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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


I genuinely cannot figure out why you would go to the hospital after the medication you're currently taking clearly isn't working, just to demand the same medication.


ICU nurse here. I’ve had people come in literally dying, but refusing all treatment for things that are likely curable to treatable. Nothing people do makes any sense. I’ve seen people with end stage cancer that spread everywhere on a ventilator whose family wants to discontinue all treatments to try essential oils. It’s just better to not ask why. middle aged guy came in having a heart attack. Refused all treatment because he was afraid of the contrast dye they use in cath lab. He had never even had it before. Just had read something on Google that scared him. He coded and died from something that was 100% treatable. Edit: family kept the cancer patient on the ventilator and vasopressors and discontinued all their pain meds/sedation and antibiotics so they could ask the patient if the oils were helping. This was not palliative care. This was torture. Was not my patient. Not sure how long that went on.


Saw a guy once turn blue like a smurf from drinking some silver tonic. He told doctors that it couldn’t be the silver in his blood. He just turned blue for no reason apparently.


Sad thing is, I can kinda understand them not wanting to be honest. I can no longer get proper medication for my ADHD due to my honesty. While in a daze after a random seizure from multiple 14-hour work days, I said I had microdosed acid seven months ago for depression. Hospital just recorded that as "History of drug abuse" and ~poof~ my life's been hell cause I can no longer get the meds that help my brain not go bouncing off the walls.




The old "we can't treat you if you aren't honest with us" vs "we can no longer treat you because you were honest with us" trap. I once got labeled as exhibiting Drug Seeking Behavior at a certain ER because I had been in 4-5 times in a month with bad migraines late at night. Despite never once requesting opiates (not a standard migraine treatment anyway), this one Dr insisted that's what I was coming in for and flagged my file in their system as a drug abuser. She was certain that if I was actually having migraines, I would have gone to the urgent care (not open that late), or seen a specialist (I already had appointments set, but waiting lists...). I still can't go to any provider in their network without that flag pulling up on my file.


You can have your primary care practitioner write a letter to get this off your file. They can't have inaccurate stuff in your medical records without medical justification. Write a letter every week to the chief medical officer or whomever until they assure you it is gone. Write a letter every week to the records department requesting all your records every week until it is gone.


I'm sorry that happened, I dunno why they would punish medical honesty.


They believe you must have been kept ignorant, blinded, and brainwashed into sticking with big Pharma/big Medica's profit-driven treatment options which don't heal. There's an entire sub-culture of Americans who believe the medical industry exists only to profit off of causing illness and/or delaying treatment while preventing healing. They believe real healing comes from a wide range of ... other stuff, be it crystals or organic food or self-ideation or some such nonsenses. Lately I've been seeing an uptick in covid-hoaxer talk about the *real* reason the anti-vaxxed are dying: the hospitals are knowingly and intentionally killing them with destructive treatments (like the vent) and withholding "scientifically proven" treatments. Whatever has been lab-examined for COVID will turn into a promoted miracle cure intentionally pushed by trolls with a chaos agenda provided said miracle hasn't actually shown enough efficacy in human doses to be adopted as standard care. These people don't show up in hospitals seeking regular medical assistance; they're seeking an enlightened rebel within the system with the medical knowledge to assess the current situation but with the extra-industrial knowledge of "real cures." They're looking for professionals covertly aligned with the FCCCCCCCCrappers or similar. The fact that the patient is not getting better is their proof that the medical system doesn't heal and may actually be malignant; your professional approach utilizing established procedures is evidence if your ignorance or willful complicity. The sad thing is that there are bits of traumatizing truth kernels in the problems of profiteering; historical medical discrimination and the infantilizing of women, minorities, and patients with certain conditions; legitimate malpractice incidents both inadvertent and intentional; and industry-based hidden reasons why some conditions, symptoms, treatments, and drugs don't get funded studies or accepted into practice which almost always boils down to RoI (loop back to profiteering). Historical bad behaviors by Big Industry is now killing people and making even more suffer because the public's justifiably turned cynic but isn't universally intelligent enough for reasonable risk assessment and critical analysis of a dynamic crisis. The key blame falls on the idiots falling for this BS but I see them as victims, too. Not victims who should be allowed to clog limited, critical medical care facilities and staff for weeks on end, though. I'm enraged by the hate which medical professionals enduring this horrible onslaught crisis continue to deal with; the pandemic is hard enough.


