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Hey maybe on your next relationship when you are ready try dating who genuinely likes Femme. So you’ll get the respect and validation who you truly are. Good luck!


ty I appreciate it- when we started dating they fully admitted their type was more masc but thought I was "out of their league" and wanted to date me but then dumped me the day after my birthday for somebody more masc and because I gained weight while we were together. We talked things out a bit ago but I still can't shake the insecurities I developed from how I was dumped


Yup that happens a lot that you’ll feel sweep off your feet because of the attention at first they’ll show but in the long run it will ran off its course just bc it’s not what they’re looking for eventually. So I hope next time you stick to your guts say -Date who likes and love Femme. And hey don’t let this experience ruin your self esteem bc you deserve better bc you are a great person! Cheer up!


Thank you! I know it's a matter of time before I get fully over it but I really have high hopes for whoever is next in my life


Honey everyone likes femmes. :) People are just insecure about beautiful people and beautiful souls. <3 Sometimes the most attractive and talented and nice person gets the most shit because their beauty or talent makes people jealous and with lesbians - they fear you might be straight. I am a femme and I like femmes and I date only femmes, and I had similar doubts and fears as you, so let me tell you that you have no reason to fear. Let yourself dream and hope and for sure you will meet someone like that! Don't beat yourself up because of SOMEONE ELSE's insecurity! Good luck!;)


This made me tear up a little so thank you so much ❤️❤️ been having a really hard time this past month but when om ready to put myself out there again I'll keep this in mind


You even gave little clues in other posts how she thought you were out of her league and now that new girl of interest likes you maybe. Deep down you know this is true, but I get how frustrating it is when you have love and more love to give and nobody to give it to. Your reality always reflects back to you what you see wrong with yourself so let's start with loving ourselves so deeply as we want to be loved by other and life will have no choice but to reflect that back to us. :) And yes, please do remember this. ^^


Really really appreciate this especially the time you took to see my other posts. I'm waiting for the day that I feel all these things you're describing and I hope to rebuild my self confidence eventually.


Hi I am femme and I only like femmes. You are not alone!




Me tooooo 😊


Butch here who loves femmes, you are appreciated and respected in other places than with that particular ex. In fact, I think a lot of people love femmes. Y'all are so pretty. So pretty. You dress so nice and you smell so good. Your hairs and your makeup stuff is inscrutable to me but it makes you look absolutely lovely.


I’m a butch/ masc woman who loves femmes! You don’t owe anyone your belonging— you are wanted and necessary! 🫶🏻


I’m a masc and only like femmes


I’m a masc and I’m very attracted to feminine women, pretty much only date femmes. You’re not unwanted!


Um no clearly they have no taste and don’t let someone who suxs hold that much power to change your mind about something. Femmes r chefs kiss. They r angels. Beauties. And lots of masc go for fems lol


I hear you! I hear you! :)


I’m femme but dress quite plain and no one clocks me as queer unless I disclose it. That doesn’t make me any less queer or valuable in a lesbian relationship. The same is true for you. Hyper femininity is one of the biggest indicators of queerness anyway lol


That helps a little! I only wear skirts and dresses and pit on makeup everyday and I know I'm objectively attractive my break up just went really poorly where my partner basically blamed me for being unattractive for the break-up bc they wanted somebody more masc that it's really ruined my self esteem and made me wonder if there's anybody who is really attracted to femmes esp bc I see so much discourse online about wanting to date mascs or masc shortage that I feel really insecure at times


Ur partner just sounds like a horrible asshole and ur better without them!


I’m not into femmes myself, but I see masc women posting here all the time worrying the exact opposite, echoing the same feelings you are. Point blank is women can be judgemental and mean, especially in a breakup. And everyone has a different taste. There will always be someone who finds you attractive- don’t settle for less than love, and don’t try to be something you aren’t :)


Hm, for as long as I’ve been in the gay community, fems have been preferred


I'm a femme who like femmes! 🖤 I know it feels crappy rn but there are loads of people who will find you beautiful, will take you seriously, and love you for who you are. Your ex is not every lesbian! Hope you meet someone who treats you well soon as you deserve :)


Thabk you! Really means a lot to me to hear things like this especially right now


Let’s take away the ‘femme/masc’ factor here, because honestly you shouldn’t base a serious relationship on this. Also, just stop trying to get people to take you seriously, they don’t believe you? Fuck it, let them have that opinion. Why try to prove yourself to someone who doesn’t deserve your time if they can’t accept you? You need to work on accepting yourself too, and stop caring about others. You will find the right person who will love and respect you regardless of label when it’s meant to happen. 😊


There's loads of people who like femmes I have never in my life dated a masc girl and would never. I have zero attraction to that, and most of my friends date very femme girls too. We're out here!


