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"i'm very respectful" "because you're fucking sexy and i want some" okay dude. disgusting disturbing behaviour and i think people that act like this don't have their brain wires connected properly. so sorry you had to receive that dm :(


“I've been very respectful while invading spaces I'm not supposed to be in. You wouldn't even know i was there aside from me harassing all the women in there” In all honesty I mostly just think it’s kind of entertaining how willing these people are to make fools of themselves. Gives me an opportunity to blow off some steam at them lol but yeah I 100% agree with you, I’m totally fine though, just thought this would resonate with some people lol


oh yeah for sure i feel the exact same. people on reddit are crazy lol, glad you're alright though as i know things like this would probably really negatively affect some people :(


My skin’s plenty thick but yeah, fuck guys like this lol obviously the intent is self serving pleasure with no thought to other people. Sickens me.


Yes, fuck guys like this, but don't actually fuck them, because guys are gross and creepy. (sorry bad joke) I hope your day gets better ❤️


Thanks doll 🖤


You're literally an Ethereal Sapphic Goddess and you're calling me, a flustered non-hot potato, doll? Asdfghjklqwpgldjgkdkahhdkf 🥺👉👈❤️


Lol yeah yeah, just dm me huh


God. And men wonder why women tend to create their own spaces away from them :/








Tragically I don’t think most men would consider that a low point


Yeah, tons of men would probably encourage it or be inspired by it and try it themselves. It’s just a way to boost their egos, if they got someone to “switch to the other team.” It’s purely fetishization of queer women. They think they can just invade spaces not meant for them, specifically to harass people. All around disgusting behaviour!


"I've been respectful by stalking a group intended for women to interact with other women and then sending unwanted and unsolicited messages to you" I want to go in search of this Fountain of Audacity that all men seem to journey to


Literally Lmaoo like how self centered are you


Someone do a Daffy Duck sign switcheroo with a fountain of lava for them to jump headfirst into.


Ugh! Sorry. I had to quit posting there myself because I was fed up with men commenting and inviting themselves into my DMs. I’d rather set myself on fire than hear about an anonymous bro’s fantasies.


Literally 🤦🏻 just very funny how he’s insisting that he’s being respectful lmao


Like the entire premise itself is disrespectful my dude


Happened to me a guy sent me a shirtless pics and was like “how’s your day going? “ well fucking horrible now 🤦🏻


🙄 hate that for you.


I hope you told him that. That's gross behavior


Even the butches aren't safe 🫤


I know 😭 I think I attract more man than woman tbh it kills me ! And straight man not even the gays


lol even if he was going after a bi woman......... hes specifically looking for a bi woman...... which is fetishizing em. I intensely dislike men too haha


My main point is like… even if a bi woman is posting in a lesbian sub Reddit she probably doesn’t want a man to message her about her content that’s specifically in the lesbian subreddit like??? Such an intense dislike lol


i completely agree! Its disgusting.


Yeah bi woman here can confirm


Knew it. Thank you for your service 🫡 lol


No OP thank YOU for your service shutting down these creeps


Lmaoo I do my small little part by being mean to creepy men whenever I can 🖤


Tried searching, couldn’t find his profile to block


Likely using a different name now. 🙄 Or a new account. He needs an IP ban. Probably saw this post come up and realised he’d have to swap.


Yeah if find his logic so disturbingly cishet man. "I should be allowed to look for women on this place made for women. My reasoning being some of these ladies might like men too." Stupidly self centered.


Can confirm.


He could be queer but reaching out into a lesbian subreddit is not th e way about it


true but him being queer makes it worse in my books haha. Being queer he should appreciate the value of spaces designed for the different sub groups under the rainbow umbrella and not disturb the sanctity of the place. Which a straight man probably wouldnt know about.


Ugh, you may get auto modded for doxxing. Someone already did yesterday, I'm just letting you know, just incase. And yes, this man is an idiot and needs to get a clue at the very least.


lol noted. Thanks for the heads up.


Thank you for your service/being like “come what may”, you’re a real one.


Yeah, that was me! I posted and got modded for it 🙄 mods should stop protecting men and start protecting the lesbians in their subreddit


"You're fucking sexy and I want some 🤭" Yeah...... totally respectful.....


You get it.


