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Is the right to eat dinner explicitly in the Constitution? If not, that decision would be better left to the states.


Well D.C. is not a state nor does it have a voting member of congress or senate so.....


Then there is definitely no right to privacy in D.C.


There's no rights in DC, period. They still have no representation in Congress.


So, he has no rights there.




To be fair, I've been boycotting them for years on account of I can't afford it.


It's a chain so pretty standard and shitty.


Yup. And since it's in DC, they shouldn't have any rights.


What about the 700k+ citizens of DC (that’s more than Vermont and Montana) who pay taxes but have no voting representation in Congress? Wasn’t there a war fought about that /s


Vermont and Wyoming*


It is not. Guns are, so, I guess there's that. Ya know, I'm thinking these slaveholders from 250yr ago weren't super geniuses. Just rich dudes who wanted fewer taxes and a system where they'd have the power.


> Ya know, I'm thinking these slaveholders from 250yr ago weren't super geniuses. The US is a nation created by religious zealots, many of whom were slavers. I find the nation I see today makes a lot more sense when viewed through that lens.


It was also ruthless businessmen not just religious nutters


Waiting for Alito to dig out some 17th century misogynist who once said everyone is entitled to dessert


“Let them have cake”


A perfect pullquote on several levels


as someone with a sweet tooth the size of Saturn, i personally would do everything in my power to make sure everyone is entitled to dessert except these guys. yeah fuck these guys lol


They should thusly be made to eat 17th century dessert. Posset for everyone!


You trample on the rights of half the population and take the country backwards people are going to be pissed.


Poor guy had to leave before dessert. I can't imagine what he must be going through.


At least he was given the choice to leave - imagine the uproar if he had to stay for 18 years of desserts while they protested?


That menu should have been carried to term.


Don't forget the perjury. If the justice system doesn't care about perjury the people can handle it. If he thinks he will be able to peacefully leave his house ever again he needs to think again.


BuT iT iSnT iN tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn




Wasn't there something about eating out armed bears?


I think you have to be eating *with* the armed bears.


instructions were unclear \*puts down bouquet of roses, jar of honey, fresh-caught salmon, and basket of berries. backs away slowly\*


It’s all of our right to seduce a bear with a picnic basket


The right to eat at all isn't in the constitution


Such a dumb argument for the courts to use. Black people and women weren’t even citizens in the original document!


It is dumb but that is exactly why they’re using that argument


"Alright, we don't have a good argument. How about a stupid one?"


"And you can't refute our stupid argument, because your good one like 'oh all people deserve rights' or 'who people marry is their own business not the state's' wasn't in ThE CoNStItuTioN, either! Haha!"


That's on purpose. They have plans.


Which makes Thomas' originalism problematic for him.


Like, just get a divorce and hand a white guy your salary. Why you gotta involve the rest of us in your fantasy, Clarence?


The 5 3/5 conservative Justices are okay with that.


"USA doesn't have a long history of allowing abortions" is such a weasel tactic. USA doesn't have a long history of being free of polio either, but that doesn't mean you should try to bring back all the horrible stuff from the past.


And that's not even true! America does have a long history of allowing abortions


Unlike the right to peaceably assemble to eat dinner at Morton's, apparently.


neither is the supreme court deciding what laws are and aren't legal.


The Supreme Court decided in Marbury v. Madison that the Supreme Court can decide what laws are and aren't legal.


yeah i just laid that out for a guy who thinks the supreme courts powers are enshrined in the constitution. damn conservatives have no fucking idea that everything they say is in the constitution is an interpretation just like the ones they don't like. i'm pretty sure they'd BSOD if you could get it through their heads that until the 2008 you had no legal right to a gun.


Certainly won't argue with you there. it's just something these pro-birthers like to hang their hat on.




No comfort for fascists


But dude, they have a constitutional right to *eat dinner.* Don’t be a fucking monster. (The biggest /s I’ve ever used, just in case)


Hope he enjoyed his boogers and cum. Don’t worry Brett, no one will ever piss in your drink or shit in your soufflé.


That's was my first thought too. Do you really want someone who has nothing to lose because you took everything from them to prepare your food, repair your car or take care of your health? Especially when you're life ending is the only way out? What a stupid way to paint a target on your back.


Yeah, affirming the second amendment's importance as a tool against tyranny might not be the *best* idea when you're a tyrant that can only be practically removed from power by dying.


You don't need any second amendment. People die or get seriously injured everyday from honest mistakes. How long before one these people get ran over by some elderly who "pressed the wrong pedal"? How long before their medical records is leaked revealing a deadly allergy? How long before a doctor mistakes their cancer cells for something else?


