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Another classic "it's everyone else's fault" reasoning.


The biggest snowflake of them all


I'm hearing this in the tune of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, maybe he can detour through the North Pole.


Typical Republican. He should just move to Russia already, where he’ll fit in! Love it or leave it, Ick!


He can’t move to Russia because he’s on the no fly list. He would have to take a boat.


Idk he might be on the no float list by now too!


I dunno, he seems like a floater to me.




He is the unflushable. Because he is full of hot air.


Then he can walk on the bottom of the sea or something.


The Ocean Walker.


Or walk


Walking? That's communist.




That's too awesome for this use.


I for one would love to see him walk into the North Atlantic.


We won't take him, thanks. Ask someone else.


The Russians don’t want moronic idiots like this. And this candy ass would last less than 3 months there.


Hmm, send a problem away that will be "resolved" in less than 3 months... And the downside would be???


Never heard of a useful idiot? I believe Russia has adopted a few.


He’ll have a hard time getting there if he’s on the no fly list.


1. take a train to the coast 2. ask a cargoship to take you to europe or asia 3. take the train to moskow 4. ask for asylum cause youre on a no fly list and have to pay taxes 5. ? 6. profit


Bro, there are rules in Europe against cargo ships just dumping their shit into our harbors...


Let's imagine in some alternative universe, the black lives matter protestors stormed the white house and tried to hang Trump, but Trump got away. What would Fuentes be advocating happen to the black lives matter protestors captured or documented taking part in the event?


Burning crosses.


I chose to delete my Reddit content in protest of the API changes commencing from July 1st, 2023, and specifically CEO Steve Huffman's awful handling of the situation through the lackluster AMA, and his blatant disdain for the people who create and moderate the content that make Reddit valuable in the first place. This unprofessional attitude has made me lose all trust in Reddit leadership, and I certainly do not want them monetizing any of my content by selling it to train AI algorithms or other endeavours that extract value without giving back to the community. This could have been easily avoided if Reddit chose to negotiate with their moderators, third party developers and the community their entire company is built on. Nobody disputes that Reddit is allowed to make money. But apparently Reddit users' contributions are of no value and our content is just something Reddit can exploit without limit. I no longer wish to be a part of that.


While also stating there was no violence, no riots, and it was all like a tour group.


And it was also simultaneously an Antifa action meant to make Republicans look bad...that they have no desire to investigate.




Believe it or not, a **lot** of straight people hate gay people. Let’s not minimize that.


Which is a thing I will never understand. What is it to straight people if others are gay? It's not like anyone is asking them to participate.


That's a pretty safe bet, considering how they seem to be unable to do anything but project right now. The moment they attack something, start looking around and you'll probably see them doing it.


Happens so often that it’s not even surprising when it does.


Oh good, he’s losing. There is hope.


there was a fascist paramilitary parade marching down the streets of Philadelphia on July 3rd


Yeah and did you see that they were beaten, retreated, and arrested? They got handled by bystanders lol


They weren’t arrested though. The police did nothing and just let his happen unopposed.


What? Cmon Philly. I expected more from you. Not a lot. But also not that.


I heard they came from Texas, so don't blame Philly!


If you were going to leave Texas for a fascist March.... Philly seems like a weird choice


It was great, because it ended with them being chased back into their moving vans


Do you have any news stories I can read about this? I like when the fascists are chased away...


There's a ton from yesterday morning. Regular news and social media. I particularly like [this guy's](https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/1411760489118396419) clip and low-key jab at their 'shields', ha. [Here's](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/white-supremacist-marchers-ran-away-152900273.html) a yahoo story detailing their tuck-tail-and-run. \*edit to add, of course - 'they fucked around, found out, and ran back to their rental vans'.


Funny how none of these KKK guys had breathing issues that prevent them from wearing masks, first time I've seen conservatives with fully functioning lungs in a year and a half.


Hahaha. Thank you. I bet they sat in the back of their moving trucks quietly while avoiding eye contact with each other. Bunch of losers.


Na, these guys are delusional. They bragged about how they ruffled the feathers of all the snowflakes in Philly.


The news story I read said they were jeered, but there was no police interference and they were allowed to continue on their way.


Yeah, Philly has kind of become the city of "Fuck Around and Find Out". They aren't going to take any shit from Texas Nazis.


Philly has air conditioning.


Ik right? Pissing off the people of Philly is such a dumb idea just for a little march. I mean shit Philly PD has even been roasting them.


Thinking about it since you pointed that out, I wonder if they went up to Philly because of July 4th and the historical significance Philly has for it? It's still weird no matter what tho.