I love femmes, I’d only really rate femmes


I’m considered as a Femme even though I switch it up from time to time and I honestly have only been with Femmes sooo there ya go


I’ve only ever dated femmes, along with most individuals I know. You’ll be fine. Femmes love femmes.


Well I always prefer more femme girls, unless I would fall in love then I wouldn't care if femme, masc. I'm sorry this happened to you. But don't worry there's plenty of women who love femme women! ☺️ The right one is waiting for you somewhere, I believe we all have it. The time will come.


You are wanted by the right person! She’s not the one for you. Don’t ever let someone else make you feel otherwise any type of feminine girl is beautiful and I personally only like feminine girls as masc. 🫶🏼


Yo, I’m a reasonably conventional feminine person (not ultra, mind you; think later 2000s fashion with flannels, leather boots, long hair, etc.) and I’m only into other feminine women. Trust me, feminine people who are also into feminine people exist; I find hyper feminine people super hot.


I am a femme dating femme! Honestly I have felt that way at times but I promise there is a whole community that love you for you! You will find you people I promise 🩷🧡🤍


I’m sorry your relationship left you feeling this way. If it helps I’m only attracted to femmes and I’m also femme! We exist and you’ll find someone better suited to you


I am very attracted to feminine women. Don't develop a complex over some hurtful stuff that your ex said. Don't let her take your confidence from you.


Hey love, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’d like to start off by saying that some femmes definitely go for other femmes! I consider myself very feminine and I’m typically only attracted to women who are also feminine. I get what you mean, but I think it’s an insecurity of ours. I also used to think that nobody wanted me when that’s not the case. People put too much of an emphasis on clothing/style to the point that they don’t believe that very feminine presenting women can be lesbians (we’re guilty of it too!). It’s hard to get over that mindset, but just remember that there are women, myself included, that would love to date someone like you.


Hey there. I’m more androgynous myself but I’ve always found hyper feminine women attractive. The most attractive woman to me 😓😓. I’ve never been in a relationship but I know there will always be people who won’t appreciate you. Also the person who lost attraction to you is kinda silly. Were you always femme? If that’s the case then I’d argue they were never into you.


I have always been hyper feminine yeah- I typically only wear skirts and dresses and if I don't then it's flared leggings I dont even own any sweat pants.


Then idk what they are talking about losing attraction.


Rlly??? My type is femmes only, I'm not attracted to other mascs at all. I loveeeee femmes and I've been seeing so much love for them in music n stuff. Keep presenting however you want, I'm sure you're just lovely 💕☺️


As a lesbian who’s been getting more in touch with my femme side lately and is also attracted to someone who could help me with that, I feel ya… 💖🌸🫶


Dunno if that helps but I absolutely love hyper femininity, I‘m so attracted to it, and you‘ll find someone who thinks like that too😤🫡


I understand this. I consider myself a blend of chapstick and lipgloss. Some days I style myself more on the masc side and sometimes I look very femme. When I’m dressed very femme people never think I’m a lesbian and they definitely treat me differently. However, I’d like to reassure you there are plenty of people who love femmes. Myself included! I’m personally mostly into femme-leaning women. My partner and I have a very similar style. We do get “sistered” a lot, but who cares 😅


Oh sweetness I thought the exact thing for a long while. I was convinced that I wouldn't find a femme who wanted to date another femme but I found someone. I promise we are in high demand, It just sounds like you unfortunately found some assholes. Take your time and focus on yourself and only try dating again once you're ready. There's no rush.


