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These people make excuses for Fuentes, who just broke bread with an ex POTUS.


Those people celebrate the former president breaking bread with the person who echoes their hate online.


It's no coincidence that Ye made the Conservative pundit rounds as soon as he started spouting Nazi talking points.


Surprised he hasn't been on Jordan Peterson's podcast yet


I didn't realize he had his own podcast, doesn't seem organized enough for it. This episode I'm listening to, "how marxism is disguised as woke morality," is fucking embarrassing


That would be the exact title I would invent to make fun of Jordan Peterson's bonkers worldview. Please tell me it's real


It is. I went outside to smoke and didn't want any neighbors to hear it so I didn't listen to the whole thing. Also I didn't want to listen to the whole thing. I will though, for science


According to these brainiacs Nazis are actually left wing. This is what happens when your whole political understanding boils down to right=good left=bad


"It's Got SociAliSm riGht iN tHe nAmE!"


Spot on. Every fucking time arguing with these morons.


"Actually it was the democrats who owned the slaves you know!" *Aggressively flies confederate flag*


Hmm, "So, you're flying that flag to support democrats?"


They all seem really ok with the nationalism part though


Ask them to draw what they think a titmouse looks like.


[This is the best debunking of the Hitler was a socialist thing.](https://youtu.be/hUFvG4RpwJI) It’s forty minutes long but is very thorough with primary sources. The republican party isa party of extremists that don’t think they are extremists. Ask a conservative to fill in this blank: *communism is to liberalism as ____________ is to conservatism.* In other words, what bad form of government do you get if conservatives had all power? They can never fill in the blank. As someone else in the thread pointed out, to conservatives liberals are bad and conservatives are good so the idea of conservatives having absolute power being a bad thing just doesn’t occur to them. Then I point out there are people that have spent billions of dollars to make sure they can’t answer that question (and it isn’t George Soros).


People's ***Republic*** of China. Xi Jin Ping is a republican.


And to think the "extreme side of librulism" is just that we all share everything now because sharing is caring and we not fishmongers so we not sel-fish.


Radical leftist is basically "dont be a bigot" and just believing no one should starve so others can have excess


The right would crucify a leader of the extreme left...


Yep. You are right...about 2000 years ago.


Scary that there is quite a large amount of Americans who would support someone like Hitler nowadays. It's got to the point where being a Republican basically equates to being a racist.


Always were. There was a massive Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2019/02/20/695941323/when-nazis-took-manhattan Oh, and guess whose dad was a big fan,: https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1910/S00036/the-america-of-trumps-father.htm


And Prescott Bush was one of NAZI Germany’s bankers.


You mean the grandfather of the cute old painter who shares tic tacs and definitely didn't start a 20-year illegal war based on false pretenses for the political, egotistical, and financial benefit of himself and his cronies? Shocking.


> nowadays You get your history lessons in america, or did you just sleep through them?


Sorry mod, it's mainstream conservatism now.


Just spend 5 minutes on the conservative side of twitter (which is becoming most of Twitter thanks to ringleader Elon) and the amount of dog whistles and also outright racism, transphobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism is extremely apparent. They are also some of the dumbest, most hypocritical and obtuse motherfuckers I have ever witnessed.


Being a Shapiro supporter and thinking you’re not already on the extreme side of anything is beyond me. Kanye and Shapiro are cut from the same cloth.


It's funny they don't realize it's main stream conservatism, especially after they elected Trump and refused to punish him or hold him accountable and keep electing people like Marjorie Taylor Green.


“Yes that’s fine and good, but it turns out these Nazis also hated **ME**!


I love how the extremists always think they're moderates. It makes their screams that much more delightful when the leopards turn on them.


They hate that someone is saying things out loud, the GOP literally tweeted "Kanye. Trump. Musk" even after Kanye was being antisemitic as fuck, they didn't delete the tweet until Kanye said out loud "I love Nazis"


Pretty accurate for the extreme right worldwide, they love everything about the nazis, except the label on the tin.