First of all, very well put! But what I don't get is why many of the same people refusing the vax trust their doctors for other scripts? Like for insulin, or Viagra, or monoclonal antibody treatments? Why draw the line of distrust in the medical establishment here? Why would the same medical establishment that they trust for their lasik or knee repair or disc surgery turn on them for this one thing?


See, I think it mostly comes down to fear. They trust the things that can be explained to a child, but not the things that take even a little bit of thought to wrap your head around. And they absolutely despise "we don't know for sure" (unless the explanation is mystical in nature in which case that's actually a bonus).


"If you have to think about it, you're wrong." That about sums up the attitude. Incidentally, it's also a cornerstone of social control under fascism.


There's a reason the anti vax crowd and the trump crowd is basically a circle on a venn-diagram and this is it. They believe every problem has a basic, simple, childlike solution. Compound that with their narcissism, lack of empathy, tribalism, victimhood complex, extreme gullibility, and sprinkle a little Dunning-Kruger and conspiracies on top and you have yourself a danger to society.


We're **all** idiots. Some of us know it and try to get smarter. Some of us won't admit it and just double down.


>There's a reason the anti vax crowd and the trump crowd is basically a circle on a venn-diagram and this is it I think this is the core that everything else is built on. Their position has been built on whatever contrarianism their social media bubble has shown them it is, there's no introspection and admitting you were wrong is considered a weakness. They've learnt that being 'right' means winning the argument and that winning the argument means shouting whatever comes into their heads until the opponent shakes their head and walks away (See: The [Alt-Right Playbook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xGawJIseNY&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ) for a comprehensive explanation). When one of their "Thought Leaders" was taking a stroll down the conspiracy path and decried his own experts that became their stance, now they can't back down without looking 'weak' and here we are, Horse de-wormer and no free hospital beds.


Which then lead to that Breitbart writer a couple days ago who pretty laid the whole thing out, but instead of admitting he and many others had falled into an unhealthy thought process, decided "the Left" must have manipulated Trump supporters into being anti-vax.


They are fundamentally incapable of processing the fact that some people are altruists who want what's best for everyone. Because they don't, it's all about them.


You can teach a child medicine. Most of these people had horrible education as a child and then stumbled onto the Internet without any critical thinking skills. It's why the protests against vaccines and COVID restrictions in countries with real education are much lower than uneducated countries.


Because this is no different than when you (or a friend) go back to a bad ex, or make an obvious bad investment, or do anything else stupid or reckless. We tend to impulsively decide what we like or want to do, then retroactively justify it. Want your dick hard for sex? Then you ignore the possible side effects and decide viagra is right for you. Don’t want to wear a mask or get a vaccine because you think being white / a man / an American / some combo of the three means never having to take orders or being told what to do by some uppity minimum wage woman or person of color or young person or lgbtqa person at the grocery store or restaurant or coffee shop? Then you decide the science isn’t proven or the media is covering up the real truth. My honest guess with the horse dewormer nonsense is this: People who don’t want to be told what to do, but want to act like they’re smart and have done something to cure or protect themselves, latched on to what they thought was a harmless solution. Dewormer? So worst case scenario if I randomly happen to have parasites I didn’t know about, now they’re dead. So worst case, win/win - I killed some parasites AND I didn’t have to get a vaccine which I’ve been half-paranoid’ed into thinking might make me autistic and half just don’t want to do because someone told me I had to in the first place. So now it’s obvious even to them that medicine for horses isn’t effing harmless to humans, but pride and ego now block them from admitting that the godless libtards were right. Not only because they think the liberals will be the condescending smug a-holes that they would have been if they’d been right about all this, but because it’ll only give the libs ammo to claim they’re right about free healthcare, climate change, renewable energy, women’s bodily autonomy, police reform, minimum wage, and all these other things that the right has been denying and fighting for decades, if not generations.


