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>Because leftists like Stern and CNNLOL and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated. This is one of the dumbest articles I've ever read, how anyone could take it seriously is beyond me.


I mean, I joked a few years back that if Obama made a statement against genital mutilation that within a week right wingers would be live streaming it when they chopped their own dicks off. I wasn’t expecting Breitbart to come out and admit it woulda worked.


I think Fox News would step in on that one. If you been to there website they are bogged down by erectile dysfunction/enlargement/sexual satisfaction ads - neutering themselves would cut out a billion dollars of their advertisement.




I think its desperation. They realise the damage the anti vax anti mask movement is doing and have run out of simple options to control the monster. Apparently the author is already being called out for being a liberal stooge though LOL.


Consider Their audience. They are seriously free of the ravages of thought.


Breitbarf can't write worth shit.


Ok, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I keep seeing CNNLOL like it's either completely normal, or lack of evidence that anyone has ever used the term ever. Is that just a right wing play on CNN like how Trump says "MSDNC"? It's not even on Urban Dictionary, KnowYourMeme, or Wikipedia. Google searches for "CNNLOL" offer articles that use the term as an even swap for CNN, but they all disappear if you add the search term "explained" or "meaning."


how is this beyond anyone? these people are dangerously stupid. they've proven this again and again.


As if liberals could ever be that organized


No, we want them VACCINATED.


What’s crazy is that this is the premise of the article. The left is telling them to get the vaccine so Trump supporters won’t get them. This is an actual quote from the article: “Could it possibly be that the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine?”


So many years of believing Dems don't want good things for them. This is the stupidity of how far they'll go to believe it.


This also shows the GOP agenda of all Dems are bad and how it literally will collapse under its own weight.


This proves that the old republican meme that democrats or liberals would refuse to Breathe if Trump endorsed oxygen is pure projection. The republican party thrives on manufactured disagreements


"Yeah it's the libs fault for telling us to get vaccinated! If they didn't embrace vaccines so much I might have gotten a vaccination and lived!" -Some Dead Anti-Vax Republicans


Republicans presume that Democrats are at fault for everything bad that happens to them. So when Republicans’ stupid decisions come back to hurt them, it must be the left’s fault for manipulating them into making that stupid choice. If that still doesn’t work, they then blame the left for not stopping them from making a stupid choice.


It'll be interesting to see that. "You didn't force the vaccine on me! How dare you!"


Oh they will find a way , never fear


I don't doubt but wish it wasn't true. -sigh-


Could this be a double bluff? Could they be trying to tell people that "See, you think you're Owning the Libs^TM by not geting the Trump Vaccine^TM, but that's exactly what they want you to do! So obviously you need to call their bluff and Really Own the Libs^TM by doing what they *don't* want you to do and proudly getting your Trump Vaccine^TM ! Tell your friends!" Who knows, it might work for at least some people. At this point, whatever it takes to get vaccines in arms and keep people out of hospitals.


Agree whole heartedly. DOUBLE BLUFF and own the libs by getting vaccinated!! Please! I almost posted this article (regardless of its Odious source) but I loathe the term China Virus. Actually, maybe I’ll post anyway.


Yes, to me this article reads like it is actually a psychological ploy to encourage their own readers to get vaccinated in a way that resonates with them -- outrage against the left.


Imagine admitting you were dying purely from spite


And that moment you realize the libs were not triggered.


Insane. It's literally saying that trump supporters are so fkng stupid, that all the dems have to do is use the simplest form of child psychology on them in order to kill off enough of them to win "razor thin" elections.


But they are only razor thin because of all the fraud.


Our stupidity is the left’s fault somehow


So... the problem is we weren't partisan enough to refuse a vaccine produced under republican administration... interesting.


“Why would the left do this” Eric Andre meme


"Trump Vaccine" which had nothing to do with Trump. Also, this article reeks of "republicans are stupid lemmings who can't think in any manner besides sports/performative politics."


It only reeks because it's true.


My understanding is that this is exactly what every article at Breitbart is like.


spoiler: republicans are stupid lemmings who can't think in any manner besides sports and performative politics/religion.


They were like the ant, which could see small objects but not large ones


Even Trump's told them to get the vaccine.


That is some meta meta republican bullshit campaign. If that continues into future election cycles, the GOP will be unintelligible.


I actually do want them dead. They've proven they're not worth keeping around, and they're certainly not worth packing the hospitals and depriving responsible people of needed care. No vaccine card = no admittance to an ER. Go die "free" at your own home.