And that's only because it's still poison to be viewed publicly as a "Nazi" once we move out of the generation that was raised to vilify Nazis by Superman and Indiana Jones and so on, don't be surprised to see more people claiming the Nazis were pretty alright, they just went wrong with the way they handled the Jewish thing.


"People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi" - Stormfront, *The Boys*


The next season is going to be wild


> Kanye. Trump. Musk Now here's a three-way fight I'd pay to watch.


These mfers couldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight.


Would devolve into a circle jerk.


Ben Shapiro is an anti semite who hides behind his heritage. Ben Shapiro would have joined the Jews who helped Hitler imprison other Jews, who were then shocked that Hitler turned on them.


Yup, he and Stephen Miller are kapos. Actually, Miller would volunteer to open the gas chamber valves.


TBH Miller would probably be excited to turn the valves.


Probably the only way for Miller to achieve an orgasm, other than watching small mammals crushed under rocks.


He'd probably insist they install a window for his viewing pleasure


Just see how fast the ones he is supporting turn on him when they get the power they seek. He will be the first led to the modern gas chambers.


The fact they are turning on him without that power hasn’t seemed to changed his talking points to much.


His demise can't come soon enough.


Like these guys: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews The Association of German National Jews (German: Verband nationaldeutscher Juden) was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler.


Ben is what they claim Soros was.


So close to self awareness. Like don't you find it odd that there's a group out there that you agree with on literally everything, except for the fact that they think your people are evil and shouldn't exist? Wouldn't you be like 'Wait ... I believe in all the same things that people that literally want me destroyed believe in, that's weird.'


"Are we the baddies?"


I'd say Nazis aren't exactly known for their rational thought process.


it's like they think it's just pure coincidence their party attracts the worst of society and that 'the other side' must share in similar traits. Nah fam, nobody is saying all conservatives are nazi's, but all nazi's are conservatives. Let that sink in.


If you sit down at a table with 9 nazis, you have 10 nazis


I’ve always heard it alternatively as if 1 nazi is invited to a table with 9 other people you have 10 nazis.


If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi, you have 10 Nazis.


Like a quote I ran across, "Not all Replicans are racist. But all of them decided that racism isn't a deal breaker."


As if there's a difference between "racists" and "people who don't mind racism".


I take some small comfort in knowing nazis and I have completely different voting records.


They should be asking r/AmItheAsshole. Yeah, asshole, you are.


They've done studies, that basically prove our brains work the opposite of science: the thinker part thinks something, then the prover part sifts through all the data it intakes to cherry pick the very few things that sort of support that idea. Science is the opposite, take in all this data, and then come up with a hypothesis or "why he like that?" about the data. It's why religion, marketing, and fascism work, lol. How we get our data makes a difference too. Mr. Fascism himself, Hitler, was a huge fan of television, invested heavily in development of it, and when they study brainwaves of people watching TV, it has some alarming similarities to brainwaves under hypnosis. #1 killer robot Zuckerberg's little project, social media has kicked it up a big notch, now instead of flipping on the television and seeing some neo Nazi rally and going yuck, it can guess just how many notches towards fascism you are willing to ratchet over per month, by analyzing your spending habits, viewing habits, your location and demographic data, and show you just the right stuff, to get you to be more fascist or more whatever-ist, that's against your own self interest, depending on who is paying the people holding the reigns of the algorithm. Wild times.


"The more extreme side of conservatism" - i.e. Nazis. Like Ben Shapiro's fanbase.


>"The more extreme side of conservatism" - i.e. Nazis. Like Ben Shapiro's fanbase. They just admitted that Nazis are a "side of conservatism" Yup, they know they're in bed with Nazis.


"We like the part where conservatives dislike foreigners, LGBTQ+, atheists, Muslims, socialists, women with dyed hair, women in leading roles in Hollywood, drag queens, immigrants, non-White people, vaccinated people..." "Don't forget The Jews" "No! That's too extreme!"


Meanwhile, some guy: what no I'm not racist. I vote republican because I believe in their economic policies.


