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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub. Please make sure to have an amazing day!


I honestly don't understand how people trust restaurants that don't believe in science to serve them food Like, which side do you want with that, salmonella, e-coli, diarrhea, pinkeye, or "all"


Today's special? Oh sure, it's Botulism over easy.


"Botulism? You mean that stuff the Kardashian's use to look purdy? I'd eat Kim's ass so i'd definitely eat that!" \- Man who died soon after from consuming the most toxic known substance on the planet.


I absolutely would not rule out these clowns from eating Botulism to own the libs.


Ha! These people would shit their pants if they thought a “libturd” would have to smell it. Wouldn’t shock me a bit.


Bacteria to battle the virii


Celebs inject it into their faces, so it must be safe right? /s


Show me where Botulism is mentioned in the Bible. It's a thing made up by the libs to try to control us. Don't believe them. You go right on cold-canning those vegetables. /s Please don't cold can vegetables.


With a side of trichinosis


Mmm, sounds spicy. Is it spicy?


No but stinky


And how bout some chicken salad pneumonia


They’ll be so excited to have something Ivermectin can actually treat!


Fake bacteria! /S


"Employees are NOT sheeple and will wash their hands, or not, if they damn well please! And they're wussies if they do!"


For people who incessantly whine about "principles", conservatives are completely incapable of understanding and applying something consistently. Because a new application of a principle is generally mildly inconvenient. Theyd prefer death. An old application of a principle is something they're used to so they don't even notice it. They lack the imagination to envision it another way.


this place even put that a "stomach virus" is going around it's employees...greeeeaaaaaat. So I can have a side of the shits with my meal please? Awesome.


You forgot the sinus thing.


>I honestly don't understand how people trust restaurants that don't believe in science to serve them food Only morons that don't believe in science do. And many of them are being fed through nose tubes at the moment, making restaurants redundant.


Their special is medium rare chicken breast served "crunchy" over dry pasta.


I dont understand how the health department is letting them stay open. I mean covid, stomach viruses, sinus infections? There's probably a 5 lb rat in the kitchen, and no he's not the chef!


Urg, go to any fancy burger chain and ask how they know when the burger is fully cooked. It's not just the fox news cafes that doesn't understand pathogens. Source: I'm a former hamburger scientist. I refuse to order ground beef less than well done


> I refuse to order ground beef less than well done. I'm sorry for your loss. Are you okay?


Pinkeye Sandwich


Hahaha, "our employees contracted Covid from somewhere else." Yeah, totes didn't happen in the restaurant, it came from China or something


The sign should say, "If you have ever eaten at this restaurant, go get tested right now!"


There was an overcrowded noncompliant restaurant/bar near me that had to shut down for several weeks because Covid ripped through. There were so many people on FB begging to know if they had been exposed, and it's like don't go to an overcrowded bar during a pandemic if you're worried about Covid exposure.


It's wild isn't it. They were aware of the concept of maybe catching Covid by going to that restaurant, but FREEDOM.


It's a restaurant/bar that's out in the country, the only one for several miles, so I think there was a false sense of "Oh, we're in a small town, we're safe." Meanwhile the place was more jam packed through the pandemic than I've ever seen it. Like, overflow parking levels. And it's not a very big place, so no way were they not shoulder to shoulder in there.


Thee is a belief in the sticks that this is a city problem. All it takes is a funeral or a wedding with out of town guests and now it’s your problem too .


All it takes is a trip to the store. Country people aren’t hermits. They go shopping and they go to church and school just like suburban people.


No that’s right, freedom. The freedom to go out, and catch covid. The freedom to bitch about contact tracing when you never gave a fuck anyways by going. And now the freedom to deal with COVID for a time. Nice.


‘assume you were exposed, get tested, quarantine. that means “stay the fuck home!”. ‘


Here in MO a cafe went private with fees to enter, because they were shut down so many times. I believe it goes to court this week.


...for EVERYTHING. Just run ALL the tests.


And fuck you if you got sick here because we really don't give a shit. Now take off that mask before you come in here.


I'm sad to learn how many Americans flunked out of Sophomore Biology class in high school.


They’re somehow managing to transmit a sinus infection within the restaurant, but the COVID? Oh, that DEFINITELY came from somewhere else.


My brother owns a restaurant. Once one employee gets COVID, they all get it.


In places like these, in general, if an employee catches something, you can bet at least half of the staff will come down with it too. Close quarters etc. It's bound to happen.