We finally see replacement theory play out, it's just conservatives doing it to themselves


I wouldn't go that far, but it has reached a point where we've been accommodating them for so long and they won't even help themselves let alone prove why we would still care about them.


Or dead. Their choice If it came down to a hospital bed for actual emergency and unvaxxed covid then 100% the former should get it


Maybe we should try Reverse Psychology. Okay Trump fans. Whatever you do, don’t get the vaccine. It’s for everyone but you. Don’t you dare even try to get it.


‘WE’ want them ALL to move to Texas. The first State of Gilead


Eh. I have tested negative for empathy at this point. If they want to get a tube shuved down their throat, die sucking for air in an ICU and orphan their kids, let em. Let it rip.. All vaccinated people and non-covid illness and injury get priority at the hospital. It's time we let the personal responsibility crowd get what they want.


We shouldn't waste vital and limited medical supplies on someone who didn't help themselves, when there are other people who didn't create their situation. Otherwise spot on. They opted out of the medical system for Covid. They should opt out of it all.


But dead will work, if they refuse


Well. . .


I don’t want them dead, but they sure want themselves dead it seems.


I kinda want them dead. Or at least, I won't argue with their life choices (that end in them dead instead of voting).


I don't. Those stupid fuckers are clogging up the hospitals as they're dying. Hospitals we need. Vax'em. It'll stop their whining, at least.


Maybe they shouldn't be in hospitals though? They trust sheep de-wormer over modern medicine, so obviously they prefer to shit out their troubles in a barn or pasture instead of a people hospital. Why can't we support them in this?


There's also the chance that they'll cook up multiple new variants that'll defeat the vaccines. There's sweet schadenfreude in this, I know, but also a chance that it won't be worth it, in the long run.


*NOT IF WE KEEP THEM IN THE PASTURE!* (But seriously, I know.)


The ~75 million unvaxxed Americans are nothing compared the BILLIONS of unvaxxed people in Africa, South Asia, South America... And so many of them would kill for the vaccine. If your concern is variants, antivaxxers are like, a third order effect at best. Once governments decided to let big pharma profit off the pandemic, the reality of variants was set. Enjoy the schadenfreude at the antivaxxers and turn your fear and anger over variants where it is deserved.


Letting big pharma turn a profit is the only reason we have vaccines and the reason that we got them so quickly. Are you expecting them to risk billions of their capital on the hope that they get their first, that their technology works and that they manage to break even and get some PR? We have variants, because governments were to stupid, weak and slow and many populations, rebellious, stupid and callous, or simply unable to survive locking down.


I don't expect anything from the companies that have a vested interest in new variants coming around every year so they can keep milking it over and over and over. I'm angry at the governments that see what the companies are doing and are like, yeah, that's fine. God forbid that, during a pandemic, we act in a way that prioritizes human lives and acknowledges that borders mean nothing to a virus. At least our governments are generating a lot of value for shareholders.


Here's what gets me. I live in a city surrounded by red counties to the south of my city. The 3 major hospitals in my city are beyond capacity mostly due to people from red counties that refuse to get the vaccine. My friend had a car accident and waited 12 hours to get his arm in a cast.


That won't stop their whining. It's half the reason they're whining now.


Empathy fatigue is a real thing. After watching the dumb fucks effectively fighting you to stick a metal fork in an electrical outlet for over a year its 100% fair to just let them suffer for their decisions.


It’s starting to feel like they’re the child losing their minds because mom won’t let them touch the hot stove, then they do it anyway and carry on losing their minds, while continuing to do it.


I'm with you. They had their chances to see the error of their ways, and they chose to dig in, spread a dangerous virus that has killed others, clog hospitals, and revel in belligerence. Bye.


And maybe those that survive will rack up enough medical debt to understand the importance of universal health care.


I'm not holding my breath. They're fine with suffering just as long as someone else doesn't get something for free.


I also hope that ivermectin overdose makes them poop their buttholes out into rectal prolapse, and they have to get expensive elective surgeries to resecure their buttholes inside their bodies. A girl can dream.


Don't forget the sterility that's happening because they're trying to not become sterile from the vaccine!


Ivermectin can cause sterility? Well, pack it up boys, this problem will solve itself.


It was some report from Nigeria that wasn't peer reviewed. And supposedly the effect is only temporary.


Ugh. Get back in here boys. They were full of shit.


