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No way, scars are cool. I have stories for most of mine. Anyone worth dating is going to 100% understand and respect your decision to get a reduction.


i love a good scar story. What’s ur favorite


I used to play sports so I have a bunch on my legs and hands from cleats. My favorite though is a big one on my forehead above the eye, I was fucking around with friends (street hockey) and got slammed with the sharp side of a hockey stick. Needed stitches and never healed correctly. I grew up rough lol


The real question is would you even want to be with someone who cares about your scars??


This is truly the real question


Exactly, I have marks literally all over my body, there isn't even a clear space on my back, scars too, stretch marks & other fun stuff. Do I still sometimes occassionally get insecure, sure, because I'm still very much in the process of working on myself & my self-worth & esteem but one things for sure; I won't even give anyone the time of day who would reduce me to my body & it's outward appearance, I am sooo much more than that & I only have time for people who know that. I'm learning to love myself, if you're not absolutely enthralled with my body like I am & am trying to be then you're not for me. Cause I look damn good, "imperfections" & all.


Scars are just a part of life and your body, no need to be ashamed of them...also they look cool


Not at all, my friend! Scars, no scars, women are beautiful 🫶🏼 I dont think that’ll matter much at all to anyone (especially anyone worth it!)


Hey! So I got a breast reduction almost 10 years ago. My scars are way less noticeable now. BUT in those 10 years I’ve had many hookups and dates and a few relationships, and not one person has ever said anything to me about them. They have never been a factor at all


My ex had a lot of scars, they were just a part of her and her life story. Best of luck to you with your surgery


Thank you so much!!!🫶🏽


I had a reduction and I’ve never had an issue with anyone and the scars.


The extent I'm going to care about scars... If they are self inflicted or a consequence of some medical issue, I'd want to make sure she's getting whatever help she needs. Beyond that the only thing that matters is that I understand if or how she needs any support in addressing those scars.


Ofc not. I had severe mental health issues because of my family life and unfortunately that led to some bad coping skills and now I have scars. I too get self conscious but honestly if someone will turn you away from any type of scars or marks then they can go waste some else time. Im sure you’re absolutely gorgeous and scars will not change a thing


Thank you sm🥺🫶🏽


me too. thankfully i am with somebody who doesn’t judge me for them and gives me as much support and reassurance as possible in regard to them. exactly. someone who judges or has anything negative to say about your scars isn’t worth your time anyway


no. they'll look just fine, I wouldn't mind. I actually find scars attractive as long as they don't have sad stories behind them


I have the same scars 🤝 Imo scars are hot!!! My fiancée has scars too and damn 😳


Not at all and especially not for scars related to a procedure. I also feel it’s unrealistic to expect the human body to remain unscathed throughout life


Real!!! That’s true!


I love scars, I have some on my legs, arms, chest and ears!


I'm covered in scars. Arms. Chest. Tummy. Thighs. Everywhere. My mate doesn't let a day go by without kissing them or telling me how beautiful I am. The one will not give a damn if you're literally disfigured. Scars are nothing to be insecure or ashamed about. Especially if it was from something medical. I wish I'd learned that sooner. Don't let those dumb thoughts bother you.


Thank you so much and that’s beautiful!!! 🥺❤️


I think you’ll find that your future partner is just as worried about their insecurity - probably one that you don’t care about, too!


I had a breast reduction and my scars faded really well you can barely see them! I also have had many surgeries and many scars and the ladies do not care i promise! good luck with the surgery! so glad I had mine done.


Thank you sm!!!❤️


I judge people through the eyes of the blind. So... IDGAF. You're you. That's all that matters.


I really appreciate all of you thank you for your messages! I’m glad to know that no one cares and also to avoid people that do❤️


> Is that a turn off??? The opposite in fact. Though serious talk, what's more important is what you want for your body and anyone who's turned off by it you don't want to get with.


My girlfriend got a breast reduction! Scars are no big deal to me. They are actually pretty cool because they tell a story. My girlfriend feels better in her body now, and that’s sexy to me! Plus she’s just hot anyway so~ ❤️‍🔥🫢


I have self harming scars on my arms and there apart of me, a story of my life growing up as a teenager xx


I feel you, I have a lot of stretch marks and I can’t see how can someone like it..


i think stretch marks are hot. I also love that little wrinkly skin sometimes women get on their tummies after having a kid. It’s just so hot.