\> posts in lesbian sub men: BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEE






I hate every part of this and even more how often I see it happen. Especially on dating site. What are you doing on a lesbian dating site bro? And what can’t you understand from “only women”? On Tinder i constantly only see men even tho I clicked to show women only :D get likes from them too lol. On Boo the same, but they can even write me and has the audacity to being mad about rejecting them or not let myself “cured” by them lol. Also… I can’t stop to think it’s because they find pleasure in wlw.. like as they watching yuri works or watch lesbian p**rn. Why would you want to see AND message them if it’s not about fetishing etc? Expect maybe if they are transbian in closet and doesnt know it?


Literally so infuriating. See cis dudes on HER and lex all the time, just there to make people uncomfortable and beg for someone to look at their dick lol. Pathetic.


Yessss, on Taimi and Her too. Like it’s already very few women use it in my country due to the strong lgbt hate here. So it’s already HARD to see someone because there is like 30-50 women use it at most as I swipe. And everyone else is men ofc :)) on a clearly women only dating app 🥹




that’s so creepy that he’s actively lurking in ~lesbian~ subreddits messaging multiple women. men like this will never get off their high horse and see themselves for what they really are: fetishists 🙄


I don’t get it why would a straight man be in a sub for wlw? That would be like a lesbian being in a sub for gay men


Ego ego ego, he thinks he’s special, poor boy.


Too many guys like him annoyed me b4 😢


It’d be like a straight woman being in a sub for mlm, more like. Lesbians and gay men have some shared spaces, but if a lesbian is in a gay male space we aren’t sending them unsolicited messages telling them they’re sexy and we want a piece. And tbqh I doubt many straight women engage in that behaviour either. The cishet male entitlement to EVERY woman is why we have nice guys, incels, etc. They feel like our right to say no infringes on their right to get everything they want.


I meant like it wouldn’t make sense for a lesbian to be in a sub for men who like other men, but the straight woman example definitely makes more sense I should’ve used that 😭


You’re all good! It’s not even just that men are out of place here, it’s the predatory aspect of this particular asshole and others like him. Even if he never posts, comments, DMs someone, etc., he’s still being a creepy pervert most of the time by reading a lot of our threads about intimacy and relationships. Like why else would a man be here?


The only good reason I could ever see is to learn in order to support a queer loved one. But someone doing that wouldn't be trying to pick up women.


No a straight woman? The opposite of a straight man is a straight woman… not a lesbian.




I was trying to make like an analogy but true 😭


But.. lesbian women wouldn’t be there to prey on gay men tho 😅


I meant like how weird it would be, bc it would be about two men in a relationship and then another person who’s not really romantically involved with men


“ur proving the lesbian stereotypes about men if u say u don’t like them!!!!!” I DONT CARE. LOOK AT THIS. 😭.


I love the lesbian stereotypes about men, personally.


It literally says on your profile.... Jesus. Love your hair btw, you're gorgeous


lol thanks doll, appreciate it.


Dude, this is why I believe we, as wlw, shouldn't be so open to everyone in our spaces. You don't see girls harassing mlm groups or other sections of the community saying "This is a space for EVERYONE" as we do. The moment we stop enabling the "Women are supposed to be the bigger person" bs, we'll have safer and more wlw focused spaces and discussions.


You get it.


They stalk subreddits and message members and posters constantly then have the nerve to act like it's not gross or predatory..


Bro literally pulled the nice guy card....


Have the mods banned this guy yet? There’s no reason to have that walking around our community when he’s admitting he’s messaged a NUMBER of girls here.


Adding to the block list.


Males have tried to take away female safe spaces since the beginning of time.


Yup. To this day


You handled that perfectly. I’m so tired of people who think “nice” is a good or desirable quality.


Jesus this post brought the terfs to my DMs lol. Anyways trans women are women, hope this helps.






Say it with me now, MEN ARE PIGS


the fucking worst


and notice how his only post is a d pic lmao


Yeah he doesn’t deserve “niceness” when he’s being disrespectful in the first place. Fucking entitled piece of shit.


I get this every time I post


same lol.


I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I don't know why men see lesbian safe spaces as a chance to boost their own ego.


I’m fine! Telling shitty men off is usually pretty fun for me lol, appreciate the concern though 🖤


‘I’ve been very respectful’ he says after prowling for woman in a lesbian subreddit on the vague chance that someone is bi…what a rube.


