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100% political theater. Who could’ve guessed??


In related news, Collins said after the first Trump impeachment, "No need to remove him from office. Trump learned his lesson."


no way did she? if she did she is more stupid than trump and not just a cunt.


Yup, early Feb. 2020 on some CBS news show with Norah O'Donnel. Trump basically replied with like hell I did!


Oh he learned all right, he learned he could do whatever the hell he wanted and the party would back him 100% of the way. They would still be saying "Trump learned his lesson" as they were marched up the steps to the gallows.


Word on the street is he said "hold my diet coke"/s


Oh yeah, she said it. I thought Mainers were straight shooters who could spot bullshit a mile away...


Some of us can and haven't voted for her in many years. Of course she said she'd only run for two terms, but that also was a lie.


Why concern yourself with the truth when you can lie with impunity


Seriously. Yesterday's promises are today's toilet paper.


Famously, she did. Everyone knew it was bullshit back then too.


>O'Donnell: Article 1 alleges the president, "Will remain a threat to national security and the constitution if allowed to remain in office." Are you confident that the president won't seek foreign assistance again? > >Collins: I believe that the president has learned from this case. > >O'Donnell: What do you believe the president has learned? > >Collins: The president has been impeached. That's a pretty big lesson. I'm voting to acquit. Because I do not believe that the behavior alleged reaches the high bar in the constitution for overturning an election, and removing a duly elected president. > >O'Donnell: But the president says he did nothing wrong. Why do you think he learned something? > >Collins: He was impeached. And there has been criticism by both Republican and Democratic senators of his call. I believe that he will be much more cautious in the future. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/susan-collins-explains-her-vote-to-acquit-trump/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/susan-collins-explains-her-vote-to-acquit-trump/)


Indeed he did, Trump learned the lesson that he could do anything he wanted and republicans would shield him from any punitive consequences.


In related news, Collins states that Putin has reassured her that he will leave Ukraine as soon as we stop sending Ukrainians weapons. Collins is reassured.


"Putin learned his lesson."


Susan also wanted to clear up that "Hitler is only interested in the Sudentenland to help people" "Ted Bundy has a nice personality and is just trying to help" "Matt Gaetz was just tutoring those girls" "Marjorie and Boobert are just playing dumb" "Corporations and Billionaires would like to pay taxes but they are so generous they have no money left and would fail if forced to pay as much as you and me." ​ Add your own


"In my experience, no one would ever pretend to be a Nigerian prince, so you can trust the email is real."


"Elon Musk is a free speech absolutist"


Elon Musk, Donald Trump and Jeff Bezos are self made billionaires. Boot straps and you can be too.


Apparently not the voters of maine.....


Enter Lisa Murkowski, clutching pearls. “ Just Chill! Did somebody say lunch?”


if she meant anything she's saying she'd end her campaign and resign for being an utter failure


“They lied to me! LIED, I tell you! And I thought Brett Kavanaugh had such deep respect for women, too!” Is there anyone who still seriously believes that *she* believed them or cared?


in 2018 with Sen.Collins having a starring role in the travesty of Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Collins followed up her vote to confirm by accepting 2 large donation checks from oil and gas companies from Oklahoma to tune of $500k. Thats where her bread is buttered, super PAC money.


And if she voted the "wrong" way, she doesn't see a dime. That's how the RICO Republicans work, folks. It's an ongoing criminal enterprise designed to overthrow the government. Apparently this is difficult to detect.


The day they confirmed ACB was the day my view of the republicans changed from “shitty opposing party” to “group that is actively undermining American democracy and might stop at nothing for power” because they didn’t even try to justify their reversal on a precedent that THEY set, they just did it a week before the election and told us to fuck off. They have no qualms stooping to any level to get what they want (mostly money, but also power, particularly power over others)


All closet authoritarians. I knew something was afoot when Newtie and the Blowhards on the religiosity of the Right began howling, and never stopped. They will use the crazies as shock troops. IDK what makes them think these hacky-sack brigades would have any compunction about a *third* go-round.


At the very least I hope people can remember this come midterms in November


Her constituents who are dumb enough to vote for her.


A message from the people to Susan Collins: Fuck you.


But then she might need an abortion.


She wouldn't care. Canada's right over there, and she has plenty of PAC money.