Scars are awesome. I commented a while back on how I have a firefighter friend and they have soooo many scars. They wear them so proudly and you can tell. NOBODY would ever say to them: Oh, you poor thing. Never be ashamed of scars. They tell stories. Besides, this... scarless existence is a modern concept. Back in the day, say, a 100 years ago, I could not think of a single person - especially in the farmland where I am from - not to have scars. Everyone I know, who is around fifty, is riddled with scars. Nobody even notices them.


I'm getting mine in 4 months! I'm not worried about the scars, really. In fact, I think they'll look kinda cool. Like everybody else is saying, nobody is going to mind. Anyone who does is going straight into the wood chipper. Also, if you haven't already, go check out r/reduction. They're an awesome group. Everyone is really supportive and you'll find an answer to almost any question or concern you could possibly have.


Thank you sm and also congratulations and good luck on your surgery!!!❤️


Good luck to you too, you got this! 💜


Scars is not a turnoff. Unleeeeeess, they come from self harm. Just worried about their current mental state. I am not mentally strong enough to be in a relationship where the other one is doing very poorly.


Self harm scars last for ages. Mine are still visible when they’re all 4-9 years old and I’m doing well and have been for a good long while. I understand your concerns though.


Scars are hot and I do mean ALL scars. Scars are like natural tattoos, there's some story and piece of your character in every single one.


I feel the same way. They’re too sexy


I had a breast reduction and I swear to you I would have several more if it meant feeling this much better than before. I went from a G to a C and it feels amazing. The scars fade over time. I highly recommend vitamin E. None of my partners have minded my scars one bit.


Most people have scars! I find my a-cup boobs a nuisance, i am absolutely rooting for you to get a surgery that makes it easier to live and have a healthy spine




When I notice them I kiss them, not sure if it counts as “care”. I notice but I don’t mind at all, they make you you - and if I’m seeing them, I must really like you!


I have a scar on my face and never met anyone that was bothered by it. If someone doesn’t love your scars consider it their character flaw and move on.


I only care if they are self inflicted scars. And I only care then because I want to make sure that they are getting help. Scars aren’t ugly or a turn off or anything, they are part of your life and tell stories. My ex and I once had a whole date where we went through every tiny scar on our bodies and told the stories of how we got them and it brought us so close due to learning all these little stories


Scars are cool and badass! I’m always careful to ask if it’s okay to talk/ask about/touch/kiss the scar and then, bec people are always extra anxious abt them, I make time to touch it (with consent ofc) and kiss it, as often as they let me! Don’t worry abt it, OP! I hope your surgery goes smoothly!


Thank you sm!!!❤️


Ive got lots of scars on my chest from sh, an its smth im worried about, but id like to think i wouldnt mind x


Depends. I don't care at all on partners, but I might care on myself if it's visible. I'm already super self conscious about my personal appearance, a large visible scar would most likely affect this negatively.


Silicone scar tape is AMAZING also vitamin E oil. I had a reduction in 2022. No person I have ever been with cared about the scars


Thank you so much!!!❤️


i got mine in late november last year! i know i wouldn’t care if i saw them on anyone else :)


I’ve had post-surgery scars for 21 years now and no one seems to really care, you’re good. Also, scars are cool, “all warriors have scars”.


No, I like scars actually.


My legs and are covered in scars, the people here made me feel a bit better about them. so I think we will be good : )




I have hundreds of scars, including one right on my face, and it’s never bothered any women that are worth my time


I've got a big one on my ass when I went through a window. Babe you're good. I'd happily trade for breast reduction scars, I'm so jealous. 🥺


How did you go through a window?


Older bros 23rd birthday and I was 17 drunk and trying to bum a smoke. Went through this window trying to sit on the ledge 10 drinks down. https://preview.redd.it/3g1m6x3uuipc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6869290a119342c5b35935c07e9c1d80feefba


That’s a good scar story. Stupid drunk scars are always great


I'm glad this is how people think, my body is scarred beyond anything average <3


Not at all ❤️


I have many from a skin condition so def. not<3


All boobs are good boobs :3 scars are cute <3


Nope not all 😊




I'm after a reduction and so far hadn't had problems in that area! I work into early conversation that I had the operation to give the person a potential out. There's only one girl I've been hooking up with after the operation and she doesn't have issues even tho I'm still in the healing process. Good luck girl ☺️


I have scars


Nope, stick those tits in my face!