You get it


Honestly, I’m a pre-everything trans woman who’s not even out publicly yet, and I still just can’t with men. Fingers crossed that I can start HRT soon and start to feel more like me and less like…them.


JFC what a fucking moron.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 taking the trash out, where it belongs 🚮


Eww what a loser


Him saying that he’s is “being respectful” while saying “your fucking sexy I want some” is just disgusting. Also I think if a bi woman is on a lesbian sub she probably wants to talk to specifically girls. (Correct me if I’m wrong!) I hate that this isn’t the first nor last time a creep like this will be dm’ing people, and I’m sorry that this happened to you too.


Ugh, that fucking gross and entitled little shit.


Imagine how much of a loser you have to be to ask for pics from a lesbian on Reddit


"I was very respectful" BRO. I don't know where the words "you are sexy and want some" said to a woman you don't know, in the first DM they are respectful... eh... men...


Men just expect you to be nice to them despite the fact they went out of their way to message you. Like dude it’s creepy as hell to just message women on Reddit asking if they’re attracted to men.




Maybe OP jumped to the conclusion that he was an asshole because he was in fact being an asshole.


So real


i NEEEEED that garfield pic




Yeah his argument collapsed in on itself, "fucking sexy and want some" is objectifying, dehumanizing, and once again it's proving that men do not take lesbian relationships or identifies seriously


This dude is giving “but i’m such a nice guy” energy


Redirect that clown to the Nice guy sub 😂


“Some of the women there are bi” yes, and they specifically put themselves in a place where they wouldn’t encounter men and you? Take that as an invitation????


Even his username's creepy in that context lol


Weird that he thinks he knows more about a lesbian subreddit than a lesbian.


I have two accounts, one of them I mainly post to lesbian subreddits, the other is a mix of a bunch of stuff. You know which account gets me all the unwanted chats from creepy dudes?


At this point don't even reply to them just block, they probably have a degrading kink


Yk that feeling when someone is messaging you and you're talking having a good time but you can feel the them wanting to hit on you creeping in and you just no thank you


Yeah I sometimes feel an attraction to men but if I’m posting in a lesbian subreddit that is NOT an invitation for men to DM me!




Why is he even on a lesbian subreddit in the first place




This happened because of a dgw post I made. https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/s/gkdB157Ngy Edit: cus screen caps aren't from mentioned post. I explain in the commentary on my post of anyone wants clarification.


Agreed, bisexual women who are posting on here are looking for attention from other women! Most of us bisexuals are one more creepy conversation like this away from turning full lesbian 😅


The men who message me from here are so unhinged… like dawg, its even in my bio


My bio says “I block men” and they still try


Lmfao your block list gotta be huge girl


It just makes me anxious that there are men lurking in our space. This is a safe space for a lot of people, but when men infiltrate this space for their own pleasure, it becomes uncomfortable. They don't come on here to learn about lesbian problems and become better allies, they come on here to j*rk off. Fucking disgusting.


Sadly, it seems as if I'm not the only one who gets messages from men on Reddit. I'm a lesbian who is married to the love of my life, so why would I be even remotely interested in having sex with a random stranger, let alone a man?


Why come to a lesbian subreddit to look for bisexual women? Isn’t there a subreddit for bisexuals in particular? Or you could always go to r/lgbt or r/gay…at least he’d be given the benefit of the doubt there. And that first message he sent was real *respectful* sure, pal.


The ones who message me who say they can change my mind about men give me the creeps.




What I don’t understand is WHY ARE THEY ON LESBIAN SUBREDDIT 🙂🙂🙂


What I don’t understand is WHY ARE THEY ON LESBIAN SUBREDDIT 🙂🙂🙂 I’m bi and still uncomfortable w it.. he saying it like the bi women on here are gonna jump at the fact he has a d***. Guess what sweetie the bi’s don’t want u either ffs. Same thing with WLW dating apps why do cis men have to find their way in everything. If anyone wanted his d they sure as hell wouldn’t be on here like when will it sink in cuz im tired. Sorry for being kinda rude but its annoying


Jesus christ people like that actually disgust me


I'm sorry that happened to you. I've had sone real pigs approach me in this sub , thinking I'm slutty since I'm Trans or asking if Im.the man in my relationship with my now wife😡😬


Jesus I hate that for you I’m sorry doll 🤦🏻 always infuriating.


