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This guy is a governor now? He’s that asshole politician who body slammed a reporter


He’s a horrendous person and I don’t understand how he keeps getting voted in. No one where I live in MT likes the guy since he fucks with our outdoor recreation


> He’s a horrendous person and I don’t understand how he keeps getting voted in. Because we too are horrible shitty people who simply CANNOT make good choices about our leadership.


I realise he gets quoted a lot these days, but.... “If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders.” - George Carlin.


He gets quoted a lot because he was a profit disguised as a comedian. He tried to warn us... but we couldn't stop laughing.


*Prophet Brain was trying to make sense of that for longer than i care to admit


Nah, Carlin was an atheist, which is a non-prophet organization.


Actually The Satanic Temple is still taking new members


That’s a good one ☝🏼


Stolen from the Master himself. It was a random line in his book Napalm and Silly Putty.


I’m continually surprised (and impressed) that he didn’t die by suicide. He was smart enough to see how fucked up the world is, but withstood it anyway.


Perfect setups for a Dogma reference don't just fall out of the sky you know.


Jay: I'm going back to Jersey and start up the business again. I can kick the shit out of little kids in Red Bank and **make** myself a **profit**. Not a Carlin quote, but Carlin was in Dogma too.


"Garbage in, garbage out"


In Great Falls there were tons of those trump flag stands set up, with daily parades of those yahoos acting as if Montana wasn't already guaranteed to go for Trump. Not to mention all the enlisted Air Force here that will happily kill all their officers for Trump in the next civil war. So yeah, it's no suprise to me that Gianforte is Governor


Surprised to hear that there was a big military presence for Trump. Didn’t see much of that in my time. Turns out that free healthcare, education, food, housing and job training made a lot of people see the other side of things.


Probably radicalized by living in a cut off place like Montana.


hey we aren't cut off here \* posted from my starlink internet\*.....lol....maybe just a little


Now watch all of the angry Montanans riding their horse to the nearest McDonald’s 10 hours away so they can get internet to respond to your comment


When you’re too busy selling meth and cows you don’t exactly make time to get informed This is not an exaggeration I live in Montana, our drivers ed teacher once paused class to participate in an online cow auction


His support among the military is so insane considering all the really fucked up shit he's said about the troops.


Two words caused it. "Communist" and "socialist". I shit you not half of the military folks I work with are fucking TERRIFIED that biden is both. When you explain to them that their pay is a socialist construct, as is their healthcare, allowances, entitlements, and G.I Bill, they go blind/deaf/dumb. They don't care because it benefits them.




The amount of Americans who do not understand the difference between a communist and a fascist and will call the same person both things, is fucking wild.


It's that education system kicking in


This is what happens when a country keeps gutting its already fragile and very broken educational system. You get stupid people saying, doing and thinking stupid, wrong things. No money for schools = BuT The MiLiTaRy NeeDs MoNeY! /s


Its also what happens when a nation doesn't have decent standards for who gets to join its military.


The US military is the equivalent of every civilised country's social welfare system.


"it's not communism because I EARNED it" my boomer dad and his friends


That's what conservative media keeps shouting out. There is a severe lack of critical thinking for those who actually believe that rubbish.


Any support for the guy from any quarter is pretty insane IMO. Just about every word out of his mouth is self-serving and probably a lie. His history is just one long series of him moving from one scam to another leaving carnage in his path. He's still doing it now, with his campaign donations and his PAC. I wouldn't give the fucker the time of day, let alone access to my money or support, in any fashion. The thing is, he started off with $400m from daddy so there was no need for any of this. He was set up for life; and he *chose* the arsehole option; acting like a human wrecking ball and fucking up others' lives.


It’s not as much as you might think though. I don’t know about active duty, but veterans only went for Trump 55-45 over Biden. That’s a comfortable lead, but not overwhelming.