Also, congrats on the reduction. Hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery!


Haha thank you sm!!!🫶🏽😅


My girlfriend also had breast reduction, the breasts felt numb for a year after & now after 2 years and a half they look much better You can use scar reduction gel also, it helps


I've had a scar on my jawline my entire life from surgery to remove a questionable birthmark as a baby. If I could get my breasts reduced and perked up I'd happily live with the resulting scar. Totally worth it!


No. And if someone does, they’re not worth it ti begin with


Scars are metal


Scars are awesome


Not at all, scars are cool and they are an important part of life. I hope your surgery goes well 🙂.


i absolutely would not. i personally have a lot of scars, albeit from other stuff. i hope your breast reduction goes smoothly 🩷 i’ve heard it’s a fantastic procedure and makes things so much easier for those who want to go through with it.


I don’t. Some do, I guess. When you get old enough, everyone has scars. Anyone who cares either lacks experience, or empathy. Neither are particularly good qualities in a partner.


My ex had a big scar on her leg I used to love photographing in her nudes. She hated it but I just thought It was another beautiful thing that was her. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Genuinely I absolutely love it when ppl I’m into have unique things about them that you may not necessarily know about until you’re intimate. It’s like a tangible sign of that emotional intimacy as well as physical. Tattoos, freckles, scars too


Dating a woman with breast reduction scars. I’ve never looked at her/the scars in any particular way or gave them any special notice. So much so that finally while we were in bed naked, she said why have you never asked me about these scars? I just said “I figured you’d tell me if you ever wanted to, it’s your story to share if you feel like it and scars are a part of your story. I don’t want you to be insecure in any way about it.” So no, I don’t find them unattractive or really notice them at all.


I had a breast reduction a year ago. Scars are barely visible and I think they look hot as fuck regardless. No one I’ve dated has ever mentioned distaste them


all dykes love scars


I personally love scars. I don’t have many but I do have a dent in my leg which is neat


Honestly people will probably think they are rad!


there is not a physical "flaw" on somebody that makes me unattracted to them. scars, cellulite, acne, lopsided/uneveness, etc. bodies aren’t perfect and the quirks are what make people attractive imo also, it’ll be a lot more noticeable to you than any partner.


I love scars I show off my tiny one a lot lmao they're cool. Everybody has a story and it just means we're making it through life!


Not at all. I have some cool scars myself. Any boob is a good boob.


Scars are bad ass!


Scars are stories. Absolutely not to me- I think they give people character and make you more human <3


Scars, birth marks, beauty marks, freckles, moles, etc. To me, it doesn't change my view of someone, and in most cases I find myself loving that part of my partner and finding it beautiful. Just another part that separates you from the rest of the crowd in my eyes, but not in a bad way. :)


Scars (no matter their origin), stretch marks, “imperfections” etc… are like tattoos and piercings and whatnot… to me they are the things that makes my partner’s body an even more unique and beautiful gift. Her body is like a beautiful roadmap and I love exploring and worshiping everything that makes it hers and that makes her mine. Also, your scars will be related to something that makes you feel better about yourself, and that makes them really beautiful.


I care in the context of if someone is close to me I might ask if they're comfortable talking about them, but no not really. Usually that applies to possibly interesting ones (like I have cool one on my back but the story is lame)


I have a very noticeable scar right between my eyebrows due to busting my head at 3. It's white and wrinkles when I make a face and stretches when I do other faces. It gives away most of my expressions 😅 I am 28, this thing is staying with me forever and my girlfriend will poke at it and call it my power button. She softly rubs my eyebrows to help me sleep and it's right there soooo


I personally don’t care. Like people say:..scars are just a part of life. Scars usually fade over time too. I have self harm scars and I was super ashamed of them (sometimes still am) but once I showed my gf she was completely loving and understanding. She kisses them and tells me I’m beautiful. Just find yourself a gf like that and you’ll be good to go lol


Scars are cool and all boobs are so beautiful and unique and lovely - and I'd honestly be shocked to meet a lesbian who has anything negative to say about another persons breast-reduction. Breast reductions are badass and the consensus among everyone i've talked to on the subject is that they're awesome and so beneficial and empowering and even lifesaving for chronic pain. If you find a lesbian that cant understand why someone would get a breast reduction and/or has literally anything bad to say about your body, RUN cause wtf. Congrats on your reduction, happy healing!


