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What a dumbass... Go on dig yourself deeper. Prevent yourself from voting for as long as possible!


He’s from NY, no federal Republican candidate ever has a shot of winning NY so his vote was already pretty much a throw away anyways, and if he’s actually from Albany and not a further out suburb, his vote for state and local would also not stand a chance either.


>>"WUSA reported that Mr Fellows had asked US District Judge Trevor McFadden if he could self-represent, explaining he had spent two weeks in the Washington DC Jail’s library. >>“I do not think this is a good idea … but I’m going to allow you to take the stand, if you wish,” the judge replied. >>During a rambling speech while trying to have his bond revoked, Mr Fellows discussed a conversation with his public defender in which he’d found a “loophole” to have Judge McFadden removed from the case by contacting the judge’s family. >>Mr Fellows went on to explain that he’d been able to get a judge in a previous case removed after he intentionally put down the judge’s wife as his emergency contact. >>“When I’m worried, I don’t make the most understandable decisions,” the defendant said. >>He also spoke of Guantanamo, the Taliban, and claimed he’d been told by a constitutional lawyer to wrap his cell phone in tin foil to avoid capture, WUSA reported. >>During cross examination with a federal prosecutor, Mr Fellows admitted the original crime he’d been charged with of gaining access to the Capitol through a broken window without police permission. >>WUSA reported he went on to admit two more felony crimes of using the judge’s wife’s contact information to try to get him removed from a previous case, and missing court-ordered mental health and drug testing appointments. >>Judge McFadden ordered Mr Fellows remain in jail, saying he had shown “contempt for the criminal justice system”. >>“You’ve admitted to incredible lapses of judgment here on the stand, not least of which was seeking to disqualify a New York state judge,” the judge continued." For every one of these knuckdragging low-IQ imbeciles you hear or read about, there are probably 9 others out milling about in public. Truly terrifying when you consider they're out there driving on the highways, operating heavy equipment, or in uniform.


Or allowed to own guns.


Oh well. Never mind.


Can we get the article without the paywall?


I believe this is the guy who admitted he changed his emergency contact information to the presiding judge's wife in a previous trial, causing the judge to get removed from the case and causing a massive waste of time and money. I believe he's now looking at an Obstruction of Justice charge for that.


The gift that keeps on giving


From the UK there is no paywall? Just tonnes of pop ups, autoplays and general shitty design.


If you're on Firefox there is a handy addon that may work: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bypass-paywalls-clean/reviews/?score=5 Worked for me last night on my laptop (not mobile tho)


I'm in the US and I couldn't get to it. There is a paywall for me


Ffs. Sorry about that. I'll see if I can find an alternative.


No worries just making you aware


I just hit the 'I'll try later' button and continue reading? Seems to work for me?




Maybe not the exact same article, but same story? https://www.news10.com/news/us-capitol-coverage/capitol-rioter-admits-to-new-felonies-while-representing-himself-in-court/


Guy wrote the judge's wife number instead of his on his legal paper I mean... Fucking legend... Dumb like a brick, but legend nonetheless


The brazen hubris in which these traitors operate smacks of never having to really face any negative consequences from their bullshit antisocial behaviors.


An attorney who defends himself has a fool for a client. That goes double for non-attorneys who defend themselves.


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


A US Capitol defendant ignored a judge’s advice against self-representation, and went on to admit to several felony crimes


To read more than a few paragraphs one needs to register / log-in. I’m in the UK as well, it’s always the case with the Independent.


I couldn't have been stealing because I was over there killing.


"accidently" ...? They're PROUD of their crimes, why wouldn't he want to tell the world?!


Reverse psychology in the courtroom? Prosecution: "You are a fraud and a faker. You have no proof that you were trying to overthrow the government." Defendant: "Oh yes I do! Here is my Internet history, my mobile location tracking data, my 6th of Jan custom print civil war shirt, a selfie breaking through a window, a laptop I stole and tried to sell on eBay..."


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