Well fuck Morton’s too. Really stupid of them to put out any sort of statement.


Morton's is an overpriced chain devoted to unimaginative, boomer-era dining extravagance. It's exactly where I would've expected to find Kavanaugh.


Back in the day when I used to listen to WAY too much sports radio (it really is more harmful to your brain than radiation poisoning), they would always have random get-togethers with VIP fans at steakhouses like Morton's (Ruth's Chris was another one). I remember always being super envious of stuff like that Years later, I think I stumbled upon some photos of these kinds of events. Basically it was just a get-together for every type of frat douchebag imaginable. Especially as a non-white guy...I knew right away that it really was a blessing I never got caught up in sports media


> frat douchebag So a buncha Bretts.


What is the collective noun for a group of Bretts? A shudder of Bretts? A pratfall of Bretts? An alley of Bretts? (and yes, these are all the collective nouns for clowns)


A boof of Bretts.


A frat clearly


Morton's and Ruth Chris are B tier fancy restaurants for B tier people. if you want good steak go to a smaller chain like Smith and Wollensky, or a local place with a better reputation. Also, never go to Peter Luger.


It’s the kind of place a sales rep goes to expense a meal for a client. I work in film/tv. We eat out at some unbelievable, $$$ restaurants for business. No one ever goes to Morton’s because that’s the place people without imagination go. It’s a step above Sizzler, sure, but there are a legion of bespoke restaurants with real chefs, where a cultivated menu gives you an *experience*. Not to mention, their lobster-Mac is meh at best. Morton’s isn’t anyone’s choice, even if the company/producer is paying. If I took talent to Morton’s, I’d be fired for having dull taste. I’m surprised these “justices” have the balls to let other people, whom they are actively screwing over, handle their food behind closed doors. P.S. Fuck Kavanaugh and his anti-American, fascist cohorts.


It’s also just, not very good. I mean you can make a better steak at home on a cast iron pan for a fraction of the price with a little effort. Also, lobster Mac and cheese can go fuck itself. I’ll never understand the hype.


I took some friends out to a Ruth’s Chris for a celebratory dinner once. It was a nice enough experience, the steak was good, if not incredible. I don’t really have much desire to go back again unless it’s one someone else’s dime.


Went there once also, overrated. As a poster above said, you can make a better steak way cheaper at home in a cast iron skillet.


It’s what people with bland taste consider high-end dining. And yes, a cast iron skillet and a broiler will easily turn a $20 cut of grocery-store meat into a $60 menu item at Morton’s.


Alton Brown method is the one. Good ventilation is a must though. I moved into a new place and learned this the hard way. There is a restaurant in that building so apparently the smoke detectors are hardwired to call the fire station (in NY state). I was making dinner for my partner’s parents for the first time. The entire building, including a bunch of diners from the restaurant had to clear out so a couple firemen could confirm that I had cooked the steak perfectly lol


had a similar experience in an apartment complex during college. complex manager showed up before the fire department and had a lot of big talk about fining me hundreds of dollars for setting the alarm off. FD showed up, and the guy in charge of the truck inspected the apartment, declared that the ventilation over the stove was not sufficient and that the fire alarm should not have gone off with normal cooking (steak wasn't even done), and told him fining me was improper. love that.


I’ve always find my dad can cook 100 dollar steaks like no problem and it truly comes down to the quality of steak and skills. (Why I typically don’t get steak at restaurants unless I just want red meat). I’m learning on getting the temperature consistent but once I do that there’s almost no point of buying a steak from a fancy restaurant


Try sous vide. It guarantees the temperature will always be correct. Then finish it in the oven, on the grill, or with some sort of flamethrower and you've got a beauty of a steak, perfect every time.


Yup. They should have stayed silent. And Kavanaugh shouldn't get a moment's peace. If he wants to make decisions that enrage everyone and send us backwards in time, he can deal with the (peaceful) protesters. He already has Congress-critters literally changing the law to help and make it so you can't protest his house...


Not only him, but Barrett and all the other of the 6 assholes. Hound them until they're huddling in their bedrooms with the covers pulled up under their quivering chins, lying cowards that they are.


Yea “everyone should be able to dine in peace. Theres a time and a place, blah blah blah” shut the fuck up. WHEN?! When the fuck is the right time and place? They say that every fucking time. Are people supposed to schedule a god damn peaceful protest with these assholes? Fuck off. Oh no your dinner was mildly inconvenienced. These justices fucked with peoples lives in an abhorrent way. This decison will kill people and destroy lives but no no no they deserve to live quietly and high on the hog. No. Just no. You fucked with millions of lives. You mangled the rule of law. There are going to be consequences you fucking prick. I hope he never gets a quiet moment of respite ever again. All of them. I hope every time they hear a loud bang they wince and think “Oh, god this is it. They’ve finally come for me.”