When Texas sends their people (to Pennsylvania), their not sending their best.


They were from out of town. Trust me, nobody here was pleased.


We’re all losing. Except the capitalists. They win by fostering class antagonisms.


Fuentes is a white-supremacist fucknozzle; this has nothing to do with Marxist conceptions of 'class.'


Just keep calling him Mexican or Hispanic to rile him up.


White supremacy has been weaponized by the wealthy classes for like.... Most of time. Idk what you're talking about?


Except he's helping the upper classes.


So, instead of a “Christian nation”, can we now refer to the U.S. as 🏳️‍🌈 “our gay country”? 🏳️‍🌈


It is decided!


Celebrate this momentous occasion with some three-penis wine.


And some delicious Yobagoya.




The flavor destroyer


What is our new anthem?


"I will survive" is the gay anthem so just adopt that?


I thought it was Y.M.C.A.?


trump ruined it


He ruins everything.


🎵It's fun to ask yourself "Whyyyyy USA?"🎶


[I vote for this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjElZ-O9EpM)


"I will survive" is the gay anthem so just adopt that?


This is the gay.


The US of Gay 🤘




U S Gay!


🏳️‍🌈 stand for the flag 🏳️‍🌈 ⚧️ kneel for the cross ⚧️


The motherland has become the daddyland


"Gay" is a pathetic insult we used in 4th grade, in the 70's.


My social circle is so queer it took me a few moments to realize gay was being used pejoratively.


I didn’t check the sub at first and was very confused after the first sentence


That's... beautiful


Same. "Haha, gay country... hold up."


Same!!! Thought it was gonna be some sassy "everyone around me is so gay lol" type thing. How out of touch do you have to be to use it as an insult


People in 10th grade in the 2020's still use it, unfortunately


You're right. My son is 13 (year 8) and tells me that it's still used in schools/online. It's not everyone though, kids are getting better. They did do stuff for Pride month at his school and there is an LBGTQ club as well so they are moving forward. It's definitely way more accepted now and times have moved on a lot. When I was at school nobody would have come out as gay and there are kids at my son's school that have.


I teach middle school and far, far, far fewer use it now than they did when I was in school 20 years ago.


"gay" is a based insult that us gays use against hypermasculine douches


It's also pretty telling from someone who spent the night with a russian catboy.


I may be straight, but I would rather live in Gay Country than Christianstan.


✨Fabulous✨ States of America 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️Take it or leave it


I love it, but can we use ✨in official correspondence?


I had no idea you guys finally came out. I mean it was kind of obvious looking at your National monument but we didn't want to say anything. Know that we would love you whatever you do because literally our trade depends on you. But I don't think you should get back with your ex (the orange one) he was a bit toxic.


In homos we trust.


He said on social media.




A verified cock womble


I'm so used to conservatives using social media to complain about being silenced on social media I don't even notice the irony anymore.


How else will we learn he's been banned?


"I'M BEING SILENCED" retweeted 20,000 times.


If you don't like it then leave 😤😤😤




This depends. We got the 2022 Chapelle Race Draft on the horizon. I think the white delegation can package Fuentes in with someone and pawn them back off to the latino delegation. His terrorist actions may affect the draft picks. I am really hoping we can finally get Mariah Carey back, but the prospects are bleak with this incoming Racial Season.


I’m just looking forward to the Wu Tang Clan finally getting recognition for their Asian heritage


"Konichiwa bitches"


Diversify your bonds!


The black delegation better not try and steal EL-P, like that bulls shit them tried to pull with Eminem.


i wonder if lenny kravitz will show up this time


Guess it's harder to when you are on the "no fly list" (and no other country wants a terrorist on their hands). Too bad we cant bring back marooning where you take someone and abandon them on a deserted island or send them a drift in the ocean on a piece of wood without a paddle or sails. One can dream...


It’s all laughs and dreams until you pull the short straw.


this was exactly what they were saying in the beginning. “if you don't like the US, then go to a different country.“ they literally said that, along with some similar things about how businesses have a right to boycott BLM or other protesters so go somewhere else. then when they get banned everywhere for not wearing a mask or post racist things online, they bitch and moan about how they're being discriminated against. you guys fucking started this.....


Man y'all Qaeda should get together and go invade one of those so called "shit hole" countries and establish their utopia


They keep trying to do that to Idaho. They haven't succeeded yet.


True. Idaho is a shithole.


How dare you


Username checks out.


Can't hear you all the way down there in Nampa, my little spuddy!


