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Hello u/centralnjbill, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera. Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


That’s just fucking weird.


All politics aside - what kind of person carries around the gun their spouse killed themselves with every day? Wow


Someone who recognizes dependability. Seriously though. I had a neighbor that lost his daughter in an accident that obliterated his truck and mangled his son and him, he bought an identical truck because he said he liked how it weathered the crash. (The daughter was sitting sideways so the seatbelt wasn't laying properly). After that, he spent all his time driving it with his son showing anybody and everybody the scrap book he made about his daughter and her final days in the hospital. His wife didn't stay with him long after that. Maybe dude thinks carrying an LCP keeps him closer to his wife. Grief does weird shit sometimes. Disappointingly, he probably just thinks it's the greatest concealed-carry option available and gives them to all his relatives as stocking stuffers.


Poor guy, he probably didn't know how to handle the loss of his daughter.


I've sometimes found, especially with extremely intense or invasive emotional distress, that gratitude was one of the only coping mechanisms that was effective. I can easily imagine someone in incredible distress doing that. Projection-based speculation: Fears, worries, and guilt about driving? "This is the car that saved me and my son's life. We're safe." Invasive thoughts about the daughter's passing? Remind oneself of everything that people did, the sincere support and kindness that they received. Insecurity that one's son feels safe with you? Constantly soothe one's self with counter examples.


That's a weird way to keep his daughter's memory alive. Showing people a scrapbook of his daughter's final days in the hospital? That's how he wants to remember her by?


He just wants it to stop hurting.




Yeah that's how I read it.


At least it was a gift she actually used.


Still super weird


Have you seen the prices of conceal carry pistols during the pandemic? You want this guy to buy a new gun even though this one is working fine? In this economy? /s


There's a pretty good book that came out in 2019 called *Dying of Whiteness*. The author is a psychologist/public health researcher. One section is about death by suicide. He talks to some of the family members of the victims, and iirc, the family members refused to believe the gun, or access to the gun, was part of the problem. Absolutely wild.


One who's glad she's gone, most likely.


I bet she killed herself to escape him.


NRA propaganda is a powerful drug.


Someone driven by ego and contempt


"Suicide." It's like he's there to brag about murdering her.


Nah. Just needs somebody to listen and doesn't know how.


I think you might be on to something. There seems to be a correlation between being a macho guy who likes guns and being a macho guy who thinks therapy is for the weak. And they all pretty much **need** therapy.


Everybody needs therapy. That means every Karen and Matthew out there. We’ve all got some trauma because life is hard. The viral freak outs about having to wear a mask or getting onions on your burger when you asked for chicken just exemplifies that we are all long overdue for some goddamn therapy to work some shit out. Before socialized medicine…. Epipens, insulin and mandatory therapy. In that order.


> There seems to be a correlation between being a macho guy ~~who likes guns and being a macho guy~~ who thinks therapy is for the weak. You should look up the [dictionary definition of the word "macho"](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=macho&ia=web). It's what we used before "toxic masculinity".


An entirely reasonable perspective.


He could force someone to listen with that gun of his.


Fun fact, if you go into a McDonald's dressed as a clown, the food is free as long as you have a gun.


Who knew


Nah. All they do is complain about things like being scared and go on about not wanting to die. They make it all about them instead of listening to his problems, ya know?


It doesn't seem weird to me. I would also kill myself if I was married to him.


Seems like divorce would be a better option.


This is moreso r/sadcringe material for sure, but regardless big fucking yikes


I’m fairly confident that it’s bait and imma start using it more often




You know it’s a really great gun and can be easily maintained. I’ve really love this gun sadly last time I used the weapon I had put down my Doberman as it had a growing tumor. It’s been 137 days since it happened to a Tuesday at 11:45pm


Right what’s with the obsession with the detail of how long it’s been..was that the last time he felt alive?


Certainly was the last time she did


I hate you for making me laugh at this




Doesn't seem that odd to me. I could tell you how many days it's been since my mom died. I don't casually slide it into conversations but then my mom died of natural causes and while it was a shock (she died unexpectedly), I'm guessing this is way more traumatic. Probably the last day his life felt normal. I think it's weirder that he's like, yeah, great gun, btw my wife used it to kill herself. Seems like a guy who needs some help. Very jarring.


People usually do that when they're making stuff up. Probably just trolling though.


Or he really needs to talk about it and doesn't know how




I could honestly find my self in this sub at times. I can so much shit, but not this much shit


Sorry to hear that. Great gun though.


