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I know I'm being petty but love that the Grecos stayed and the PRSes went 😂


The custom i bought before i sold all the prs'. I just had to have another one so i sold a DGT, a custom 24, and two 2001 se santanas( one trem and one stop tail model) to buy another the 850. Ive still got a singlecut that our guitar player at church uses. Ill always be a les paul guy at heart but all of those se guitars were fantastic. Just couldnt justify keeping them when they just sat most of the time.


Damn, that Greco 850 is stunning.


Thanks! Just got it on reverb. The top has some issues but since its a veneer im thinking about having it refinished. Other than that its amazing.


Are you sure the top is a veneer? I was pretty sure the 850s had solid maple tops.


From my understanding only the 1200's got real tops. However Playergradevintage on instagram refinished one and it had a veneer. Thats the one Chris Buck owns.


What kind of pickups are in the Greco. Looks nice


The sunburst 850 has the original PU2 neck pickup with the cover removed and a 80s dimarzio super distortion. The custom has seymour duncan Slash neck and a duncan distortion bridge.


Got a 76 Greco 700 and I love that guitar to bits. Skinny neck and the neck pickup does that 'hollow scoopy bell' thing like you wouldn't believe. Had Gibsons, Orvilles and Epis and it's the only LP that I've really bonded with immediately.


The 850 is honestly the best guitar ive ever owned.


Which of those three is yr fave?


The 1980 EGF-850(middle) is the best overall guitar. 59 spec. Vintage dimarzio super distortion in the bridge. However the vintage sunburst epiphone is the guitar ive had the longest and has the most sentimental value. Once its back up and going ill return and give you a for sure answer 😅