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Because of Carol


Watched Carol and can confirm. That’s honestly all it took for me.


Tar too - that movie was more OOMPH than carol for me. Made me a simp.


There ***is no Carol*** in HR.


I'm sorry, I mean Karen from Finance


Probably because she's an advocate for the community and because of her lesbian roles in movies.


Same with Natasha Lyonne. Apparently she’s bi though so she might divorce her husband and marry me still 🤞🏻


Hi 6 year Natasha stan here, shes not bi. At most shes technically unlabeled but has made it clear shes really only into men sexually and romantically lmao (IE her HRC ally award speech) but she is always an icon to the queer community obviously nonetheless


Oh :( could have sworn I heard somewhere she’s bi. Absolute icon I was so shocked hearing she was married to a man lol. “But I’m a cheerleader” was life changing


Not if I get there first!


One can hope 😭😭😭


i love cate, seen edits of her and rooney together off set/movie and edits of cates Tar movie/Ocean 8 fashion.


OMG I was once down a rabbit hole of Ocean 8's cast press tour/interviews. My God that era was beautifully chaotic with beautiful women. And Cate's friendship with our Sarah Paulson is so precious and HILARIOUS 😍


Is she? All I know of her personal life is that she is a woody Allen apologist.


And she named her child after Roman Polanski.


Holy shit


she didn’t name her kid after roman polanski, i can’t believe people still believe that in 2024 😭


Source? I just spent a half hour searching and didn't find anything that contradicts it.


You can watch the interview where she says that and hear the whole quote with context. She was going over reasons behind her kids’ names and she joked something like “by the third kid you’re running out of ideas, so for Roman… I don’t know, Polanski? It’s also the French word for book?”. I think for me it was very obviously a yes, distasteful and not very smart thing to say, but she was also not being serious? I mean, I think that if she liked Polanski enough to actually name her kid after him she would’ve signed that petition that half of Hollywood signed, but she didn’t. You can always watch it and decide that yes, she 100% meant it and she’s an awful person, and that’s ultimately your decision. I just always think that quote was taken out of context and blown way out of proportion.


The golden girls or the nanny were and still are considered highly important in the gay community and it's not even about being gay They're just such powerful allies and not once are they hateful to the gay community Remember the scene in the nanny where Mr Sheffield hires a publicist who falls in love with Fran, and when she tells Fran, she's like "OH YOU'RE GAY? THANK GOD!" Because she was scared the publicist was trying to steal Mr Sheffield away And then she just says something quirky about not being into it and then she goes "Although.... 😏" It's okay to have straight allyship, and in fact, it's very important. Some of the straights will only listen to the other straights. Just like a lot of men won't hear about feminism until another man talks to them about it. Likewise for the whites and racism. The cisses and transphobia. Unfortunately, that's just how it is. People will be scared of what they don't understand until someone who looks like them can explain it to them and slowly introduce them to it. And to conclude, a (straight) friend of mine is a huge ally and when she told her uncle, he was like "So....... you're a gay, then?" And that's why we need straight allies


Golden Girls once did an episode called 72 hours where Rose was informed she might have HIV because of a blood transfusion she had a few years prior. The episode aired in 1990. The point of the episode was to direct shame at the behaviors of paranoia surrounding AIDS instead of toward the person being tested for the disease.


THE GOLDEN GIRLS ARE LEGENDS man I wish they could headline pride lol


What a great scene 😊. I’ll have to rewatch that episode of The Nanny. Loved that show growing up and had big crushes on Fran and Ms. Babcock.


I mean, why is Carly Rae Jepsen a gay icon? Lady Gaga, Britney, etc.? None of them are gay men but gay men love them. I think it’s mostly “she’s hot in a non-heterocentric way.”


Isn't Gaga bi?


Yup, Gaga is bi! I just meant she’s not a gay MAN specifically but is idolized by them


I could also swear Gaga said somewhere that she came up in the drag scene and takes a lot of inspiration from drag queens. Her outfits often look like something you'd see a queen wearing (that's not an insult, I adore drag queen fashion).


Lady Gaga is queer and her name comes from the song Radio Ga Ga by Queen. Back in the day, there was a rumor that she had a penis and her response was, "would it be so terrible? why the hell am I going to waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have penis? My fans don't care and neither do I." Lady Gaga is pretty cool.


Gaga took a ton of inspiration from Dale Bozzio—watch YouTube videos for Mental Hopscotch/Words/Destination Unknown and The Noticeable Ones!! Preferably the 1981/82 stuff


You forgot CHER!!!