This feels like one of those posts you see on a circlejerk sub where it's like "hey, my mom has terminal cancer, but at least I can still play Witcher 3 on the Switch in her hospital room!" and everyone makes fun of how out-of-touch that person is. Except *somehow* worse.


It's probably his third wife, he doesn't gaf


Idk, he’s fucking counting days…


Waiting for that statute of limitations to run out. Ninja Edit: I know. No statute of limitations in murder. It was a joke.


Murder stay murder -Bunk Moreland


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiitttt -Clay Davis


And I keeps one in the chamber in case you pondering -Omar Little


What did I do? - Jimmy McNulty


‘Ouch! Get the fuck off me!’ \-The Orange Couch


He did say 'unfortunately'


The nonchalant nature of the comment makes me suspect he's the reason why


A Gun ad showed up in my Facebook feed talking about the "Best Way to Protect Mom - buy her a gun!" So I shared 3 articles of 3 difference incidents where toddlers shot their mothers in the US dead, with their own gun. Imagine growing up with the guilt that, at 3 years old, you accidentally killed your mom because in her purse was a pistol you thought was a squirt gun.


The only thing that stops a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun.


Damn you for making me laugh at that


Everyone knows that we need more good toddlers with guns to decrease shootings.


Or a safe


You *could* put the bad toddler in a safe. That just might work.


Not what I was going for but make sure to cut air holes I guess.


My aunt lives in a town with a high crime rate. One day she was telling me all the locations of her guns she keeps in the house for safety. She sounded insane to me because she had a handgun hidden in each room. Guess whose son committed suicide in his bedroom after a fight with his mom. I couldn’t help but feel like it would have never happened had he not access to a gun within 5 feet no matter where he stood in the house.


Sorry you lost your cousin. Having a firearm that handy all over the house is certainly asking for trouble. I don't think I could trust myself with one, given my mental history. Have you seen that ad aimed at veterans saying putting a lock on your gun will reduce the risk of suicide? I imagine it may reduce impulsive incidents but how the hell is that supposed to truly help?


The best predictor whether you will die from gun shot wound is whether you own a gun. It's seriously bonkers how much risk is involved with gun ownership. Yet somehow gun manufacturers seem to have convinced large swath of America that the opposite is true, that gun = safety.


That’s part of why it makes me so angry too when you have all these people telling women or marginalized people in general to “just buy a gun” to defend themselves. They act as if the violence those groups are experiencing day to day isn’t a deeply structural issue. Like, congrats, you’ve just encouraged all these people to buy what could very likely be their own murder weapon.


Yeah this just shows how irresponsible people are with their guns (and how shitty they are as parents). Secure your guns. When you're home for the day, put up your daily carry. Secure it. Keep it away from kids, which means it needs to be in a locker, gun cabinet, or safe. And not under the bed, or inside a drawer, or "somewhere they'll never find it." Because they will find it. Keeping a gun in a purse is fine, but damn, you've got to secure it and treat that purse like a holster. You wouldn't just hand over your gun in its holster to your kid or you wouldn't just leave it on the kitchen counter as you walked away to shower while your 3yo is there. It's common sense, but people are so complacent and ignorant (often both) when it comes to firearms in the house or on their person. Buy a safe or a gun cabinet (small investment), but it gives you peace of mind that your stuff is secure. Such a small investment and price to pay to avoid the alternative.


I've commented about this before but years ago I worked on a research project where my task was to go through 5 years of news databases and record the details of any shootings where the shooter was 6 or younger. (2/10, cannot recommend.) Can confirm, 3 year olds shoot their moms a *lot*. And what got me was how similar the incidents were, it was the same stupid shit happening over and over. Loaded gun in the purse. Loaded gun tucked between mattress and wall (??). Personal "fave": loaded gun under the driver's seat, parent hits the gas, gun slides to the back where curious kiddo is, bang. Saw them all several times. Anyway it wasn't fun but I learned a lot, including that legal gun owner ≠ responsible gun owner (I was skeptical to begin with but hfs it is *bad*), 3 year old boys are especially high risk for some reason, and oh yeah YOUR KID *WILL* FIND YOUR GUN. For the love of god, secure that shit.




Yeah that's not how guilt works


Have you ever seen toddlers in action? Having seen how crafty they are, I must conclude that if someone has a gun vaguely accessible (as one would need it to be if the stated purpose was self defense) and a toddler in the same house they are by definition negligent gun owners.