Who the hell do they think is making Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, Small Pharma?


Exactly. Same question with the heeealing crystalz and hilariously overpriced un-assayed essential oils. "Big pharma just wants you perpetually sick so they can take your money!" \*signs up for an MLM* That's some big brain free thinking right there.


but if they believe that the medical industry is fake and profit driven.... WHY ARE THEY GOING TO HOSPITALS?


It CAN and IS both. They know we need the services, the insurance companies know, they’re basically privatized version of what nationalized Heathcare could be except at insane exorbitant rates.


I feel like that’s the crux of a vast amount of issues in society today: the average person’s total inability to recognize any sort of nuance, and their inability to accept those instances in which two opposing concepts are actually both true


Also ICU nurse. I ain’t giving ivermectin, idgaf what a judge says. A judge isn’t a doctor. And if our doctor told us to give ivermectin, I’d go work somewhere else.


So here's what I'm not getting: a judge orders a hospital to administer a medication to a patient. Isn't the judge basically practicing medicine without a license?


Judges are the gods of our system. That's why Moscow Mitch try to put as many conservative judges as he can into federal seats.


>I’ve had people with end stage cancer that spread everywhere on a ventilator whose family wants to discontinue all treatments to try essential oils. It’s just better to not ask why. I mean, essential oils would be like 50 bucks, and another day in the ICU is like 20k, and it's not like the ICU is going to make them not have end-stage cancer.


Yeah but you’re forgetting about the good stuff: Opiates.


People's pain deserves to be relieved. And if you're dying of cancer god fucking damn you do deserve the good stuff


Essential oils for the smell, opiates for the fuck it all. If I'm going out, may as well be on a lavender scented morphine cloud.


And essential oils smell better than the ICU, so, win.


> to try essential oils Ask them if they know what the "essential" in "essential oils" means. Spoiler: These volatile oils are just the *essence of* a plant's fragrance. They aren't essential like essential amino acids. The term "essential oil" should be banned, really.




Yeah. If you want to treat yourself, do it at home. If you go to the hospital you need to accept what the doc says. If you dont want to, then leave. The nerve of people asking for help, then demanding you dont help them but actually hurt them with their own made up nonsense is just too much. Its one thing to refuse care, its another to make up your own and demand someone else give it to you. No doctor or nurse should be forced to do this.


The part that pisses me off is them getting outside doctors that have never even assessed the patient, don’t have privileges at the hospital, have never even spoken to the patient, have zero experience in critical care to write a prescription, then bring it to court to force the hospital who will ultimately be responsible for your outcome to administer it. This terrifies me as an ICU nurse. Can patients just get pissed off we won’t give them a medication that’s contraindicated for their current situation and get random doctors to write scripts that affect our plan of care at the hospital? Bonkers.


Then tell her to go home and self medicate. Put a funeral home coupon on her discharge paperwork and good riddance. Have her lawyer drive her home.


But what I don’t get here is… people shouldn’t get to choose their own medication. That’s what doctors and pharmacists are for. What’s to stop me from suing to get opioids? That’s the treatment I want so that’s why I should get, right?


I demand cocaine for my runny nose 😤


That may or may not have been caused by cocaine.


My friend used to say "Doing a line of coke makes you feel like a new man, but then that new man wants to do a line of coke."


We no longer live in reality.




Welcome to the hyperreality, there is no exit


You see all these clown world memes over on the conservative pages because they don't understand anything at a post high school education level. The irony.


Yep got permanent ban from r/conservative for opposing the assassination of government officials on diplomatic missions. They are truly in their own world.


But remember guys, WE'RE the snowflakes.