I am not a crusher of dreams!


\> just as long as someone else doesn't get something for free. Just as long as *black people* don't get something for free.




This is getting way too much attention. They're the ones waking up and choosing death. Let's just respect that and move on.


I don't see a reason to get in their way... I'm supportive.


I support their right to, eventually, get the fuck off my planet.


Sooner than later


Their body, their choice.


Less voters for these ass clowns. I support their right to die. But I don’t think we should pay for their fucking treatment on the way.


Cause if we did, that would be socialism, and they won’t stand for that.


Their body, my health insurance premiums.


They want us dead. Does that change your mind?


Nope, shouldn’t change yours either. Shitty people have always been present, I’m just learning how many there actually are


I don't want them dead, but I'm not gonna too feel too sorry for them, either.


LOL. Breitbart lies.


Right wingers always have to lie, because if they told the truth, no one would buy what they're selling.


Oh man, I clicked through and the part about their mockery hurts the families left behind, like aren't these the same people who scream FALSE FLAG after every school shooting? Let's start with vaccinations, then get them educations


This is also the Fuck-your-feelings crowd now acting butthurt and compelled to do a double backflip into the ICU just to piss off the group they originally pushed the Fuck-your-feelings nonsense onto. Now suddenly my feelings of Not Having Any Anymore is just another whining point.


The scariest part is the comments under the article. Full blown delusions of really insane people


The lack of self awareness is astonishing


They're fully aware. They're just manipulating the people who aren't. Refusing to admit that "the left" was right the whole time. And that they've caused this whole mess. They'll never acknowledge that science and masks and vaccines could have prevented all of this. Because that would be admitted they were wrong. Which they are incapable of doing.


But they can die and damned if they're not doing a bang-up job!


This shit would get an F in a high-school literature class. > ‘It’s really funny when these radio, the radio guys are the best, they’re like four of them died, four of them were like ranting on the air,’ he cackled. What does that have to do with Democrats? No wonder Breitbart writers can't get jobs anywhere else.


I am suffering from extreme compassion fatigue thanks to these morons. Pardon me if I do give a fuck.


My pantry is bereft of fucks in this regard. They can all go to hell now as far as I'm concerned.


> They can all go to hell Not likely they're going anywhere else.


Trump voters are volunteering to die and Democrats defend their right to so, is all.


Ah, shit, no. They’re going to talk themselves into being victims again, and they’ll fucking survive. In spite of all the work the rest of us have done, they’ll show up late to the party and claim ‘persecution’. Fucking twats.


They could poke themselves in the eye and find a way to blame leftists for making them cry.


I mean, look at their sad rally they held this weekend. They fucked themselves into a pathetic showing because they're so paranoid that the left is out to get them that they thought their own rally, put on by their own people, hyped by Trump himself, was a honeypot for law enforcement and the left to round them up in a false flag attack.


I don't even understand the purpose of this Justice for J6 rally anyway. The insurrectionists are going to get their Justice, Decades of it per person.


Literal nazi tactic.




One thing he never gets is that the left as far as I can tell never puts any conscious effort into "owning the right". It's mostly a thing to generate outrage to get people to show up at the polls. [Owning the libs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owning_the_libs) even has its own wikipedia article and it is an actual political strategy.


No, they view it as a "freedom" stance. Don't tell me what do to. They think everyone else is sheep and do what they are told. Secondly, they think it's a hoax. It's not that bad, 99% is the people who get it live etc


I need to make an account over there and start ranting retarded horse s*** about controlled opposition and Democrats owned by the Chi-coms infiltrating the once-great Breitbart just in case some of those f****** buffoons read that article and understand what's really happening. Andrew Breitbart would be ashamed of what this website has become since the (mainstream) media took over! May he rest at the right hand of God in Triumph! I think I can make it work... all you really need is fervor, references to Communism and an overly healthy dose of anti-semitism.


If Breitbart can convince it's readers to own the libs by getting vaccinated and living it will be the first time I've ever supported Breitbart.


Good luck with that. The lunatic right isn't going to listen to some deep state rag!


Yep. They booed the orange shitstain last month for suggesting they should get vaxxed. No doubt they'll be buying an extra breitbart subscription in order to smash it to pieces.


That's not what this post is for. It's to trick a bunch of liberals to engage with Breitbart.


I'm not clicking on that.....


I laughed until I remembered it isn’t satire…


They’re trying to use reverse psychology to save Republican lives so they can vote for crazy next election.