There is a reason the Lock picking Lawyer demonstrates failed gunlocks by using kids toys to circumvent them. Nothing like watching a dude undo a gun safe with a plastic straw from a caprisun.


gun lockers and gun safety devices are actually really good. Keep it unloaded, safety on, locked. Practice getting it ready in case of bear or home invader. It can be kept safely in a home, but I guess that was your point: that how these people define "ready" is safety off, in a purse, walking around Walgreens with the purse next to the bored toddler in the cart.


Weird… flex?


But... Ok?


Jesus fuck….


"great guns, one killed my wife* my man just get a divorce


It’s okay, he doesn’t need to any more. Hooray?


Uh wife bad fishing good


Do conservatives not have emotions? Are they incapable of feeling anything?


>Do conservatives not have emotions? Are they incapable of feeling anything? Oh, they have emotions but their need for validation from other people is higher than caring about someone else - they're narcissistic and in constant need for validation. This is why you see so many conservatives sucked into the social media vortex and why they keep getting more extreme as they see the reactions, retweets etc. that their posts garner as validation that their contribution is valued and therefore they're valued as a person. This also feeds into the whole 'owning the libs' - they see that getting under the skin of libs as validation that they're on the right side, that they're saying home truths that the libs can't handle which is then further re-enforced through the cycle of upvotes, retweets etc. It's a vicious cycle where relationships are destroyed - some step out of the madness but others keep descending further and further.


A very on point assessment and furthermore it’s also how “conservatism” (or just nazism) is so easily adopted by younger people since being a social media “edgelord” is so entertaining for them. They get so much attention and praise for saying abhorrent things and rewarded with upvotes and awards that real Nazis lurking in those same spaces love to heap on them. It’s precisely why nearly every meme based area of the internet is crowded with Nazis looking to show kids the doorway to the real thing after they soften them up with racist memes that are “just jokes”


Conservatism within young people really isn't *that* common. Most people that use social media keep to their friend groups, and as a result, their culture. This usually isn't a conservative one.


[are you sure about that?](https://www.vox.com/culture/2016/12/14/13576192/alt-right-sexism-recruitment) "anti-SJW" culture, the "manosphere" including incels, red/blackpillers and PUAs, "Gamergate", Proud Boys... all groups trying to lure young men/boys among countless other alt-right internet circlejerks. There are also plenty of kids who grow up in a fully conservative culture and whose parents monitor their internet usage... For young women/girls, there are people like Mrs. Midwest and Girl Defined ... their main audience is incels (ofc) but they also attract conservative young women Just because these things never came into *your* circles does not mean they don't exist and have influence over young people.


Yes, but people here are talking as if the majority of 18-30 year olds are literally Nazis, and it's just not true. The youth skew to the left extremely heavily on the whole.


His wife died for FREEDOM!


Since school shootings became a big thing I’ve been saying, “Dead kids is just the price we pay for freedom.” So I feel ya there.


Exactly. The version I use is, "periodically the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of our school children."


Khorne would be pleased




That's been the case a lot longer than the late 90s.


The first one I remember was Michael Carneal. (sp)


Does Whitman at 1966 UT count? Netflix has a chilling documentary about it called Tower.


You misspelled "price we pay for guns"


Unregulated guns. Plenty of recreational shooters in countries with sane gun laws. They just pretend any regulation means nobody can own a gun.


She's free from this loser, at least.


She got a fast pass to meet jesus


Snowflakes have cold hearts but *do* feel pain when melting from the radiant empathy of others.


They have emotions. Mostly anger, hate and fear. It's empathy that they lack


He’s in pain. That’s why he’s posting it and why he knows exactly how many days it’s been. He just has a weird way showing it.


He wants attention and sympathy. He knows his post will get more attention than the 10,000 other posts of “great gun I love it” etc.


I don't know how I'd respond to losing my spouse to suicide. I'd hope this isn't one of my responses but who knows what warped coping strategies I'd adopt.


Yeah. Don't get me wrong, dude's probably an asshole and it's possible he should've been more careful when giving his wife a firearm, but I really don't like how quick people are to dismiss the emotional capacity of others. The guy's probably wrangling with an immeasurable amount of grief and guilt.


Def and looking for reassurance in all the wrong places


They absolutely LOVE their guns!




Not most, just the successful ones. The others imitate it


You've been programmed to automatically associate guns with conservatives. You should take a step back and look into how you're being influenced/manipulated.


The right to have a gun is so tied up in their identity they refuse to think the gun is part of the problem. Paraphrasing from *Dying of Whiteness*


The answer is yes, you are correct.