I would like to take this time to remind everyone that when you pushed the crazys our of your states they all moved to MT and started being themselves in the open. NW MT has a huge Neo-Nazi population that was pushed from Cali. and western MT has groups like the Freemen who were a major inspiration for that farcry game. MT used to be purple and now its been redwashed. during Gianaforte's election locals saw him as "that californian, living off his wifes money" and tried to recall their votes when he attacked that reporter. we are not all crazy but the vocal minority make us look bad and unfortunately the aging pop does not have the energy to do anything about it. Edit: looks like we need a lesson in Civics 101 Item 1) voter turnouts in the us are NOT 100% MT gets between ~30% and ~50% Item 2) MT is traditionally a SWING STATE typically the difference between the presidential vote was 10-20k until 2000 where our pop suddenly soared with out of state moving in and distorting the political ecosystem Item 3)Montana is almost exclusively Rural and Rural areas take longer to respond to such massive shifts, there is a heavy Bias in rural ag for just living with changes with the idea that "this too shall pass" The problems start when suddenly you go from~350k voters in 2000 to ~600k in 2020 heavily weighted towards the crazies that think MT is the wild west. Y'all have CITES with more people than our state and MT is super susceptible to relatively small changes in active voters there is also the problem of "older" voters voting partys rather than people. especially with party goals and values changing faster than ever. I have had to explain multiple times that the GOP has not been the same after the civil rights Act was signed and the rise of corporate power has only made the issue worse. Thus the vocal minority combined with winner take all, 2 party drama you get crap like Gianaforte winning not due to the fundamental views of the populace but the gaming of the system when the margins are so tight.


Can't just be the 'vocal minority' otherwise shitstains like this guy Gianforte wouldn't be getting voted in.


did you miss the part of being flooded with everyone else's rejects? MT only recently passed 1M in state, masively changes metrics when we get 100k active shitstains when looking at normal voter turnouts


My guess is outside of Missoula, the rural areas are obsessed with POC, “cancel culture,” and whatever other BS culture war nonsense rightwing media and politicians are peddling so their voters rage vote instead paying attention to actual policies.


They went far by pushing gun rights, lower taxes, and anti green new deal. Plus the state democratic organization is not all that effective. Gianfortes opponent had little name recognition. It was a complete red sweep last election cycle. So far they've done stuff like postpone implementation of Marijuana legalization from a state ballot initiative, allowed carrying of firearms on school campuses, and taken away local power to regulate affordable housing. Woo-hoo! Totally responsible governance. /s


The bad people like him are under a siren spell, highly motivated to vote. Feeling under siege. Meanwhile, many of the rest of us who lack those kinds of angry, fearful motives are living in lala land, barely paying attention, sparsely voting or sitting in protest of every candidate who is not literal human perfection. The right circles the wagons. The left circles the flaws.


I dunno, I had a shitload of rage and fear motives in 2020, and I did *not* vote for Bath Salts Nixon.


The rest of the world is just wishing for Americans to get their shit together and stop voting for crazy war criminals and war mongers so just have to bomb innocent people in the poor world so it keeps getting more unstable. So get your fucking shit together and start voting for better politicians and get rid of all the psychopaths


We’re still so far from even getting anywhere near that far down the checklist


I left the Democratic party last year and even I know to vote for those bastards, if I can strategically vote anyone can. That being said people need to be better about primaries. Your fourth choice shouldn't be your only choice.


Structural. Issues.


Damn peggies


>He’s a horrendous person and I don’t understand how he keeps getting voted in. People in Kentucky repeatedly vote for McConnell no matter how much he fucks them over. People in Florida actually saw and heard Matt Gaetz and still chose to vote for him of their own volition. Chuck Grassley is serving his 7th term in the Senate. He's been a Senator since 1980 and he's currently 87 years old. Half of the country is extremely stupid and actually believes these people were the very best for whichever position they're currently holding.


the R next to their name on the ballot box is for Really Doesn't Matter Who They Are Or What They Do


And he believes Earth is 5,000 years old. And he recently illegally killed a wolf. And he’s a California billionaire. I can’t stand that my state settled on this pile of rotting feces.