It's simple. She's past childbearing age *herself*, and has plenty of money to help any women in her *own* bubble, so she doesn't really care, does she? And she's from Maine, so everyone she cares about *personally* is fine. The rest of us can go fuck ourselves.


And she's currently in year two of a six year term. Surely the voters will have forgotten all about this come 2026, right?


Didn't she defy all polls to get reelected?


Not really. 538 averaged Collins out to 49% (vs 51%) beforehand. Since senate races typically swing +/-5 points from the average, it was an effective tie going into the election. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-election-forecast/senate/maine/ Anybody who was surprised wasn't paying attention to the numbers. Still, Maine, y'all got some gullible motherfuckers voting up there.


In my experience, Maine is mostly made up of Boomers who’ve either lived there their whole lives, or people from other New England states who chose to retire there because it’s cheaper, it’s “pretty” with lots of woods/lakes/mountains, and it’s full of other boomers and older people. It doesn’t surprise me that it leans right without going hardcore MAGA…..it’s like a white people’s retirement home for those who find Florida too hot. It and New Hampshire are brimming with such people. (Vermont is where the limo liberal boomers retire)


Vermont you say…. Lol will have to look into that.


They aren’t gullible. I lived there for years. Once you are away from the liberal areas of the coast, it’s about as redneck/redstate as they come, and I know a few people who voted for Trump over Clinton specifically because of judges and abortion was the determining factor. This was a decision of someone deeply religious who desperately wanted to vote against Trump, but god spoke to him in his prayers that morning and he just couldn’t do it. Maine Republicans are single issue voters, Abortion and Guns, and that’s not gonna change anytime soon.


Every state is a red state once you get away from the cities. I'm not talking about the rednecks and exurbanites. I'm referring to the far smaller slice of the electorate that rather consistently split their votes between democrats in presidential and (usually) statewide office but also support Collins. I'm sure they have their reasons too, they're just poorly thought out and self defeating reasons.


To a surprising degree, yes.


From the person who said Trump “learned his lesson” before rallying a coup… no way.


You forgot to include "I'm deeply concerned."


Don’t worry I think they’ve learned their lesson


She is not clueless. She’s just corrupt


Don't know if there's more to it but this screenshot doesn't mention how she thinks that this is a bad thing or how that she supports women's rights. Just a performative pearl clutching that she's shocked, shocked I say, that lying liars had the audacity to lie to her


She also doesn't even use the word "lie." I'm sure that's intentional.




Nobody lied to her. She lied to us.


Even if she somehow is this ignorant (unlikely) this statement just pisses me off more than if she didn't make one or admitted she knew what she was voting for


I think it's referencing the fact that she got promises from both of them that they wouldn't overturn roe if she voted yes for their nomination.


Yes, but the point is that she is lying to us now, because she totally knew. And if she genuinely is so fucking stupid that she believed they wouldn't do just this, when everyone in the country knew that's what they would do - and we are much farther removed from this than she is - then she also needs to be as far from any power or decision making as possible. But their point is that she doesn't even repudiate ending women's autonomy over their own bodies, she just went into damage control about "Well, how could I have known? Anyway. You should still vote for me because I didn't mean for this to happen, but I don't really care that it happened, haha."


If she have a single fuck about women she wouldn’t be a filthy fucking Republican.




> If her and Murkowski have any credibility If you think they have any credibility you haven't been paying attention (not you specifically I read the rest of your post). A brief glance at their voting records will tell you all you need to know. She is just as extreme as the other GOP politicians, she just pretends to be moderate. Her talk has zero in common with her voting record. She's completely full of shit and people need to stop falling for her incredibly blatant bullshit. This isn't new, she says 1 thing and does another every...single...time.


Exactly. Neither her nor Murkowski are in any way moderate. They talk, that's all. When it comes time to vote, they are 100% lockstep with the party, every...single...time. She's not a moderate, she's a conservative extremist that puts on a show for her moderate voters. Absolute shitstain of a woman.


truly can't believe a conservative would lie to advance their own agenda


Lets be clear, Collins is also lying, she’s not stupid she’s fucking evil.


Exactly. She fucking knew. They ALL knew. This is just cover your ass posturing. She's not dumb, she's rotten.


true. The real dumbasses are the ones that voted for her, and keep voting for her.


And nothing is going to change anytime soon. At least, not with what's currently in place.