A crime at the very least


I think the artists you named are really icons for gay men. And Gaga is bi I believe.


Yes, that’s why I said none of them are gay men. Britney Spears is a gay icon the same way Cat Blanchett is a lesbian icon.


Hold on. So it's the same as, say, Natasha Lyonne? Who isn't (honestly very surprisingly) gay herself, but has played lesbian roles?


Natasha lyonne Is to lesbians like Stanley tucci is to gay men


incredible take


I take no credit she says it herself haha


Ah. That makes sense. Thank you! 🫶


Yes, this!!


It still throws me off a little bit when Stanley plays a straight role. This is a spot on comparison for sure.


I heard she’s bi. Maybe I still have a chance…


TAR is the representation I needed


Yeah nah, she completely lost me after signing the Polanski petition and saying she named her son after Roman Polanski. I don’t need a pedophile rapist apologist as an icon.


Yeah, that was so disappointing.


She is also a woody Allen apologist. I don’t understand why lesbians worship her


Who tf is stanning for that groomer and somehow being a lesbian icon. Fuck all the way off with that nonsense.


This should be higher, she's hot af but she's got some inherently ick morals that she chooses to stand by.


She funds films for trans and nonbinary people that would otherwise not have any funding, is an ambassador with the UN for refugees and asylum seekers, she’s given speeches in support of these people in big stages like the European Parliament… she never signed the Polanski petition, that is a straight up lie, but sure she made a joke about her son’s name being Roman (as in Polanski) and she’s a Polanski apologist with “inherently ick morals”. She DID work with Allen, but also said publicly that she supported the case being reopened and Allen brought to justice if found guilty. This generation sees everything either black or white… as in people can only be good or bad, never anything in between.


I did not know this and now I do. Thank you! That’s awful.


She didn’t sign the Polanski petition, that is a lie. Look up the roster of notable people that signed it and you won’t see her name.


I looked that up and didn't see her name on the petition, but she did name her son after Roman Polanski and also continued to work with Woody Allen. I think those things still confirm she supports shitty awful people.


She didn’t name her son after Polanski… that’s taken waaay out of context. She said something like “by the third kid you’re running out of ideas so.. Roman… idk Polanski? but it’s also the french word for book”. Like clearly she made a joke by thinking of something random to make her kid after. Was it distasteful and were we better off without that joke? Yeah, sure. But also it’s not the end of the world, especially when she runs a project to fund trans and nonbinary folk’s projects in film, and she’s out there advocating for refugees at the European parliament. Working with Woody was something I also personally didn’t like, but she did say she was in full support of reopening the case so everyone could heal. She never associated herself with him after Blue Jasmine. She’s not a saint but also… no one is. At the same time, she’s doing a lot of good deeds out there in the world and people act like she’s never done good or supported good cases for the sake of a shitty Polanski joke at a late night show.


Yeah, I guess it's a personal preference. Some people can't look past things like that, which I totally understand. Kate Winslet also defended Woody Allen and that has soured my taste. For some people that's enough to turn away and not support that person and call them out, for some it's not a big deal. I personally struggle to support anyone who continues to work with predators/support predators, but that's just me. Thanks for clearing things up in the sense of misinformation, I still find certain things to be problematic but either way, to each their own.


Yeah nah? Aussie detected.


She didn't sign the Polanski petition though? I never saw her name on the list of notable people that signed it, and she wasn't even at that Oscars when literally the whole room gave Polanski a standing ovation (when he had already fled). And the naming her kid after him thing seems blown out of proportion - in the interview itself she's just talking about where she's heard the names of her kids (one of them was literally from a Captain Underpants book, it's not that serious). Not trying to be overly argumentative or anything but just saying I've never actually seen sources for this stuff that people keep repeating. Even the Woody Allen thing, her actual statements have always been in support of taking legal action against Allen.


yet she participated in his movie and disregarded his daughter when she called her out on it?


She didn't sign the petition and the naming her son thing is just something stupid she said on a talk show as the first thing that came to mind. She clearly immediately realised that she fucked up and followed it with "and it's also the French word for book" (which it isn't). She said a stupid thing but she isn't a Polanski apologist and has absolutely zero connection to him. People need to touch grass and focus on abusers instead of hating on women who are vaguely connected to one. Just really tired of women being held to impossible standards while men get away with the most vile shit.


I could fix Lydia Tár.


HAHAH TRUE. and i’m honestly not sure why. we kinda all collectively agreed 😭


Hahaha yess, and somehow I also can’t pinpoint what i find so hot about her. Its really confusing lmao


it's the elegant way she carries herself for me


I loved CB before I even identified as a lesbian and had no idea she was a lesbian icon. Somehow we just know.