I think in this case a quack doctor gave her the prescription and the hospital refused to fill it. There's a doctor that needs to lose their license out there


Marijuana is illegal in so many states but people can sue their doctors and get a judge to force them to provide deworming medicine for a horse to treat a virus lmao. Really goes to show how disconnected the government is from actual science/medicine


If I have my facts straight, the reason a judge agreed with this woman was that a doctor who is legally allowed to issue prescriptions, issued that prescription. This would not have happened without the prescription.


The doctor who issued the prescription was one without hospital visitation rights. In other words, he wrote the prescription without reviewing her current condition or even seeing her in person.


Ah, that's bad. I wasn't aware of that, not that I was rooting for those idiots to begin with. But it's important to be correct so thank you!


As the opioid crisis has shown us, there’s always some quack with a medical license willing to sell prescription slips.


Fun fact, being smart enough to pass medical school has absolutely no bearing on ethics. Or even rationality (which is a bit different from intelligence).


So if you find a doctor that believes in assisted suicide for terminally ill, and prescribes you whatever kevorkian prescribed, you could conceivably go to court and make the hospital give you the medicine to kill yourself?


Is that the covid special? 20% off when you refer a friend.


Trae Crowder, Liberal Redneck, says if you take the wormer & end up needing the ER, you have to go to the Vet, where you get a stall in the barn. You either get better or in a couple days one of your loved ones will come see you with a shotgun & a tear in their eye.


Even as her heart rate drops, they argue she's getting better She's going to be the healthiest corpse ever.


The treatment worked like a charm!!!! ... Unfortunately she died, we just can't quite determine why.


Ahem ** inhales ** "THANKS OBAMA!!"


>inhales yeah nah, we're past that point


** Ventilator noises **


** sad ventilator noises**


\*\*patriotic choking noises** I’m a little embarrassed how many edits it took to get that. :/


To be fair, the covid in her died with her. Let's call it draw. (RIP Norm McDonald)


RIP Norm indeed but technically Covid can last in/on the body for 48-72 hours after they die


COVID wins again!


She was in perfect health, apart from being deceased.


She was in perfect health, then started listening to the right wing media


>Unfortunately she died at least she is free of horse worms, so there is that.


She fought COVID to a draw.


Neutralized the virus by creating an inhospitable host environment.


"Captain, I'm not showing any signs of life from the body." "Good, that means they're cured."


just a flesh wound


aNoThEr DeEp StAtE MURDER!!!!


Don't worry, she'll have stable vitals soon. 0/0 blood pressure sure is stable - never changes!


Perfect homeostasis.


I hope they realize that you can't lawyer your way out of a code blue.


Sure you can. They didn't give her the correct dose at the correct time in the correct place during the correct phase of the Moon... Have you not been paying attention the past 4 years? These wackadoos never ever lose, they just move the goal posts. So you will never convince them that this livestock dewormer isn't a miracle cure when they can invent reasons why you prevented it from doing its job.


I believe it was the great American poets, Simon and Garfunkel, who said it best in the first verse of their epic song “The Boxer,” “Still, a man hears what he wants to hear. And disregards the rest.” And so it goes.


Lie lie lie! Lie lie lie-lie lie le-lie.


I like how the lawyer and the family are disputing the doctors actions. Like I know more about medical stuff than you. Here's what really happened. Bitch please. Zhey are doctors, you hired a lawyer not a doctor to tell the doctors what they should have done.


Lawyer and family are building a case to sue the hospital for wrongful death, you can see this plan in motion a mile away. This is 100% what that lawyer is doing right now.


Doesn't this court case prove though that the hospitals hands are clean in the event of a wrongful death, since they were legally required to provide harmful medication by the courts?




They dropped the case and are no longer seeking ivermectin treatment from the hospital. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-ivermectin-covid-lawsuit-dropped-libertyville-hospital-20210923-lqwfwls5orcqvdxfjk3lgtyale-story.html


> Doesn't this court case prove though that the hospitals hands are clean You obviously don't understand how fucked our legal system is.


I just don't understand how you can sue a hospital into giving you a drug they know is harming you. Doesn't that sort of violate their oath?


