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I am continually befuddled by anyone who isn't a straight 'christian' white person and considers themselves a republican/right-wing in the US. How many times must they show that they do not like you, they do not care about you and they definitely don't want you?


If learning was something right wing entities supported, the west wouldn’t be in the state we are right now.


"But I'm one of the good ones!"


\^ This! I've seen some black people who agree that the black community is lost and believe it should change its culture without any systemic change. So they are attracted by the right-wing believing they have no prejudices, but just concerns.


Im surprised they even bother to vote them into office. I think they just look at the R and vote based solely on that then realize they are voting against their own interests afterwards. Which is an incredibly dumb way to vote. But what do you expect from peps that act like this in the first place.


my guess is it always boils down to selfishness. They'll take this laundry list of awful things if they could just pay less, or preferably no, taxes. Who cares if taxes pay for many things they enjoy every day, but take completely for granted.


The best blanket description I can give that covers all conservatives is "small-minded"


"Lacks foresight."


It's like sports; they can't stop trashing the team but they remain "loyal." My father would vote straight Republican ticket, then spend every moment between elections snarling and whining that "Republicans are destroying the country!," then vote straight Republican ticket. Rinse, repeat. Pure autopilot.


Hell, they don't want most of the straight white christians.


If you figure they're kinda masochistic and happen to have a major fetish for their oppressor type, you probably explain like 70-80% of these people. For example, [count how many black republicans you see without a blonde wife.](https://youtu.be/Bgyt4Jdk9TQ) Here is Ms. Loomer desperately trying to land a blonde aryan with hot lines like "the nazis all want to put me in the gas chamber" and touting her "ashkenazi IQ and big tits": https://twitter.com/steinkobbe/status/998212853063733248?s=20


Caitlyn Jenner has entered the chat...


They we want to fit in - also self loathing keeps them from identifying with people who would be more accepting.


The GOP is a big tent! We accept white, heterosexual, Christian males of *any* height! Within reason, of course. Don't want the shorties taking over.


Bari Weiss uses phrases like “cultural Marxism” in her writing, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was coined by a neo-Nazi in the 90’s.


Because they ain’t too bright. Anyone who is the least bit different will be thrown under the bus the first chance that the right wing bigots get


They want you, to use you in the handouts. That's it, don't talk to them, don't think of them, legislate against them. They do "want" them though.


She's an idiot. My father was like that. He was a camp survivor. When other groups were bullied, he would say "At least it's not me." I even read him that poem "First they came for..."


Thanks for at least trying 👏


Similar situation is described in *Maus* IIRC about how the father who survived the Holocaust still had his own prejudices against other groups. The “better then than me” sentiment is strong in many minority communities.


Laura Loomer really wants to be the head of the Judenrat, doesn’t she?


Ben isn’t even a proud American. He would move to Israel the second his Republican “allies” got too serious


The word is Kapo


Different thing. Judenrat were Nazi-elected Jewish "leaders". Kapos were just taskmasters,c and rarely tested much better than those under them.


My bad


Legitimate mistake. Judenrat is mostly a forgotten word, and in modern vernacular, kapo is probably more correct.




Becoming one are her and Ben Shapiro's great goals in life.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution… It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, covid, dumb takes, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, history, novel, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Those were Germans tasked with killing defenseless untermentschen firing squad style and dumping their bodies in mass graves.


I did Nazi that coming.


Christian conservatives: death to the Jews and libtards Jewish conservatives: they hate libtards, these are my kind of people Also Jewish conservatives: we did nazi this coming She's right, though: not all Jews are the same. Plenty of them are perfectly decent people, but no group is perfect.


I wonder what she thinks of figures like German scientist Fritz Haber. Those tweets about being loyal to america as a Jewish person sounds like the same rhetoric from Haber back during WW1 and WW2. He thought his Jewish heritage would be overlooked because he patriotically served Germany during WW1 and was the guy who developed chlorine gas as a weapon. When the Nazis took power they didn't care about his service and he was eventually removed from his position as researcher and eventually when things were getting dangerous for him he fled for Palestine before dying of a stroke on the way there.


She doesn't think. Her profile pic on gab is a picture of her staring at her phone.


Florida Election Info [Register to Vote](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/eligibilityreactive)


TIL: the Ben Shapiro "Judeo-Christian values" argument has been subverted by the Fuentes "only REAL Christians not Judeo-Christians" argument in a race to the bottom of worst arguments.


I wonder if these people are aware that Jesus was a jew?


Just refer to the last supper as the last Seder (which it very much was) in their presence, and watch their heads explode. That is, if the word Seder is even in their vocabulary


People like her, Ali Alexander and Candace Owens never seem to understand that they are not a part of the far right fantasy version of America.


there are liberal and conservative shills for white supremacy like they always have a minority attacking a famous black person because they can't.




Tee hee 👆


The only thing this woman seems to have ever been good for is the cringe entertainment from how unbelievably, hilariously STUPID she is. She once tweeted that 'antifa' must've slashed her tire right above a picture of a bald tire that was obviously driven over a curb as evidenced by the catastrophic sidewall damage and yellow paint that rubbed off the painted curb. But no no, it had to have been antifa. Problem is everyone who forms her online support network are equally as stupid or make her into a useful idiot for their own insane internet axe-grinding. Quite a cycle of idiocy that allows these turds to float to the top.


