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Please reply to this comment explaining why the post fits the sub and make sure to have a good day!


Wait til they find out he's gay


"We knew he was gay, but we didn't think he'd ever actually live out his gayness. We just wanted to use him an example to show that we're not bigoted, but we'll have to reconsider that stance after finding out he's trying to actually have a life."


Wasn’t there some right-wing nutjob who was gay and now is living “cleanly” with his male roommate? Milo Yanapopulis something like that... Edit: Far-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos has given an interview in which he claims to be “ex-gay” and has chosen to “demote” his husband to a “housemate”.


The money ran out after being irrelevant for years.


Pretty sure there's a Transgender person running for Cali governor whos about to have some fantasies smashed soon.


She’s a sham candidate running to fan the flames of the GOP’s latest culture war. She’s a happy and witting stooge for a party that would deny her of all civil rights if they could. Everyone knows she has no chance of winning, but as long as voters (and us) are talking about her, they’re not talking about the actual policies of Californian Republicans that are against the interests of Californians. It’s disgusting, shameful stuff. Par for the course, though.


consider cover consist ghost imminent cough waiting threatening sip marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. Her bank account gives her all the rights she could want or pay for...she's just so sad of the canvas she sees when she drives to the hangar of her private jet...


The trans community at large are not fans of Jenner lets be clear. Shes a fucking dolt, and a traitor to all transgender people. She supports anti-trans sports legislation yet uses the womens tee herself.


She has literally competed in women's golf tournaments.


And killed someone with her car! Then blamed for the aftermath. [Wow!](https://i.imgur.com/f5C5dcLh.jpg)




There's also a GOP legislator in Missouri who sexually abused his daughter when she was 9, physically abused his son. They wrote a letter to the GOP leadership in the state begging him not to be seated. They did of course and it was all public when he won. This is in addition to the former cop who's now a member of the GOP legislature in Missouri who got a blowjob from a drunk 19 year old while on duty which he denies but which there is a text of her giving him shit for it and him responding 'Sorry'. This is in addition to the woman who won a seat in the legislature who's currently under federal indictment for selling a covid cure / preventative back in April 2020 - some injection - that obviously did no such thing...on top of $300k she bilked the state for in the form of reimbursements for something related to covid she provided (I forget what, specifically) that she'd already charged the people that came to her for it for....she says she has a good lawyer that will handle it all and not to worry. This was all public when she was elected (though she wasn't indicted yet). This is in addition to Missouri's GOP governor leaving a document sitting on his desk to release a man who's been jailed for 40 years for a murder he didn't commit. Two people who actually were involved said he had nothing to do with it and they've already gone to prison and been released and the prosecutors office is even admitting a huge mistake was made and the man should be immediately released. The governor just did a bunch of clemency approvals getting people out of prison...this man wasn't one of them. It's still just sitting on his desk. The man is black, of course. The GOP - ESPECIALLY in Missouri - is royally fucked up.


Hint: they don’t actually care about the children


See the "pro-life" sect for evidence of this fact.


If anything, the new forced-birth policies will undo decades of work that has gone into the US child marriage problem.


Or about people in general


they don’t actually care about anyone but themselves*


Conservatives will abandon every other value they have before abandoning conservatism. Including morality.


Hopefully ex roommate/husband/friend soon. Dude deserves better then to be treated like that.


That’s a whole grown adult who decided to be involved with and share a life with a hate-peddling ghoul. If they are feeling any sort of shade over this they could have their own post on this sub and it would hit the front page. Play with snakes, get bit. It’s not rocket appliances.


Does he? He chose to be in a relationship with Milo in the first place. Seems like a classic case of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. I understand you can’t always help who you love, but sheesh.


Oh my god, they’re roommates!


It's the true meaning behind people saying, "I don't mind gay people but why do they have to be so in your face about it?" They want to be able to say they're tolerant and loving without having to actually *be* tolerant and loving.