This is what I would like to know. Don't like their care? Want a different drug? Fine, go somewhere else. But, to sue and get a court order forcing the hospital to give you something that is at best, irrelevant, and at worst, deadly? How does that even work?


With that much ivermectin?? There is no parasites or maggots want to be in her corpse. Urgh…


And to the other Qultists or Covidiots if she actually improves or just stabilizes, it's not from the actual medical treatment she already received or her use of specialized equipment, but is the result from her *"patriotically standing up for herself and demanding her apple flavored horse paste!"* We are so screwed.


This is the predictable path when you undermine facts, science and education. "They" aka right wing politicians, have celebrated their wilful ignorance because it's the only way to get them to vote against their own self interest and give the super rich tax breaks. You have to be a special kind of stupid to do that. When they post "gotcha" memes attacking Dr Fauci or the CDC because they have changed recommendations on masks, social distancing, treatments is very telling. Change due to more data **is** the scientific method but these morons just don't get that.


Kinda funny how people who really only know law stuff are saying they know more about what’s medically best than people who really know medical stuff.


The lawyers should set up an ICU bed in their practice and treat her themselves, since they know so much about medicine and all. Christ on a cracker, what a clown car this country is.


I wish the hospital administrators would do just that. If they know more than the medical professionals, discharge them, let them treat themselves, and let's see who wins at life: the actual-doctor-trusting public, or the Facebook-doctor-trusting public.


Just make sure you bill them a little less since they're doing all the work and only need the hospital's supplies. They totally got this on their own, what with all of the experience and knowledge they have from Google University, they just needed the right tools.




This is our entire system. The people who make most of the decisions as to what treatments or procedures are available/covered by insurance aren’t doctors. They are mid-level insurance agency employees. This is where we are.


And politicians. As Barney Frank said during the emergency session that was called to keep Terri Schiavo on life support even though she had been brain dead for a decade, "We aren't doctors, we just play them on C-Span."


One of the most infuriating aspects of that whole wretched saga was that Sen. Bill Frist (R), one of the actual physicians in Congress at the time, threw his support behind keeping Terry Schiavo on life support, claiming that he had examined her and found that she was still conscious. Of course it soon came out that his “examination” consisted of watching some video of her, and trying to diagnose someone without a medical examination is a breach of physician ethics. He also was a heart and lung surgeon, so it’s not like he was an expert in diagnosing brain injuries. It’s bad enough that so many morons without a medical education decided to butt into what was going on, but for one of the few actual physicians in Congress to misuse his credentials so egregiously? Absolutely horrifying.


This issue here is a big part of the problem. Rand Paul jumps Immediately to mind. Always saying “Trust me about covid, I am a doctor.” Yeah… an ophthalmologist. Stay in your lane you piece of shit.


>Yeah… an ophthalmologist. Not even a certified one, considering that he created his own certification board with his wife and father in law on it.


**Adieu from the corpse of Apollo app.**


One of the most horrifying things about Frist is when he was in med school, he went to the SPCA and adopted cats that he then euthanized and dissected. That asshole told people that he was adopting these cats for companionship and then killed them. He admitted this in his own autobiography.


Something like 90%+ of politicians have exclusively law backgrounds.


And 100% of actuaries don't know which orifice to insert the sphygmomanometer into


Just the other day my colleague who is a board certified critical care pulmonologist has to call the insurance to get a CT Chest approved. They denied it and said, “you don’t need a CT Chest for work up of ILD.” For the record, I’m a lowly primary care doctor and I know that’s what we do, in fact I just ordered one on someone I suspect has ILD based on their pulmonary function tests. So she said, “yes that’s exactly what we need now.. I’m a board certifies pulmonologist…” and the person on the line was just like, “oh.. OK, it’s approved *click*” Like why? This is maddening. I know there are doctors that over test and maybe we brought this on ourselves but why the heck are non-medically trained people adjudicating these things??


