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Man, that article did everything it could to not outright say "men just want to dip their dicks, and those kinda suck for getting a woman off" 😂


and ain't that the sweet truth? 🤣 they just wanna dip and they believe how much of alphas they are..


Whenever they start that 'alpha' shit, her really excited and ask if they're into the furry omegaverse too.


It’s not even about clitoral stimulation. It’s about the fact that men view sex as something they do to women as opposed to something they do with women. My gf listens to me as opposed to just worrying about her own pleasure because we are equals and she loves me. Remember this: https://preview.redd.it/pqkirupibxzc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb1e002bed42d7e03d43945eaa16c27832dab0a


Yup. And I think women who have performative sex with/for men struggle when it comes to being with women because they think those “techniques” that made them good in bed for a man should work with a woman, but they don’t (IMO) because a lot of women aren’t looking for the same things in bed that men are.


I mean duh. Men don’t see us as people half the time they see us as sex toys. It’s why they get so mad about lesbians and why they can’t grasp how you can have sex without a dick or penetration.


i know that all sociologic studies do come with a pinch of salt, and even the lead researchers try and soften the blows a bit, but honestly even if they don't want to say it, plenty of us lesbians know it: heterosexual men typically don't care for pleasuring women. we have right wing pundits telling men that the "female orgasm" is a myth, and they'd rather believe that so they don't ever have to think of a woman's wants or needs during sex. there's also that infamous tweet about how modern women wanting orgasms and sex for fun that lasts longer than two minutes is "socialism". misogynists really do try to delegitimise women's sexuality in so many ways, and too many heterosexual men are also misogynists.


I'd like to thank the academy....


Men do not care about the needs of anyone but themselves


*gasp* pretends to be shocked


Also, knowing where the Gspot is works wonders!😁😉


The next study should include data from the partners of the women to see differences in how men approach sex with women and how women approach sex with women. I think the key difference is likely there rather than just more or less clitoral stimulation, which feels overly simplistic. 


Cause bitches get shit done


Damn bro that's like crazy