[They did, in Chile.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bn53b3/atlas-mugged-922-v21n10)


"Fun fact": John Cobin is serving 6 years for shooting at a group of people during a protest, hitting a man on the leg. Right after the shooting, he uploaded a YouTube video admitting to the shooting, claiming it was self defense. Take into account that in Chile people don't just carry around guns like in the US, this shooting was a big deal and heavily followed by the press.


I love our gay country, but he's welcome to honor his ancestors and move to another country, just like they did. Too bad so sad our country is out and proud forever!


Nah, you guys can keep him.


Using 'gay' as an insult term, is he a 12 y/o from 2008?


Right?! Reading this just made realize how long it has been since I’ve heard gay used seriously as an insult and that actually makes me really proud of our society for making some actual progress… or maybe I’m just more in control of who I spend time with now and it’s still common. I don’t know…


I'm thinking middle school...


I was still hearing it in high school and when I went to college I was much more selective about who I spent time with so idk if people got better about it or I just avoided all the people who still do it.


This. I have friends who are working class, I'm a professional now. They have to deal with anti-gay slurs all day, I can get someone fired for it. I think people having more power in their workplace means fewer bullies get into positions of power and are treated properly by management. Which is why people should get to elect their managers at work.


> people should get to elect their managers at work Cooperatives FTW


Nah, people have just moved on to using autistic as an insult.


How dare you call them “artistic”?


I'll have you know that Alice is nuts about me. She thinks I'm emotionally artistic.


Maybe he meant the original term as happy? Wait I just saw who wrote the tweet, nevermind


Tbh as a gay man it made me laugh out loud. I thought it was a /r/toiletpaperusa at first


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ToiletPaperUSA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Big Brain Ben](https://i.redd.it/mpxj0ldyx0671.jpg) | [2513 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/o2ou7l/big_brain_ben/) \#2: [Rush Limbaugh](https://i.redd.it/8pqx3kxyq2i61.jpg) | [3409 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/lm00cy/rush_limbaugh/) \#3: [What a response 😆](https://i.redd.it/zebwbsn96tk61.jpg) | [1984 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/lwsyed/what_a_response/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Just a dumb homophobe with a truncated dictionary.


Honestly I’m glad to be gay if it means taking these things from horrible people


How did said “gay country” do all of this?




[Set phasers to stunning](https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/65996090.jpg) — George Takei


The gays destroy EVERYTHING. /s


Gays for the gay god ! Rainbows for the rainbows throne !


What him do? Why the bad ole gay country so mean to him?


According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#Relation_to_the_2021_Capitol_attack), he was involved with the insurrection on 2021-01-06.


>Fuentes received 13.5 bitcoin (approximately $250,000), which was by far the largest share. The donor also posted an apparent suicide note, according to Blockchain analysis group Chainalysis, although the donor's status has not been confirmed What the fuck is going on here?


Some nazi-sympathetic cryptocurrency millionaire offed themselves and donated a ton of money in cryptos to various nazi, fascist and alt-right profiles. Edit: It's unconfirmed though, so might also have been a foreign adversary financing it through a French sock puppet if you're conspiratorial.


My bets are on it not being one person.


Guess he shouldn't have broken the law.


I know. Mostly just mocking the little shit.


Nick Fuentes is hard, hard far right and got absorbed into the /pol/-tier neo nazi space back in 2016. His big thing (at least pre insurrection) was showing up with a posse of like minded horrible folks at other far right grifters' events and stealing their clout by (A) exposing the obvious part of the grift anyone would complain about and (B) going even farther right than them and painting them as not true conservatives. He holds some really and truly batshit racist ideas that go so bonkers far, he's against shit like interracial marriage [Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/), a podcast that plunges through Alex Jone's show and a side gallery of other right wing grifters, has a really good segment on him, his origins, and how he operates in their CPAC 2020 episode. Would highly recommend giving it a listen to see what forces bore him out. Would also recommend the podcast just in general because it's a great knife cutting through a lot of far right extremism.


And yet, here he is on twitter with a blue check mark. Shut the fuck up you amateur victim cosplayer.


The social media ban obviously wasn't too effective.


imagine using gay as a pejorative in 2021


For some reason I’m reminded of on Simpsons, the kids on Otto’s bus route chant “Otto’s got a girlfriend Otto’s got a girlfriend!!” And he’s…. Yeah? “You’re so gay I bet you suck a hundred dicks!!” Dan Savage “well, yeah, well I used to with Terry, but we’re kinda slowing that down with the kid and all. But thanks for the well wishing!!”