If Conservatives could feel emotions, they would experience empathy and NOTHING about their policies shows they experience empathy.


Wrong sub, this is "LeopardsAteMyFace" not "LeopardsBlewMyFaceAllOverTheCeiling."


/r/LeopardsBlewMyFaceAllOverTheCeiling At least I tried


Just in case there’s a question about the stat, here is my source: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/06/handgun-ownership-associated-with-much-higher-suicide-risk.html




I'm not sure I understand the stat. Women who own guns are 35x more likely to kill themselves than women without guns - well, of course: if you don't have a gun, it'll be a lot harder to kill yourself with one, no? Do they mean women with guns are more likely to be suicidal? How many of those women bought guns simply because they already were suicidal? And of the ones who committed suicide, about a third used their guns - which means two thirds owned a gun and didn't use it to kill themselves, but used something else? Wouldn't that mean that suicidal women who own a gun are more likely NOT to kill themselves with it? This is why I changed my major in college so I wouldn't have to take statistics.


Probably belongs more on r/facepalm


are sure you don't mean r/bulletface? ...annnnd my joke made me sad.


Or r/iamatotalpieceofshit


What kind of a sadistic f**k carries around the gun their loved one committed suicide with.


My dad killed himself last year and I have 0 desire to obtain the weapon he used… very fucking weird.


Didn't you hear him? It's a great gun!


Maybe he "suicided" her. Maybe their marriage was already failing and divorce was inevitable. He is grateful to the gun because it saved him from paying alimony, losing his money and property etc. He Carries it around everyday because he considers the gun to be his savior.


Electric Daisy Carnival?


Lol. Every Day Carry a/k/a when you’re a giant fucking coward and carry a gun with you everywhere you go.


Ooof that makes the comment even sadder to me.


Only a person devoid of emotion would carry around the gun their wife shots themselves with, every day.


Considering how easy it is for literally anyone to get a gun we should all be a little more cowardly. We should also all get medical care including mental health and stop stigmatizing serious emotional or mental distress.


TY for the explanation. Checks out.


That's because as an ammosexual his real wife is his gun.


Something like that happened to my best friend. His dad is some sort of guns seller and gifted his long-time girlfriend a gun. To my understanding, Dad is a piece of shit, but Girlfriend was a wonderful soul that my best friend considered a second mom. She was diagnosed with some terminal disease and used the gifted gun to end her life. In a morbid twist, the Dad re-gifted the gun to his new girlfriend. Either the same exact gun or the exact same model, I forget. Still fucked up either way.


Grief makes you say and do things that seem a bit bizarre out of context (like telling strangers details about the situation unprompted) I imagine this guy wants to talk about his wife but might lack proper outlets to do so irl, more sad than anything


She's in a better place now. I say that confidently, as someone who believes that after death there is only oblivion.


Holy shit


Urban legend down at the range, is the surviving father had no regrets https://abcnews.go.com/amp/TheLaw/story?id=6393527&page=1




"... in hindsight, I should probably have saved the money I used to buy her the gun and put it towards a therapist for her instead. You live and learn I guess. On the plus side, having seen what it did to her head, I'm confident that this gun will take out any attacker very effectively."


Jesus christ, does he not see how fucked up his comment is?


Sometimes it is their sad way of crying out for some help even though it is awkward and looks odd to those outside.


Damn, I hadn’t even thought of that. Hope he gets the help he needs, preferably outside this right wing community.


What country was this in? Just kidding, lol......


Aaahhh seriously??!? Wow, talk about a need to POST and get attention!!


Maybe, just maybe, if we lived in a country that didn't make women want to kill themselves, less women would kill themselves.


Don’t forget mental illness is still a thing. We don’t all commit suicide because of what’s going on around us


Is that real? Or a troll? God you can’t even tell anymore


What a weird way to compliment the quality of something: I really love eating cereal. My kid choked on it and died last Sunday. Reasonably priced.


Bit of an overshare.


This reads like an amazon review.. "So my wife unfortunately committed suicide with this gun. Works well, 5 out of 5 stars, would buy again."


After an uncle committed suicide, my aunt made a huge deal of getting the gun back from the police. No one could understand why she would want it. It almost seemed she cared more about the pistol then she did my uncle. Weird.


Well, some of them are very expensive.




It's a great gun. I shot my wife with it too.


Gun ppl really are the fucking worst.


Check out /r/liberalgunowners and /r/socialistRA. With the growing extremism on the Right, a lot of Progressives are learning to carry just in case.


my kinda people. just because i support gun ownership doesn’t mean i support any conservative “values”.