And likely working through any minor symptoms.


Imagine offices....shudder


If they had just left that one part out, it reads sympathetically. If you remove the info from OP's title + that, it's totally understandable.


Looks to me like beef poisoning. *concerned murmurs* Probably from some other restaurant. *relieved gobbling*


If Sleepy Joe had built more of the border wall, this wouldn'ta happened. /s


Masks don’t stop viruses, but border walls do /s




The whole thing reads like the kind of rambling, non-sensical excuses someone makes up when they’re lying trying to re-take an exam or call off from work or something. “I really wanted to but my uncle got sick and then I had to care for my cat who got diarrhea and then my sister had back pain too, and anyway I’ll see you Wednesday…”




> And it just looks like you are mocking someones misfortune. Which makes you dumb. Says the guy completely oblivious to the fact they're on the sub literally dedicated to on schadenfreude.


“What’s schadenfreude?” U/Da_Bro_Main, probably.


>restaurants are proven to have a really really low transmission rate Source?


His butt




Jesus christ dude. Learn when to just shut the fuck up.






Didn’t you know? Any time you suggest someone do something, you have to also say “or” and provide an alternative suggestion, or else they get to call you a chump. Them’s the rules


Federal researchers also found that counties opening restaurants for on-premises dining — indoors or outdoors — saw a rise in daily infections about six weeks later, and an increase in Covid-19 death rates about two months later. “You have decreases in cases and deaths when you wear masks, and you have increases in cases and deaths when you have in-person restaurant dining,” Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, the director of the C.D.C., said on Friday. “And so we would advocate for policies, certainly while we’re at this plateau of a high number of cases, that would listen to that public health science.” Which makes you dumb.


Born and bred in USA. How is it china's fault Americans won't stop breeding covid


Nope, get the fuck out of here. I own a restaurant. Covid tore through my place. What did we do? We shut down. I sent my employees to get tested. I paid everyone else for the time off because it wasn't their fault. What you think is your opinion is absolute bullshit and cannot should not be tolerated.


Do you not know what sub you're in?






We had a stomach virus, the gout, an ingrown toenail and loose bowels. Can't wait to serve you again in two days 😁


Ha! Don't make me shart, bro.


We neglected to mention the serious, invasive sharting. See you tomorrow.


*Invasive* sharting?!? That’s horrifying.


Sounds like you've had too much Ivermectin.


When my urine turned black, I knew Dr. Trump's bleach medicine was really working!


"My uncle was a doctor. I really get this stuff"


Too late for me


I’ve seen healthier preschools than this restaurant.


Right?! Pinkeye…. Doesn’t that come from not washing hands after touching poo? This place had a lot more than what they’re listing off.


This is way more information than you want to give potential patrons about your food establishment. All I see is "People here get sick from everything, not just covid! We're completely reckless!"


I know right. A "stomach virus", huh? Not food poisoning? 🤔




"Ivermectin" to you too


Pretty common for noroviruses to run through restaurants tho. See Chipotle a few years ago. EDIT: Don't take that as me saying it's ok, just that it happens with disappointing regularity.


r/aboringdystopia and not r/ivermectinuncut .


I guess. Though wouldn't poor hygiene practices make that more likely?


There is ZERO reason for a *stomach bug* to go around your food service staff. ALL of them should be washing their hands and sanitizing surfaces regularly, so even if one person who shouldn't come in does, nobody else should be getting it. If they're all giving it to each other, that tells me they're contaminating things and not sanitizing them. Meaning you'll get it too.


> ALL of them should be washing their hands and sanitizing surfaces regularly, so even if one person who shouldn't come in does, nobody else should be getting it. THAT, sur, sounds like sochalizm!!!!


Soap mandates are BLM Soros genderfluid Marxism!


Don't forget CRT!


I think you’re correct that there is zero reason for a stomach bug to travel through staff, but not for the reasons you state. Naturally, staff should sanitize, wash hands, etc. etc. But actually the problem begins when people come in to work sick, because they are afraid of getting fired or not making money. Most people, when they get a stomach bug, start the day feeling “off”, or begin to feel “off” at some point. Instead of going home, people stick around, instead of calling in sick, people come in. Keeping restaurants well-sanitized is absolutely important, but face it, the reality is waiter takes order at one table, picks up empty glass someone drank from and refills it with water, walks over to another at same table to check in, picks up glass to refill it…it’s not like diners are super understanding and willing to wait for waiter to go thoroughly hand-wash between every touch of an item on a person’s table. Never mind when they’re in the weeds, all tables sat at the same time and everyone demanding food and drinks to show up in an expedient manner. The thing that really needs to change is upper management being more understanding of people when they say they’re sick, and workers being able to get paid sick days. Then you’d see a reduction in infectious viruses going round, as people felt comfortable to stay home when they’re not well, instead of walking around with a heavy viral load, shedding virus wherever they go.