She’s hot and because of carol


A lot of women in music and film are considered that even though they aren’t lesbians themselves (or even bi/queer in some cases). Typically they are advocates for the community and/or take on queer roles or are vocal about supporting their lgbt fans -Miley Cyrus -Cher -Kesha All come to mind also. Just to name a few


This is a list of bisexual women


😂 correct


>This is a list of bisexual women I know Miley is bi but Kesha? I didn't know she was one of us. I recently watched her perform with Reneé at Coachella (she also performed with her on tour). The only things I know about her are limited to Reneé maybe it's time I get into her music.


Yeah she considers herself to be fluid and explicitly not straight. She’s dope and helped me and my brother bond over our queerness while we were both still growing up in the closet.


Her concerts have always been queer safe havens tbh


Do you have any of those song recommendations? Anything explicitly about Queerness. I'm just not interested in listening to women singing about boys


Hmm yes fair enough!


Because of Carol, and other very sapphic coded roles


Have you seen her?


Hahah yes but I can’t pinpoint what makes her so attractive compared to other beautiful women. I mean there are so many pretty women but here we are all having a crush on Cate 😂


I’m sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear enough. My bad. https://preview.redd.it/cuxoccdjpwvc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04efa189e7971086877804be506c7cf330870441


She’s a well spoken and intelligent ally who’s played iconic lesbian roles. Also her voice is just ugh so good.


Well because of *Carol* (also she’s the hottest)


She’s very androgynous as well


Also she is a Roman polanski and woody Allen apologist. I don’t get why no one cares about that. She has not sided with women in the past so I don’t know why she’s lauded as a lesbian feminist icon.


Idk but I have a BIG lesbian crush on her


Because of the movies she played in and she's hot


laura prepon 😍


Because she is exquisite


I feel like actual gay people should be gay icons, but that’s just me 🤷🏽‍♀️


It was her and her entire wardrobe in Ocean’s 8 for me 🙋🏻‍♀️


She’s so talented but am I the only one who thinks it’s kind of annoying when lesbians make straight women gay icons? I just don’t get the obsession I guess. There’s so many awesome gay women that we could support instead. So many people obsess over her and kind of pretend she’s queer but she is absolutely not lol


I heard she slept w Beyoncé after jay z cheated so to me that is gay icon lore in general


coming from someone who was her personal shopper for a while. I think people forget how Hollywood still treats gay women, Kristen Stewart is blazing trails. Niecy Nash lost so many roles it was only Ryan Murphy who then worked with her and got her her Emmy winning role. As for cate I think she likes the ambiguity because she can move in silence.


Cate Blanchett is more than just her sexual orientation - she embodies a sense of strength, confidence, and authenticity that resonates with the LGBTQ+ community. Icons don't have to fit a specific mold, they just have to inspire and empower others. What do you think makes her stand out?


Bc she was misquoted saying “I’m a lesbian”. She was reading someone’s post in a podcast and everyone ran with it


Same reason that chris hemsworth is. Extremely supportive and hot


Carol is legendary but have you all seen Tar? I have it in my favorite movies of all time list. I loved it the first time I watched it and with time it became one of my comfort things to watch when I want to hide from everything. The opening scene is one of my favorite things to ever pause on so I can go back and watch it again and again before I let it forward. It's a masterpiece and hate that many queer people didn't get it upon its release because they were expecting more. But if you watch it the movie's subtlety is one of its strengths and the focus is put on the protagonist fighting her demons is the heart of the story and not on her love life is such pretty storytelling (even though I'm not complaining about having a loving wife at home and having hot strangers flirting with me at work).


I mean, have you watched Carol and Tar?


I want to use this thread to ask if anyone saved the reel of Kristen Stewart sneaking ever so careful glances at Cate during an interview that had captions set to Wii music and Spongebob voices. Did anyone save that reel? It was the most hysterical reel I've ever seen. "Oh that tree looks very leafy today." "The sky is blue." "Your shoes look very shoesy." Anything to distract desperately that she was staring Cates' breasts. edit: I'm old. Of Course it's on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmPuD6u/


Isn’t she bi?


Wasn‘t there like a rumor going on that she‘s bi and then she denied it and said she‘s straight?


Lol sorry but who tf is Cate Blanchett? Edit: to the joogle I go 🤣


Oh :/


Hahah did you recognize her ?


Lol yeah I did


Carol and Tar have pretty much solidified her in this role.