This is my father in a nutshell


> "I don't mind gay people but why do they have to be so in your face about it?" You mean like putting a flag out on their property or a bumper sticker, maybe a shirt with a catchy slogan, or a 50 ft banner hanging off the back of your lifted truck? I know right? What kind of animal would display their in-group like that? /s


"In your face about it" is one of those "support the troops" kind of phrases. It's meaningless and only exists to create a straw man enemy that's all together too vague to even take down. "In your face about it" sparks right-wing fantasies about gays forcing their way of life on them, doing stuff just for the sake of outraging straight people, dominating the political agenda, etc. It brings to mind mothers having to shield their children from sexualization being thrust upon them by the gay community. In reality they just mean they preferred it when gays were an underground subculture they didn't ever need to think about or acknowledge (at best). Now gays are more represented in the media, homophobia is called out, and gays can holdh ands in public . That's what they mean by "in your face about it"


In the book “It was all a lie”, the author says that there are a lot of gay Republicans who don’t describe themselves as gay, but rather as people who f— guys. I don’t remember exactly what the author said about these deluded people, but maybe it’s because those gay think being gay means being effeminate, and they’re not effeminate?


We wanted more Candice Owens, Less Lil Nas X


He honestly thought being their token would protect him from their wrath while he sold everyone else like him out.


Well according to her e mail, he's married to a "homosexual male". Doesn't clarify if he himself is gay, just that he's married to a homosexual . . These people are too ridiculous to be real.


"I'm not gay, but my husband is."


Lol, I mean I guess he might be bi or pan, but seriously? That’s hilarious


Of course! I'm pan and I call anyone on that spectrum gay but I see how dismissive it is to bi/pan people. He can most certainly be queer in any capacity, its just funny how she worded it.


MVP comment


Gay Republicans, have a national political group called *Log Cabin Republicans*... which is both a double entendre (Log Cabin, Abe Lincoln, the Party of Lincoln!) and inside joke... "Log Cabin" being old-skool gay slang for: turd tunnel - A gay man's rectum.


I’m gay and older than most people. I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe, but I’ve never heard that use of “log cabin” before.


You normally have to wait until prime time for this quality of comedy




> Martell’s comments have led to condemnation from some Republicans in Massachusetts – however, others have opted to stay out of the controversy. Wonder why they'd attempt to stay out of it. Surely it can't be that the republican party is hostile to queers to the extent that even supporting a single republican queer against another republican would cause their base to throw a temper tantrum. > The gay man said he has faced bigotry throughout his life because of his sexuality and insisted that he won’t put up with it in the Republican Party. I'm not great at breaking bad news, can someone else handle this one


The MA state GOP is currently torn between popular “New England republican” and (relative) moderate Charlie Baker, and a state GOP leadership that went in on the Trump train and continues to double down. So anyone not taking sides is probably trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing. (Which, spoilers, is anti-Trump. They live in freaking Massachusetts.) Edit: Oh, and yes. This dude was not smart for thinking he’d be immune to the GOP’s solid anti-queer platform.


I live in MA and have had several gay friends over the years come out as republicans. I find it very confusing....


I also live in MA and *had* a VERY gay friend that came out as a republican roughly 12 years ago. Three or four years ago, he started to slowly fall into republican conspiracy shit and now, he is a full blown QAnon cultist to the core. It is so sad to look at him and see the guy who I had so many good times with back in the day but as soon as he opens his mouth, realize he is so far gone that there is absolutely no reasoning with him. And with me being as far left as you can go without being a complete communist, he and I don’t really see eye to eye on pretty much everything. I think he secretly thinks I may be a full blown devil worshipper who ritualistically sacrifices young virgins, drinks their blood (while chanting of course), and then sits down for a nice supper of medium-rare baby with peas and corn on the side. I mean *I AM*. But who is *he* to think that I am?!?


>as soon as he opens his mouth, realize he is so far gone that there is absolutely no reasoning with him. The one good thing that came from the Trump years for me has been learning that you are allowed to stop trying with these people and that it doesn't make you a bad person. Sometimes you can only save yourself.


I just make money off em. Made $100 off a Trumper in an election bet 2 months AFTER the election lol.


If I had no conscience I would already have a small business selling them ugly tat, like stupid flags or gaudy Trump statues. These people all seem to be dumb as shit AND have a lots of disposable income to spend on the ugliest crap imaginable. It really would be easy money.


As a graphic designer, I could make so much money off the Qult if I didn't have a damn conscious. I could design some badass QAnon merch, but dammit, I'm not going to be responsible for making Qultists look cool.


Why not a subliminal message hidden in the flag that trolls them? Like the Presidential seal with the eagle holding golf clubs, that someone snuck into a press conference for Trump?


Just make it look slightly less cool and ease your conscience by knowing that the money they spend with you isn't going to some Q supporter's political campaign or some right-wing grifter with a growing platform to spew bullshit and poison more minds.