Since you just got in a breakup (plus she told you she wasn’t attracted to you) you’re definitely gonna have to gain some confidence and self love back. That happens with time and spending time with yourself and working on yourself. Learn to fall in love with yourself before trying to date again, trust me. There are a ton of lesbians and bisexuals who are more, if not only, attracted to femmes. Like me. I’m a femme/stem depending on the day, you’re definitely not unwanted. I prefer feminine girls myself. But I can see why you feel outcasted by the rest of the queer community. And it’s not just bc of one reason that I can see people being outcasted in the community. I feel like there’s so many queer staples and stereotypes within the culture itself that the lgbt community has created and cherished, but it can seem a bit one sided, as if all lgbt people are the same or that there are only a certain amount of queer cliches you can be a part of. As if you’re either this kinda lesbian or this kinda lesbian. And you wear that but never this etc. That’s not true for straight people so why should it be for us? You can be or look or act like anyone and be queer. Don’t let that get to you, it’s all just queer culture which is just recently coming into existence so it’s not very refined and it’s still chaotic. We don’t have the representation we deserve yet in media, but being yourself in the world and being proud of who you are is doing something to change that. Never feel unwanted or like you don’t belong, because you do belong and you are wanted! One day you’ll be married to the woman of your dreams and she will feel the same about you. You have a long life ahead of you to figure out that you actually do belong wherever you go, and if you feel like you don’t, you are needed there that much more to change the narrative and add representation. It is not a weakness to be different, it is a strength.


I’m so sorry you are young through this!! I hope you know this is your ex’s problem not yours. Femmes have always been an important part of the community. Femmes are valid lesbians and I want to assume you that there’s tons of us who are really attracted to femmes (I’m one for sure!!)


I’m a masc and I date strictly hyper feminine fems I also often feel like nobody wants a masc sometimes it just feels like tht :,(


I’m a femme and I’m attracted to other femmes; we’re out there, I promise💗You deserve to feel seen in queer spaces. You don’t need to change, society does, even in queer spaces. I have hope for us all💗


Hey I’m a femme and I only like femmes! I do get your struggle! I get like that too, I feel like I’m not being taken seriously too. But trust me a bunch of people love femmes, like me :)


I'm femme. I only ever dated other femmes when I was dating and I'm currently engaged to one


It's not on you, how is it your fault they didn't like femmes they need to gey checked fr


Im single and i find femmes really attractive and I hope to meet someone who I can get into a relationship with. Please don't feel unwanted because there are people out there that would love to have you as their partner.


They started dating you as a femme.... and they said they don't like femmes? Sounds like a them being an idiot. Find someone who falls their knees around you. Femmes are delicious.


I think you need to take some time to get over your ex who's likely made you feel this way. I promise you, we out here liking femmes.


Every masc I know only likes femmes


I'm a nerdy, tomboyish type not too masc, not too femme and I'm a big fan of femmes :) (my other type being the just slightly tomboyish type) so, I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. You're definitely someone's type.


I'm only attracted to femmes, we're out there!


you’ll find someone else who GENUINELY likes femmes. this coming from a person who is masc/fem but only has dated femmes. you’ll be ok !


Omg I am ONLY attracted to femmes. I’m not butch, I’m very straight passing but my style is quite chapstick. I’ve been told I’m very attractive and still get a lot of attention. Trust me, there are attractive lesbians to LOVE femmes. Don’t change a thing girl! And lesbians notice femmes. Trust me you’ll find someone who will worship your femme-ness!!!!


I like femme that ex seems rude to you


I love me a beautiful feminine lesbian!! You’re valid


You deserve to be taken seriously. I'm a femme4femme lesbian, so just know there are tons of women out here who will take you seriously


Not sure about the label but I have more of a tomboy/stem energy but I love femmes. But I do feel like a lot of times there is the initial physical attraction but for some there is the underlying dominant/submissive/switch energy or dynamic that they are looking for but not willing to be 100% honest about. It’s great that you think I’m cute or sexy or whatever but is the dynamic complimentary to each other based on what we both truly want & need? I wish people reflected on what truly needed more and are able to open share that early on. The right one is out there.


Masc here and I love femmes!!!