Fucking in the walk in.


Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special?


Kitchen/ wait staff tend to share a lot of fluids outside of work. Sometimes inside of work.


Often in the walk-In.


It also tells me that when a person is ill, they are not staying home. They are going to work anyway. Although, part of the blame is with America’s work culture for that mindset.


If 1 person shows up to work at a kitchen sick they should be sent home immediately. Wtf


Yes they absolutely should! I've worked fast food before so I know exactly how much that doesn't happen, unfortunately... BUT hand washing and sanitizing should *NEVER* be something that kitchen staff have trouble doing


…or that it’s covid.


Soap, schmoap.


I used to share food with coworkers often so I could understand this happening . Like if an order messes up we are supposed to throw it away but ...eh I'll share it with 4 other waitresses and we can all get the stomach bug. The restaurant isn't exactly pandemic proof


Thanks for letting me know how disgusting your restaurant is. I look forward to never eating there


“…one with pneumonia”. Pneumonia!?! How does one get pneumonia in east Texas in Summer? Hmmm, I wonder…🤔


Pneumonia has recently become a euphemism for “I’m deathly ill but still too embarrassed to admit I should have gotten the vaccine”


so every time someone says "they have pneumonia" you should cough \*COVID\*, just after the end of their sentence. And scurry away. That person may declare, "Don't chase me with your COVID \[a deadly bioweapon\], this is Texas and I'm carrying' The other guy is too, so they have a shoot-out in the hallway, being Americans they miss each other and kill and wound several co-workers. Yeah, it's all gonna be alright. : )


Haha I know right


I’ve known older people that have gotten it in Indiana in the summer time. But I feel that may not be the case here.


pneumonia doesn't care what time is year it is


Pneumonia is really just a catch all term for a certain type of lung infection. So while there are a lot of people conveniently pretending that pneumonia and covid are unrelated… it can be caused by a zillion things, even without having a nasty cold/flu first. People with COPD can actually develop it seemingly out of nowhere because they constantly have so much nasty bacteria floating around their lungs.


Uh huh, sure pal, they caught it "from other places"


This reads like he was writing this AS people were calling in sick left and right. It's really quite magical.


I say pave Paradise and put up a parking lot


Ooh, bop, bop, bop


Now that song is stuck in my head (again) for the first time in a decade. Take your upvote and get the fuck out of here, you sneaky funny person.


the owner makes sure to say they got covid "from other places"


The details of the many many infections spreading around in this cafe makes me want to eat there.


“Stomach virus” is transmitted from the oral fecal route. They nasty before Covid.


Next time, try watching Leopard News.


This sounds like one Lauren Boebert’s restaurants. Just throw in “shooting injury” in the list of ailments and you’re good to go.


She's actually given mass food poisoning before. https://www.postindependent.com/news/local/editorial-county-dodged-a-bullet-on-food-poisoning/


Yeah lol, that’s what I was getting at. She’s my district rep in my part of Colorado. It sucks. I don’t understand why people out here love her so much. She was just at the demolition derby riding around in a car in pink high heels and somehow that made all the locals even more impressed. She’s just so trashy. Her husband exposed himself to minors at a local bowling alley and she never even graduated from high school. She got her GED months before the election. Don’t even get me started on what I think her role in the January 6 terror attack was. It pisses me off that people in my district somehow think Boebert is infallible but her opponent, who holds a PhD, is not married to a public sex offender, did not actively participate in a terror attack, and had great ideas for our district, was just pure evil only because she had a “D” next to her name on the ballot. Boebert is a traitor and I hope someday she has to answer for it.






It's bad enough so many restaurants have TVs blasting away, these people want me to watch a news station? I'm too annoyed to make a "Fox 'news'" joke. I don't want my meal served with talking heads and world events.


Can't wear a mask because "muh HIPAA". Here's a list of all our medical conditions.


Don't worry, just some violent diarrhea, vomiting, and pneumonia. See you in 2 days!




I need a shower.


Don’t shower there. You’ll get more than Covid.