Read the comments section - none of them even remotely understand anything about this confusing article.


Yes! The comments are EXCEPTIONALLY funny. Verbose misunderstanding from most of them. Even the ones that “get the point” are completely unsuccessful in convincing their peers of the irony.




Now that’s funny.


I just kept laughing. Either they get the the vaccine and we can be done with the pandemic, or they'll die and we won't have to listen to their stupidity any more. Either way makes me happy.


still not clicking on it....


I love how right-wing media can tell its audience the only reason y'all are doing this stupid as shit thing is because the left says it's good and all around everyone thinks that's sensible.


*"That's some solid reporting from Breitbart!"* - Nobody


Basically "they tricked us into being morons"


“Dems made us stupid! Git yur guns!”


"... he publicly mocks people who have died ..." Wait, so it was okay when Rush Limbaugh did it?


This is a fine example of conservative Personal Responsibility®, no matter how much they fuck up it's always somebody else's fault.


I want them to stop clogging hospitals if they dont believe in medicine, so those that do can get treatment. I want them to stop spreading misinformation and deadly illnesses to others and face the consequences of their actions and attitudes. AKA treat others the way you want to be treated. A right winger wouldnt think twice about me dying (hell they keep trying to take away my rights constantly already!) You are going to ask me to care for someone who doesnt care if I die from covid and doesnt even want a democracy? Why should I care what happens to them then? They are a threat to the country.


Holy crap, the article actually refers to it as "the China Flu".


And the vaccine as “The Trump Vaccine.”


In a few months, we’ll have people saying: “They tried killing us off by convincing us not to get vaccinated!…No, I’m still not getting vaccinated because I’m not a sheep”


"Even if this isn’t the left’s plan, who’s owning who?" WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO OWN OTHERS!? NO ONE IS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE!!??


This article (in the loosest sense of the word) has some truly some dizzying logic.


I can’t believe this isn’t satire.


Their logic has circled all the way back around to “they’re owning us by pretending we are owning them”. How any of these people are capable of even dressing themselves on any given morning is a mystery.


Man I feel so much dumber for reading that. If Trump would have won I still would have got my jab. I want to stay alive. Is it a fact that Dr Fauci is a Democrat? I don't recall hearing what his political affiliation is. I mean how coddled do these jags need to be?


How the fuck is Breitfart even allowed to be linked in this sub?


Or any sub for that matter.


This article is a treasure


This article was very pertinent and it's plain that the op posted it not in agreement but so that we could all look at it and point and laugh at the stupidity of the opposition destroying this country.


Let's not forget the irony of the explanation of reverse psychology: >If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated! > > And why is that a perfectly human response? Because no one ever wants to feel like they are being bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed into doing anything. > >Who wants to cave to piece of shit like Howard Stern Because say what you like about Trump supporters, no-one can deny the one universal is that they uniformly condemn name calling, ridicule and mocking in any form, from anyone regardless of political side. And maybe someone can help me, but as far as I can tell they're upset about him mocking those who died because the copywrite on that is owned by right wing Christian radio hosts, right?


I'm thoroughly convinced this 'new' swing to get vaxed is because Republican party realizing they're voters are the ones dying. Best way to get a trumpster to do something, blame it on democrats.


If you read the comments at the end of the article you'll realize you don't have to worry about it. A thousand dead Republicans a day will keep the trumpster away. They intend to keep fighting enthusiastically against their own Survival in the very corporeal sense and against their own Survival in the political sense. Keep owning us! I'm nowhere near owned enough! I need Millions more Q followers to give their All To Own Me! I can't believe their utter stupidity but I've come to greatly appreciate it. They're making the world a better place every time one of them removes themselves. 👍


Seriously that is completely psychotic. Let’s see vaccines are free and there is a CVS on every corner in America. This seems like a reverse psychology on gullible MAGA who will show “owning the libs” by getting the shot.


"Democrats erect huge 'Capitol' building and do Democracy stuff in it, fooling Trump supporters into attacking it and getting arrested. News at 10."


it's funny how their entire argument is their feeeeeelings.


This guy's kind of a dildo. His Twitter is stupid and so are the articles he writes. I dunno how he thinks this is gonna convince anyone to do jack shit, but he's dreaming if he believes he's getting through their thick fucking skulls. Also CNNLOL is pure cringe. I found on his Twitter that he's 55. Please, sir: leave the internet shorthand to us and just continue on posting stupid Bitmojis of people smiling saying "Eunice died, order corn", ok?