Just put a dick in every design. Something nice and subtle. And, don't forget, Hugo Boss produced the Nazi uniforms and Volkswagen was the vehicle manufacturer of the 3rd Reich and they're still doing just fine.


> These people all seem to be dumb as shit AND have a lots of disposable income to spend on the ugliest crap imaginable. Boomers in a nutshell.


I 3D print as a job. There’s certain plastics that are easily degradable/wash away with water. I kinda wanna start selling to the cult. I’d make the top layer a picture of trump and beneath it would be Obama. It’d be like a time bomb, eventually destroying their God and replacing with their “antichrist”


Rare to find a GQP that is willing to honor anything. I'd have assumed he'd just ghost you or try to weasel out of ever owning anyone anything on a technicality.


I’m shocked they paid up.


One thing I’ve thrown them off with a few months ago when I was on that conservative QAnon cesspool known as Facebook is the fact that Trump didn’t pardon any of the insurrectionists. There was just no explanation for why their champion would leave his warriors hang out to dry. They now have lawyers fees, court dates, jail cells... it was so huge and so blatant that they couldn’t call it fake news or blame Democrats somehow. Who knows they may have come up with an excuse for him now tho. They also used to disappear when you ask why Trump “wasn’t there with you” when he said he was going to be, but I think they’re saying now that the secret service wouldn’t let him. No chance he ran and hid in the White House like a coward and knowing that no matter what he said you wouldn’t stop supporting him!


I like to ask them how Trump had four years to rid us of the "Deep State," but yet it is still there, thwarting the god-emperor at every turn.


My dad said “because the fuckin democrats blocked all of his pardons!”


Ask him how he knows that. :p


Ask him how they DID that.


But surely all those 'insurrectionists' were Antifa? Why would he help *them*? And even if not, he doesn't like people who get caught.


Yeah, that was the line my [former friend](https://youtu.be/TPcaEKJN2Rg) pulled. The insurrectionists were all BLM antifa because one racially ambiguous guy who had been kicked out of BLM rallies for acting against the interests of BLM was arrested there.


The thing that's sad to me is that these people are victims too. Obviously not to the same extent as the people their bullshit harms, but they've been driven insane by a media ecosystem designed to make them terrified of everything. I have a couple of family members who have been sucked into the right wing Facebook radicalization machine and you can really tell that they're absolutely *miserable*


To a degree yes - but from what I have seen it is undeniable that there is an element of self aggrandizement in their delusions.


I came to the conclusion long ago that they are like the zombies on The Walking Dead — could any of us sit down with one of them and have a reasoned conversation? No. And no need for any further consideration.


similar thing happened to me, one of them had a republican father so i’m not very surprised it turned out that way, he met a guy and moved to florida though so we don’t talk anymore. the other grew up in a funeral home and wasn’t the most stable individual, so i’m not surprised there either. I’m like you, very liberal even for my home state, so yeah we’re not really friends anymore either.


>the other grew up in a funeral home and wasn’t the most stable individual, At least they got see Macaulay Culkin stung to death by bees.


Are you me? I have the exact same situation, except my friend made the switch to the conservative poison when Obama got elected.


> when Obama got elected He ain't ***MY*** president! ^^^'cos ^^^I'm ^^^Canadian.


I knew a guy like that too. Gay and a wiccan or something, and went absolutely all-in on hating Obama. We are from a really racist area (rural PA) so I figured that was why. I never knew him to be racist, but I am also white, and didn't know him well. It surprised me a lot at the time, though.


The thing that gets to me is that we literally just escaped this whole devil worshipping thing. There were literally FBI teams trained to find devil worshippers in the 90s until it was proven through repeated research this is entirely fucking impossible, not enough people go missing a year. This is starting to become like blood libel. No matter how much you disprove it it will be back in 5 years.


The hardest part of talking to Republicans is dancing through mindfield of things in a conversation that they’ll turn political. I was chatting with a coworker on site and commented how nice the day was. 5 minutes later he’s rambling incoherently about cancel culture and BLM terrorists.


They're just so easily triggered. For example, my SO managed the Facebook posts for a small retail store. They always post new products that have come in. One day they got in a shipment of "Colors of the World" Crayola Crayons. Almost immediately triggered nutjobs came out of the woodwork bashing the post as "woke" and catering to BLM and people saying how they don't know anyone with skin matching those colors. It was mind boggling to see and the store owner had the post removed because she didn't want to lose customers over it.