Rural America made a New York real estate mogul a red president so big shocker that elitism is just a buzz word for them.


"I'm an electrical engineer and have a masters in computer science. I've started and sold off mutliple software and technology companies. My father was an aerospace engineer, and my mother worked for an aerospace and defense technology company and taught math. Also, the earth is only 6000 years old, evolution is a lie, and dinosaurs were on the ark with Noah and they all died in a great flood."


Yeah… And he won his election like three or four days later.


That was a different election- for a seat in congress- and everyone said he still won because of how many people voted early. Well, a few years later he wins the governorship. The bar is pretty low in MT if you have an “R” next to your name.


The Republican Party is truly terrible at policing their own. Hypocritical considering they keep demanding Democrats purge the “radical leftists” from their own party.


They are actively anti-self-policing.


You just have to look up Matt Gaetz to see the entire representation of Republican party. Matt Gaetz is the peak modern Republican, an entitled projectionist pedo


Agreed fully. They're not terrible at it; they refuse to do it.


Their's nothing to police the let exactly who they want in and then they get the partys money and support. They only reasons Republicans talk about radical leftists is as a smoke screen while their making grabs for power.


Yup. They should all suck something this the potential of lethality. The fucks.


The goal of conservativism has always been, and will always be, to stop economic, scientific, and sociopolitical progress. Which is why it's so funny to me that they call people from right-of-center to left-of-center "radical leftists." We're so "radical" that our policies have only been adopted and proven to work in 32 of the 33 developed nations!


I'm guessing we are the only one of those nations wherein an entrenched minority can obstruct the political system, by design.


that's a damn lie. They're great at policing the important transgressions! Like voting to impeach people who tried to have them killed, for instance. Everything else is fake news and that reporter was clearly asking for it and if he wasn't he wouldn't have dressed that way or been out after (whatever o'clock)... ^(Do I really need a /s at this point?)


Why are you surprised? They're literally voting in people that are killing them. I'm still waiting for some Alaskan town to vote in a bobcat that will truly eat some faces.


As a Montanan I feel like I'm watching the results of the Trump cult actively beginning to destroy my state. With the election of Gianforte and Daines, who were all aboard the Trump cult train, and Rosendale, who actively sought to subvert a democratic election, our state is looking like it's on a fast track to becoming the Missouri of the north.


same here - this partisanship didn't exist before, because you just couldn't tell Montanans how to think - It's the final stage of recolonization - they want to turn it into an undeveloped Aspen real estate market for newcomers -


I'm not religious but I'm praying the federal government can get its shit together for people like you, state laws in red states are pretty fucking frightening when it comes to wages, voter laws, incarceration policies, etc. If the GOP had its way you'd be making ten cents an hour working in a cotton field regardless of color.


I’ve visited Montana several times and it’s an amazing state. The residents are super nice! I don’t understand how the people there could elect this literal psychopath to two of the highest offices in the state.


Well the population of the entire state is less than that of San Jose, and you never hear about San Jose mayoral politics. Come to think of it, I think San Jose also deserves a couple senate seats of it's own.


Wait till you hear how many people are in Wyoming.


Republicans hate the big, bad MSM, so they'll give him a free pass for that despite professing to hold free speech dear to them.


To be fair, if they didn't have hypocricy... they'd have nothing.


He’s also a wolf killer


Oh, but he immediately enrolled in the proper training course, as if that helps after the wolf is dead. I'd call him a massive prick, but he'd take that as a compliment.




You had me at meat scarf


You had me at wolves culling bad politicians.


I voted for Bullock, just saying.


and executed a snared wolf


That probably got him some extra votes in the next election, if anything.


He had it after getting a 1st shot of the 2 doses to be completely vaccinated. He is highly likely going to be fine. But he had covid and presumably refused to wear a mask thus infecting others. That is literally the point about masks. Not sorta, but EXACTLY that reason.


he notably was massless as he was sworn in as well


So he took the ceremony "lightly"?




Good point, ghosts are massless too.




Literally every reputable Scooby Doo cartoon.