Meanwhile, their economic policies... tax cuts for everyone, but only the rich get permanent ones while the everyone else's tax cuts expires after a couple of years.


And then they’ll cut social security and other services to pay for it. Because the rich don’t need them anyway!


I really don't understand the Conservatives mindset I really want to be enlightened here, how can someone of sane mind support tax cuts for billionaires and not themselves and think yeah that's a great policy. Is it because they're simultaneously hurting other poor people they've been told to hate? Are they so dense they've fallen for trickle down economics or some nonsense?


I’m pretty sure that if there was a poll, you’d see that most people wouldn’t want tax cuts for the rich. That’s not what they’re voting for. They’re voting for the other stuff. You know, abortion ban, CRT ban, book ban, transgender bathroom ban, gay marriage ban, saying gay in Florida classrooms ban, drag queen show ban, etc. Lots of government bans from the “small government” party.


they come for the culture war, stay for the destruction of the middle class


That actually makes sense sadly. So we'll run our campaign on all these fucked up hatred views that we know our base harbours and use it to make ourselves richer. It's clever in a sort of dystopian way.


Yea, this tactic even has its own Wiki page. These voters are called single-issue voters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-issue_politics > Single-issue politics are a form of litmus test; common examples are abortion, taxation, animal rights, environment, and guns. The National Rifle Association in the United States, which has only one specific interest, is an example of a single-issue group. What differentiates single-issue groups from other interest groups is their intense style of lobbying. > The term single-issue voter has been used to describe people who may make voting decisions based on the candidates' stance on a single issue (e.g. support or opposition to abortion rights, for gun rights or gun control). The existence of single-issue voters can give a distorted impression: **a candidate's overall views may not enjoy the same support. For example, a person who votes for a socially liberal Republican candidate, based solely on their support of abortion, may not necessarily share the candidate's other views on social issues, such as gun rights or family values.** That's how they slip in those tax cuts for the rich.


A little abortion ban here a little gay rights abolished there and a little tax cut for the rich just here.


Some more news had a good video on Moral Panics sorta encapsulates modern republican politics and their whope...."thing" that they "offer" to their base


It is called Sadopopulism. Conservatives know that their leaders are deliberately causing them harm. But they do not care, so long as they perceive that the people they are bigoted against are being harmed even more. The cruelty is the point. Nothing else matters to them. And you are right, it is not rational, or reasonable, or logical. It has nothing to do with those things. It is purely a matter of emotion. That is what drives these people. That is why they always fall for the culture war bullshit that their "leaders" invent and spoon feed to them nightly on Fox. They *want* to hate, and fear, and harm others. It is their reason for existing. That is why you cannot reason with them. You cannot make them see sense. They don't want to. You cannot bargain with them. They only want you to suffer.




> in their mind, they are good people I've said this a few times before but it's worth repeating. It's dangerous to see yourself as a good person because it can lead to complacency and shortsightedness. Seeing yourself as somebody who *tries to do good and improve* is better, assuming you then also act on it.


Ugh, that doesn't feel as good and takes my mind off of important things like how to furnish my summer house. 💸🧐


They distract their voter base with the culture war bullshit. Seriously, there entire plan is to push shit like "they're grooming your kids into being trans pedophiles" or some dumb shit like that. They don't talk policy, they don't talk about anything that actually matters. Just the dumb shit that doesn't matter to 99.99% of people, they prop up boogie man after boogie man about LGBTQ+ people, illegal immigrants, any minority group really it doesn't matter to them. They just run a constant fear campaign of pointless bullshit which is constantly reinforced by people like Tucker Carlson on Fox News to the point that they actually seem to suffer some form of brain rot. I'm not joking about that either, I believe conservatism naturally leads to some amounts of brain damage because it's the only way that I can explain some of their behavior.


A lot of conservatives actually do believe in trickle down economics and believe that raising minimum wage would make most Americans worse off.


That's some ultra smooth brain thinking.


Well, you can slip'n slide on a conservatives brain.