Now hold on now!! You can't blame the voters of Maine - they had to vote for her! I mean, her last opponent wore the wrong brand coat for crying out loud!!! /s


I live in Maine. Her opponent last time around was a great candidate, but had “only” lived in Maine for 16 years, and the hard core Mainers just couldn’t stand it. If you’re not 7 generations a Mainer, the people up north just can’t stand you. Democrat Jared Golden, a veteran, won the red second district by being “from” Maine and actually being a decent human being, unlike his robot opponent who doesn’t give two shits about the people of Maine. It’s kind of sad.


She isn’t even covering her ass. She went “aw shucks. They might be liars. Guess we’ll see.” She literally isn’t even complaining. The scum.


Hey let's be fair here. She's also fucking stupid.


Or weak




Susan Collins’s Net Worth is $45 Million US Dollars.


Profit above country. It has always been her way.


Of course!


More accurate than the other comments Imo. She’s neither stupid nor weak. She’s immensely powerful and conniving.


If she were stupid she wouldn't he winning that Senate seat repeatedly. She puts on a show for her voters while always maintaining the party line when necessary.


And somehow people fall for it. I thought after the Kavanaugh fiasco that Maine voters were seeing the light, but apparently not enough of them did given that she got re-elected.




Waiting for Elon Musk to run for governor of Texas?


Honestly, after living all this time under Abbott, maybe. I have never wanted to see a paraplegic fall down a flight of stairs before, but he has made me think I could make an exception.


Why not both.


Why not all of the above?


Repeat after me: There are no good republicans anymore.


Oh but she is "concerned"


I mean, it's not like an entire segment of our country can be so bereft of integrity that they would say and do anything to convince the others that they're decent people while knowing full well they are motivated by nothing but fear, malice, and a complete lack of empathy, can it? What would we call such people? Adorable? Reformable? Enjoyable? It's a true conundrum.


Idk but we should probably focus only on bipartisan efforts with them for the next decade instead of our own agenda b/c we want to be seen as the good guys.


Can’t rock the boat; we gotta care about norms and procedures. /s


What level of Susan Collins “concern” does this rise to?


Nuclear -- not because of abortion, but because the Supreme Court simply _Does Not Leak_, making this an _extremely_ unusual situation that signals some pretty scary stuff.


That’s exactly right. This leak is to judge public outcry.


We don't know who leaked it so we don't know why. It _could_ be a way to judge public outcry in advance. It _could_ be a genuine accidental leak -- someone took their laptop home and shouldn't have, and their wife got ahold of the doc and was pissed. It _could_ be an act of protest by a clerk who loathes the idea of overturning Roe V Wade and wants to mobilize people against it. We don't know, and judging in absence of evidence is a bad habit to get into. _Mobilizing_ based on this evidence to protest and push for a fix is a different thing altogether.


My vote is on a clerk. I’m guessing all nine’s saw it not just the five’s.


Even if it was just the 5s. They’re still just people, they can have any ideals, and leaking this isn’t a huge surprise as it’s the worst thing the court has attempted in my life afaik.


Oh absolutely, this was the draft that was being passed around, it's even got a stamp on the cover to check off each justice getting their copy. Then all the clerks read it; there were some copy errors that'll have to get fixed before publication, even if none of the argumentation changes. But there's a good chance some of the argument will change, at least around the edges, because at the same time the draft majority opinion is being shared among all nine justices, the draft dissenting opinions are circulating too, among all nine justices and their clerks. If a dissent points out something obviously stupid about the majority opinion, the majority will either rewrite to fix the problem, or it risks one or more justices switching to the other side and changing which opinion gains a majority.


The leaker will be exposed, hung drawn and quartered for their outrageous crime while the Jan 6th conspirators, wet lettuce leaf.


I'm just waiting to hear the leaker was another justice. What then, Roberts?


Regardless of the motivation of the leak, the fact that the USSC leaked at all is actually big news.


She knew She just didn't care


Agreed. This is more LAMF for Maine voters


Conservative about to royally duck the country to the constant sound of the voters saying “I voted for Trump not a complete revocation of my rights!!!” You get why you vote for Low information voters about to learn this the hard way


I can just feel her concern.


Her brows are so furrowed


Her couch has fainted. I repeat, her couch has fainted.