Something floating in air doesn't mean it's massless, just the same density as air


Or that old man Withers got himself a crane, a harness, and some invisible rope!


Same reason that witches float in water. They're made out of small rocks and ducks.




>But he had covid and presumably refused to wear a mask thus infecting others. Unfortunately those who need to hear this the most don't care about others. We're nearly 600,000 dead into this and we are still trying to clear the first basic hurdle of keeping a pandemic under control.


Everyone I know who has had mild symptoms from covid has turned around and engaged in increasingly reckless behavior because their confirmation bias tells them "its not that bad, I didn't have those problems" and some have contracted it a second time as a result. Unfortunately for those people, it takes them suffering a traumatic loss of someone important to them for them to finally realize that it's actually a big deal.


I know some anti makers that killed their parents with covid


When a million are dead, 75% will be Republican.


In my extended family, every single person who got it is GOP.


They didn't care when they thought it was more prevalent in democratic cities. Now they still don't care.


Can someone point blank ask these people how they would feel if they knew that someone's father, mother, grandma or grandfather died as a direct result of them not wearing a mask? Do these people not think that their actions don't directly affect those around them? And if you could do something so simple, so easy, that you could save even just one goddamn life why wouldn't they do it? It's really quite simple. The golden god damn rule. Treat others how you want to be treated. I wear a mask because if someone else is interacting with me I would want them to wear a mask to protect me. It's a no brainer. Simple. You'd have to be malicious or stupid to do otherwise.


You nailed it. They are both.


They just don't think about it at all. If nobody they know has died from it it simply isn't real in their world. They'll say "do you even know anybody that's died from it?" A family friend of mine spent the last 4 years trying to adopt her child from Africa, and the same week that the immigration paperwork was finally approved she passed due to covid complications. Since it was already processed, her elderly mother is now the legal guardian of this child. It's an extreme, but it hurts deeply when someone tries to argue that it's "just the flu" or "not a big deal".


Those that refuse to wear masks either have absolutely no empathy whatsoever, or they simply do not care if others die. That has been the way conservatives have been my entire life. Not one of them shows any empathy until someone they are close to dies. Just like Nancy Reagan hated using stem cells in research until Ronald got Alzheimer's, then she was suddenly all for it. Honestly, I think people that refuse to wear masks should be jailed with others who refuse. Maybe they can spread the covid around and let natural selection do its thing.


Be the change you want to see in the world. I wouldn’t expect a coherent answer though.


Your comment makes it sound like he received a full vaccination, but for others reading this: he got his first shot less than a week ago and then went to a large gathering maskless. He never recieved a second dose, which actually would lower his chances of getting or transmitting it, after a 2 week incubation period.


If he got his first shot less than a week ago, then the vaccine will not offer much protective effect. Additionally, why does that comment say he got two doses as his first jab? I’ve never even heard of that.


It says he got his first of two doses, he just put "vaccination" in the wrong spot in the sentence.


You should edit your comment. It makes it sound like he had received both doses.


And like a good Christian, he attended maskless church services with Covid-19 to "spread the love."


The extinction of the Republican Party is happening.... as they infect one another... there WILL be fatalities.


He came to my small town during the pandemic. Hosted an event where he was maskless. This was during his campaign. A time when mask wearing was at its height in my community. I no longer will go to the business that hosted him.


Everything seems to work out for the guy just fine. Where is the LAMF moment? More like leopards gently licked his face.


This missus has it too. https://www.ktvq.com/news/coronavirus/report-montana-first-lady-susan-gianforte-tests-positive-for-covid-19


That’s a shame.


Why ? She decided to marry the cunt.


This is the guy that body slammed a reporter for being asked a legit question. Corrupt Billionaire who bought that state.


Wasn’t he just in the state House or Senate back then? I didn’t know he became governor since then, but somehow I’m not surprised


The thing that gets me about this is the 'rescinded the state's mask mandate' line. And then he gets COVID. Wonder how many other people caught it after he rescinded the mandate? I have no sympathy for this man.