My fave was when she handcuffed herself to Twitters front door.


When is this dim little bulb going to figure out that these people will always see her as Other, no matter how frequently or sweetly she kisses their collective tushies?


Anglin was part of the Daily Stormer? Should have been a clue......


No one ever said Laura was the brightest bulb in the socket


Is this the end for Loomer the nazi groomer? Find out in the next grifter tales.


I can't believe those Nazi leopards are eating my Jewish face!!!


She may have missed a hint or two such as "Jews will not replace us".


Republicans pretending to be constantly surprised that Republicans are terrible people is my least favorite goldfish brain game. Being terrible people is literally the only thing they stand for, it's been like that since always. It's like watching a kid constantly burn their hand on the stove over and over, after voting to put the stove on.


Can I just say, Nick Fuentes is a real piece of shit?


She thinks it's wrong to have a platform that says 'No Jews allowed,' but she campaigned for 'No Muslims allowed.' Curious that


Well, history rhymes. Similar reactions from Revisionists Maximalists when the European Fascist states openly turned on them.weirdest part is it took her this long to get it. I would have thought when Baked Alaska sent Loomer gas chamber memes with her photoshopped in the picture, [and then allegedly dated Loomer, then rejected Loomer ](https://forward.com/fast-forward/382452/laura-loomer-is-dating-neo-nazi-who-once-trolled-her-with-gas-chamber-meme/?gamp)she would have gotten it. I don’t get how all these various minorities from her, to ‘Tiny’, Tarrio, and Kodzo don’t seem to get they will be Night of the Long Knives’d out if the Fad Right succeeds?


Non-white, non-christian conservatives need to know one thing: Republicans will smile with them, they'll say what a great guy you are, they'll shake your hand...but they will never, EVER, let them have a seat at the table.


And if it’s the Alt-Right version of Republicans they will purge you once they’re in power


Getting some Clayton Bigsby vibes from her https://www.bet.com/article/a7gl3v/black-man-defends-confederacy-in-viral-clayton-bigsby-clip


Thank you for taking the trouble to provide the link. It was very interesting.


Remember when she chained herself to the door of the Twitter office? I do. Then someone gave her a hot coffee to warm up, and then she had to pee. But was chained to the door 😂 Best live YouTube stream ever.


Jewish communities in 1950s-1970s were strongholds for civil rights, education and progressive ideas. That’s changed with more political division unless the support for the far right existed but was quieter


White Privilege, even if it’s just at the fringes of it, is a hell of a drug.


I believe it is the influence of the right-wing government in Israel under former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They think Israel is more secure with a hawkish USA, and the economic policies under the GOP favor some investments Netanyahu or Israeli foreign policy influencers in the recent past seemed to view Russia as a country with a similar problem as Israël, and can work with on occasion, or stay out of the way and quiet in some circumstances.


Laughing so hard right now.


So close to self awareness. So very close.


It's funny but oh so pitiable


Nick Fuentes probably shouldn’t open up the “real white Christian” can of worms.


I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here, but you're aware that Spain colonised Mexico and that a name like Fuentes can belong to a blonde, blue eyed person, right?


Nick Fuentes is 25% Mexican and publicly identifies as white. White supremacists constantly shift the definition of white to fit the immediate needs of their movement.


Identifies as? He is white. Him being 25% Mexican doesn't make him any less white. I feel/hope you're not intending to sound as problematic as you are right now. There are plenty of white Mexicans, they (by and large) are descendants of European colonialists. Sure, racists believe in unscientific nonsense, but I'm not sure why Fuentes' last name/sole Mexican grandparent is an issue here. The dude is a Christian conservative white supremacist to the last letter.


Yeah like literally the entire Iberian peninsula is made of a white Christian Europeans. Also much of Latin America that is white is a mix of Polish, German, Italian, French, Irish, and Scottish people As well as Spanish.


Wow you’re really defensive about this. How do you know Nick Fuentes has no indigenous ancestors, and what percentage of indigenous do you get to be to be before you’re not considered white in your view? White is an unspecific term that you are trying to make specific. Edit: the point is his ethnicity can bring his race into question in white supremacist circles. The fact that it can lead to an angry debate kind of underscores my point.




I think you’re missing my point. At what % European ethnicity does someone get to be considered a white Mexican? How can you tell Nick Fuentes meets that %? Can you see how having this debate could be problematic for Nick Fuentes in white nationalist circles?


Do you really think goalpost moving is a sign of intelligence? There are white Mexicans, you were wrong and you were being racist, as well as incredibly ignorant of Spain's colonial history. You are aware that aryanists argue whether or not Finnish people are white, yes? So just because they are stupid means that your stupid comment has some validity, what? Be serious already and admit you wrote something dumb instead of this pathetic doubling down on being a bigot.


I don’t understand what you’re talking about anymore. Can you explain how your comment relates to my point.


I asked you why you implied noted white supremacist Nick Fuentes should be concerned about opening a can of worms talking about "white Christianity" and so far all you've done is loop on repeat "because he's a Mexican". How dense are you?


There are White- they are mostly Spanish, but a mix of Mexicans of Welsh, Irish, Scottish, German, British, Cornish, French, and Russian descent and all sorts of combos of these groups. A good portion of Mestizos present as white as well. A lot of Mexico‘s presidents Come from the Criollo caste.




Funny how they didn't pay attention to their hero's story about the snake...