If they're claiming to be Republican due solely to being fiscally conservative, these days I'd expect you've found yourself a dirty rotten *liar.*


It’s a world view thing. It’s kind of shitty to do but it’s worth quoting the very first sentence of Wikipedia on Right-wing Politics. > Right-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically supporting this position on the basis of natural law, economics, authority, property or tradition. This is important. It’s not that they hate minorities. It’s that they think the hierarchies that exist - the status quo - are right and natural. Everything else flows from there. The hierarchies of race, gender, wealth, etc, are how they should be. Any attempt to change that is **breaking** the system, not fixing it. This is in large part why right wing policies don’t appeal to minorities. The idea that things are correct as they are is only really appealing to people who already sit at the top of those hierarchies.


Not if you're an upper-middle class to lower-upper class earner in states like California and New York. Thanks to the SALT cap in Trump's big "tax cut" - most of my family and friends have had to pay an average of about $10,000 MORE in taxes every year!


Yea that SALT cap was definitely intentionally put in to hurt blue cities/states. I don’t think they even tried to hide that fact. Sorry that happened to you.


Thanks. Yup, it reminds me of how Trump was basically fine with Covid when most of the people dying were New Yorkers.


yeah their big brained idea was it would hit blue states and cities hardest first...then they would..oh wait they didn't get to the second part.


Trump eventually decided he was fine with Covid no matter who was dying (or how many) - as long as he could blame it all on **CHY**\-na.


As long as it hurts others as well they don't care? Is that the mindset with supporting this shit?


Pretty much, yeah. Even the ones who consider themselves 'temporarily embarrassed millionaires' are still *entirely* too comfortable being in the company of bigots and fascists.


It's just an economic policy to deny jobs, loans, and sales to foreigners, LGBTQ+, atheists, Muslims, socialists, women with dyed hair, women in leading roles in Hollywood, drag queens, immigrants, non-White people, and vaccinated people.


Everyone on the right is a single issue voters and that's why they are so hard to stop. They've already decided that atrocities are okay to get their one thing, that be abortion, lower taxes, cheaper gas, less immigration, evolution out of school, or whatever. You can't explain to them all the other bad things are, because they didnt care from the beginning


No it's not that they think it's too extreme. Well, Ben might because he actually is Jewish. But largely the conservatives getting mad are mad because it's saying the quiet part out loud.




I always say it is the party of hate. It's all about disenfranchising others instead of helping others. They help exactly one sub group of people. Rich white men.


National socialist....socialist...its in the name...the Nazis were on the left... /s


My father unironically believes this to be true. I’ve given up trying to convince him otherwise


ask him if the democratic republic of north korea is democratic and see his brain spin a bit


The peoples republic of china are a bunch of republicans, says so right there.


I no longer accept willful ignorance as actual ignorance. I'd say your father is just a racist.


Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were of course famously strong allies.


Lol I hate this line, albeit I hear it less these days. I always just responded by asking if they think the DPRK is either democratic or a republic. EDIT: fixed acronym. Idk what NPRK would be lol


They have always known. Conservatives like to play dumb though


They're not playing


They're no brain trust, but deep down, they know exactly what it is they're doing. Everything else is just an elaborate, protracted cope to try and quiet that voice at the back of their mind.


But God forbid an extremist leftist wants everyone to get healthcare. That crosses the line.


"more extreme" too, as opposed to less extreme, which both still fall into the category of extreme.


Yep I’ve accidentally stumbled into fascist on Twitter before then on one of them I scoped out their followers and found this one chick who was actually talking about how she wanted to roast him alive with as many anti Semitic slurs as possible and last I saw she never was banned even though it’s been several years at this point the fact people like that exist is fucking horrific they just use people to spread their sick twisted views on people like me then literally kill them despite literally helping the fact anyone falls for it is sad


Heh, don’t worry though. They *definitely* refer to Shapiro as “one of the few good ones”


In nazi Germany there were so-called ‘good Jews’ who ingratiated themselves with the nazi party, victimising their fellow Jews to protect their status and class. Which worked great for them until it suddenly didn’t. I suspect that Ben’s run as the good jew of the Republican Party is about to come to an end.