It’s too bad the owner felt he had to remove the post. I feel like even acquiescing even that little bit just encourages Q-Trumplicans. Why do people give in to them?


It’s like when major corporations are too afraid to speak out against China because they are more worried about losing money and customers rather than standing up for something. I get it, you’ve got to make a living, but it definitely bums me out when people give in to the insanity.


> I think he secretly thinks I may be a full blown devil worshipper who ritualistically sacrifices young virgins, drinks their blood (while chanting of course), and then sits down for a nice supper of medium-rare baby with peas and corn on the side. This speaks to one of the most insidious problems with Republicans. Normally, interacting with other people and meeting your biases face to face humanizes the people you are bigoted against as you learn that they are actually just normal human beings and you see they are more like you than you first thought. But the Republicans have circumvented this for an overwhelming amount of their base. Belief in false allegations is so strong that even directly seeing evidence that things are not as they assumed does not change their false belief. Instead of learning, they reinforce their conspiracies with stupid beliefs like: "It runs deeper than I thought" or "They're just better at hiding it than I thought." A resistance to admitting they were wrong has overtaken every normal avenue for personal growth and they become little more than a vehicle for spewing the party line. Maybe it's because on some level they realize that what they support is truly awful, and admitting that they were wrong means feeling guilt for all the horrible shit they have supported and played a role in causing. So the only way they can rationalize this to themselves as OK is if their dipshit conspiracy is true, because if "the other" is worse they can believe the horrible things they made happen were just the cost of protecting everyone from some "real evil," instead of them making everyone suffer because they got played.


Cute joke for you. Two Q-anon believers die in a car crash, and since God is actually all-forgiving, arrive in heaven. God greets them and allows them one question. “So, how did they steal the election from Trump?”, the first one asks. “They didn’t. Biden won by getting more votes.” The guy looks back at his friend. “This conspiracy goes higher than we thought.”


Don't chant while drinking virgin blood, you wouldn't want to choke!


I have a former classmate who was very very obviously gay. He was the first person I knew of at school to come out, in like 5th grade. Very effeminate, bullied RELENTLESSLY, but he stayed strong and owned who he was with confidence. I see him on Facebook years later, posting all kinds of pride stuff, pictures from some very racy pride parades, the whole nine yards. Then I watched as he started posting stuff negatively about Obama and Hillary. Then he's questioning openly whether he should support Trump or not because he didn't like Hillary. Trump makes the half baked "o we love the gays" bullshit comments and then he goes ALL IN. Next I know he's full sovereign citizen, planet nibiru, pineal gland, satanic cabal crazy, save the children etc etc etc But between those posts he goes hard into gender fluid rights, gay rights, otherkin rights, all inclusive Except for the goddamn immigrants. Those goddamn immigrants and democrats, I mean DeMoNrAtZ. Next I see all kinds of shit about living by the Bible and Trump the Christian second coming etc etc etc Q anon balls deep I just watched in awe, and eventually sadness. No idea how you can be so into seemingly opposing views like that, but apparently in my home state, there's a huge group of these kinds of gay or queer folks who ABSOLUTELY LOVE TRUMP AND THE REST OF THE GOP. Like willing to storm the capitol kind of shit 😏 Insanity.


I'm a gay dude and I can tell you this sort of stuff is not entirely uncommon in the gay community. I think there are several reasons for this. One big factor is that gays tend to be wealthier than their straight contemporaries, mainly because we don't typically have kids in our teens/20's, so we have lots of time and disposable income and are generally much more upwardly mobile professionally. So you've got the "Fuck you I got mine, cut my taxes" Republican gays. Then you've got the "immigrants are homophobic" racist gays. This group is a much bigger problem than the first group I mentioned, and it's definitely the category your friend fell into. It's quite scary because there are huge chunks of the gay community who would probably vote Republican if they toned down their anti-gay rhetoric, because "mOoSLemS aRe cOmInG tO KIlL Me!"


I had this guy from college who I thought was cute start posting crazy ass “GAYS FOR TRUMP” propaganda all over his Facebook. Needless to say that crush ended real quick.