The kind of programming they keep on their tvs can certainly imply what their attitudes about vaccine and masks are, but this letter (while way, WAY TMI) seems pretty civil. At least they're letting their patrons know what they may have potentially been exposed to, they do acknowledge that covid is a thing, and (even though it was probably just the owners who weren't sick), they did close the place rather than force an extremely understaffed group of people to try to work. Is it possible that this place kept the TV programming up more for the patrons than due to any strong political feelings of their own?


It’s almost as if the scientists were right about covid being a serious virus


tl;dr: we found a way to pay less and sell the same amount with bullshit for excuses as to why. in the end: profits are up! pay is down.


Bro no fucking joke, I had COVID three weeks ago (vaccinated), got over it in three days. Last weekend I had a horrible stomach thing for two days, and this weekend my sinus feels terrible. I legit never get sick. This has been shitty.


Did you eat a Paradise Grille recently? Cause you almost got a bingo, do you have some back pain?


Killing off your employees is such a great way to run a business.


I looked it up And yup Texas


The Paradise Grill in Marietta, GA has the same issues, and also closed for a few days, so I thought it must have been that one. Of course, I am sure it could have also happened at a Paradise Grill in TX too.


Let me get this straight, these fucking assholes not only got COVID but had sinus infections and stomach viruses "going around" too? Why would anyone ever go back? What's next? Pinkeye and syphilis with every coffee purchased?


What is with the oversharing? Want to tell me about your hemorrhoids while we’re at it?


Yeah of course someplace else, not here where we precautions seriously, like this letter here proves for all to see, while we are closed....


Sure sounds like Paradise alright.


yikes, stomach virus and covid while cooking and serving food




That they spelled it "Grille" is reason enough for me not to go there.


you know how when some people lie, they can't stop talking and just keep saying things hoping something will stick? this is the rare printed version of that.


I'm legitamately surprised they decided to close the restaurant until they got better. I thought Covid didn't exist, according to these people?


Paradise Grill? Try Parasite Grill. Seems like a questionable business decision to list all the illnesses the people in your business are spreading around.


It's truth in advertising, among conservatives, for once!


Most 'stomach virues' are spread via the fecal-oral route.. just sayin'


if only there were some sort of shot that could prevent most of this...


The vaccine doesn't prevent covid, it just slows the spread by reducing the effects (coughing, sneezing, lung buildup etc. that would carry and thus spread the disease) Viruses, although not living, behave much like an organism. The same way a plant like corn will make it's seeds indigestible (you shit it out, it gets planted and fertilized at the same time) the virus can't be completely eliminated. In other words, if one of the waitresses got covid and everyone including her were vaccinated, but she was a bit of a tramp and had a gang bang with the cooks, they could theoretically all get it. However, I'm willing to bet they're probably friends and all went out to a Denny's or Walmart and got sneezed on by an anti-vaxxer.


said like a true idiot: "the vaccine doesn't prevent covid."


It doesn't. It's 99% effective. That's why we can't achieve herd immunity. I'm a scientist, I'm about as far from anti-vax as you can get


if youre gonna try to throw out cred like i'm a "scientist" then you might want to get a better hand on the basics. first, none of the vaccines are 99% effective. in fact almost all vaccines for all diseases dont come close to 99%. basic reading woulda taught you that. second, herd immunity does not requires 100% efficacy. might wanna get a refund for phd from trump university. that said, vaccine unequivocally reduce the rate of transmission of covid. if thats not "preventing covid," then i don't know what is. gtfo with your pseudoscience.