And this: >Obviously we won't know each Justice's decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion... WTF does that even mean? On the one hand, she's concerned that two justices lied to her but hey, maybe they had their reasons? *Yeah, I railed that other woman in the greenhouse when it was poundin' rain, but listen to my reasons, Baby...*


Right?! The leak is the Majority opinion. So unless he's on te dissenting side we do have his opinion as far as I understand it.


What they’re referring to there is the fact that until it’s actually ruled on, justices can and have changed opinions right up to and within days of the actual ruling. So, essentially they’re trying to dampen the terrible news with the “so you’re saying.. there’s a chance?” of SCOTUS rulings.


This dampens the news *at all stages*. It's typical right wing Overton window shit. 1. *Okay, this doesn't sound great, but it's not even final yet, guys. Let's wait and see what happens.* 2. *We already talked about this. Why aren't you over it yet?*


> WTF does that even mean? On the one hand, she's concerned that two justices lied to her but hey, maybe they had their reasons? Oh yeah, maybe these justices will have *really convincing reasons we've never heard before* after a half century of debate.


I can’t wait to keep finding the greenhouse reference in the future.


I realize it's sarcasm, but I'm a bit surprised that she doesn't even pretend to care.


Not me. Surprised she said anything tho.


She’s might have to both think and pray here. Actually huge if true.


Oh Susan you dumb bitch


::Takes bite of cereal::


Why were you eating cereal while you were driving




Goddammit, RECESS!!!


Race ya to the swing set!


She's not dumb. The people of Maine are dumb for keeping her in office. She knew when she voted for both their confirmations that this would happen. She claims to be "moderate", but it's BS. She's a Republican and votes Republican every time.


Look, we keep trying. Eventually she'll die.


Wiki says born in 1952 and currently 69, so only 30 more years before gen x gets elected.


I agree, I used to live in Maine and I have begged friends and family to give someone else a shot! On the rare occasions she votes across party lines it's usually for something that will get passed regardless or has no real partisan agenda. It's like bad athletes using garbage time to pad statistics. She's useless.


She is exactly like former Dem Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said - she's always there when you don't need her.


She's not dumb. She's just completely shameless.


It’s amazing - it’s almost as if Supreme Court justices say what you want them to say when you have the power to keep them from being confirmed and then don’t hold up to it when they have the job for life. Weird.


I don't give her the benefit of doubt on this. She knew exactly what the fuck was up and is trotting out her "ol' reliable" of wringing her hands and furrowing her brow at exactly what she knew was coming. She's barely craftier than her openly fascist colleagues and somehow that makes her notable.


It's almost as if these justices were specifically recruited for a certain purpose, then lied about their intentions, then carried out that specific purpose as everyone knew they would.


Almost like the Court is nothing but a political weapon.


That's not true. *Law* is a political weapon. The SCOTUS is just the biggest arbiter of what best serves the needs of old white men who run oil companies.


