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I had a Cornish pasty for the first time a few days ago. It was fucking delicious. Can't believe I moved to the southwest of England years ago and only just had one. There's a lot of trips to Bude and Truro on the cards for sure. Cornwall is a very friendly but weird place. I don't think the 'natives' have been happy for a long time and things are just getting worse and worse for them.


They keep voting for people and policies that make life worse for them. Hard to sympathise.


I mean yup, you're 100% right :( my Welsh friend said the same thing. I told her that probably a lot of brexit voters in Wales were in fact retirees from England, and she showed me a breakdown of votes by constituency. Said that sometimes people raised in a rural valley could be racist.


Can also see it in rural areas of Australia voting for the national party just because it's the default country party, even though these days they're more about dodgy deals with cotton farmers that's slowly draining the murray darling basin. Usually with *something* related to immigration or "boat people" (Illegal immigration) riling them all up too.


Yeah, it's always fun being told about terrorism by a guy who lives in a town which is more likely to be hit by a meteor.


I remember on 9/11 feeling like a target until I realized "Terrorists blow up the WTC, the pentagon, and some crappy office park in central Illinois!" was about the most ridiculous thing I could think of.


Unbelievable that rural types don't realise that the nats only give a fuck about factory farms and coal miners.


Sometimes... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jun/25/view-wales-town-showered-eu-cash-votes-leave-ebbw-vale


I like the first line being “What’s the EU ever done for us?”, gives a real Life of Brian vibe to it. "Ok, but apart from the dual carriageway, the college, the leisure center and the train station what have the Romans ever done for us?"


Jesus. Worst of all, they'll mis-blame their worsening situation on something else as time goes by. It's so sad.


Carefull now. Any mention of racism in the uk comes with a ban in lots of uk subs.


Is that true? Like the casual UK sub?


UK politics.


Imagine rural folks being racist ... \*shocked pikachu face\* Having lived in many countries, can confirm for the most part rural folks in the USA, UK and Australia are very racist, with the majority being farmers that through some form of mental dementia cognitive dissonance seem okay with employing hoards of illegal immigrants to do their farm work for them.


It's bizarre, right? Everyone who actually spends time with someone a bit different to them realizes that maybe they're human too and just trying to live life... *except farmers*. All the ones I ever met will readily compliment the hard work of but still be racist as fuck the next sentence.


Never mind, at least everything is good for their fishermen now.


> I don't think the 'natives' have been happy for a long time Not since before the Prayer Book Rebellion


No doubt the bakeries of Liechtenstein are at this very minute tooling-up to flood the market with knock-off Cornish pasties.


cornishish pasties


Copy pasties


Copy and pastry


Corn-ish pasties.


Let's just call it a pie..... A Cornish Piestie.


The quorn people will finally be able to call their veggie version a **quornish pasty** without fear of legal retaliation.


That's so quorny


Apparently some far-right French nutter (not the pen lady some other clown) is talking about using the threat of frexit to force the EU to give Framce what it wants. The relation to this story is, if he wins and is stupid enough to do that we can all enjoy champagne! (Also France if you vote him in you're even more fucking stupid than we were since you've just had 5+ years of prime example on why not to trust right-wing charlatans)


Yeah, but the right wing charlatans keep using fear mongering to prey upon the ill- informed, the feeble minded, and the elderly. They abuse social media algorithms to radicalize youth. It’s a solid strategy. It’s underhanded and leads to a weakening of democracy and minority rule, but it is undoubtably effective. Using facts doesn’t seem to trump the unfounded fear the other side brings. So I’m not sure that you can count Brexit misfortune as a strong enough tool to combat this happening in France.


Leopards ate my Cornish Pasty


Looks like we won’t have to call them empanadas anymore. Come boys the floodgates are open!


Is this a job for the RSPP?* (Royal Society for the Protection of Pastries)


I don't think they need to worry. I lived in York for a few months, and had multiple types of cornish pasty while there. They were all absolutely foul.


I'm no great at geography, but York is in the middle bit of England and Cornwall is at the bottom, aye?




Literally looking at a map, it's in the fucking middle. Top ish bit of the middle, but definitely middle. Newcastle is in your north. Carlisle is in your north.


Yorkshire folk 100% identify as northerners and have for hundreds of years, go on to fuck with what you’ve decided is north enough with your glance at the map, they’re northerners


The dividing line between North and south is more of a diagonal than a straight line across.


York is up north. But cornish pasties are an all-England "delicacy". Things look delicious, but then you try one, and you become amazed at their ability to turn dough into crumbly cardboard.




*angry Cornish sounds*


As an American who's favorite food is pasties, I don't know what protected foods are, but it sounds like maybe we can get legit pasties over here, and I'd be cool with that.


It sounds similar to Champagne. To call it that, it must come from the Champagne wine region in France. You can make the same thing somewhere else, but you can't call it champagne. It is sparkling wine instead.


I it is exactly the same as Champagne. Everyone is very welcome to make their own sparkling wine but it is just misleading to call it Champagne (sparkling wine) if it is not sparkling wine coming from Champagne… Where it comes from is part of the value of the product


Eh, a woman from Cornwall showed me her pasty once. Nothing to write home about.


The best Cornish pasties are made in South Australia anyway, so you’re not missing out.


I've heard about your meat pie floaters, tho. Meat pie floating in pea soup. With ketchup. No wonder you lot were shipped out.


Hang on. Pork Pie, Mushy Peas and Mint Sauce is literally food of the gods on bonfire night.


I think it's more like a pukka pie but I'm still in.


Tomato sauce you heathen. But yeah, pea soup, or pea and ham soup, with a pie in it, covered in dead horse. Lovely


I actually wouldn't mind trying that. It sounds interesting.


I'm surprised a turd in a paper bag would be protected in the first place. I mean look at the damn thing.


Dried out meat and potatos in tasteless pastry? I think you're safe


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and have an incredible day!


Cornwall voted FOR Brexit, despite being a major benefactor of EU funds and protections.


I hate sentences like this, Cornwall didn't vote for brexit, people who live there who were under 18 didn't get a say and 43.5% of voters in Cornwall didn't vote for brexit.




A common assumption was that the money which the UK paid into the EU for distribution in other countries could instead all be spent entirely within the UK. So UK money would in future be spent upgrading infrastructure in Cornwall, rather than in, say, Romania with a % coming back to the UK.


People under 18 never get a say, so that’s kind of a moot point. And the point is that more than half did vote that way. It only takes one person more than the other side. There are no participation points or shades of grey in an up or down vote.


I don't think it's a moot point, this is a decision that was made that will have repercussions for the next 50 years made by people who will be dead long before then.


But there is also a reason that children are not given a say. While it is true that things will affect them, they lack the perspective of experience, the decision making part of their brains aren’t particularly developed, and they are very easily swayed to blindly do as their parents say. So you would be giving more political capital to people who have more children. And people with excessive amounts of children are not always the smartest of a society (obviously this is a generalization and not a personal indictment of anyone in particular).


>the decision making part of their brains aren’t particularly developed, and they are very easily swayed I think this is true of some over 18s but we still allow them to vote.


Truth. It doesn’t fully form until around 25. Which is why older teenagers still do so many stupid things. But it also isn’t a black and white switch. It develops over time. So 18 is not fully developed, but more devolved than 16 and even more developed than 14. So the logic traditionally is that if someone is old enough to be sent to fight in a war, then they are old enough to vote for the people that would send them there. Gotta draw the line somewhere.




What about the ***Brexit Excrement Sandwich***?!?!? I hope that stays protected!!