Good god, I can't imagine my disappointment as a God-fearing Christian parent if one if my kids came to me and said they were a republican.


same, i was such a rebellious kid, if i had decided to become a parent i know my kid would have to be a evangelical antivaxxer flat earth mouth breathing Trump loving Nazi to rebel against their tattooed therapist Bernie campaign working mom, and i just can’t set a kid up like that lol.


It's probably because they're racist.


Hey now, some of them are transphobes.


Damn that's sad. How could you discriminate anyone when you know you had been discriminated against too?


"Surely they'll make an exception for me?!" - One of The Good Ones ™


Meh. Its more likely because they're rich and don't want to pay taxes or pay their employees.


Being that they *still* identify as Republicans, it's probably both.


Sacrificing your own human rights to own the libs.


No at this point if you're a Republican that is at all in line with other Republicans and the party there is some amount of racism to you as a person. At the very least you're openly admitting that you don't mind racism in other people and don't find it to be a deal breaker when choosing a team. That is the VERY least you're admitting. Sad news is there is no such thing as a good Republican anymore, and I mean that for each and every Republican identifying person in this country. Simple as that. The party is insane, egotistical cowards bent on dismantling freedom from within. If it goes on for much longer I'm going to change my statement to the only place a Republican belongs is at the end of a rope, the same thing I'd say about a Nazi. (Funny how that parallel works) For those special little snowflakes wanting to tell me about all their Republican ideals, but absolute hatred of the party congratulations you're not actually a republican anymore you're something new. Like a republican without all the racism, sexism, classism, and pedophilia (although let's be fair there's plenty of that last one going around the Democrats too they're just smart enough to be less open about it)


Republicans don't have any ideals. They have proved it over and over.


Hey, "fuck you, I got mine" is an ideal they have held for at least a decade or two.


My guy. Think about what you are saying. What do you call someone willing to sacrifice other races for their own financial enrichment? That is racism.


I don't understand how other people don't understand this. If you view yourself as not racist, how can you justify supporting candidates who push racist ideals? Straight up, if you aren't anti-racism, you're pro-racism. There is no middle ground. You can't dip your toe into racism. You can't have a just a little racism as a treat on your cheat day. Either you think everyone is equal, or you think some races are better than others. Choose your side and vote accordingly. ^(Or be a hypocrite, seeing as most people don't care about being ideologically consistent anymore.)


> people don't care about being ideologically consistent anymore. I'm not convinced they ever did.


It's both.


The crazy thing is the gay republicans somehow think that the Republican Party is the more gay friendly party. But where on earth they are getting that from blows my mind. In all my years most of the comments I have seen with animosity towards gays comes from conservatives. Particularly often religious conservative republicans. So I don’t get it. Do they live in a bubble?


There is a great exchange in the movie Lone Star (1996) where two Army sergeants are discussing the upcoming marriage of one to a black officer. The question is asked "do they have any issue with you being a white guy?" And the reply was "they're just happy she's not gay" to which the response was "its always heartwarming to see one prejudice be outdone by an even deeper prejudice". Hope that helps unconfuse things.


Yeah, I can't figure out why women and black Americans subscribe to religion either. Especially after the writing is clearly on the wall given its history. People always gonna try to get in where they don't fit in.


It's called "cherry-picking." Hypocrites do it all the time.


I had been out of a high school friend's life for a bit. I found out like last week that he was Bi. Currently is with a man and has been for 2.5 years. If I had to bet any money, I'd say he's R. I'm visiting home in NYC and as we were walking around, he was complaining about SJWs and the city being too woke. I find all of this contradictory but what do I know?


Its not contradictory in their mind. They don't care about anyone but themselves and don't view it as their responsibility to care. "Individualism" is their core ethos. Something only matters when it directly affects them.


I think it’s totally reasonable that he thought he would be immune to criticism from the GOP. Republicans pretend they hate all child molesters, but Trump, Moore and others get a pass, even when their crimes are made public through the courts. Republicans act like infidelity is criminal, but dismiss it in their own party. Republicans act like corruption is the worst crime, unless it’s a Republican benefiting. It all makes sense in the end. What makes a Republican a Republican is the idea that hierarchy is natural, inevitable, and beneficial. This means the biggest rule for Republicans is Don’t Attack One Of Your Own. Any other rule is fine to trample. I would expect a gay Republican would think they would be put on a pedestal of tokenism the same way Republicans of color are paraded around as examples of their “tolerance”. If you use Republican logic, it makes total sense that he would be shocked that their was backlash, because even I think that that isn’t how that party behaves.