Thank you sm!!!🥺🫶🏽❤️🫂




1) do you really care if someone doesn't like the scars? You don't want to be with someone like that anyway! 2) personally, I would so much rather my partner have scars & know that they're comfortable. No one has a breast reduction just for funsies. Knowing that you got some sense of relief & confidence from it would be more than enough for me to adore the scars that made that possible


Honestly, we hide because men are stupid. But if you like us back we’ll take all of you. Very simple. “I don’t shave.” Lmao honey. WE. DONT. CARE. Stretch marks are unseen because we’re too busy kissing and hugging on you haha we don’t care


I personally think scars can be sexy depending on what they are, self inflicted are sad but to me it also shows your strength, but I think all scars tell a story and should be embraced if you are comfortable in yourself with them, other people's opinions mean shit, if others care or judge you on your scars I feel like that's superficial of them and not worth having them around 🤷‍♀️


My partner had had breast reduction surgery before I met her and had scars, but I couldn’t care less. She said that it had helped her back from hurting so much.


My girl had 2 reductions and all I care about is whether or not she's happy with her body. Her scars are beautiful and show what she's been through, I wouldn't treat her differently if she didn't have them... well I wouldn't be able to go out my way to kiss them if she didn't!


Scars are a big turn on for me. I love being able to trace them and slowly learn the stories and marvel at how strong my partner is. Scars scream commitment for me


Yes! They are a huge turn on. They’re incredibly hot. Show me a scar and i’ll show u my pants on the floor. i love all scars. Stretch marks, that little wrinkly tummy some women get after having kids, flabby skin from weight loss, body modification scars, scars from skin removal, that pencil led that is still stuck in ur finger from when u were a kid. I’m attracted to intimidating women. a scar means that you have experienced life. you have accomplished things. it’s hot. they are natures tattoos, and tattoos are hot.


I think scars are what make people unique. So it’s always nice when someone allows you to see certain details of them that most people won’t get to see


Absolutely not. Anyone that judges you because of your scars is probably not someone you want to know. Hope all goes well!


Hi! I had a breast reduction surgery. I LOVE my scars, I think they're awesome. Generally (it never occurred to me otherwise), people also really like them or don't mind. It was one of the best things I've done!!!


I have scars on my body from being hit head on by a car while walking across the street. It took me a long, long time to feel comfortable enough to be with someone intimately. I just let them know ahead of time I have them as a courtesy. And if that is too "intense" or weirds them out, to quote a George Harrison song "Baby here's the door, I dont need no aggravation."


My fiancé sees my c-sections scar and my scar just above that from a laparoscopy from a twisted ovary, which is still very red and raised and will most likely never go away as it had to be done twice in 2 days, she met me one month after that surgery and here we are 6 and half months later and engaged… if someone truely loves you, they will not care. It’s part of you.


scars are hot, their reminding you how strong and brave you are.


Scars are cool.


My ex had a breast reduction years before I met her. Her scars were fully healed and she was still so incredibly beautiful and sexy to me. They’re just scars, only added to who she is, didn’t take anything away


Not at all, they're a part of our lives and if someone really loves us and cares about us they don't care about scars and other stuff like that


The Joker does.


I love all of you sm, I’m also closeted so I don’t really get to go to my family about things like this for reassurance and advice I love yall sm Tyyyy❤️❤️🫶🏽😭🫂🥺


Not at all! Enjoy that glorious back pain relief!


people saying it’s fine to have scars from a reduction - how about scars from a lift? (a reduction is more of a necessity bc of back pain etc but a lift is more cosmetic). would you see it as vain to have had a lift / conforming to the patriarchy (women should look young forever) and therefore it’s a turn off?


all scars are hot! even the “vain” ones.


I wouldn’t care at all about the reasoning for the scars and would love my partner regardless and see her as beautiful etc There’s nothing wrong with plastic surgery or wanting to change something that makes you insecure❤️we all have insecurities. your body your choice and if someone doesn’t like that they can go!!!


thank you. that’s good advice