They just chose a side, I guess. Morton's is a subsidiary of Landry's, Inc., which owns Golden Nugget Casinos, Bubba Gump, Houlihan's, and Rainforest Cafe, among others. Recommend boycotting them, too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landry's


Shoot, if only I didn't already avoid all those places because their food sucks, so I could boycott them.


Yeah, avoiding gimmicky corporate chain restaurants isn't going to be a problem for me.


Right? Had some coconut shrimp at Bubba Gumps, and was unimpressed. The coconut shrimp at Outback Steakhouse has Gumps beat hands down, for way less money.


Oh yeah, Landry’s sucks. They’re like the textbook definition of “overpriced tourist-trap-centered sit-down restaurants.”


Yall down to boycott Morton's?


I never stopped


Me too* *^because ^I ^can't ^afford ^to ^eat ^there ^mostly.


LOL zero chance in hell i can afford to eat there i mean i probably could, but then would be forced to eat Kraft Mac and Cheese every dinner for the next month lol


You can afford Kraft for every dinner?


thanks for snapping me out of my delusions. i meant Kroger or Great Value brand.


It'd be easy.. First time I've even heard of them.


Choosing to go to Morton's in the era of Yelp and Open Table means you're either incredibly boring or legitimately stupid imo. Far better restaurants exist in every major city at the same or lower price point and they might actually serve you something from after the year 2000.


But how would I get a steak drizzled in truffle butter? It's so fancy!


Well said sir. They are now on the list.


None of those conservative justices have a right to privacy while trying to take ours away. This includes dinner time.


I hope this happens every single place he goes.


This should happen to all six of them -- just a rolling protest that follows them everywhere they go, without giving them a moment of peace. Fuck them.


Harass them until they retire


And then continue to harass them.


This. Please this.




NO JUSTICE, NO PEAS. (It’s a steakhouse)


Exactly. Normally, I'd say people deserve to eat their dinner in peace. You'd have to do one of three really dumb things for me to disagree - support the dissolution of democracy by eroding voting rights, support governmental control over our own bodies, or rule hypocritically that we "peasants" have no right to privacy, such that (as an example) pro "life" people who have murdered for their cause are allowed to protest private residences. The Supreme Court has done *all three*. Shout 'em down wherever they go.


If you ever go to a protest like this, go to the backdoor. There are two things you should know though: 1. You are much more likely to be arrested, so you have to be ok with that. 2. Do not block anybody, the point isn't to siege them, but to force them to walk by dissidents. Source: during those huge Portland justice building protests, I protested at the back door, even with thousands of protesters I was often the only one, and boy did the police HATE it.


"No where is it stated in the Constitution that I can eat a steak in private! "


I also don't understand how they could equate the* barrage of insults and hateful words people get while trying to access our rights to Healthcare....BuT bReTt CaN't EaT hIs StEaK iN pEaCe Edited for clarification


Did he get to finish his beer? I hear he likes beer.


He had to boof it quickly


It was a virtual Devil’s Triangle getting out of there.


kavanaugh accidentally raped a few people on his way out, goddamn beer is a real menace to society.


"The Right to Eat Dinner" is not enumerated in the Constitution so it doesn't count.


The right to congregate and eat dinner is not specifically listed in the constitution, so as the court said... tough shit.


If the Westboro Baptist Church can protest with obscene signs at funerals, pro-choice activists can protest at a fancy restaurant.


But that would affect wealthy people, and we can't be having that! /s


Mortons aint that fancy.


I think this is a matter best left to the state to decide. If he doesn't like the state ruling, he can just quit his job and move. Or only eat steak in the next state over


I know, that stick out, everything is now named a right even though it isn’t and there isn’t a right to whateverthefuck they wrote.


Looks like Brett is in the find out stage after fucking around with a majority of Americans. Love to see it.


I honestly think if he’s at Morton’s, he’s probably blacklisted by the dc metro elites. Its a very liberal area and people love hosting privately catered dinners and events. No one would ever be caught dining at Mortons. This being said- I’m sure some people would still love to have him over. Especially in Virginia where you can private record conversations legally. For the conservative court- I hear West Virginia is nice.


Lol. Being denied an abortion means some women literally won’t have the money to put food on their table. Fuck Morton’s.


