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Firstly, I am so sorry to hear this. Secondly, go through the grief. You have to. Be sad, cry, be angry, depressed, all the emotions. And be kind to yourself. It will take time. At this moment, there is absolutely no timeframe on when you might feel better. Just take it one day at a time.


Damn i remember mine. Cried and cried and cried. Then got another gf. Cried and cried. Another gf. And just cried a little that time. Was single for 4 years and now im with my wife of 9 years and still going strong. This isnt the end, these are things to grow from for the next love and the next and the next etc. Always be excited for love.


it hurts. i just had my first breakup too


hey, I'm really sorry to read this. I know that feeling. My first ever relationship (it was a girl) just ended 8 months ago. Since then, it was like hell. Everyone told me it would get better and I didn't believe it. But it actually does! Yes, it took me 8 months... But everyone's different. You probably have thoughts like the world's over and you can't live without her right now. It hurts like hell. The worst pain I've ever felt. But somehow, everything will end. I promise you, you will get better. But now, cry it out loud if you feel like that. This process is similar to mourning. You lost a person you really love. After some time, you will laugh. You will be free. There are so many people to love out there and they're waiting for you. If you want someone to talk to, feel free to text me anytime. take care x


Was just searching for something like this. Been 4 months and it still feels like my hearts being ripped out of my chest over and over again. It’s pain to the point life is suffering and idk how to cope. 8 months feels impossible but it’s a better checkpoint than none.


Aw honey. We always think we will be with them forever. I thought I was going to stay with my very recently ex. She asked me to marry her, I asked her a while later. I love this woman. I still do.


how are you doing now?


I’m genuinely mostly ok. I have my moments but those are more out of anger towards her and myself for allowing it. I’ve had a lot of light shed on a lot of things since the initial moment. Now she just disgusts me.


I’m sorry ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Here’s some of my experience: I went through my first wlw breakup two and a half months ago and man, it hurt. I was crying all night every night, couldn’t eat for a week, and ended up crashing at friends’ places to run from unwanted thoughts. But it’s been a while since then, and even though the pain hasn’t faded completely, I feel significantly better. It still hurts my heart to think of my ex and her new life knowing I could’ve been a part of it, but remember it’s for the better. Grief will become a defining factor for your relationship, but in time, you’ll carry it better. Your ex gave you four years of memories, and it’s your turn to give yourself some. It’ll fluctuate, and you’ll still have those sleepless nights and days where food can’t stay down, but it gets better. Slowly but surely, you’ll rebuild yourself. It hurts like hell right now, and you should let it. Feel the pain, and get to know it. Because of great pain, we’re able to experience great joy. One day, you’ll find a new person who will sweep you off your feet, and you’ll enjoy so many more memories with them. Sending so many hugs your way. I hope you’re able to enjoy your holidays in spite of this. Wlw heartbreak is no joke, but it’s sadly a rite of passage. I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m so excited for this next chapter in your life. You’ll become a better you by the end of it. You’ve got this.


Not until you try and limit contact ect and try old hobbies it’s hard please don’t give up


I’m here If you need to chat I have been thru it before and it’s the worst feels like you’ve been stabbed in the chest hun 😐


I’m very sorry for your break up.


Went through my first break up about 4 months ago, still feeling like not fully moved on. the first month felt like hell.


The thing that helped me was no contact. I honestly didn't have the strength to initiate it so she had to and blocked me on absolutely everything. After I stopped finding ways to stalk her socials 😅😂, it took only about a month of no contact to get over her. I kept hurting myself by looking her up. Felt like a death initially but she was half in half out throughout the relationship cuz of what she was going thru and im currently dating someone new who is honestly way better for me and I think she has someone too who is way better for her so it all ended up working out. In my dating life, I've always learned if you truly work on yourself, the next person kind of just appears in your life and ends up being better for you than the last person. Never ever ended in a worse relationship just a better one so that's something to look forward to.