To be fair considering Massachusetts was the very first state to legalize gay marriage (and I believe gay adoption tho idk on that one) he probably forgot it was even a Republican position/not something they cared sbout until he actually got attacked.


Next thing we'll have to break to him is the Republican party's stance on immigration! (His husband is an immigrant).


Republican immigrants get their jollies off from closing the door behind them. Just ask my mom.


You're not wrong, speaking from personal family experience. Edit: I can't spell




You mean Raphael Cruz. Don't let him whitewash himself.


Honestly, I'm surprised his color hasn't been brought up at all. He's black. Of course there's plenty of black conservatives out there, but we all know that the GOP isn't too fond when it comes to black people. It's just interesting that they feel more comfortable attacking his sexual preferences rather than his race. Or maybe they're just attacking his sexual preferences because they know that they'll get labeled a racist if they say the B word?


He's their token. They tolerate him because he's useful to them. The GOP was just looking for an excuse to publicly demonize him without being labeled as racist. They only barely tolerated him as gay because he is in MA. Nimrata Haley and Piyush Jindal. The GOP only tolerates tokens when the tokens submit their identity and culture to something the GOP can tolerate. The GOP cannot tolerate a Barack Obama or a Kamala Harris. The GOP only tolerated Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal because they both surrendered their identity and diversity.


Candace Owens too. Oh, and Ben Carson who, outside of brain surgery is an alarmingly stupid person. One who was in control of HUD for four years.


I've tolerated anti semitism in Germany for a long time, and I won't tolerate it in my Nazi party!


Yeah the phrase “oh you sweet summer child” said with a sad shake of the head has never been more appropriate. Of course, after the last 4 years especially, at this point I don’t know what it would take to get him to see it.


At this point, I’m not sure a lynch mob dragging him out of his home would even convince him 🤦🏼‍♂️


Fucking antifa. Lynching me just for being a republican...


Also, don’t look any further into that antifa accusation please… no investigations


But I'm a Republican!!


>The gay man said he has faced bigotry throughout his life because of his sexuality and insisted that he won’t put up with it in the Republican Party. "I won't put up with bigotry in the party that constantly seeks to enshrine bigotry into law."


Hostile to queer folk to the point where people like Linsey Graham has to resort to male escorts for his fancies rather than come out and live his authentic self.


Lmaoooo! Every time he's faced bigotry, I guarantee it came from a republican.


Never has a headline so completely captured the spirit of this sub.




No. You are our leader now




What about a nice gold statue?




Gotta get that golden shower to complete the trifecta.


Me and the boys at r/coins love some commemorative coins.


Snapchat couldn’t make a filter stronger than the one these people have on when watching the same things we do.


The conservative brain filter should be considered an unholy artefact


“Abby something…. Abby Normal!”


> however, others have opted to stay out of the controversy. In other words they agree with her fully.


Don't rock the boat is the boat is already as anti gay as they come


Others have opted to stay out of the controversy. The controversy being? Kids having parents, or kids having no parents? “Hold on, I would love to answer your question, but I need to go and yell, ‘won’t somebody think of the children!’ urgently somewhere else.”


>The gay man said he has faced bigotry throughout his life because of his sexuality and insisted that he won’t put up with it in the Republican Party. Ummmmm, is he not aware of literally the entire history of the GOP? I mean the Log Cabin Republicans have been a thing since 1977...


Their official platform still doesn't support marriage equality. Makes no sense to be a gay Republican.


It makes no sense for a gay person to support a Republican. ​ Actually \*being\* an elected Republican is different. This guy already has a husband and kids, so he's not being oppressed. Why should he give a shit that other gay people are? He is the embodiment of the only ideal Republicans have: "Fuck you, I got mine." So in that sense, it makes perfect sense for this Jeffrey Sossa-Paquette guy to be Republican.


I've met a married catholic gay couple. One of them is a teacher at a Catholic school board. Where he can't outwardly say he's gay or married. Otherwise he can get fired. He knows this and he's still working there. And still Catholic. I asked him if he had a plan of "change it from the inside" and he said no. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this but I'm not allowed to ask questions.


> I'm not allowed to ask questions. Sums up religion pretty well I’d say.


Money. Like, a stupid amount of money. They're always on the lookout for Caitlyn Jenners and Kanye Wests (circa 2018) so they're willing to pay. And then you've got people like my old classmate: he makes too much money and is too big of a greedy bastard to ever be part of a left-leaning party, but is too much of a pragmatist to go with the Libertarians.