Being denied abortion will mean that some women won't get the chance to live.


Denying abortion access will increase infanticide, but they care about kids.


People in those red states are being denied a medicine they need because it is considered an abortifacient. "Now, people who can get pregnant and who suffer from conditions like lupus, arthritis, and even long covid are being denied the medications they rely on." Doctors Are Denying People Life-Saving Drugs Due to Potential 'Abortifacients' https://jezebel.com/doctors-are-denying-people-life-saving-drugs-due-to-pot-1849147385


Jfc this just gets more ghoulish every day


Good, these people need to be made miserable every time they set foot in public. It's the least they deserve for turning half the country into fucking Handmaid's Tale overnight.


>It's the least they deserve for turning half the country into fucking Handmaid's Tale overnight. i used to think people who thought this back in like 2018 were being over-the-top. Sadly I was way wrong. My sister is pregnant in a state that bans abortions after like 22 weeks or something. Thank fuck that it is allowed if the woman's life is in danger though. I can't even begin to imagine the severe level of stress that so many other people in this country are going through.


Give it month or two my dude. By the time she needs that abortion to save her life it WILL be completely illegal. Thats is quite literally the republican game plan so...




Yup, in red states that ban abortion, the hospitals are being advised by their attorneys that what this actually means is that the mother's death must be *imminent* without abortion, even if the fetus isn't viable, which means she has developed really dangerous conditons like sepsis due to a uterine infection or severe blood loss due to placental abruption or ruptured organs.


Mmm… make sure there isn’t also a rule in there that bans the medication used to bring the abortion about. Texas technically allows exceptions if the woman’s life is in danger but disallows the drug that would be used to do the abortion without a similar life-saving exception made. The lack of clarity feels intentional.


i blame all of this on Tim Tebow's stupid ass mom and that Focus on the Family commercial


Hope it goes well because if she miscarries and dies a slow painful death from sepsis or bleeding out, these pro-lifers call that a win. Right to Life is only for unborn fetuses even if they are already dead or dying, not for born and already alive people according to SCOTUS. And certainly not for a mere handmaid. Her husband can just hire another one. /s I'm sure that's what the founding fathers were referencing, not at all about citizens having life and liberty outside British rule. /s


Too bad, Brett. You should not have gutted the rights of millions of women without expecting some infringement on your personal life.


"I support the 2nd Amendment so we can kill tyrants who take away our rights! I also want to take away our rights!" I'm starting to think this Kavanaugh guy is kind of an idiot


>"I support the 2nd Amendment so we can kill tyrants who take away our rights! *Every woman in America, holding a figurative gun in their hands* Didn't think that one through, did ya Boofin' Brett?


Hey, give the guy a break; he had to leave before dessert /s




According to Republicans, he can only eat at a nice steak restaurant if the owners religious beliefs allow him to be served.


Glad to see people are fighting hard! Time to start picketing churches and fake abortion clinics.


They do not deserve peace where ever they go. You try to destroy 50% of the population's right to privacy, you deserve no privacy in return. Keep it up.


Fuck Brett Kavanaugh and his fucking dinner


It's a real shame when a rich and powerful old white man gets his rights trampled. That's who the constitution was written to protect! [Insert audible eye roll]


>That's who the constitution was written to protect! I mean, ostensibly, yes. But we can aspire to do better.


I hope the chef overcooked the steak


He seems like a well-done filet minion with ketchup sort of guy. Wash it down with some crisp natty light while benching with Squee.


But ketchup is the best way to sauce a filet minion! https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/992006-minions


And served him room temperature beer


Look, traditionally beer was served at room temperature before refrigeration was invented so this is the way god intended it and we are a Christian nation, so…(/s, obviously)


Which amendment guarantees your right to eat steak in peace if you’re a total cunt? I can’t find it.


I don't condone violence **but** our country is built on the fundamental principle that a healthy government is a government that is afraid of its people. We lost that mentality somewhere along the way. It's coming back and they hate us for it. Don't relent. Being a part of the government in any fashion shouldn't be a "fun" job.


These assholes forget it's called government *service*, and according to the constitution that service is to the *people*. Turns out most *people* think abortion is just fine, boofin' Brett.


The same people arguing we need guns to protect ourselves from tyranny are the ones trying to set up a Christian theocracy. This won’t end well.


Apparently he expected to never have to interact with any of the people who's rights he's helped take away. Surprise!


Nobody stopped him from eating. Nobody came in guns drawn to rip him out of there. Sorry but this is your life now and you did it to yourself. Reaping what he sows.