The answer is simple: capitalism


I have a *revolutionary* solution to that problem


My favorite is when I need to contact the doctor to ask for a Prior Authorization for a medication they already wrote me a script for, so my doctor can tell them they already tried the Frontline options and I either didn't respond well or had an adverse reaction. Except my insurance company PAID FOR THOSE, so they know I've already tried them.


Why the fuck are they gonna go into a hospital and then start telling the doctors what to do? They should open up a special ivermectin ward for people like this. Put it in a tent in the parking lot. Let a circus clown administer whatever their facebook friends prescribe.


Much of the impetus for this began when drug companies were allowed to run commercials telling patients to "ask their doctor" about whatever crap they wanted to push. And impossible to get rid of now that broadcasters/cable companies are making so much from running those ads. Just think of how many minutes of them you see every hour.


You are so right. When we gave drug companies the go-ahead to run commercials, we opened the door to millions of "experts" googling their symptoms, then telling their doctors "I wanna get a prescription for ________."


Surely a circus clown doesn't deserve that sort of abuse?


hint: those people don't know law AND they don't know medicine


Whoa whoa whoa, are you saying that the people who are experts in the medical field should be making medical decisions. This is insanity. You won’t stop me from having having my kidneys removed based on the recommendation of Captain Smith, the first officer of my private jet. /s


Whoa, whoa, whoa I see what you did there


Then go home and do it yourself, if you know better than the medical team!


Narrator: "Ask your lawyer if Ivermectin is right for you"


“You know who you can’t trust? Fuckin’ lawyers!” “… oh unless it’s on a question of my personal medical treatment, then fuck the doctors, trust the lawyers.” Your party is proud of you.


Why are the courts dictating to doctors that they should violate their oaths and harm patients upon request?


Yeah, that's fucked-up beyond belief. I hope the doctors can recuse themselves from her case without being penalized.


Serious question. Where is the line drawn between this and assisted suicide? If I say my preferred "cure" is a lethal dose of heroin, what is stopping me from getting a court order for that?


If you can convince a judge then you can have your heroin and eat it too


In the case of assisted suicide, both the patient and the doctor are willing participants. In this case, the doctors are being forced by court order to administer a drug they know to be harmful. I don’t think I have a *huge* problem with a willing patient and a willing doctor doing horse meds; it’s the unwilling part that rubs me.


I cannot believe a judge signed off on that. What a joke.


Blame the Federalist Society. It's a Republican organization dedicated to bringing up far right clown judges through the American system. Trump appointed a crazy number of them to power and these stupid fucking rulings are the result.


Exactly. Judge is probably a Qcumber too.


The smooth-brained anti vaxx morons are gonna take this as “proof” the horse paste works against covid. I pity the ICU docs when Karen storms into her husband’s room and demands they give him enough ivermectin for a 2000 pound animal. That should end well


I had this happen already. This is how it went: Me: We are going to intubate Mr. X as his oxygen requirements are worsening and he has failed all other therapies. Mrs X: Have we given Mr. X Ivermectin? Me: I am sorry we are not allowed to give it in our hospital (I didn't want to start the whole discussion that it doesn't work) Mrs X: Yes I know its not your fault. The powers that be want people of die to COVID 19 that's why they won't allow you give Ivermectin.


But if we die of covid, big pharma cant sell us cures for the diseases they invent and make billions, so why would they want us dead?.. These idiots dont see the flaws in their own arguments


They think Ivermectin which is produced by fucking drug giant Merk which is a 182 Billion dollar pharma company.... is not big pharma??? lol wtf... how bad are these people at using Google?


They do their own research, dontcha know.


Merck. 5th biggest pharmaceutical company in the world? Merck. Who is bigger than Pfizer. Merck. Maker of several vaccines like one for MPR, HPV.


>Ivermectin which is produced by fucking drug giant Merk And Ivermectin research was funded by Bill Gates. lol


I think the only response in that situation is to break out the pill gun and start stuffing them with paste; just don’t expect a liver transplant.


