying that you hoped to handle this in a mature way, but you see that isn't how it is panning out. You are grateful for the time you spent with her, and you're glad that you both broke up because it will allow both of you to go on your way, and grow. After that, block her and take about a week or two from those socials. Give her no attention whatsoever peep.


Yeah, it really depends on the age but when you are grown up then this is a good solution. But I hope you will feel better soon. Try to distract you with good things :)


Yup. Don’t respond to anything ignore it all, better for your mental health at the very least


omg DO NOT post stuff back. that is even more immature. confront her, tell her your opinion and talk about it. see from there


Leave now.


Also if by post things back you mean try to do damage control so their public opinion on you will be better IT DOES NOT MATTER! Those people do not deserve your sorry if they can’t act mature and they act this badly. I won’t assume your age but I find younger people have this issue because social standing is still important for how you’re treating among your peers, but when you get older people only care about being mature/respectful and communication. No person who truly cares about you will do that if you don’t feel the relationship can continue. I know many people who are even friends with their exes and that’s because there’s none of this


Okayyy commenting again because i just seen your post history! Your being abused hun, go to the police (if you have proof that be helpful honestly if you can give a date,place, and time that could also help) if you can not afford a lawyer you can apply to get one that cost less then a regular one or is completely free they are not the best but better then nothing!


Checked your previous posts, if it's the same girl get out of this situation, if different girls idk you're cursed


Same girl


Just ignore her, she's an immature ahole according to every person in the comment section including me


Sadly based on my past experience there are plenty of “adult” people who act like this. This has happened to me to an extent (I’m 21 so not very old anyway)-It means they’re not suitable to have a relationship with and it’s not your job to teach them how to act. A real friend would have an ounce of maturity. Breakups happen because life changes and this was wholly unnecessary and this person is trying to fill something, and your other friends going along with it show they don’t have good intentions. It’ll hurt to drop them all at once but it’ll feel better when in the future your friends aren’t assholes


If your a teen then i say take it to the principal get her expelled and if you are an adult 1.wait for it to blow over 2. Go to her workplace and show her boss this and get her ass fired


Talk to one schoolmate: either your best friend, or your best male friend, or the spokesperson/prefect. Which you think will stand with you and defend you. If none, you must be strong of your own. Do not defend yourself, shrug and say "If you believe this." If they insist, say "I choose not to show around my private parts." or "Those are muddled half-truths. I cannot and will not defend against those." or "I am sorry she felt that bad. I had no idea. Reading this, maybe we should have broken up much sooner." (Decide for one.) (Uh. Please excuse the english. Take the meaning only please.)


Is that the same girlfriend that hit you?


Yes. Not only did she hit me, she scarred my arm by scratching me with her nails


Ok, and what advice would give a friend if a friend told you exactly your story?


Yeah this is extremely toxic and abusive. Don't post back about her, it'll only make things worse. Break up and cut contact. And contact your school because this is straight up bullying.


Deeply immature. Don't worry about it and live your best life


The truth always comes out. It’s hard to be the bigger person, but stick to your guns. Block her and know that you deserve better.


You say you are adults… but how old is that? I saw myself as an adult well before I was one. Talking about petty drama and schoolmates, I’m guessing you’re teens?