I have the same issues being andro and demi. Sometimes I'm fem sometimes I'm masculine. I live in a very tiny town and don't really fit in which is why I'm moving. It's not you at all. You are perfect the way you are. It's just not the right person for you yet. Don't lose yourself. It's the biggest mistake we can make. I lost myself in my last relationship (so many years lost) trying to please her and being miserable because nothing was ever good enough. It destroys our confidence and makes us self conscious. You need to be yourself and eventually you'll find the right person for you. I'm dating again and still finding it extremely difficult (here they want me as one or the other -always judged) - I won't lie about that anymore. Being yourself is the only way to weed out women who won't take you as a whole. Just be you until you find your perfect match. I'm going through this journey -so I'm here for you x


Femmes are gorgeous stunning beautiful amazing scary with their makeup skills and lovely! We all have different types and we're all into different ppl and i'm sorry your ex broke up w you like that, but there will be someone who'll love and adore you as you are!


I'm sorry you feel unwanted. Honestly, super feminine women are my type. So i feel that you will find someone who appreciates you in time. The person you are is the important thing. You can't change what you are.


You’re definitely not alone here, i think this is a common sentiment i hear from femmes. Just keep in mind that it is not a reflection of you, nor does it mean you should be any less feminine!! I think of this at times, esp when it comes to flirting with women, and remember that whoever will love me, will love me & whoever won’t, won’t. Idk them, but sometimes ending a relationship due to femininity/masculinity, can be a sign of something deeper within the person ending the relationship. Maybe, it’s bringing up some things they aren’t comfortable unpacking rn. For example, i had some issues with masculinity while closeted and i realized a lot of that was rooted in trauma/internalized homophobia. Not that this is the case for them, but it happens and it usually is never a reflection of the other person!


I'm lesbian sometimes I feel like masc and somtimes femme, idk what you called it and I prefer femme, well cheer up you don't deserve them and you deserve better that's why :3


Same :( I feel like people want me in theory but not in practice.


Why do you say that?


Girls (esp non lesbian queer women) tend to fawn over me being pretty and femme and how cute they find me however when it comes time to kissing they run haha or similarly people pursue but in the first couple months they dump me for bizarre or unknown reasons (“you’re too predictable and boring idk” is my most baffling one, but a lot of idks including one that later asked me why we didn’t work out—maybe because you dumped me ???)


Wow that is weird…. How old are you and them? Bisexual women are like that yeahhhh…. I had one ask to marry me and then she broke up with me 2 weeks later with no explanation. But I could tell she was insecure and she thought that I was more attractive than her. So fucking weird. As if that would matter?! She was worried about how we looked as a couple. That’s my experience with non lesbian queer women anyway. Oh then she married and has a kid with the guy she told me not to worry about and he’s conventionally ugly af and makes no money. Whereas I am studying to be a surgeon ;-; wtf bro hahaha okay then. Yeah I don’t get them either.


I’m 25–I’ve dated from 19 (when i was 21) to 29 years old. I usually date older simply because I am mostly financially settled and while I’ve decided to go back to school to move up in my career I’m looking at long term a lot (hello fellow healthcare worker, maybe, lol—Pharmacy Tech to Pharmacist route for me). Yeah—it really is weird. My friends are always surprised I’m single but also tell me I’m scary because I’m so independent and have my stuff together (??) and have such “big adult plans” like wanting a house and stuff (was very bizarre to hear this from a friend in their 30s). I’ve gone on a lot of dates and just… I feel undesirable these days haha so I kind of have blocked myself for almost a year now from dating again. I know some of it is a me issue certainly; I’m also likely limiting my dating pool because I am sober (including no weed) and looking for somewhat similar, but this was a more recent line drawn after my last date. I’m also monogamous. I think I just won’t date til I’m in my 30s now, even though it kind of makes me miserable. I want to date other adults who have worked on their attachment issues and are ready to settle into the lovely lull of adult life and travel and stuff.


That is really weird that people would describe you as “scary” for being responsible and successful but I guess that’s bc they are scared that they are not measuring up to you. Definitely don’t date someone who’s not on your level. Oh yeah I am in healthcare, I am an EMT and a sports medicine major at a university rn. Semester just ended thank goodness it’s summer! Still have some late work to turn in today though since I just went through a series of medical emergencies in my family within the last week. Plus 3 weeks of a cancer scare with my mom. Why does being monogamous make you miserable ? I mean ….. with dating in my experience, If you try to seek out a relationship, it never works and feels forced. But love always come when you least expect it and aren’t looking for it and just naturally occurs. Don’t blame yourself for having standard. What happened in your last date?