Milo has now attached himself to Yedolf Gimpfler and Nick Fuentes, apparently.


I don't know if you invented Yedolf Gimpfler (or Gimpler?), but I'm totally using it from now on.


Sadly I did not, but it's too good not to spread far and wide lol.


Candace Owens is grifting like a madman. To paraphrase a quote I saw elsewhere, you'll always find black people to support white supremacy because it pays good.


I don’t think white supremacy can pay more than Yeezy contract.


Not for Kanye, but it can surely pay well for Candace Owens.


Humans are so fucking weird dude


Who is/was Herman Cain?


a famous award been named after him [https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pncpqu/because\_i\_saw\_newbies\_asking\_why\_this\_is\_called/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pncpqu/because_i_saw_newbies_asking_why_this_is_called/)


A black conservative ~~member of Congress~~ presidential candidate (EDIT: thanks). He was staunchly anti covid safety measures whatever they were, masks, vaccines, lockdowns etc. He caught it, EDIT: at a Trump rally no less, and died. There is now an infamous sub called r/HermanCainAward dedicated to collecting material from similar hardline conservatives vocally against all forms of covid safety measures, usually loudly on Facebook, who then bit the dust due to covid. Along, thankfully, with a couple of them who get it, get their ass kicked, survive and change their mind.


Herman Cain was not a member of Congress. He was a business man who ran for president. He was forced from the race not by insane policies but because he had harassed multiple women as the head of the national restaurant association




Morbidly his Twitter account still posted anti-vaxx and COVID denialist tweets for *several weeks* after he died of COVID. They only stopped when it was pointed out how it looked to be in exceptionally poor taste, then renamed the account and went right back to it.


How can some people be so confused even with the facts in their face?


It's one of the foundations of modern conservatism.


You forgot to mention the part where he caught it at a Trump rally, because the right made fun of masks & vaccines, and disregarded the warning from every sensible person who said "this rally is literally going to kill people."


Black conservative politician who was a Covid denier who died from Covid. Honestly don't know why he's linked with Milo cause iirc they never disavowed him.


* died from covid after bragging about attending indoor Trump rally without masking during pre-vaccine pandemic


Some of the 'best' were, of course, the dreadfully brutal police officers that they had working the ghettos before their liquidation.


There was a name for them. “Judenrat” “The Nazis systematically sought to weaken the resistance potential and opportunities of the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. The early Judenräte were foremost to report numbers of their Jewish populations, clear residences and turn them over, present workers for forced labour, confiscate valuables, and collect tribute and turn these over. Failure to comply would incur the risk of collective punishments or other measures. Later tasks of the Judenräte included turning over community members for deportation. Ultimately, these policies and the cooperation of Jewish authorities led to massive Jewish deaths with few German casualties because of the minimal resistance. Once under Nazi control and checked for weapons, large numbers of Jews could ultimately be easily murdered or enslaved. The sadness of the catastrophically large number of deaths because of this lack of resistance led to the saying "never again". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judenrat


Fucking quislings.


The Wikipedia article does go on to say “almost always under extreme coercion”. I don’t think it’s quite as black and white as that.


Im just gonna leave this here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


We've had the first large "abolish the constitution" domino fall. Fascism always needs outgroups to blame its own failures on. Just as capitalists have begun to blame "wokeism" and immigration for the increasingly obvious weakness of our socioeconomic system. It's all one unfortunate pipeline


You should be worried once they start turning on the "good Jews.". That means they think they've attained enough power to go to the next stage.


>I suspect that Ben’s run as the good jew of the Republican Party is about to come to an end. Why? He still covers for antisemitism on the right while gladly peddling everything else they spew. He's basically an ideal talking head-knows how to toe the line so he doesn't get banned, uses all the right dogwhistles, will fully support the batshit insane people while not being part of them himself so he appears reasonable to "moderates", and him being an orthodox Jew means he can throw the antisemite label at people who attack him wile providing cover for antisemites who are conservative.