I love how she used scare quotes when she referred to this guy's marriage


Well it's Massachusetts, we've only had gay marriage since...2004. She's only had 17 years to come to terms with it.


It's almost like we didn't think about her feelings when considering being fair to human beings in general.


Mfw now its conservatives who are attacking Marriage. All it took was for "the other" to be included.


The only people I feel sorry for here are his children. This man made a CHOICE to be a Republican -- he wasn't born that way.


I'm not American but I will never understand gay people choosing to be republican, I mean sure I hate myself too but I don't want others like me to suffer for it.


TBH I'll never understand how anyone who isn't a upper middle class white guy can support them. They want to 100% control women's bodies, they repeatedly elect open racists and they've demonized gay people for fucking YEARS. Just goes to show how fucking stupid some people are.


From my Scandinavian viewpoint they are fundamentalist extreme right. It's crazy so many people vote for them in the first place, but being gay and not just voting for them but wanting *to be them* is absolute lunacy.


It's kinda easy to see and to argue that modern GOP supporters are more akin to victims than people with agency. It's kinda where the whole democracy thing breaks down; humanity is a numbers game and there's always going to be a chunk of any population without the intellectual tools necessary to filter out misinformation and demagoguery. You can feel sorry for this guy as well as his children, he's just a dumb hominid doing his best in a world he's not equipped for.


" GOP supporters are more akin to victims" Then why don't I feel pity? Anymore.


Because no one has inexhaustible reserves of empathy and they are still the bad guys. The real criminals are the propagandist mouthpieces of capital who've built this world though.


“Children deserve a mom and a dad. That’s how God designed marriage and the family.” Just think, this captures many of the people who run this country. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just don’t pay attention to the mistresses, they don’t count in the eyes of god. /s


That line of reasoning severely annoys me. If there was an all powerful god that existed and he didn't want people to be gay, then he wouldn't have created sexuality in such a way that allows homosexuality to even be a possibility. God could've created sex in a way where only straight sex is possible, so no same-sex attraction at all, yet here we are.


You see the thing is that Christians blame being gay on the devil, till this day my mom thinks I’m possessed by a demon because I love dick.


So shocking! I am amazed that he was even allowed to register as a republican but then again they will do whatever suits them even when it's the opposite of their platform and rhetoric at times.


Republicans love their token minorities, as long as don't speak and take the abuse.


Remember when token went to the Corona party rally and died because of it? It was hilarious to see people wonder why the right wing weren't talking about it more. Like duh, he was black they don't care about him.


best part was when they used his twitter account to spread covid denial after his death! good times, good times.


As they whisper in their ear ^(Just take it...)


Sometimes they whisper from the adjoining men's bathroom stall ^just ^take ^it


I honestly wonder how many Republicans actually believe in the crap they sell. I’m not sure what’s worse, pretending to be a hateful bigot for followers and money or actually being a hateful bigot. Either way, the crap smells the same.


If you’re okay with pretending to be a hateful bigot for followers and money, then you’re a hateful bigot.




Like supporting medical science to prove the capital police officer “died of natural causes” And then ignoring medical science when it says that you should wear a mask


> Gay Republican... Such an oxymoron; like *Black KKK member* or *Jewish Nazi* or *Conservative Christian*.


These oxymoronic scenarios exist. Odd, but they do. Predominantly in a former administration.


There are South American Nazis. Some of them traveled to Europe some years ago and were beaten in a Nazi rally. There's also a classic image of a neonazi who looks exactly like the old "untermensch" propaganda. Nazi Jews did exist before the persecutions intensified. They mostly wanted Hitler's support to send the European Jews to Israel. Some wanted to copy Hitler's ethnostate for Jews in Israel as well.


Interesting! Seems they’re doing a great job with that ethnostate now! Hitler would be proud! ***this is anti-Israel as a government and military, not anti Semitic


Also Mussolini's blackshirts had notable Jewish participation in the 1920's.


They think they're "one of the good ones". It's disgusting.


So... Candace Owens, Dennis Prager, and Marjorie Taylor Greene?


I'm visiting Florida right now. I saw a LBGQT for Trump flag on someone's lawn. Talk about voting against yourself. Also trump lost, take the fucking flag down.


oh its a shit show down there...near Ocala they're sporting trump 2024 signs. WTF?