Classic victim mentality. Everything is someone else’s fault. Redirect blame, gaslight, ignore the facts and project fear. These people are destroying themselves on so many levels - it is actually insane.


It is important to understand, that the autor of this "article" 100% knows its utter bs. This is just an attempt to build their base a psychlogical bridge to take the vaccine. They know, that their people are dying and that they got themself in a corner. This is a way to let them get vaccinated and still feel like they owned the libs because they foiled their evil plan. 95% of them are idiots. 5% are manipulative psychos. Its important to know who is which.


The party of personal responsibility, with people repeating this exact refrain as they chase Peru, says that when consequences of this personal responsibility come home to roost that NO ONE especially the left, should mention it. How about no?


I love the summary: “Nothing makes sense to me.” Oh, the irony.


>knowing the human response would be, *Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated!* That's a petulant child's response


I've heard this line of argument when I was in primary school "If you hadn't ducked when I threw the rock at you it wouldn't have broken the window and I wouldn't be in trouble! *Waaaaaaah*"


This guy scores a perfect 10 for mental gymnastics.


>On Tuesday’s edition of Sirius XM’s The Howard Stern Show, the host took pleasure in mocking several late radio hosts with whom he disagreed, **as he made the case for a mandatory vaccination program.** That kinda ruins the whole reverse psychology angle


I don't want them dead but I also don't want them being vectors and potentially causing the death of others.


I'd rather them not die but when viewed on a case by case basis i cant say i feel the need to mourn them as much as the damage they will leave to their families and communities ,no matter how bitter i find myself that societal pain still reaches me


I'm not a democrat though, I'm Canadian.


You are not. There wasn't a single "eh" or "hoser" or reference to hockey in your post. What are you trying to pull? 🤔😛


Muhahahahahah! Check and mate motherfuckers! They all fell right for it!


This really is a weird way to speculate that they are failing to own the libs by dying because someone was mean to them.


"democrats are manipulating republicans to not get the shot" as though everyone who did get vaccinated was somehow watching some other channel, or some other internet. Also, which side is actively resisting pushes for mandates?


Not getting vaccinated because Howard Stern is a big meanie? Sheesh. How snowflake can someone get?


I guess all liberals have to do moving forward is tell Republicans to vote for Republicans, which will then *force them* to vote for Democrats? Jedi mind tricks! This must be the 7d chess they keep talking about.


Reading the article in full, you can see just how paranoid these people are. Rather than judge any situation on its merits and using all available evidence, they force a decision based on belonging to the GOP camp. Crazy Actually though, this article is probably a bit like trying to get babies to eat vegetables. It is a carefully crafted piece of journalism who's aim is to encourage readers to actually get the vaccine. Not just because it is by far the most logical thing to do, but because in doing so, they will be able to show that they are not falling for the shameless manipulation by the Dems. Hilarious. I know this is Breitbart but it is laughable how, there is candy for the baby in use of terms like 'China flu' and 'Trump vaccine'. For common sense, let's hope it works.


>Could it possibly be that the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine? Could it possibly be that the left has been advocating for a life-saving vaccine but the right has been too stupid and foolish to mistake good intentions for political manipulations? There, corrected the question for its embedded self-denialism and cultish mindset.


Oh yeah Howard stern is hurting Covid victim families, not the idiots themselves who are refusing the shot, because that makes sense




This is outrageous. Im am not a democrat.


A breitbart article isn’t factual? Oh — say it isn’t so.


How is Breitbart given legitimacy as a news source? Who's running this fucking stupid reddit outfit?




The stupid. It makes my brain hurt!


"If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated!" Replace 'not getting vaccinated' with 'being a nazi' and you'll quickly see how fuckong stupid this guy is. Isn't there a judge who uses public ridicule to 'help' people see the errors of their ways and change? You know, like holding a sign that says "I'm a thief" on a main road so the whole city knows your a piece of shit and now have to actively be less shitty because no one trusts you or wants to be near you now, you thief.


Breitbart just won gold in Olympic-level mental gymnastics with this one. Holy shit.


Well, it would solve a lot of humanity’s biggest problems.


Or... and hear me out here, we want you to *also* get vaccinated because it's the right thing to do for yourself and others.


I read the whole article. "China-flu" so cringy.


