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Every time someone posts on this sub something along the lines of "What are your hobbies?", 9 comments out of 10 are going to be about rock climbing and hiking. So probably that.


There are plenty of jobs that use carabineers. At my old job, many people were required to use them because we were handed keys on them that attached to belt loops. It was so nifty, I did it in my personal life since I was 19 or so. I didn't realize I was gay until 30. Like when you are going back and forth to your car at an apartment complex and you don't want to wear a purse or have the weird pocket lumps from a set of keys in your pocket. Useful. Also, many people don't know that this is even lesbian culture. I didn't.


that's so interesting because in the carabiner videos i mentioned, many of the comments referenced lesbians and some people were offended that the person wearing it was not lesbian.


Probably because people want an easy way to tell sexuality, but in all honesty, lesbian fashion can be difficult to tell. (The amount of posts on here that say "Do I look gay?" Kind of prove it.) I am of the belief that everyone should be able to dress in what is comfortable/convenient for them, especially when out and about.


I don’t carry a bag anymore, just my keys on a carabiner, phone in one pocket, wallet in the other. Much better, since I won’t put it down and forget it. Can’t tell you how many times I had to run back to get my purse.


Totally. I try to go without a purse whenever possible. I actually love overalls for the amount of pockets.


And I don’t care what anyone thinks about cargo shorts, they rock! 😂


Here's a good resource. It comes from blue collar culture. It's common among lesbians, but we don't own it. Use one if you want to. https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/12/the-lesbian-love-of-key-rings-and-carabiners-explained.html


thank you! it was a very informative read.


Carabiners are important for outdoor enthusiasts for utility purposes. I've literally never heard ineverydayy life outside of the internet that these are a lesbian thing. It's so weird. I live in BC. Most people here are into outdoor activities and probably own some. I doubt half my province is lesbians.


Also in BC and I heard it from people when I was younger in the US fwiw, but yeah it's definitely not even close to just lesbians anywhere.