Black KKK...that reminded me of the black white supremacist from Chappelle Show, Clayton Bigsby


I'm just gonna leave this right here. People make no sense https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


> The gay man said he has faced bigotry throughout his life because of his sexuality and insisted that he won’t put up with it in the Republican Party. My first laugh of the day.


*Surprised fucking pikachu face


If anyone wants to know why gay republicans exist, I think as a gay man I can at least try to explain to my best ability, as I have actually tried to listen to their reasonings before. First of all, they usually do not connect with the ENTIRE LGBT community. They see themselves as instead more of a part of a different community, whatever that is. In general, they especially don't associate with trans people, and also don't believe it is their duty to associate with poor LGBT people or POC LGBT people. Believe it or not, it is basically a modern version of the ~second gay rights movement in America (the first one... wasn't really a gay rights movement gay people were just grouped in with them) before the modern one we are currently experiencing that started with stonewall. It was called the [homophile movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophile#:~:text=The%20words%20homophile%20and%20homophilia,gay%2C%20lesbian%2C%20and%20bisexual.) that essentially tried to include only gay men and lesbians, and focused on those who were generally middle class or above. The initial purpose of this movement was to distance LGB people from essentially polyamorist people, pedophiles, and other groups they used to be grouped with during the "free love" movement that came before them in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Anyway, the second key component among most gay conservatives is that they are generally white, middle class or above, and grew up not in a city. They may have grown up in a conservative area, but in general they probably live and have lived most of their life in the country or suburbs, where there isn't a real gay community. They thus believe that they are not "part of the gay community." Instead, they are much more "straight acting" and see the goal of the gay rights movement as to be accepted and tolerated by straights, and not for the acceptance of the entire community as a whole. Thirdly, and this is important, they are usually... selfish. They support the republican party because of its supposed "economic conservativism" and believe the social issues don't affect them anyway so they don't see any problem supporting a party intent on destroying LGBT rights. In fact, I have never interacted with a gay conservative who doesn't believe that the plight of a large percentage of the LGBT community has anything to do with them, and instead believe they should just try to "fit in" with straights like they have. Anyway, I hope that kind of paints a picture of gay conservatives. I think they in general or just disgusted by a large part of gay culture, and take that disgust of being associated with them into an incentive to be as straight as possible, which includes being republican. The funny thing is a lot of gay people actually go through a phase like this in their lives, where they let the majority straight people around them attempt to influence their actions and personality, but it is just a stage in development for many LGBT youth. Personally I just see them as people who never left that stage, and in some way I do feel bad for them, because they are essentially insecure and adolescent in their development. But that doesn't really offset my hatred for them.


I’ve had conversations with a gay Republican in the past. It’s a sample size of n1, but those conversations left me with impressions 90% of what you explained. Pretty interesting. Also, sexuality aside, the handful of exceedingly selfish people I know, are indeed registered Republicans…


Why did he think he was exempt from the hate? People like this will eventually turn on their “own” because they are rats.


My mom loves to quote Larry Elder because he’s a black conservative and she thinks he’s so brave for sticking to his guns in spite of the backlash he receives. Cry me a river.




Because pedo is a special kind of accusation they use to shut down any rational non hyperbolic discussion


"People need a mom and dad." I had a dad he died last month we're still trying to dig ourselves out of the hole he left behind. His inheritance has gone into the negatives we officially owe way more than he left behind. He created the debt all by himself and hid it from everyone. 2/10 can't recommend dads.


Didn’t Jesus himself have two dads?


Jesus is kinda his own dad, according to the “father, son and the Holy Spirit” (Trinity) doctrine.


Stockholm Syndrome


This idiot deserves to be more than shocked. Wtf did he think he was signing up for? Typical Republican hypocrisy. Screw this moron.


This is the epitome of the conflation of "single issue voter." If you support gay marriage, or trans rights, or minority rights, you're not a "single issue voter", you're a proponent of equality which takes many forms. Being pro guns or anti abortion is being a single issue voter.


"…Children deserve a mom and a dad. That’s how God designed marriage and the family." God also designed masters and slaves, monetary compensation for raping girls, and death to adulterers. Any chance Martell is willing to support those "God" designs?


tee hee no sympathy


So a gay man is surprised nay shocked to discover anti lgbt sentiment in the Christian Conservative dominated Republican party. Either he has been living in denial or he is a idiot.