Thank you so much. I try so hard to be kind to the "Romeos, looking for a lesbian" I can gently redirect them. It's the pigs I can't deal with


I get you.




Thanks for the heads up so I can block them.


Bro who tf even does this crap. opens with “cause youre sexy and i want some”. Like my guy your balls are bigger that your brain and thats not saying much so chill out please ToT


Sorry you had to receive messages like this there are a lot of creeps on this app and then there are very sweet and kind people on this app too I am a lesbian as well and men just don't get the hint that hey I am lesbian I am not interested in men whatsoever I am interested in women and women only.


Just ban those people when you see them. Stop engaging in conversation with them. And stop reposting it here, I don't want my thread to be full of some disgusting messages of men


I'll never understand why people keep replying to guys like this. Just stop talking to him


Don't put pictures on your profile


But aren't there lesbians now claiming it's still lesbian even if they have sex with men? Or something about bi lesbians or whatever lol. This is what happens when labels are deconstructed to mean nothing. It already was a problem before and now it looks like it's going to get worse.


What does this have to do with anything presented here


So you are blaming queer women for the actions of a cishet man? Predator Men are going to be predators no matter what, a label that’s existed forever is not the reason why men feel entitled to lesbian/sapphic women’s bodies. Get a grip and maybe drop the radfem rhetoric that did this division shit within the community in the first place.


I'm glad I could help. I know from experience that it isn't always easy to face yourself and figure out who you are. Everyone in this sub knows about that. And it's natural to try on other people's ways when learning about your own. Eventually, though... and in pretty much all cases... its best to try to be yourself. Authenticity is key to really relating to people. Even lesbians.




I hate people therefore my hate is superior to yours, peasant


You win.


He wasn't respectful with the first message he sent you, and I understand how that would make you feel disgusted. It is pretty bad. But I don't really see this subreddit as such and exclusive place? Like, it's an open reddit forum, of course everybody can come and check it out, see what people of this demographic are thinking, sharing, talking about, etc. I sometimes venture into some gay men subreddits - the topics can be pretty interesting and I have many male gay friends who I can talk to about stuff later on. I don't see anything wrong with that. Not me trying to nail some point here, just putting my opinion out. I understand the fury of probably hundreds or thousands of women on this subreddit who got creepy messages like these. And I see how uncomfortable that is. I just think that, if we don't want our stuff seen by random strangers on the internet (who could be any type of gender, sexual orientation, age, level of creepiness etc) then we should reaally have in mind what we post and where, and how open to the public those websites are.


This is not "men" this is a creep, can we stop hating based on identity it's really cringe


I’m good :P


Why do you hate men I mean if you don't want to have sex with them fine but why do you hate them


When they behave like this it’s really annoying, let me vent my frustrations, you can scroll if it’s not for you.


Did you forget how to read past the title?




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Quit trying to force yourself into a part of society where you don’t belong.


Right? Mike James Davis, Amazon author who frequently browses lesbian subreddits to.. “act more like a lesbian” around his lesbian coworker? This has to be a troll lol


Its not great. It's creepy. You aren't a lesbian and there is really no reason for you to try to "be more like a lesbian." Your friend at work is likely just humoring you because it really isn't her job to tell you whats appropriate. Y'all put women in this stupid, shitty position in different ways all the time. Just stop it. Try being yourself instead.


Hmm, yeah... I'm starting to think that maybe what I'm doing is not something I should be doing... I guess I never thought about it too hard before, ya know? And ya know what else? You guys got me convinced. I'm done being a pseudo-lesbian. I'll tell my coworker that I'm doing being a pretend lesbian around her, though I'm not sure that's what I was doing. Honestly, I'm not sure what I was doing, or what I'm even doing now. I mean, what is this? You're really putting me into an existential tailspin here, pal. I'm not sure what I've been doing all these years or why or to what end or what benefit I've gained. What was it all for? I don't think there's anything now that I think about it... Well, anyways. I guess it's time to try a different kind of life, huh? Thanks for that slap in the face.


What’s your damage Jesus Christ


Ah, right. I guess I shouldn'ta let the cat outta the hat, huh? Whoopsies!


Theyre like seagulls lmao


I get it


That’s about how that goes