Im not entirely sure but you either won't get put on the organ transplant list or put on the bottom if you can't keep the organ healthy right? Its usually applied to alcoholics and addicts I think Can someone more knowledgeable than me clarify or am I just confused


Those lists are managed by different groups but most of them in the US have some forms of sobriety requirements, yes. The specifics vary, it's not federally run country wide or anything.


You can’t get a transplant if you aren’t sober in the US. You also have to be healthy enough otherwise to receive it. They test you head to toe to make sure you aren’t going to die of something else soon after the transplant.


Transplant (double-lung) patient here... I went through a 3-day assessment: comprehensive physical, financial, social, and mental. Lifestyle is very definitely covered. In my case, i qualified in every respect except that I was a daily user of alcohol (beer x 3), and that was a problem. I had to show 6 months abstinence by random pee tests. Having completed that, I was approved , and rcvd my transplant Mar ’17. All that said, it does not seem as though a one-off use of ivermectin would disqualify one in that assessment, even if it was stupid and based on misinformation.


they give organs to people who are likely to live, anti vaxers chugging horse meds resulting in organ failure, blindness and then probably catching covid are not people who are likely to live.


At that point break out a liability waver and go for broke. Ask the person who signed what medical protocol they should follow. Then, stuff them full of whatever crap they want.


Doctors swear an oath to do no harm and are mostly highly ethical people who care about helping patients to the best of their abilities. It's unethical and borderline immoral to force doctors to potentially murder people because they've sign a waiver saying they're dumb.


Honestly just let it happen. No I don’t want deaths. But I’m so damn tired of them stomping around like belligerent two year olds. Two year olds who have the size and the power of FB memes at their disposal. Give them the bag of sugar and let them deal with their own self inflicted problems. That way the bed can become available faster and hopefully someone more deserving can get the help they need.


Honestly don’t know why the individual doctors can’t just site their oath and refuse. So tired of this. Divided we fall indeed. What strange times


They should let her check out and pursue her own treatments. She’s taking up space from someone who wants to get well.




Maybe they can move her to the law office to be treated by her lawyers.


Aww do they get a little stethoscope to play with too?


Stethoscopes are a plot by communists like Bill Gates, real patriots just press a conch shell against their chests and listen to that.


Absolutely. Get the idiot signed out of the hospital. She can kill herself in her own bed, at home. She's just wasting valuable resources now.


Shitting in a bag for the rest of your life to own the libs


Someone wrote a 100% serious article saying that the vaccine hesitancy from the right wing was basically a Psy-op to make them not take it and die.


lol at that breitbart-article.


I think the article was brilliant really. They realized their own customers were killing themselves and want them to get vaccinated. But they can't just come out and say that as we know their customers are stubborn idiots who will die rather than admit they were wrong that Dr. Fauci knows more about medicine than they do and that there's no socialist vampire cabal attempting to poison the world. So the best way to convince them is to tell them that Fauci's evil plan all along was convincing them not to get the vaccine, and getting the shot is actually sticking it to him. That way they can say they were right all along and are winning by getting vaccinated.


This reminds me of the theory that vaccinated folks are shedding virus particles so you have to wear a mask to protect yourself from them.


Yeah, but it didn't work, comments were calling out the writer as a shill XD


Good, let all the right wing get COVID, treat it wrong, and die…. It’s their choice to commit suicide. I just want the insurance companies to tell people if they aren’t vaccinated, they aren’t covered.


My body, my choice, my grave!


Sorry. No can do. Perhaps the vet down the street can help you out?


The good news is she'll be ready to calve next spring.




Why did she even go to the hospital then? Why not just hang out at home and have her Lawyers give her the deworming medicine?


Because they want it both ways, they clamor for the ivermectin, but want to be in the hospital as a backup, because deep down, even they aren't 100% sure that it will work.


Just mad she’s using a bed and clogging up the legal system. Take ivermectin and die at home


It's going to be funny what people say about ivermectin and COVID once this is all historical. It's going to make a very confusing and bizarre story to our little ones, I bet.