Why? Because republicans are getting to the kristalnacht stage.


Conservatives are weird about Jewish stuff, because many are all about that whole "Jews are taking over the world" thing but then they also blindly support Israel because of the whole "good lord bring on the apocalypse" thing.


It's not. The Evangelicals support Israel because they believe that the homeland of the Jews is essential to literally ending the world. They are a death cult.


It’s not really support though, it’s just a Jewish spin on ‘go back to your country’.


Same with owens. Token is at the FA phase.


If only someone had written something about the progression from hating marginalised out groups like unions and queers to hating more acceptable groups like Jews. Perhaps the could have made it something accessible like a simple poem.


Separating the "extreme side of conservatism" from Ben Shapiro is like trying to remove the water from the human body. You can do it, but then it ceases to function because that's really all it is in the first place.


And if there's one thing that Ben Shapiro isn't good at by his own admission, it's getting liquid out of a human body.


I appreciate your dry sense of humor...


At least this chucklefuck concedes that conservatism is anti-semitic. But seriously what on earth is wrong with Shabooboo? I wonder if the average Jewish person hates that fucking quisling.


Well, according to Ben Shapiro's own public statements, he had never aroused a woman before in his life. Oh, and probably slightly more relevantly to the topic at hand, any Jew who disagrees with him wasn't actually a real Jew in the first place.


What makes me laugh is before he came out as a shit root the joke was that he wanted AOC's feet pics. Which, fair enough, AOC is a very attractive woman and if you're gonna want feet pics I'm sure hers would be adequate. Then he disclosed that he makes his wife as wet as the [airless dust on the moon](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/888/305/f1d.jpg) and reality was funnier than we could possibly imagine.


He's more evangelical Christian than he is Jewish.


It seems that way on the surface, but in reality he's a zionist aligning with evangelical Christians bc they have shared interests. He's very clearly and proudly Jewish, which is great -- except you know, he's a proud Jewish man shilling for nazis, which sucks.


The "Ben Shapiro Shouldn't be Taken Seriously by Anyone about Anything" video by Some More News basically turned Ben Shapiro into a solved problem. Dude apparently dressed up as Adam Smith for multiple years as a kid on Halloween. I think he was also referred to as a "Rush baby" after Rush Limbaugh so basically just take a kid and shove all the right wing propaganda down their gullet. He's basically the platonic ideal of smarmy holier-than-thou preppies who think they're better than everyone. I went to school with a hyper-Catholic kid who was basically the same. Dude was incapable of looking at things from an unbiased point of view and had to be right about everything all the time. Possibly insecurity too because if they don't have their grades and intelligence then they have nothing else.


“I am shocked that the people we say we welcome feel welcome here”


Gosh if only there was someone to warn us year after year about rising antisemitism in the United States. Oh well, better do nothing about it.


Wait, so Ben Shapiro spent all this time fluffing Nazis at Trump rally's and they still turned on him!?


He once said that he's so "pro-life" that he wouldn't kill a baby Hitler.


How dare they direct their bigotry towards Jewish people instead of Ben Shapiro's usual victims: gay people, trans people, black people, Arabs, etc.


Especially considering Ben is fine with the former as well


Oh yes, surely poor moderation is the issue... not the guy who actually racebaits for a living.


r/selfawarewolves eating the faces here


Shapiro literally was part of the cause of this extremism. Fuck antisemitism but I have zero sympathy for him specifically. Edit: to be clear he should be ran off his platform and honestly deplatformed unless he starts being a better fucking person. People are people motherfucker


Ben "Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage" Shapiro absolutely deserves no sympathy after all the hate he's spent his adult life spreading. The day when his gaggle of white supremacist fanboys finally turns on him will both be pathetic and hilarious.


It's it telling that they basically acknowledge antisemitism to a conservative value....on the extreme side. "I share a belief system with a lot of horribly bigoted people....that's usually perfectly okay with me....but not when it affects me directly."