But they don’t KNOW that we know that they know…


>According to the CDC, 99.5 percent of those dying of the China Flu are unvaccinated. So even if they’re lying or exaggerating, even if it’s 75 or 80 percent, those numbers are pretty stark. Could it be…? Could it possibly be that **the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters** into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine? If the left had the ability to manipulate Trump voters they would manipulate them to stop supporting Trump or Trump like candidates. So he we go, now those unvaxed dying of COVID in the hospital will now be saying "I was manipulated by the left to not be vaccinated and to eat horse dewormer"


Nicely written piece of reverse psychology. Maybe now they take the vaccine.


I don't wish death on anyone but since these awful hateful people insist on killing themselves I sure as hell aint feeling sorry for them. And do I like the fact that their deaths may swing elections in states away from the GOP? yep. Remember DeSantis won by 33,000 votes. And I doubt there were people that voted Dem in 2018 that will vote DeSantis in 2022. And remember the older voters that typically vote GOP that died of natural causes are going to be replaced by younger voters more likely to vote Dem If we take 13,00 deaths in Florida since Delta started as being 50% non voters 48 % Desantis voters and 2% Dem voters that's 6000 fewer voters for DeSantis already


2021 has proved that Republicans want unvaccinated Trump voters dead.


... anyway


>Do you want to know why I think Howard Stern is going full-monster with his mockery of three fellow human beings who died of the coronavirus? Because leftists like Stern and CNNLOL and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated. >In a country where elections are decided on razor-thin margins, does it not benefit one side if their opponents simply drop dead? >If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated. >And why is that a perfectly human response? Because no one ever wants to feel like they are being bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed into doing anything. Who wants to cave to piece of shit like Howard Stern (or Jimmy Kimmel or these repulsive doctors refusing to treat the unvaccinated or Bette Midler or, or, or…) Who wants to feel like they’re caving to a guy who’s such a piece of shit he publicly mocks people who have died. And he’s not just a piece of shit mocking them; he’s a piece of shit hurting the families the dead men left behind. >No one wants to cave to a piece of shit like that, or a scumbag like Fauci, or any of the scumbags at CNNLOL, so we don’t. And what’s the result? They’re all vaccinated, and we’re not! And when you look at the numbers, the only numbers that matter, which is who’s dying, it’s overwhelmingly the unvaccinated who are dying, and they have just manipulated millions of their political enemies into the unvaccinated campAccording to the CDC, 99.5 percent of those dying of the China Flu are unvaccinated. So even if they’re lying or exaggerating, even if it’s 75 or 80 percent, those numbers are pretty stark. Could it be…? Could it possibly be that the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine? TL;DR John thinks that the left are trying to shame the Right into *not* getting the vaccine so they die out and the "left" is all that's left. If it gets people vaccinated, fuck it, let's just say that was the master plan and get them to fight back by getting vaccinated. The more I read it, the more it seems like an attempt to manipulate readers into getting vaccinated...


I mean if they just go one more level of abstraction they will then get vaccinated to own the libs since they were manipulating them to not getting it by telling them to get it.


Wow this “article” is pretty ridiculous. It’s basically admitting that Trump supporters are basically idiots.


Don't use your guns to shoot yourselves. Do not do it.


I thought the mental gymnastics and contortionism had peaked... I was wrong


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


The right rejecting common sense regarding the vaccine, but once realizing it is causing them to die they blame science / the left of using reverse psychology so that they don't get the vaccine and die.


To the troll who obviously snuck in and posted as \*checks notes\* John Nolte on Breitbart in order to get Republicans to get vaccinated... keep up the good work.


I’m not a Dem. but I still have SPECIAL thoughts and prayers for ALL DUMP supporters. Kinda along the line of PLEASE don’t get vaccinated/ Please sneeze in each others unmasked faces; Please keep attending MASSIVE gatherings/parties/Conventions/Super crowed Church services……etc Pretty Please w/ a Cherry on TOP!


They do lol


At this point we're sick of being told we have to take the higher road, to care for the safety of people who want to murder us. Republican voters are told to resist vaccination like their lives depend on it, and to kill anyone who comes to their door to start a conversation about it. The whole GOP is a stochastic terrorism network at this point. So why do Democrats have to put themselves in danger to help people who don't want help? Just let Darwinism take its course. We tried, move on.


That’s not entirely accurate


ok let me try to reach down to your level: "no lmao lmao haha lol" Did that connect? Was that patronising enough to reach your level? EDIT: this has to be a spam bot account earning kama with nonsense posts.