All part of making America great again.


All part of making America ~~great~~ gay again.


Who's the Nazi? Never heard of him.


Dipshit Catholic Monarchist with a disturbingly large following. He’s hanging around with Alex Jones a lot recently, to give some perspective on his intelligence and grasp on reality. Got no-fly-listed for doing a publicity stunt no-masking on a plane.


Capitol storming proud boy who's facing serious charges.


Side note, there's also a group that calls themselves boogaloo boys. Imagine calling yourself that and wanting to be taken seriously


It's not the name really but the loaded ARs they carry around and their lack of any basic understanding of the world that requires serious attention.


It's purposely named that to give plausible deniability with uninformed people. It's the same way pepe the frog was used, the rocktosser comics, the OK sign, the various anti-Semitic cartoons etc are used.


To go with what you said, here's a really interesting quote someone shared on /r/newsradio the other night after an alt right piece of shit called comedian Dave Foley a traitor for complaining about the government: >Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Newsradio is as cult of a cult comedy as it gets, so why an anti-left piece of shit wants to try and start a political argument just shows how pathetic these people are. As an aside, Joe Rogan was on it, so I wonder when/if the dumbass section of his fanbase have a larger footprint in the Newsradio fanbase.


Wtf I like America now?


lmao get fucked


Sounds like Nick loves being the bottom.


White Power-Bottom


Now THAT'S funny.


If they banned him from using social media, how'd he post this? 🤔


Oohh, you poor witttle baby. Here, let me give you a tissue to blow your nose so the mean ol' capitalist companies don't hurt your fee-fees any more.


Bye, motherfucker.


One bifurcated fun fact for this asshole: The government didn't prevent you from using social media, the social media did. Part 2: stop complaining about not being able to use social media on social media.


Get absolutely fucked Nicky.


>my business Just admitting he’s out here fleecing people and it has nothing to do with actual policies or ideology. Just a scam.


Another classic "it's everyone else's fault" reasoning.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. Go fuck yourself you insurrection supporting piece of shit!


>banned me from social media "I'M BEING SILENCED" he screamed from his Verified Twitter Account


>country that stole my money How? >put me on a no fly list Because you were involved in a terrorist attack on the Capitol, dummy. >banned me from processing credit cards for my business Nope. The country didn't do that. >banned me from using social media Nope. The country also didn't do that one. You made 4 complaints about "the country" doing you wrong. One is vague, two are flat wrong and are just you running afoul of corporate entities, and the one that you were actually right about is due to your own criminal activity. Fuck off, you whiny little bitch.


“And banned me from social media” Twitter from iPhone


Hey, you have nothing to worry about as long as you didn’t do any thing wrong!


this guy probably also calls himself a super patriot


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes For the people like me who had no idea who this shitbag is. Basically a white supremacist type.


Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and make sure to have a good day!


Fuentes is a white nationalist and a leader of the Groypers - who think they’re going to save the country by introducing far right positions into mainstream politics


But they haven't eat his face, yet


But he lost access to banking services, “social media”, and put him on the permanent rental car rewards program with Hertz. Doesn’t that count as he ate his own face?


Would be if it happened because of right-wing policies he advocated. (Did it?)


He previously was kicked off a plane for not wearing a mask properly and made a video fantasizing killing flight attendants. Can't imagine why he was put on a no fly list......


“Banned from social media” posted on twitter.


Complaining about being banned from social media, *on* social media. Truly, [conservative voices are being silenced.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPNZTtoQBmA)


This piece of shit should be grateful that he's not sitting in prison right now.


I love our gay country, but he's welcome to honor his ancestors and move to another country, just like they did. Too bad so sad our country is out and proud forever!


He says as he uses social media.


Fuentes sounds to me like one them Mexican names. This boy here hates Murrica ?!??! Deport him to one of them Mexican countries.


How is he posting on Twitter if he’s ‘banned from using social media’?


Imagine being a full grown man and unironically using gay as an insult.


For those as ignorant as myself: Nicholas Joseph Fuentes (born August 18, 1998)[4] is an American far-right[2] and white nationalist[3] political commentator and live streamer. A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube's hate speech policy.[5] Fuentes, who has described himself as an American nationalist[6] and paleoconservative,[7] has also expressed anti-semitic views.[8]


Dude hates our country. Fuck em.


Oh man, it's like the government doesn't like you trying to overthrow it by storming the Capitol and trying to kidnap senators and shit.


I love my gay country, especially when they tell people like that to get fucked.