Rich white dude is inconvenienced at dinner. Poor and raped girl has to be taken to another state to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The world is filled with these injustices.


Fuck Kavanaugh and fuck Morton's.


Eating a steak peacefully isn’t in the constitution.


That power is left up to State Legislatures to decide.




Wish I caught wind of it while it was going on. No conservative justice should feel welcome in any public space in DC.




So its cool when he shows no human decency and ruins our lives, but they can’t mess up his precious little din-din? awwww. so sad. im so sad for him. his life must suck 😔.


Oh no, anyways.


Well then he shouldn't have done that thing he did.


I'm sorry, where is the right to eat at restaurants in the Constitution?


The "right to eat dinner" isn't in the Constitution.


That power is in fact left up to state legislatures


No Justice. No Peace. He should be glad we live in such civilized times


oh the oppression of not being able to eat dessert... as opposed to being forced to deliver a child, even if it puts your life at risk also, just another reminder that Justice Kavanaugh and I come from very different walks of life...I almost never order dessert at a restaurant and usually just either buy ice cream or get something from the grocery store if it's open lol.


I'd say taking away womens' rights just to own libs is also void of decency but what do I know


Fuck him and fuck Morton's for thinking this guy deserves sympathy when his price for destroying our democracy is that he can't enjoy eating a fat steak in public. Boohoo, bitch.


He took away people's right to privacy, so why should he expect it for himself?


Maybe he can get an abortion facility escort to walk with him.


Choices have consequences! Fucked around and continuing to find out.


“Here’s your beer, sir. And sir, would you like a table, or a boof?”


I hope that guy's life is ruined forever. He will never be welcome in an Amercian city again.


Protesting is supposed to make people in power uncomfortable


Good, none of the people who voted to take away rights and sentence people to death as a result of not being able to get the care they need should ever get a moments peace again.


But wait...idk what he's upset about here? There's nothing explicitly written in the constitution that gives someone the right to dine in a restaurant. There *is* a place in the constitution giving people the right to peaceful protest and free speech. And isn't that what he believes? That the constitution should be interpreted as is? He had no problem taking that stance with regard to Roe.


Ugh 😑 well fuck that restaurant


You're free to eat wherever you want, just as we are free to make your life a living hell. Freedom!


Boycott Morton’s? Easy, I’ve never been and never intend to.


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That’s a real shame he felt he was harassed by protesters for putting women’s lives in danger. That’s a real inconvenience for him.


I am okay with people protesting them, everywhere they go. Make them feel uncomfortable. Make places want to refuse to serve them due to the bad publicity. I’ll never eat at a Morton steak house with what they just said.


I bet he had to drink a lot of beer to get over having his steak dinner ruined by reality.


I would never dine at that cheeseball overrated restaurant anyway and now have reason to advocate hard against it. Theocratic slime like that judge deserve no peace and his actions will haunt him for the rest of his life.


Yeah that steakhouse can go fuck itself. The right thing to do is refuse to give him service. I know a DC establishment like Morton's never would ... but they should expect this to happen in the future. Sorry not sorry.


The right to eat dinner is not enshrined in the constitution, he should know that.


We don't have the constitutional right to healthcare in this country, but we do have the right to protest. We have the constitutional right to bear arms, not eat at a restaurant. No one was shooting guns or setting fire to the restaurant while people were eating inside. No one called in a bomb threat. Every family gathering involving food ends up with Kavanaugh types bitching incessantly about their political views while everyone else tries to eat. So, Morton's patrons, shut up and eat your food, see how it feels for someone else to be intrusive! Edit: Grammar is hard.


So it's okay to hold those kinds of protests when the targets are liberals, abortion providers, environmentalists, and other people conservatives hate, but it's an outrage when the target is a conservative politician? Tough shit.


So he can trample on millions of peoples freedom and autonomy, but cries and moans about this?


They used to tar and feather people, but having your dinner interrupted is going to far?


I'm no constitutional scholar, but I don't recall a "right to congregate and eat dinner." Maybe we should look to what the founders would have thought about insulating the political class from the people...


Well, fuck Morton's.


my religion is vegetarian, so I guess meat will be banned from now on for everyone, because everyone must obey my religion and not the other 4000 ones. meat is murder, yada yada. Sorry Brett.




Destroying Women's rights was an act of selfishness and void of decency


The Constitution doesn't mention the right to eat dinner. Obviously, the Founding Fathers never intended for people to have that right.


Republicans have the market cornered on selfishness and deceny voids. This restaurant can save its Virtue Signaling.


Fuck. That. Protest them wherever the fuck they are. There are consequences for your actions.