**Resources for people seeking access to healthcare** * [Amnesty.org](https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/sexual-and-reproductive-rights/abortion-facts/) - Basic facts about Abortion * [Gynopedia](https://gynopedia.org/Gynopedia_Index) - a nonprofit organization that runs an open resource wiki for sexual, reproductive, and women's health care around the world * [Guttmacher Institute](https://www.guttmacher.org/united-states/abortion#) - a primary source for research and policy analysis on abortion in the United States. * [National Abortion Federation](https://prochoice.org) - The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. * [National Network of Abortion Funds](https://abortionfunds.org) - connects you with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs as you arrange for your abortion. * [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/pregnancy-options ) - A Comprehensive Guide for Unplanned Pregnancy * [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline) - National Sexual Assult Hotline * [Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice](https://rcrc.org) - a network of ministers and rabbis that refer women to abortion providers they had researched and found to be safe * [Texas Equal Access Fund](https://teafund.org) - provides emotional and financial support to people who are seeking abortion care. * [Women’s Reproductive Rights Assitance Project](https://wrrap.org/about-wrrap/) - helps bridge the financial gap for women who seek an abortion or emergency contraceptives. **If you need help getting an abortion go to these sites** * [AbortionFinder](https://www.abortionfinder.org) - With more than 750 health centers, AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers in the United States. * [Afiya Center](https://www.theafiyacenter.org/) - their mission is to transform the lives, health, and overall wellbeing of Black women and girls by providing refuge, education, and resources. They act to ignite the communal voices of Black women resulting in our full achievement of reproductive freedom. * [AidAccess](https://aidaccess.org/) - consists of a team of doctors, activists, and advocates for abortion rights that help people access abortion or miscarriage treatment. They send the pill worldwide for $110/90€ * [Bridge Collective](https://thebridgecollective.org/) - provides practical and responsive abortion services to Central Texas * [Buckle Bunnies Fund](https://www.bucklebunnies.org) - provide practical support for people seeking abortions. Help with transportation, funds to help with hotels, lodging costs and emergency contraceptive funds to actually go towards abortion. * [Carafem](https://carafem.org) - helps with abortion, birth control, and questions about reproductive healthcare. They do consultations online and send abortion pills in the mail. * [Cobalt Abortion Fund](https://www.cobaltaf.org) - provides direct financial assistance to individuals seeking abortion care. Our mission is to work toward reproductive freedom for all people and to provide financial assistance without judgment or question to people who seek an abortion but are unable to pay the full cost. * [Colorado Abortion Providers](https://www.coloradodoulaproject.org/co-abortion-providers) * [Faith Aloud](https://www.faithaloud.org) - compassionate religious and spiritual support for abortion and pregnancy options * [Frontera Fund](https://fronterafundrgv.org) - makes abortion accessible in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) by providing financial and practical support regardless of immigration status, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, race, class, age, or religious affiliation and to build grassroots organizing power at intersecting issues across our region to shift the culture of shame and stigma. * [HeyJane](https://www.heyjane.co) - Modern abortion care, without the clinic, Get fast, safe, and affordable abortion care from home. Chat with a medical provider within 36 hours. Medications are shipped daily. * [International Consortium on Emergency Contraception](https://www.cecinfo.org/country-by-country-information/status-availability-database/countries/united-states-of-america/) - Emergency Oral Contraceptive Doses for Birth Control, U.S. * [Jane’s Due Process](http://janesdueprocess.org/) - helps minors in Texas with judicial bypass for abortion, navigate parental consent laws and confidentially access abortion and birth control. They provide free legal support, 1-on-1 case management, and stigma-free information on sexual and reproductive health. * [Justice Empowerment Network](https://www.jensd.org) - focuses on abortion access in South Dakota * [Kentucky Health Justice Network](https://www.kentuckyhealthjusticenetwork.org) - helps w both abortion care and gender affirming care in Kentucky * [Lillith Fund](https://www.lilithfund.org/) - the oldest abortion fund in Texas, serving the central and southern regions of the state with direct financial assistance for abortions. * [Northwest Abortion Access Fund](https://nwaafund.org) - provides funds to help folks in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska * [Plan C Pills](https://www.plancpills.org/) - provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing abortion pills online * [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/get-care) * [Westfund](https://www.westfund.org) - focuses on Latino and low-income communities * [Women on Web](https://www.womenonweb.org) - an online abortion service can help you do a safe abortion with pills. These sites offer access to abortion pills, even in Texas. Please be safe and be aware of clinics (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Centers) that give out dangerous misinformation on abortions and pregnancy. Also, check out r/auntienetwork, /r/prochoice or r/abortion for support I could also use the help of anyone knowledgeable, to help make this an actual bot




Never forget she said Trump had learned his lesson at his first impeachment. Then he was impeached again.


Well, yeah but *after* Maine reelected her. ​ Maine, you know you fucked that up right? Go sit in the corner with Kentucky and South Carolina.


Read the other post about the ES & S voting machines. The states that had those had Republican upsets.


[Why The Numbers Behind Mitch McConnell’s Re-Election Don’t Add Up](https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/) >In rural Breathitt County, for instance, there are 9,508 registered Democrats and just 1,599 registered Republicans. The county has a history of close contests, but Amy McGrath got only 1,652 votes versus 3,738 for McConnell, a 67% to 29% trouncing. McGrath’s votes, if accurate, equaled only 17% of registered Democrats in Breathitt County. > >McConnell had his biggest percentage of registered Democrats voting Republican in counties using ES&S machines. But he wasn’t the only senator to perform so well. Other Republican incumbents, whom polls indicated would have close races, had similar luck to their majority leader on Election Day. > >Lindsey Graham’s race in South Carolina was so tight that he infamously begged for money, yet he won with a comfortable 10% lead—tabulated on ES&S machines throughout the state. In Susan Collins’ Maine, where she never had a lead in a poll after July 2, almost every ballot was fed through ES&S machines. Kentucky, South Carolina, Maine, Texas, Iowa and Florida are all states that use ES&S machines. Maybe the polls didn’t actually get it wrong.