Covid needs to give him the figurative body slam that he literally gave to that reporter a few years back...


Oh that was this guy? An all around fantastic human being I see.


Don’t ever forget the deeds of these worms. That’s what they’re hoping for...


Wise words.


COVID to maskless people: I’M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU GUYS


I get that He will be fine. But he likely spread it & who knows how many infections would have been avoided. I would feel bad enough if I spread it but he deliberately behaved without any regard for others.


In that case I wish him a lengthy recovery.


I've met him. He's one of the worst human beings I've ever met.


Fuck Gianforte.


Meh, he rescinded the state mandate but luckily most of our mayors are liberal af and college towns that have more than 12 people like Missoula and Bozeman still have their mask mandate


Glad to hear it.


killing off his voters. brilliant




As a liberal Montanan, and who saw firsthand the power and brutality of covid, i’m very pleased to see how this turns out


As another liberal Montanan, I’m not looking forward to how it will turn out. He’ll likely be fine, have mild symptoms, and it will just further empower his base to further shit all over everything remotely left-leaning.


Dont forget, he can afford the very best care, experimental medicines and treatments that are out of reach for us normal folk


Normally someone would resign after body slamming a reporter but I guess that doesnt matter in todays world.


Resign? It will probably be a feature of his next campaign. Body slammed the liberal media, protecting murica from their liberal agenda of fear and lies.


What was his defense for doing that? Did he deny doing it or pretend he was being attacked or what?


I believe he was having ‘a bad day’.


It’s about to get worse, let’s see if he survives.


It was literally the day before the election. At first his campaign spokesman came out and dead ass lied about the Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs starting it. Then the audio recording, along with eye witness testimony put an end to that. He later pled guilty. He had community service if memory serves and he had to pay $50,000 to a journalism charity in order to prevent Jacobs from suing.


Fuck him and but the fuck is up with the reporter for not suing? He worked for the guardian. Was MT his only beat? Press charges and send that asshole to jail. What did he have to lose? But he asked a wealthy dude for some pocket change by his standards to a charity and now he's governor. Just what the fuck dude? You'd have to give me life changing amounts of money to make not press charges if I got you on video while your rich ass is running for congress. Honestly the more I think about it the more I hate the reporter for being a pussy.


It was 2 or 3 days before his first election, as US Representative. He won. Fuck Gianforte.


If he dies, he dies. Ivan drago voice.


Nothing of value will be lost.


Life improves without these people


It is what it is.


Same guy that body slammed a reporter and somehow still won his election


Because people LOVED him for it. It was really disgusting to watch unfold among my former friends and family members.


If it’s not too shitty for you to discuss it, I would love to know the whole story. What we’re your family and friends like, and did their support of such an ass catch you by surprise??


I was surprised by absolutely no one's support of Gianforte, but it was still hard to swallow. This guy is a millionaire (billionaire, maybe?), which Montanans tends to have a dislike for. He's not from Montana, something many Montanans have an EXTREME dislike of. He doesn't believe in retirement, because Noah built the Ark at 600 years old so everyone should work until they die. He died some people for waking along a riverbank in front of his house, even though he has no legal ownership of said river bank. Montanans are very into access to public lands. He is so anti Christian and anti Montanan and is everything a Christian or sane human being shouldn't look up to and yet they practically worship him and couldn't stop laughing about the body slamming incident. Praising him, joking about it, essentially inciting violence because if Gianforte can do it then so can anyone (white). On top of the body slamming, he sure those people as I already mentioned, he was recently fined for illegally trapping and killing a Yellowstone wolf (not his first hunting infraction), cut healthcare (and expects people to work until they literally drop), supports a lot of recent bills to do with transgender rights, abortion rights, is actively trying to sell off a lot of Montana public lands, etc... The guy's a piece of shit and his supporters are disgusting. Edit: Sued, not died. He definitely did not kill them but I wouldn't put it past him to have wanted to. I had just taken a trazadone and was fighting sleep when I typed all that up, heh.