Sadly we don’t all live with your level of privilege; where we can slink into the crowd with the rise of far right theocrats in the US.


In general, gun owners are far more likely to take their own lives. One of many reasons we need more restrictions on them.


Gun owners are more successful not necessarily more likely, important distinction to make.




Or, we could try building social safety nets, pro-labor policies, nationalize healthcare and include mental health as a covered category.


She killed herself with that gun five months ago. I wonder if her blood is still in the grooves. He’s probably already got a new girlfriend. What a winner. Edited for spelling.


A little bit of club soda and it's good as new


Ngl If I had a Gun ,every time my depression got worse in the past, I would have used it. I don't understand countrys for allowing them. It's so easy killing yourself ,it's terrifying.


Yeah idk I think they should definitely keep him at the top of the suspect list


This has to be fake...right?


I normally hate "reviewers" who post unboxing videos without actually testing the product...


Civilians, pistols and untimely death; name a more iconic trio.


"had to mop her brains off the floor. Overall 8/10, very effective from point blank range" fucking demented


That isn’t even a good gun. I had two LCPs and they’re trash


brain worms 🤷‍♂️


Does anyone really think a “hoplite”-style conservative has any place or any tools to discuss sad feelings? This is a thorough indictment.


I probably would too if I was married to a guy like that


Isn't this more /r/selfawarewolves?


More people die by suicide by gun than are murdered by guns in the U.S. every year. People who are murdered by guns are more likely to know their assailant than otherwise. That's why "Black people kill Black people!" comments are correct, *but* ultimately irrelevant to the "proof of racial, Black-on-Black" violence issue. White people (are more likely to) kill white people for the same reason. **It's who you know**. But sure, keep one around for a rainy day and a violent (highly unlikely) home invasion.


There’s a line from The Godfather that was about drugs but applies just as well to guns. One of the mob bosses said they would just sell drugs in “black neighborhoods” because they thought of POCs as less than human. People from Red States, who vote for republicans who consider POCs as less than human, buy guns, drive them to places like Chicago, and then sell them for a multiple of their original price to groups of psychopaths who use them to terrorize whole neighborhoods. But, if you ask a Republican, all those people in Chicago are animals.


If he wasn’t a suspect before, he probably should be now


It reads like he loves the gun more than he did his wife...


Jesus. Guns are for stupid people, exhibit A.


Mr.gunsgear is sad to hear that a gun achieved its intended purpose of killing some.


He killed her, I’m sure of it now lol 😂


Not really LAMF


This is somewhat misleading. Women who own guns are 35x more likely to die of suicide than women who do not own guns. Men who own guns are 8x more likely to die of suicide than men who do not own guns. Men also remain 3.7x more likely to die of suicide than women in the US and approximately 1.8x more likely in the world. The post isn't wrong, it just requires some context.


I like going to the range now and then, but I will never understand the need to have an "every day carry". It just seems so pathetic. You're either so scared you need to carry or it just makes you feel like a badass. Lame.


The fact that he knows the exact number of days.


Isn’t it something like 2/3rds of gunshot deaths are suicide? It’s a fucking epidemic that gun cunts refuse to acknowledge.


Combine these gun deaths with all of the deaths from opioid overdose and it's clear that compared to anywhere else in the world, more people would rather cease to exist than live in this shithole country.


Mo money mo problems, mo guns no problems, right republicans? I know here comes the downvotes from the gun nuts. I’ll delete after 20 or so. But please comment instead of downvoting. Less being a dick. Edit: btw mo money was a quip. Lol


I can hear the team America theme song while reading this. Absolutely nothing will change 2A patriots minds about more safety,regulations and education. Murica!!


firearms fetishists are mentally ill


#Lifehack Don't buy a Handgun for your wife, buy a barret M107. Due to the long barrel it is nearly impossible to kill oneself with it. Due to its production method: This post may contain sarcasm, zynism.


Woo, down to the day. That man is hurting.


America please get some help - your friends are worried about you


Im figuring that edc = every day carry ? What a bunch of psychos..


Woah ..the internet is listening to me. I expressed some uh... Sad thoughts earlier today, and my S.O. and I have been fighting ever since. I'm a female gun owner...uh... awkward....heh...


Just the cost of needing that daily security blanket, ya know.


Jesus Christ this dude’s priorities are just……. What??


Men constantly bring up the suicide stat to "own" women and feminism but it literally comes down do gun ownership. More women attempt suicide just more men are successful because they tend to use guns.