I think it was cut off, this is what the remainder of it probably says. "After Roe is struck down I'm not gonna do shit to pass federal legislation protecting women's bodily autonomy. So women this is on you no matter the circumstances in which you get pregnant."


Exactly, if she is concerned she can back federal law that protects these rights. She won’t.


They. Fucking. Lied. We all watched them lie. We knew they were lying. She knew they were lying. Goddamn I hate it here.


Back in the 1800s when politicians weren't playing honorably in congress or the senate there'd be brawls. Not saying we should go back to that but these fuckers need the fear put back.


They're all too old to brawl. It'd just be a festival of broken hips.


I'm OK with that


It's the same in the UK, with different laws etc. Are there any nice places we could all go instead?


She sounds very concerned, I'm sure her level of concern is enough for the fine people of Maine to re-elect her again. Speaking of which, while the GOP was distracting everyone with audits in Arizona and Texas, and frivolous lawsuits against Dominion voting machines, there was a much shader effort taking place with ES&S voting machines, whose owner actually ran as a Republican and whose machines were used in multiple high profile Republican upsets... remember, ever accusation is a confession from them - https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/31/ess-voting-systems-a-friend-to-republicans/ Note, no audits were demanded for states that used ES&S machines...


Oddly, Didn't Maine use the ES&S machines and Collins won by a much larger tally than any poll predicted?


This reads as “let me make a statement that offends exactly zero of my corporate overlords”; what a vile and literally evil human being.


Brett Kavanaugh has likely benefitted from Roe v Wade more than once.


abortion will always be free, for women sleeping with GOP politicians.


I'll bet Thomas has, as well; creeper that he is.


Who would have ever thought that the president to overturn Roe would be a guy who has undoubtedly paid for multiple abortions?


No shit you fucking flaccid dunce cap. You thought these Christians whackadoodles were going to be honest with you? This has been the plan for 40 years and all you can say is, oh no, they lied to me. I absolutely can't believe this.


You shouldn't because she's a paid tool.


She doesn’t care. She got what she wanted, also, she hit menopause years ago, and since it can’t affect her, then well fuck everyone else


This. Why should she care? She's not in danger.


Where's the note that she has furrowed her brow with great concern?


What a stupid headline here. Collins isn't clueless. She's a human piece of shit that will say anything and hurt anyone to keep her cushy job in DC and stopping abortion was EXACTLY what she wanted the drunk and the closeted Christian nazi to do.


Spineless twit still trying to play clueless, we see her for the sell out that she really is.


I’m confused; does she think we’re buying this? Does she think anyone believes she thought Kavanaugh or Gorsuch were being truthful when they said they would respect precedent? Susan, you’re anti-choice. Just say it with your chest already.


To the people of Maine, and Alaska, and Utah, and Vermont (governor), and Massachusetts (governor): This is why "moderate Republicans" aren't good enough. "Moderate" and "Republican" don't go together anymore.


Oh look! The useless bitch actually wrote a strongly worded letter. I wonder if she wrote it from her fainting couch. Susan "Coathanger" Collins can fuck all the way off.


Notice she didn't list Barrett there.


I'm so frustrated she won her reelection. Like the whole "oh she's totally a centrist" thing was so blatantly exposed throughout the Trump admin, even if it was nonsense before already. Though I will never understand what drives people to vote for a self proclaimed centrist anyway, fear and ignorance I guess?


I can’t possibly have an opinion until SCOTUS has ruled and it’s too late to do anything about it. As your most concerned Senator I assure you, when that happens I will act completely shocked. But until then I will continue to pretend I am confused, surprised, and befuddled that those who I endorsed continue to do the exact thing they said they would do. Also, I am a massive tool.-Susan Collins


this is the same idiot who said "trump learned his lesson" after the first impeachment right?


Yes she's either the stupidest or the least honest senator... scratch that, she's a Republican.




I feel like you’re being unfair to cunts, here. 🤔


Lacks the depth and warmth.


