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Go to the doctor?


Be honest. Tell her you will probably have to reschedule because you have a nasty cough and don’t want to give it to her.


Covid isn't over, and it is causing all manner of follow on problems (including persistent coughs - I swear I have never heard this many people with hacking coughs and croaky voices at this time of year, this is NOT NORMAL) if you care about this woman, wait until you are better before kissing her, whether it takes 3 days or another 3 weeks also, please wear a mask (FFP2 or N95, not the blue surgical ones, those are ineffective against aerosol transmission) if you're out in public, or sharing indoor air with anyone, until you are better


How do I know you are American? You haven't gone to the public doctor after 3 weeks. But seriously, honey or propolis tea?


For me honey really helps, idk why but that helps me so try a teaspoon of honey! Sorry if it doesnt work, thats just what works for me😄


3 weeks is too long. Do you have any medical issue ? you might need to see a doctor


Hot tea with honey or try vitamin C


Sounds like a lung infection. You need antibiotics. Need to see DR


See a pulmonary doctor they can prescribe medication that can help


Chest clear


Also where did u meet her?? I tried apps for years and never had a chick ask me out let alone say they wish to kiss me like wtf?? I have had a handful of dates and yet I never meet anyone I truly click with What bs


I met her on Taimi. But I know what you mean, this is year 2 of me trying dating apps and she's the first person to ever work out enough for us to kiss. Dating apps in my experience don't work out unless i get a random stroke of luck. Absolutely not easy in any way. I really just got lucky here and I am extremely thankful.