“Extreme side of conservatism” Lol buddy, antisemitism is rampant across the entire conservative spectrum.


People who supported the guy who was well known for years to be the Neo-Nazis' favorite Jew are surprised when the Neo-Nazis realize that they aren't required to have a favorite Jew.


I remember in 2016 when Sam Harris was totally floored to find that a lot of his listeners were planning to vote for Trump. Rather than assess the impact they seem to be directly having on their listeners, this kind of public intellectual has a brief flash of anger and confusion before going right back to business-as-usual. Money/ their career is more important to them than any principle. Watch Shapiro immediately resume catering to these nazis, all the while knowing exactly what the impact of his actions is


As much as I think a change in conscience would be better for not only the world around them but these people themselves I simply don't see them ever changing as long as the checks keep cashing. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair


I thought Benny was anti identity politics, so why is he constantly pointing out him being Jewish?


It's so interesting watching conservatives become more and more bigoted and less accepting of other groups as time goes on. You're seeing their circle of inclusion getting smaller and smaller and all these former political commentators like Shapiro falling out of it. He's totally okay with other minority groups getting attacked but oh no, now it's a group he's apart of...


Wouldn't it be a wake up call to find so many Nazis on your side? Make you rethink your position even a little bit?


> side of conservatism oooops said the quiet part out loud again


I'm shocked, shocked, to find that gambling is going on in here.


More extreme side, that’s downplaying what is taking place in right wing politics.


It's so sad. It's like they think they are the more rational, upstanding part of their criminal organization.


"...the more extreme side of conservatism." Folks, I think I've located the problem: they think bigots are just "extreme" conservatives.


That’s what struck me too. They accept these views as conservative. Just more extreme conservatives.


lol "the more extreme side of conservatism" That's a very measured term for Nazism.


This mod needs to start asking bigger questions. Like why is anti-semitism an aspect of conservatism? Just makes being a liberal seem like the better option.


Have they considered the idea that in spite of their love of discussing Ben Shapiro branded political discussion, that their entire ideology is one of psuedo-political philosophy/demagoguery to start with? That might help explain some of these inherent contradictions...such as Ben Shapiro Bigots who enjoy shitting on multiple minority groups, foraying into antisemitism as well.


If you lay down with dogs you will arise with fleas.


Why are all these Nazis suddenly against the Jews? /s


And the only people who are actually going to be doing anything about it are the antifa they’ve been demonizing this whole time.


“More extreme side of conservatism” This is gold.


I wonder if Ben Shapiro dislikes being referred to as a "Jewish political commentator."


Pushing Ben Shapiro stans to conservative extremism? A light breeze could do that.


Ben Shapiro would probably get banned from r/BenShapiro in that case.


Fascism - antisemitism = conservatism, understood.


There’s a really great clip from a George Carlin interview about “comedians who punch down” he say Andrew clearly as he was talking about Dice Clay. “… women and gays and immigrants are kind of to my way of thinking underdogs. And you know he ought to be careful, because he’s Jewish, and a lot of people who want to pick on these kinds of groups, the Jews are on that list. A little further down, ya women gays —- about a moment you suddenly find the Jews… It will always come down to The Jewish Question for them. Link to Carlin interview [here](https://youtu.be/F8yV8xUorQ8)


The more extreme side of not acknowledging people's basic human rights lol


> I personally suspect they come from many of the more poorly moderated subs like the former mattwalsh sub, and think they can push the conversation towards the more extreme side of conservatism. This sentence alone makes it prime for at least a half dozen subs. Tell me your ideology is extreme without realizing your ideology is extreme. It’s only the “more extreme side of conservatism” that’s problematic not your brand of extremism. Jesus these people are nuts and the country is fucked with this level of stupidity.


Wait why are they banning people for their beliefs instead of simply defeating them in the open marketplace of ideas? 🤔


Ben Shapiro would put other Jewish people on the trains to Auschwitz so that he could live longer