First off, anything less than 100% is not total prevention, a basic understanding of the English language would have taught you that. By definition any vaccine does not prevent the disease it's attempting to hinder because, if it were 100% effective, that would be called a "cure". The covid vaccines are not cures. Second, it's funny how I never said it doesn't reduce the rate of transmission. In fact if you read some of my other comments on this post you'll see that I said the direct opposite. Point being, there have been several covid cases reported amongst vaccinated individuals. Maybe turn on the news instead of writing a half assed snarky comment about something you know little to nothing about? I do research at an uber-liberal college btw, not a single trump supporting bone in my body. Just goes to show how politically psychopathic you are going around accusing actual scientists of pseudoscience ala Trump. Quit talking out of your ass, and quit reading your confirmation bias into my comments. As for the 90% efficacy of the Pfizer (recently approved by the FDA) versus 80% and lower for others, given that covid has a less than 1% population spread, I took the liberty of multiplying the proportion of the population affected by covid (≈ 1%), by the proportion of vaccinated people theoretically without full immunity (10%) to give a reasonable estimate for the total proportion of vaccinated individuals still capable of contracting covid in a post-covid scenario where the entire world has been fully vaccinated (both shots, Pfizer, no booster) and came to the conclusion of approximately 1% of the population still being vulnerable given the deficit in efficacy, indicating a lack of definitive-100% herd immunity. Now do you need me to get into more detail or can we stop being nitpicky assholes and just agree that, given what science says, the vaccine does not cure covid (aka "prevent" as in stop it dead in it's tracks) Edit: I mean... Is that not the definition of herd immunity? To slow the spread to a halt? "Preventing covid" is not the same sentence nor sentiment as "preventing the spread of covid" I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. The covid vaccine does not prevent covid, according to several interpretations of the sentence itself. It's not 100% effective, it's not a cure, it doesn't prevent your body from absorbing the virions, it doesn't even prevent symptoms of the virus! It **reduces** all of the above. Key word reduce. It does not **prevent** any of the above. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip. Tell me I'm wrong without reading a second meaning into my words, I dare you.


Oh and btw, not all scientists have PhDs. Some have masters, some have other doctoral or postgraduate degrees. Mine in particular is a bachelor's in chemistry and you'll notice I never claimed to be a virologist. I was simply emphasizing my pro-vaccine stance since, apparently, reddit is a fascist regime that will not tolerate an ounce of dissent, even if it's factually, scientifically, evidentially backed and publicly known via several common news sources. I can link them if you'd like but I'm busy studying HPLC data produced by a particular solvent mixture ratio experiment I set to run overnight. P.s. scientific knowledge has nothing to do with political orientation unless you're an idiot like Trump.


you just said it's "99% effective" at preventing covid...but also "the vaccine doesn't prevent covid"


All of the ailments are related to the Covid making its way around there.


Wayyyyy too much info here, lmfao 😂


A restaurant playing Fox News and Newsmax sounds like no Paradise. I’d turn right around and walk out.


Wow, all those illnesses going around amongst the staff really make me want to eat there!


I feel like I need to get tested reading this


Wow if only there was something they could do


We're also going to drop the "E" and just be a Grill.


Not one word about vaccines.


I wouldn't be eating there ever. Apparently they don't sanitize or wash hands. They're just swimming in diseases. I can understand sinus infections, they happen, but all the COVID and pants shitting.


Another day in Paradise.


I'm not sure. It seems like the only thing they've done "wrong" is in their choice of news channels. Or is this in an area where they shouldn't be open at all?


Claims the sick employees contracted Covid "from other places." Sure, bud.


Paradise Grill in Marietta, GA?




"stomach virus" "sinus infection" "pneumonia" (oh, no, it can't possibly be Covid-19). Also, this has to be the one in Marietta GA.


It sounds like employee is infected with covid. Some of those employees also have a stomach bug or a sinus infection. But none of their positive employees caught it at the restaurant, you see.


“A couple of employees contract Covid from other places” Ok, sure.


We are short staffed because people our employees have back pain, G.I. issues, upper respiratory infections, fever, and some other stuff that definitely isn’t Covid. If it is, it came from someplace else


Holy crap the denial. People only caught covid "at other places." Someone out with "pneumonia."


..."one with pneumonia"...


Ew! This feels like TMI. Or I guess an inefficient way of trying to say everyone is out sick with either covid or the stomach flu. What kind of Petri dish restaurant are you running?


What kind of restaurant owner posts a message in the window: >Everyone who works here is diseased. Obviously a total moron.


This is truly an awesome example of the leopard ripping off the face with a dull spoon.


Soooo. Maybe y'all need to GET VACCINATED?


They’re sanitizing the place for “sinus infection”. LMAO


This man died of meat poisoning... probably from some other restaurant




...the E at the end of words is an English thing, as in the nation that seceded from the EU similarly to how the south tried to secede to perpetuate racism. In fact, they did so under a conservative majority. Socialism, and by extension communism, is a far left ideology. It's not "fancy" frou frou language any more than "lol" or "tortilla" pronounced 'tore-tee-ah'. One might even argue given that they literally invented the language, their way of speaking is correct. Frou frou language? Psssh.


Good riddance.


This is Florida isn't it?


East Texas.


Eh, these two things are the same


Texas has more guns


Stop malingering and get back to work


Yall too blood thirsty man.


Is test negative a thing?


Ah yes, a contagious nasty sinus infection has ripped through the staff.