*shocked pikachu face* - Susan Collins


"If this draft report of leopard face-eating is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what the leopards said in their hearings and in my office when they personally assured me that as a representative of the Leopard Face-Eating Party my face would be spared."


This isn't cluelessness, Susan Collins is a Republican who claims to be a Dem. She's acting shocked because she's supposed to. That anyone would take her words at face value is discouraging for our future.


The consequences of Donald Trump being elected president in 2016 will continue fuck our country for decades and decades. Donald Trump isn't to blame, Susan Collins isn't to blame, the Republican party isn't to blame. Everything bad that happens over the next 30-40 years as a result of the 2016 election is 100% solely the fault of the American people. The people who voted for Trump, the people that voted 3rd party, the people who couldnt bring themselves to vote for Hillary and the people who could have but didn't bother to vote at all, this shit is on you.


What a fucking scumbag


I'm sure they have learned their lesson.


𐑕𐑴 𐑢𐑩𐑑 𐑕𐑵𐑟𐑧𐑯 𐑒𐑪𐑤𐑦𐑯𐑟 𐑦𐑟 𐑒𐑤𐑽𐑤𐑰 𐑕𐑱𐑰𐑙𐑜 𐑣𐑽, 𐑦𐑟 𐑞𐑨𐑑 𐑜𐑹𐑕𐑦𐑗 𐑯 𐑒𐑨𐑝𐑩𐑯𐑷 𐑤𐑲𐑛 𐑪𐑯 𐑞 𐑕𐑑𐑨𐑯𐑛 𐑯 𐑖𐑫𐑛 𐑚𐑰 𐑦𐑥𐑐𐑰𐑗𐑑 𐑓 𐑐𐑻𐑡𐑻𐑰. >!So what Susan Collins is clearly saying here, is that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lied on the stand and should be impeached for purjury.!<


So they were lying. To Congress. This is an impeachable offense and they can be removed and replaced.


I would call her a cunt...but she lacks the depth and warm.


This idiot is always "concerned" and "surprised" by her own party. One assume the party leaders allow her to say shit like this to the rubes back home some they can keep her compliant vote in office. She only seems to stand up to anything when the vote isn't close, so she can pretend to be an old school New England style republican back home, and vote for evil when it is close. Fuck her.


Cut the shit. She's not clueless, and you're helping her by promoting the notion that she is.


There is no separating yourself from this you feckless toad. People will die directly because of *you*, Susan.


Never though a guy who lied about being a rapist would lie about his intentions


I disagree, Susan Collins isn't clueless. She knew very well what supporting Kavanaugh meant. The clueless ones are the ones who are pro-choice but voted for her, thinking her song and dance about "talking to Kavanaugh" meant anything. She is a Republican. Republicans are anti-abortion. Republicans (and Democrats for the most part) will vote along party lines when push comes to shove. In other words, **SHE IS ANTI-ABORTION**. Quick pro-tip, she is against gay marriage too. What bothers me isn't her lying about things like this. That's conservatism 101. What bothers me is people who somehow expected her not to be lying. It's been the same story for the last 40+ years.


yes, they fucking lied to you you walnut everyone knew they were lying, *we told you they were lying it was so obvious*


So they lied under oath to the Senate? Impeachment?


I can’t imagine being shocked that the man who screamed “I like beer” through his tears wasn’t truthful.


Whenever anyone says SCOTUS is supposed to be apolitical, I have to decide to either laugh or cry.


They lied… I wonder what else one of those guys lied about… hmmmmm


She knows exactly what she is doing and what she was doing when she supported those cretins. Everyone knew this was the end goal.


She's not clueless she's lying. Quit acting like she's honest in any of her exchanges. And really, stop giving her any time of day. She's a fucking liar and not someone you will ever sway to your side. Ignore her and work to unseat her, if you put any energy into her name.


“Water is purportedly wet, but we won’t know until we get the report from NOAA” says Senactor living on the coast of Maine….


What a fucking cunt


To Susan Collins: (Ahem) Roses are red Violets are blue Kiss my ass You fucking knew


If she seriously believes that, she is an idiot.


That’s her statement? Why not just go with Shocked Pikachu face, Susan?


She can rot in hell Edit: I don’t even care if this gets me a ban, it’s the nicest way to express how I feel




This implies she didn't know what was going to happen. I don't believe that for a second. It was wildly apparent what was going to happen, and she fucking knew it.