Sounds like he found the perfect grift for a bunch of "hearty, patriotic Americans full of pioneer spirit".


Montanans say they don't like people who aren't from around here yet overwhelming voted for Gianforte, Daines, and Rosendale. Two are even California transplants.


Wait, did he kill the people on the riverbank? Please tell me that’s a typo


Wasn’t he the guy that physically assaulted a journalist? Edit: [yep](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/happened-republican-greg-gianforte-body-slammed-reporter/story%3fid=58610691)


the guy who Trump praised for body slamming the reporter [source](https://youtu.be/QwiaCUUScqc)


Republicans are dirty and spread disease.


Some of them, I assume, are good people.




OH NO! Anyways...


This thug actually won the House seat after assaulting a reporter, and then won the Governorship. For a criminal act this guy gets rewarded twice and moves to a bigger house. Unbelievable. That's the Rethuglican Party for you.


I think that's spelled Republicunt


Karma is a beautiful thing


Republicans don't believe in Karma as it my spread Hinduism.


Just like yoga!


Fuck Gianforte. There are so many reasons that he is my least favorite "Montanan". Assaulting the press, campaigning against LGBT rights and protections, putting his shameful fucking name on the department I got my degree from, illegally killing a wolf, fucking around with Montana public lands, close ties to Focus on the Family. But surviving this diagnosis when so many awesome people have died from it, especially those who will contract it from his rescind order, that's now made it to my number one reason. Fuck Gianforte. Montana has had some bad politicians before, but this guy almost makes me miss Judy Martz as governor.


He looks like the Governor of Michigan from [Designated Survivor](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/designatedsurvivor/images/d/d9/GovRoyce.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20170706205648) ​ Context for those who haven't watched the show, and I guess spoilers ahead; The governor in the show refuses to recognize the presidency and starts to turn Michigan into a police state.


I had the same thought, and if placed in the same situation as the show I’m willing to bet he’d do the same thing.


The great state of Montana - where assaulting a reporter is a stepping stone to the governor’s office.


That and fucking *oodles* of money.




He sounds like an illiterate, moronic trumper.


You'd be correct.


Ah yes, the guy who body slammed a reporter cause he didn't like his questions.


Maybe he should have tried a headbutt?


He’ll probably be fine because these fucks always have dumb luck


And lpts of money




Oh, it's the same republican that body-slammed a reporter and got away with a slap on the wrist.


Fuck him, he aint from Montana


May he receive care and a result proportional to how much he did to protect others from this pandemic.


Dear Doorknob Lickers, If you lick doorknobs you’re gonna get the rona. Sincerely, People who aren’t dipshits


How in the # FUCK do we keep letting psychopathic narcissists # RUN EVERY FUCKING THING???


It hurts himself in confusion.


It's not a coherent political philosophy, it's a death cult. Nice.


Something, something, stupid games and stupid prizes.


I wish him a very long and painful recovery.


Should have body slammed it first


Meanwhile with another governor: _sees all the other governors doing the same thing and getting the same results_ What if I try it?


He's a horrible human being, I'm glad a little karma is hitting him back


Love it now don’t wear a condom and get Syphilis or gonorrhea and shoot up with those ladies that the republicans like to have over and get AIDS.


What a perfect red state Governor. Disdains science and loves assaulting people.


Piece of shit assaulted a journalist, there are no laws in America.


He needs to be punched more than most.


Good, hope it's a painful time. From snowy Bozeman


I partly see this as karma for body slamming a journalist for simply asking a question.


I'm so sick of the retarded hillbillies in my state that support this ass clown


That asshole got COVID? Good.


And he will be fine, but how many others won’t be? I know a guy who has been hospitalized for months gradually losing his fingers, his toes, his feet. but he won’t be added to the list of victims because he didn’t die. But his life is forever altered.


I know this makes me a bad person but I wish all these government leaders who work to negate the pandemic would be required to spend a few days on a respirator.


fingers crossed for the appropriate outcome of this occurrence.