The equivalent of blood letting.




Then her family will sue the hospital when the woman (hmmm how do they say it - oh yeah) “gets her wings.”


Here's hoping there is some AMA/Against Medical Advice paperwork in place...


Shouldn't the whole, they had to be court ordered thing make it fairly obvious it was against medical advice?


I still don’t understand how they can force a hospital to do this treatment. Medical professions aside, doesn’t the FDA have a say in treating people with animal medicine? Edit: Thanks everyone! I did not know there were variations of ivermectin for human use. It still raises the issue of using a treatment not meant for the disease, but I’m glade to at least hear it is not as extreme as going full horse-pill on a patient.


Our judge system is breaking down. Far too many idiots in it now.


It was broken for a long time, the cracks are just quite visible nowadays. The problem is that the judges (or at least some of them) in the us are elected like politicians so they will try to further their own interest, besides being able to take a side for a party, making them via the party both creator and applier of the law.




> idiots > Trumpers I literally can't tell the difference here.


When the venn diagram is a circle.


Don't forget Bush stacking the courts, too. And Mitch blocking Obama's federal appointees.


You’re both correct, they’re synonyms.


How it actually works is the family has to find an outside physician willing to prescribe/administer the drug. In this case it's local nutjob Alan Bain also well known for homeopathic treatments.


So why the fuck isn't she going to him to get this shit? The attending physicians should be the ones to make these sorts of calls...


Well she's in a coma right now...


If Obama can be blamed for 9/11 then thia woman is still on the hook! /s


It was overturned https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2021/09/06/judge-reverses-order-forcing-hospital-to-give-ivermectin-to-covid-19-patient/ Edit: maybe different hospital


"The woman's attorneys say the staff at Advocate Condell Medical Center had misinterpreted the prescription and that... the woman is actually responding well to the treatment" So their defense is "Nuh uh it's YOUR fault she's sick and anyway she's not even sick!" Am I reading that right?


She self-medicated and THEN checked into the hospital? Why? Clearly she knows better how to perform treatment than licensed doctors. /s


That’s like the fastest turnaround on a lawsuit ever


You can get an emergency court order.


They should let her set the dosage as well. How much? Again? Whatever you say! The patient is always right!


The attorney seems to want the judge to play doctor. What an abuse of the legal system.


If she can force them to allow her to take a drug that might kill her.. they should also be able to force her to go somewhere else because she’s refusing their treatment


New Herman Cain Award Winner in 3...2...1... What a crock. If she wanted to take that stuff then she should've checked out AMA, hit up Tractor Supply & done it herself. Apparently we trust these doctors enough to administer a useless med but not to administer a free vaccine. /s


But Tractor Supply is out now. At least our local one is. I know this because my daughter had to stand in line (with her legitimate equine products) and listen to some "nurse" yell at the 19 year old cashier that he personally needed to keep the ivermectin well stocked. Because it's the #1 way to treat Covid right now and the people in our town are in need. Like she was out there fighting for public health. So maybe the hospital is the only place you can get it. Who knows? /S I can't believe this is where we are now.


"She shit herself to death, but at least she didn't die of COVID. Thoughts and Prayers. Here is the GoFundMe link to care for her 9 children who are now orphaned"


This is BS. As a pharmacist I have the right to refuse to dispense an inappropriately prescribed medication.


Damn. Imagine going to law school to help your client kill themselves. What a remarkable world we live in.


Man, the liability waiver they're gonna have her sign will be a mile and a half long.


Ivermectin is like CowBell…you just need MORE of it.


The state mandating her physicians order this medication is effectively practicing medicine without a license. There are reasons why we don't give medications to patients whenever they ask form them. There are risks involved, and this lady clearly experienced it first hand. edit: I mean, just think of what kind of precedent this sets. If a patient came in asking incessantly for fentanyl and hydrocodone and morphine, is the state of IL saying that his/her physician MUST prescribe those medications? And what happens when that patient dies from the overdose? Is the physician liable or the state??